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Scarab King Team

Scarab King Team

Jul 22, 2021, 13:4807/22/21

so I'm stuck on the level 30 hard scarab king....

my usual team that works all through normal has been brogni, drokgul, raglin and 2 armigers.... doesn't put a dent in him



Holy Crap, that is a beast of a roster....

Jul 22, 2021, 14:2107/22/21

how much ACC would I need on coldheart for heartseeker to takeout the scarab's tm?  (have around 330 right now and it doesn't seem to work)

That ACC is enough for 30 and 50, probably borderline for 100.  But CH is not best option.  Armiger and Alure are better.  Need 2 armiger, or 1 armiger and alure.  Or possibly all 3.  I've tried the 1st 2, not the all 3.  

My teams that have beat 100 hard:

Monster Stag (destroy) Apo Alure Armiger (destroy)
Monster Stag (destroy) Apo Armiger Armiger (destroy)

High Khatun (lead with aura helps with needed speed) better than apo, but I didn't have HK leveled.  Monster should be fastest.  Use team setup so Armiger and Alure only use A1.  Manual waves so Monster has skills on cooldown for boss.  Hit auto.  With only 1 in destroy it will be slow.

My turns:

30: 109 (alure)

50: 258 (alure)

100:  281 (2 armigers)

Jul 22, 2021, 15:4607/22/21
Jul 22, 2021, 15:48(edited)

You can go full auto if one of your champions is in shield set. 

My team is High Khatun, Alure, Coldheart(in destroy set), Armiger and Metalshaper. 

I wish I could also put Armiger in destroy but I don't have enough good destroy set for him. 

Coldheart is my choice for destroy set champion as she deals bigger damage than my Armiger which brings down the shield faster. 

You can have fast decrease turnmeter champion than your shield buffer champion if you have bloodshield accessories. 

By making my Alure a lot faster, it boosted my success rate in Scarab floor 100 hard, to around 80-90% win rate. 

Here is my Alure now:


With bloodshield ring, I do not worry of her losing a shield buff, and with fast speed she can decreases the turnmeter of the boss a lot more. 

Jul 23, 2021, 15:3807/23/21

I am still SOL, what speeds are necessary to get the jump on him (lvl 30 hard)?  I barely get any attacks off before my team gets wiped out. 

Last attempted team: Lyssandra, Alure, Mosnter, Armiger, Raglin... only got two attacks in before being wiped.  Could be  i just don't have the equipment.

Currently Lyssandra has 255 speed and Alure has 248

Jul 23, 2021, 15:5707/23/21

Miscreated  Monster  has  to  go  first  and  put  his  shields  up.  Make  sure  you  don't  have  Cycle  of  Magic  or  Lasting  Gifts  or  the  run  might  fail  do  to  the  shield  change  not  that  long  ago.  You  also  might  have  to  manual  the  second  wave  so  he  can  keep  his  A2  for  the  boss.  You  could  also  put  a  shield  set  on  him  and  go  full  auto.  He  has  to  be  fastest  overall  and  you  need  to  calculate  that  he  will  still  be  fastest  with  Lyssandra's  Increase  Speed  buff.

Jul 23, 2021, 16:4807/23/21

Miscreated  Monster  has  to  go  first  and  put  his  shields  up.  Make  sure  you  don't  have  Cycle  of  Magic  or  Lasting  Gifts  or  the  run  might  fail  do  to  the  shield  change  not  that  long  ago.  You  also  might  have  to  manual  the  second  wave  so  he  can  keep  his  A2  for  the  boss.  You  could  also  put  a  shield  set  on  him  and  go  full  auto.  He  has  to  be  fastest  overall  and  you  need  to  calculate  that  he  will  still  be  fastest  with  Lyssandra's  Increase  Speed  buff.

Thanks, I will keep this in mind!