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Scarab King Team

Scarab King Team

Jul 7, 2021, 13:2707/07/21

Scarab King Team

Doing reasonably well in a lot of places in the games, thansk largely to those who help out here... can anyone help me with some good comp suggestions for the Scarab King.  I just cant seem to get him down, even though i know a lot of people claim its easy.  I would value any advice you have.


Thank you very much!  Happy Hunting!

Jul 7, 2021, 13:4507/07/21

do u have metalshaper?

Jul 7, 2021, 14:0207/07/21

Do you have any blood shield rings from CvC? Those will open up so many options for you, to the point where it'll change the rest of this discussion entirely. If you can outfit an Armiger in a ring and destroy gear, he might even be able to do it solo.

Melga is a potential source of shields for your entire team, as is Mother Superior though hers is a bit less reliable since it requires full health. You can get Valerie from the first stage in the campaign if you need another source of team shielding, and she'll also be able to extend the duration of shields. Coldheart is an option for preventing the scarab from getting a turn. Dark Elhain has built-in destroy ability on her A1 and could help both with the waves with her AoE and the boss itself without having to switch gear on her. You have several champions with decrease def debuffs, and those can help as well, but the key is definitely to decrease the max HP as quickly as possible.

Basically, the recipe for success for me has been destroy gear + turn meter control (Armiger) + blood shield rings. My team is anything but optimal, but they get the job done. I'm fairly confident that you should be able to at least beat the first few normal scarabs on manual with the champions you have.

Jul 7, 2021, 14:0407/07/21

For me, understanding his passives were the key to building a team to overcome him.

Easy Pray Passive - Counterattacks when attacked by enemy that has no [Shield] buff. 

You need a champion that can constantly keep up a shield buff to counter this.  Shield sets only work for the first 3 turns, after that you need someone that throws up a shield on a short cool down.  I use Lodric Falconheart, but you can easily get a rare like Valerie to do it.  If you don't have this component, he's constantly counter-attacking which is extremely annoying.

Spectral Horror Passive - Decreases the damage received according to how much Borgoth’s MAX HP has been decreased. Damage received is decreased by:
90% if Borgoth’s Max HP has been decreased less than 10%.
60% if Borgoth’s Max HP has been decreased between 10% and 20%.
30% if Borgoth’s Max HP has been decreased between 20% and 30%.
0% if Borgoth’s Max HP has been decreased more than 30%. 

Simply put, the more you decrease his MAX HP, the more damage he'll take.  So you need damage dealing champs in Destroy sets, or enemy decrease max HP champs like Dark Elhain in order to decrease his MAX HP.  You really want to get it decreased by at least 10% quickly because you do 1/3rd more damage to him after that threshold. 

He's also vulnerable to turnmeter control, so take Armiger, and possibly coldheart.  If one of them is in a destroy set they'll do very well.

Jul 7, 2021, 14:1607/07/21

It's annoying to do for a single boss but I would suggest regearing your cold heart into a destroy set, or if you have a armigar putting him in a destroy set. 

Jul 7, 2021, 14:1907/07/21

yes, the bloodshield rings make this trivial if u have them for correct factions

Jul 7, 2021, 14:2307/07/21

sadly, no bloodshield rings for the sacred order.  :-(

But i do like the destroy set instructions... let me see if i can get Armiger switched to destroy and make it then!

Jul 7, 2021, 14:2607/07/21

Definitely one of the more frustrating bosses. My team ended up being Alure, Nethril, Rhazin, Metalshaper, Armiger. Literally four champs whose only purpose is to TM control so the scarab never gets a turn. Armiger A2 comes built-in with max HP damage, so no need to give him Destroy gear. My Armiger is actually only level 40 4*, didn't need to go further than that for Scarab.

Jul 7, 2021, 14:5607/07/21

yay... i managed to beat him.  Then I put a Destroy set on Armigerm and did it again in 25% the time it took.  Huge difference, thank you all!



Any other suggestions for this team?


Jul 7, 2021, 15:1207/07/21

You could try swapping out Scyl and/or Doompriest for Stag Knight to get the atk/def debuff and Dark Elhain for more wave control and max HP reduction. The more you can lower his max HP, the faster you'll be able to kill him, and there's less need for revive and healing (besides, you do have that with Melga anyway).

I just did it myself today, and my team consisted of Madame Serris, Armiger (destroy+ring) and Athel (off-affinity, no shield, just there to deal with the waves). Took 3 minutes. It's really all about taking down the max HP ASAP.

Jul 7, 2021, 15:3707/07/21

At 30 you can pretty much brute-force it. Higher stages require a bit more specific teams.

Jul 7, 2021, 15:4807/07/21

At 30 you can pretty much brute-force it. Higher stages require a bit more specific teams.

i have no doubt that SOME could brute force it... but that wasnt the case for me without some help. Just so much to learn about the game and strats.

Jul 21, 2021, 18:2207/21/21

I am at level 100 and cant beat this thing. Do all my Champs need Masteries and to be Level 60?

Jul 21, 2021, 18:3707/21/21

I am at level 100 and cant beat this thing. Do all my Champs need Masteries and to be Level 60?

100 normal I assume? Requires no masteries or level 60 champs, only a good TM/Shielder comp or vergis.

Jul 21, 2021, 19:1907/21/21

Yes, 100 normal. Valerie keeps dying and then I have no shield and I tried running Sir Nicholas too but then that Scarab boss just steals the heal and heals itself...

Really frusrated.

Jul 21, 2021, 19:5807/21/21

Yes, 100 normal. Valerie keeps dying and then I have no shield and I tried running Sir Nicholas too but then that Scarab boss just steals the heal and heals itself...

Really frusrated.

post your roster

Jul 21, 2021, 23:0207/21/21

I actually put 2 multi hitters in destroy set and don't really worry about shields.. coldheart will smack a huge chunk of the bar down with her A2 amd another DPS in destroy 

Jul 22, 2021, 01:2507/22/21

so I'm stuck on the level 30 hard scarab king....

my usual team that works all through normal has been brogni, drokgul, raglin and 2 armigers.... doesn't put a dent in him



Jul 22, 2021, 11:3807/22/21

plenty of options with your roster. are you using destroy gear on anyone? really a necessity in hard DT.  And best strat is to have enough tm control to prevent scarab from getting any turns.

Jul 22, 2021, 13:4007/22/21

plenty of options with your roster. are you using destroy gear on anyone? really a necessity in hard DT.  And best strat is to have enough tm control to prevent scarab from getting any turns.

how much ACC would I need on coldheart for heartseeker to takeout the scarab's tm?  (have around 330 right now and it doesn't seem to work)

Jul 22, 2021, 13:4607/22/21

post your roster

I beat it with Duchess, Stag Knight, Valerie(Shield), Melga Steelgirdle, Armiger(Destroy).