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The fix to arena indeed works

The fix to arena indeed works

May 27, 2021, 22:2105/27/21

Guys, thank you all for the valuable feedback! We're still closely monitoring things in the Arena.

But still, the Arena is supposed to be a hard experience, which should motivate you to develop your account in order to keep up with other players of similar level. There are a lot of videos from our content creators that give valuable pieces of advice. 

If you feel that for you the Arena hasn't become any easier, feel free to post the list of enemies you have difficulties fighting against, along with your roster of Champions. That way you can show us if something doesn't work and also you may get some piece of advice from more experienced players

Every single rational content creator's feedback is that the arena is broken because using account power is a horrendous idea when account power doesn't translate to an individual arena team's power.  You keep mentioning going to the content creators but ignoring that the content creators are right there with us.  The content creators who have had the most luck in the arena are those who are artifically keeping their account power low by feeding all champs who are not immediately useful to them.  Arena should be hard but shouldn't completely gate account progression.  Hard shouldn't mean a hard wall, it should mean a hill you can actually climb.  As it is, I built a Saurus for campaign farming, a Husk as an enemy max HP champ, and a few character to help with faction wars and dungeons.  My arena battles got harder and I slipped from Silver 4 down to Silver 2 (I'm back up to mid silver 3 and have 18 more speed than I did when I was mid-silver 4 almost a month ago now).  They need to expand the arena so that people can slowly climb up (working hard!) to gold without going through end-game accounts.  They need arena matchups to be based on elo just like every single other competitive game I've ever played instead of this account power metric which doesn't measure actual account power at all.

May 27, 2021, 22:3105/27/21

Feedback is definitely appreciated. 

How can we give any kind of feed back? You have not told us what has been adjusted except for a vague post.

It would really be nice if you were much more transparent so we would know what to be looking for change wise.

You also say bots😁 are not back😈but for the first time in months I am seeing 1 man common teams again. Soooooooo someone is lying or there are a whole lot of nice people giving freee wins 

I  put  my  defense  team  as  1  level  1  champion  so  I  can  fall  down  as  far  as  i  want  and  farm  my  way  back  up.  

May 27, 2021, 22:3705/27/21

I  put  my  defense  team  as  1  level  1  champion  so  I  can  fall  down  as  far  as  i  want  and  farm  my  way  back  up.  

I wish i could find these one man defense teams :) ive refreshed a dozen times today and not spotted any :)

Jun 5, 2021, 20:5506/05/21

thanks for the discussion.

Now I jump to silver! 

I found the arena is much easier than before.

When I reach Bronze 4, I meet some very easy teams and then I go to Silver!

So happy!

And of course, my team is becoming stronger.

Jun 13, 2021, 03:2806/13/21

From day 1 (about 2weeks ago) I was stomping my way to tier 1 silver..... But now its kicking my ass back down to tier 1 bronze!?!? WTF?!?! My characters are well into descended 5 stars. I'm now facing overpowered teams that strike first every time. BRONZE 1 WTF LOL. Someone said it will drive new players away, I guess he was right, why bother when you know the rig'd outcome.

Jun 13, 2021, 03:3306/13/21

From day 1 (about 2weeks ago) I was stomping my way to tier 1 silver..... But now its kicking my ass back down to tier 1 bronze!?!? WTF?!?! My characters are well into descended 5 stars. I'm now facing overpowered teams that strike first every time. BRONZE 1 WTF LOL. Someone said it will drive new players away, I guess he was right, why bother when you know the rig'd outcome.

Sounds  to  me  like  you  need  to  make  improvements!

Don't  let  them  beat  you  down.

Beat  them  back  -  Show  them  who  is  Boss!

Jun 13, 2021, 11:3406/13/21

Hi, glad to hear the experience got smoother for you after the patch. Keep in mind arena is still supposed to be a challenge so it won't always be an easy walk through the park but it should make things much better from now on.

Arena is 

Jun 14, 2021, 05:0506/14/21

Every single rational content creator's feedback is that the arena is broken because using account power is a horrendous idea when account power doesn't translate to an individual arena team's power.  You keep mentioning going to the content creators but ignoring that the content creators are right there with us.  The content creators who have had the most luck in the arena are those who are artifically keeping their account power low by feeding all champs who are not immediately useful to them.  Arena should be hard but shouldn't completely gate account progression.  Hard shouldn't mean a hard wall, it should mean a hill you can actually climb.  As it is, I built a Saurus for campaign farming, a Husk as an enemy max HP champ, and a few character to help with faction wars and dungeons.  My arena battles got harder and I slipped from Silver 4 down to Silver 2 (I'm back up to mid silver 3 and have 18 more speed than I did when I was mid-silver 4 almost a month ago now).  They need to expand the arena so that people can slowly climb up (working hard!) to gold without going through end-game accounts.  They need arena matchups to be based on elo just like every single other competitive game I've ever played instead of this account power metric which doesn't measure actual account power at all.

So much.....THIS!!

Arena isn't fixed; it's just broken in the opposite direction.  PvP see-sawing between too difficult for most players to rather easy for most players isn't "fixing" anything; it's shining a more glaring spotlight on the studio's seeming inability to balance for PvP correctly.

I think the mind-blowing aspect is that the history of PvP in always-connected games is so rich & dense at this point, there's a handful of blueprints to choose from.  Even the most casual glance at YT search results for "online matchmaking methods" yields a ton of amateur videos that go a long way in explaining what games have the best systems & why.  There's nothing unique in R:SL that needs to be weighted in the system such that it would make matchmaking balance impossible.

While a lot of players are seeing positive movement toward completing Arbi missions or improvements to their Great Hall, the fact is that there's still a long way to go in order to get Arena working as it (should) be intended.  Heck, the most recent serious attempt to explain the issue was summed up in a Reddit post that compared Arena to market inflation/deflation which.....believe it or not....was super-accurate & even included interventions that eventually result in stabalization.  Apparently no one at Plarium bothered to read it, though because we're back to refresh pages with bot teams (the very bot teams that Plarium denied introducing originally) as the "solution" to Arena woes.

Jun 14, 2021, 07:3006/14/21
Jun 14, 2021, 07:35(edited)
Player J

Sounds  to  me  like  you  need  to  make  improvements!

Don't  let  them  beat  you  down.

Beat  them  back  -  Show  them  who  is  Boss!

you have 50 lvl team which is bad in anyway bec its hard to watch guides for you that will tell you that 1 lvl 60 is more then 5 lvl 50 and that top 1 mistake is to lvl all to 50.


Jun 14, 2021, 07:3306/14/21

you have 50 lvl team which is bad in anyway bec its hard to watch guides for you that will tell you that 1 lvl 60 is more then 5 lvl 50 and that top 1 mistake is to lvl all to 50.


Be respectful.

Jun 14, 2021, 07:5206/14/21

So much.....THIS!!

Arena isn't fixed; it's just broken in the opposite direction.  PvP see-sawing between too difficult for most players to rather easy for most players isn't "fixing" anything; it's shining a more glaring spotlight on the studio's seeming inability to balance for PvP correctly.

I think the mind-blowing aspect is that the history of PvP in always-connected games is so rich & dense at this point, there's a handful of blueprints to choose from.  Even the most casual glance at YT search results for "online matchmaking methods" yields a ton of amateur videos that go a long way in explaining what games have the best systems & why.  There's nothing unique in R:SL that needs to be weighted in the system such that it would make matchmaking balance impossible.

While a lot of players are seeing positive movement toward completing Arbi missions or improvements to their Great Hall, the fact is that there's still a long way to go in order to get Arena working as it (should) be intended.  Heck, the most recent serious attempt to explain the issue was summed up in a Reddit post that compared Arena to market inflation/deflation which.....believe it or not....was super-accurate & even included interventions that eventually result in stabalization.  Apparently no one at Plarium bothered to read it, though because we're back to refresh pages with bot teams (the very bot teams that Plarium denied introducing originally) as the "solution" to Arena woes.

I think the real solution is obvious

1) None of this 'match by player power or level' rubbish, we have a matchmaking system already, called arena points.

2) Extend tiers past platinum 

3) Remove deflationary systems in the arena

But failing that, to be honest while it is unsatisfying killing bots, i prefer it to the previous system where silver and bronze could give you pages of 300+ speed arbiter opponents if your player power was high.

Jun 14, 2021, 10:3106/14/21
Trevor Wilson

I think the real solution is obvious

1) None of this 'match by player power or level' rubbish, we have a matchmaking system already, called arena points.

2) Extend tiers past platinum 

3) Remove deflationary systems in the arena

But failing that, to be honest while it is unsatisfying killing bots, i prefer it to the previous system where silver and bronze could give you pages of 300+ speed arbiter opponents if your player power was high.

Agree with TW here

While beating up on bots is not challenging it is waaaaay less fustrating than before when you might find 1 team every 15 mins to try and fight. Sorry i do not have 24 hours a day to play this game and if they removed the bots again I most like would be done playing, unless they removed the arena stuff from the daily quest and gave the arena stuff its own daily quest line.

Jun 14, 2021, 14:2206/14/21

you have 50 lvl team which is bad in anyway bec its hard to watch guides for you that will tell you that 1 lvl 60 is more then 5 lvl 50 and that top 1 mistake is to lvl all to 50.


I  don't know  what  you  mean

Jun 15, 2021, 10:2806/15/21
Trevor Wilson

I think the real solution is obvious

1) None of this 'match by player power or level' rubbish, we have a matchmaking system already, called arena points.

2) Extend tiers past platinum 

3) Remove deflationary systems in the arena

But failing that, to be honest while it is unsatisfying killing bots, i prefer it to the previous system where silver and bronze could give you pages of 300+ speed arbiter opponents if your player power was high.

I'm bouncing between G2 and G3 atm, and tbh I doubt if player power even comes into it now, I have 230k with a team power of 76k and I'm lvl 50, yet I keep getting players that have well over a million player power, and 2 to 3 times my team power.

The only thing I can see from my side is that they all seem to be within a couple hundred arena points of me.

Don't get me wrong I'm still getting easy kills, but they are well below my team power, but are still within a couple of hundred arena points from me.

Jun 15, 2021, 10:4106/15/21

Player power matchmaking only applies to bronze and silver according to Plarium.

Jun 15, 2021, 15:1206/15/21

Player power matchmaking only applies to bronze and silver according to Plarium.

Player matchmaking is a non-issue.  Take advantage of broken arena while you can, bots 4 all may not be permanent.  Get arbiter while you can, don't spread medals thin... GH to 10 only 

Jun 15, 2021, 15:3006/15/21

I was merely commenting on why the person above was not seeing matches in gold close to their own power.

Believe me, I'm taking all the advantage that I can at the moment. The last 6 missions are still beyond me though, in particular the one to do 100M damage in CB (I can just about 3-key nightmare right now) and I'm not sure how long this arena reprive will last.

Jun 15, 2021, 15:5106/15/21

I was merely commenting on why the person above was not seeing matches in gold close to their own power.

Believe me, I'm taking all the advantage that I can at the moment. The last 6 missions are still beyond me though, in particular the one to do 100M damage in CB (I can just about 3-key nightmare right now) and I'm not sure how long this arena reprive will last.

That you can just use extra keys from CvC or gems if needed.  Which others will hold u back?

Jun 15, 2021, 16:4106/15/21

That you can just use extra keys from CvC or gems if needed.  Which others will hold u back?

Like I said, basically just the last 6 missions.  Auto all dungeons on 20 and the CB 75M/100M damage, though yeah, I could buy a bunch of keys I guess. Also need a GH bonus to 10, but if I really push for it I can get that done in 1-2 weeks unless the arena changes.

I can do auto on 20 for the dragon, but I do 19 while farming because 20 fails too often whereas 19 doesn't fail at all. FK, 18, might be able to manual 19 so the AI doesn't waste debuffs against the shield. IG 17, might be able to auto 18 and manual 19 if I have to but both take too much time for farming. You might notice that the common theme here is spirit affinity, because I'm pretty heavy on magic myself. Spider is a big problem though, can only do 13 there. I lack a good tank to handle the spiderlings, and my AoE/CC options in general are somewhat limited. I'm pretty support-heavy unfortunately.

Jun 15, 2021, 16:4806/15/21

Like I said, basically just the last 6 missions.  Auto all dungeons on 20 and the CB 75M/100M damage, though yeah, I could buy a bunch of keys I guess. Also need a GH bonus to 10, but if I really push for it I can get that done in 1-2 weeks unless the arena changes.

I can do auto on 20 for the dragon, but I do 19 while farming because 20 fails too often whereas 19 doesn't fail at all. FK, 18, might be able to manual 19 so the AI doesn't waste debuffs against the shield. IG 17, might be able to auto 18 and manual 19 if I have to but both take too much time for farming. You might notice that the common theme here is spirit affinity, because I'm pretty heavy on magic myself. Spider is a big problem though, can only do 13 there. I lack a good tank to handle the spiderlings, and my AoE/CC options in general are somewhat limited. I'm pretty support-heavy unfortunately.

I am certain I had to buy keys for the CB missions, my team was not very good then.  And definitely manual past the force dungeons lol, as I was extremely magic heavy with no damage dealers at all.  My combined level 20 dungeon times were possibly record setting in the wrong direction.  If you want any tips for Spider/FK happy to help, I have used some very unconventional teams... lol.