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The fix to arena indeed works

The fix to arena indeed works

May 21, 2021, 21:3105/21/21

I see at least three teams in that screenshot that should be "easily" beatable, and another one team that seems like it could be a coin flip.

The three that aren't running speed leads (#1, #5, and #6) should be no problem with a cookie-cutter speed nuke team. Of course I won't know that for sure until seeing their team power, but since they aren't running speed leads, you should easily win the speed race, and if they're at that level, I expect they aren't running resist either.

The coinflip one would be team #4, which is running Gorg as lead, but without a second speed booster or other factor to compensate. Depending on how fast the Gorg and rest of the team are, you may not be able to out-do them with a speed nuke team.

FYI - cookie-cutter speed nuke team is one of two types: either running a single speed booster as lead, or having two speed boosters. Typical setups are Khatun lead, Spirithost, Warmaiden, Kael, and Khatun lead, Apoth, Warmaiden, Kael. The latter team requires your Kael to be geared quite well, though the fact that you have two speed boosters means you can sacrifice your speed boots in favour of ATK % boots.

May 21, 2021, 21:3705/21/21

I see at least three teams in that screenshot that should be "easily" beatable, and another one team that seems like it could be a coin flip.

The three that aren't running speed leads (#1, #5, and #6) should be no problem with a cookie-cutter speed nuke team. Of course I won't know that for sure until seeing their team power, but since they aren't running speed leads, you should easily win the speed race, and if they're at that level, I expect they aren't running resist either.

The coinflip one would be team #4, which is running Gorg as lead, but without a second speed booster or other factor to compensate. Depending on how fast the Gorg and rest of the team are, you may not be able to out-do them with a speed nuke team.

FYI - cookie-cutter speed nuke team is one of two types: either running a single speed booster as lead, or having two speed boosters. Typical setups are Khatun lead, Spirithost, Warmaiden, Kael, and Khatun lead, Apoth, Warmaiden, Kael. The latter team requires your Kael to be geared quite well, though the fact that you have two speed boosters means you can sacrifice your speed boots in favour of ATK % boots.

You were rly helpful, thx mate :) But can't do it even with Gorgorab lead + Ma'shaled along :))) so kinda lol-ing a bit :D . Will try in a few days to see if the tiers (tears?) re-arrange as they mentioned officialy 😁

May 21, 2021, 22:2405/21/21

Honestly, if you have Ma'shaled, you're 95% of the way there. No joke, he can literally solo teams at Gold 4. I avoid him like the plague unless I'm 100% sure I can win the speed race.

May 22, 2021, 05:2705/22/21

Honestly, if you have Ma'shaled, you're 95% of the way there. No joke, he can literally solo teams at Gold 4. I avoid him like the plague unless I'm 100% sure I can win the speed race.

could i have a little help about armour / artifacts (gear) that i should have on him ? ur defenetly a better arena guy then me that's for sure :D

May 22, 2021, 07:3305/22/21
May 22, 2021, 07:34(edited)

My defense team seems win more now. But offense is still same, facing strong team that most battles take 5 mins even 10 mins more to fight. It still such a burden to fight arena. I used to like arena and could finish all tokens and still want more. Now I can't finish my daily arena token for sure as it's too much time consuming. My Gold I Arena mission seems impossible.

I wouldn't say the fix is good enough. actually it is far from enough. I will just let it be for now and forget about this part. only daily tasks still.

I think you should bring the bot system back and let people see the light in the dark for Arena. Or just remove the Arena missions so player can still progress. 

Otherwise player will just get so frustrated and leave the game either because can't progress in great hall or can't progress in missions.

May 24, 2021, 08:0005/24/21

i'm comming back with an update/feedback. Sry for what i've said, seems like u guyz did change something afterall. 

In 3 hours of perma Refresh page + fight vs those teams i think i'll win, made me from Bronze 2 to Silver 1. Wonder in 1 more week how much will i be able to farm. 

Anyway, thx for the improvement ! ppl don't understand that u can't just auto every battle in arena and expect to win, u need to counter ur enemies, by debuffs / speed. GJ Plarium, u got my 10/10 rates for ur update ;) 

I am glad to hear that! Thank you for the update. 

One thing I'll point out, I'm a moderator, I'm not earning any money for this and I am a voice of the community, so if anything, I understand the frustrations and I want the game to be better as much as everyone else. So I volunteer, help collect feedback and share it with Plarium. 

And to others, all your feedback is appreciated, even when we don't respond to you directly :) 

May 24, 2021, 10:1905/24/21

For me the "fix" has worked, but only because I've changed my approach to how I play the game.

Basically most of the champions are just food now, kept my epics and voids, kept Athel, Kael and Warmaiden, I'm down to 200k player power as a result, with about 35 champions and some of those are only there because they are food for when I 6* Fu-Shan.

I've been stuck in bronze 2 or 3 since November, yet in 2 days I've gone from B3 to 1500 points in S2, I even cleared that mission bottleneck (win 50 silver/gold medals) before they arena reset.

May 24, 2021, 10:2605/24/21
May 24, 2021, 10:52(edited)

For me the "fix" has worked, but only because I've changed my approach to how I play the game.

Basically most of the champions are just food now, kept my epics and voids, kept Athel, Kael and Warmaiden, I'm down to 200k player power as a result, with about 35 champions and some of those are only there because they are food for when I 6* Fu-Shan.

I've been stuck in bronze 2 or 3 since November, yet in 2 days I've gone from B3 to 1500 points in S2, I even cleared that mission bottleneck (win 50 silver/gold medals) before they arena reset.

The question is did it work?

Lowering your account power has always lead to easier fights, so did the change work or you lowering you account power work 😈

I really wish they would stop using account power as a metric for Bronze and Silver, I know as a newer player I am not switching my team around constantly, I do not have that many good champs to switch to.

I do know that on my second account where i barely spend any money and have kept my account power low I am having a much easier time than my main account that i spent cash on and have around double the account power I am having a much harder time.

May 24, 2021, 11:2605/24/21

The question is did it work?

Lowering your account power has always lead to easier fights, so did the change work or you lowering you account power work 😈

I really wish they would stop using account power as a metric for Bronze and Silver, I know as a newer player I am not switching my team around constantly, I do not have that many good champs to switch to.

I do know that on my second account where i barely spend any money and have kept my account power low I am having a much easier time than my main account that i spent cash on and have around double the account power I am having a much harder time.

I might have thought that myself, if I hadn't seen the announcement at the start of the month, and blitzed my champions within a couple of days of seeing it.

I still had a hard time getting anywhere even with 170k player power, the teams I was getting were just too strong for me.

Don't get me wrong I'm still seeing a lot of teams that are far to strong for me, but I'm also seeing a hell of a lot more teams around my own team power, as well as the odd single champ team.

But like I said the "fix" has worked for me, doesn't mean it's going to work for everbody else, as blitzing something like 60 champs does hurt.

May 24, 2021, 13:0505/24/21

Lowering player power worked just fine before as well, that has nothing to do with whatever changes they made. Though I'd not really recommend using champions you think you may use later for food, but rather just unequip them. Most of the power a champion contributes will come from their gear (and if you have high levels of great hall upgrades, I suppose), so just doing that will probably be sufficient in most cases.

May 24, 2021, 13:3005/24/21

I am glad to hear that! Thank you for the update. 

One thing I'll point out, I'm a moderator, I'm not earning any money for this and I am a voice of the community, so if anything, I understand the frustrations and I want the game to be better as much as everyone else. So I volunteer, help collect feedback and share it with Plarium. 

And to others, all your feedback is appreciated, even when we don't respond to you directly :) 

The current system punishes people for grinding and getting levels and player power.

Can you honestly say that makes sense in any way for an RPG?

In silver with high player power you are faced with nothing but arbiters and kymar leads.

In silver with low player power you get easy fights (i logged onto my alt to check).

In what alternative universe does this make sense for progression?.

How ridiculous is it that people are eating their champs to try and cheese the system?

May 24, 2021, 13:4605/24/21
Trevor Wilson

The current system punishes people for grinding and getting levels and player power.

Can you honestly say that makes sense in any way for an RPG?

In silver with high player power you are faced with nothing but arbiters and kymar leads.

In silver with low player power you get easy fights (i logged onto my alt to check).

In what alternative universe does this make sense for progression?.

How ridiculous is it that people are eating their champs to try and cheese the system?

How ridiculous is it that people are eating their champs to try and cheese the system? 

I am thinking of doing just this on my main account, all the champs i pulled from last weekends void 2X have inflated my player power and all I am seeing is teams 30k+ over mine, and I have tried them and I get rocked the sweet spot seems to be around  20k+ and i come out around 60% if not a speed team but getting more than 20k+ and I am lucky to win 1 out of 10 .

I was looking forward to this weekends 2X event but now not so sure.

May 24, 2021, 13:5205/24/21

How ridiculous is it that people are eating their champs to try and cheese the system? 

I am thinking of doing just this on my main account, all the champs i pulled from last weekends void 2X have inflated my player power and all I am seeing is teams 30k+ over mine, and I have tried them and I get rocked the sweet spot seems to be around  20k+ and i come out around 60% if not a speed team but getting more than 20k+ and I am lucky to win 1 out of 10 .

I was looking forward to this weekends 2X event but now not so sure.

If your account level is also high it might work, but not as well as if you simply hadnt done a lot of grinding.

The best way to hit gold quickly is to restart, just build a dungeon/arena team and focus on arena from the start. If your account is mature (say level 70 ish) and you have slipped out of gold i dont think you can cheese the matchmaking since you cant drop your account level.

I squeezed back into gold, barely with a 292 seeker lead. My unfiltered gold fights were if anything easier than my silver fights.

TLDR- It will work as long as you have a fairly low account level.

OracleCommunity Manager
May 24, 2021, 13:5605/24/21

Guys, thank you all for the valuable feedback! We're still closely monitoring things in the Arena.

But still, the Arena is supposed to be a hard experience, which should motivate you to develop your account in order to keep up with other players of similar level. There are a lot of videos from our content creators that give valuable pieces of advice. 

If you feel that for you the Arena hasn't become any easier, feel free to post the list of enemies you have difficulties fighting against, along with your roster of Champions. That way you can show us if something doesn't work and also you may get some piece of advice from more experienced players

May 24, 2021, 14:0205/24/21

Guys, thank you all for the valuable feedback! We're still closely monitoring things in the Arena.

But still, the Arena is supposed to be a hard experience, which should motivate you to develop your account in order to keep up with other players of similar level. There are a lot of videos from our content creators that give valuable pieces of advice. 

If you feel that for you the Arena hasn't become any easier, feel free to post the list of enemies you have difficulties fighting against, along with your roster of Champions. That way you can show us if something doesn't work and also you may get some piece of advice from more experienced players

With respect you have completely missed the point of the discussion. Players are punished for levelling and for gaining player power which is ridiculous and directly goes against the idea of rpg progression

This was a typical silver page for me - after the 'fix'. Each of these players has gained their arbiter and will have stayed in gold long enough to build great halls. They should not be in silver.


May 24, 2021, 14:0505/24/21

Guys, thank you all for the valuable feedback! We're still closely monitoring things in the Arena.

But still, the Arena is supposed to be a hard experience, which should motivate you to develop your account in order to keep up with other players of similar level. There are a lot of videos from our content creators that give valuable pieces of advice. 

If you feel that for you the Arena hasn't become any easier, feel free to post the list of enemies you have difficulties fighting against, along with your roster of Champions. That way you can show us if something doesn't work and also you may get some piece of advice from more experienced players

Not picking on you but I am really tired of this anwer.🙈🙉🙊

Hard is ok but impossible is another, please understand the differense, All the Vets, whales and Mods all have the same answer and it gets tiresome.

If I wanted you to play my account I would give you my log in and PW, I have watched a ton of vids and read these boards, discord and any place i can to get advise, I have never had to do so much research for a game before.

If you want to keep burying your head in the sand and say "There is no man behind the curtain" please do but that does not mean we are wrong and this is for Bronze and Silver, I have not yet reached Gold to know if that is a mess or not.

May 24, 2021, 14:1605/24/21

Why do people cross out the names in the screenshots of arena opponents ?

May 24, 2021, 14:2205/24/21

I guess you only read the title. Will you call that a 'fix' when a player finally moved from Bronze 1 to 2?

I was in Gold I and got beaten down to Bronze III, now I'm back to Silver II and seems not going further. Should I thank you for 'fixing' the problem or should I say the problem is still the same?

a couple of months ago i was in gold 4, then i found myself dropping like a stone and ended up in bronze 1.... something must have changed then for that to happen, and it needs to change back. the recent "fix" allowed me to climb back to silver 3....pushing 4...then the reset and now i'm dropping rapidly towards silver 2 .....i've been refresing constantly all day and still haven't found anyone i can beat but my defense team has been beaten 6 this rate i will soon be back in bronze :(

I'm getting so bored with getting nowhere so I'm logging off now and i don't know when or if i will be back

May 24, 2021, 14:2305/24/21

Why do people cross out the names in the screenshots of arena opponents ?

Don't know why people in general do it, but I would because I just consider it polite not to drag people into something when it's not relevant. It may not matter much in this game since there's little that can be done with the information, but it's a good practice. 

May 24, 2021, 15:1805/24/21

Guys, thank you all for the valuable feedback! We're still closely monitoring things in the Arena.

But still, the Arena is supposed to be a hard experience, which should motivate you to develop your account in order to keep up with other players of similar level. There are a lot of videos from our content creators that give valuable pieces of advice. 

If you feel that for you the Arena hasn't become any easier, feel free to post the list of enemies you have difficulties fighting against, along with your roster of Champions. That way you can show us if something doesn't work and also you may get some piece of advice from more experienced players

I don't want arena to be easy, I want arena to be fair. 

Fair arena: Enemy beats you up --> you do more "training" (in this game: level up champs and gear) --> come back and win. Typical "hero's journey".

Yor arena: Enemy beats you up --> you do more training = higher account level and player power --> stronger opponent is matched against you and beats you up. The people who invented your matchmaking algorithm should be forced to watch "Karate Kid" ten times in a row and then think about what is wrong with the "more training = stronger opponent beats you up"-way they made the arena.

If matchmaking based on player power and account level would be a good idea, why isn't it like that in Gold or Platinum?