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Are FTP players treated differently?

Are FTP players treated differently?

Apr 8, 2021, 08:1004/08/21

Are FTP players treated differently?

As a FTP player, when it comes to what I receive in the way of champions, I cannot help thinking I am discriminated against.  When I look at all the vast menagerie of champs that others have almost universally, I have to wonder why can't I get those?  I am not even talking legos, just others like M Monster, the Witch, Gorgo, Skullcrusher.  It can't be about my level, I see others much lower level than I have all the best ones including legos like Valkyrie, Lilutu, Rae, and so on.

Something unfair going on, Plarium should let players know what the FTP means for them.

I expect other FTP players chime in that they have all the good stuff, but again I say why not me?   I have had no shortage of shards of all the colors, yet I frequently get the bottom of the champ barrel.  I know the odds are low but evidently not for some.

Apr 8, 2021, 08:4204/08/21

My new account has opened lots of shards but got nothing.

My first account pulled zavia on its second ancient. ..

While i think much of what we do is monitored for algorithms,pulls looks random...those who spend cash open a lot more shards so will get more champs they want.

I watched a utube of someone opening 100 voids (paid for) and he got no legendaries so he certainly didnt get better treatment

Apr 8, 2021, 09:3904/08/21

Probably just confirmation bias. Let's face it, many champions are just trash, while others are trash comparatively speaking. The chance of opening a shard and being happy with the result is quite low. Who are you comparing yourself to that supposedly has much better luck? Do you know how much money they spent on shards? Regardless, it's just a fact that in a game of chance, there will be those that are lucky and those that are not, and you may just have drawn the short straw here. There doesn't have to be a conspiracy behind it. There are too many unknowns here to draw much in the way of a conclusion.

Apr 8, 2021, 09:4804/08/21

I believe this game - mostly shard pulls - does not treat anyone differently. The main difference is FTP pull 10+ shards/month vs. spender pull 100+ shards/month vs whale pull 1000+ shards/month.

Apr 8, 2021, 10:4204/08/21

I also have none of the champs you named ("M Monster, the Witch, Gorgo, Skullcrusher"). Maybe you have some great champs in your vault and don't see their true value.

Apr 8, 2021, 11:0704/08/21

Probably just confirmation bias. Let's face it, many champions are just trash, while others are trash comparatively speaking. The chance of opening a shard and being happy with the result is quite low. Who are you comparing yourself to that supposedly has much better luck? Do you know how much money they spent on shards? Regardless, it's just a fact that in a game of chance, there will be those that are lucky and those that are not, and you may just have drawn the short straw here. There doesn't have to be a conspiracy behind it. There are too many unknowns here to draw much in the way of a conclusion.

I agree, i no longer spend money (in the past i bought the gem packs) and just pulled a random void and got coldheart.... which i have been wanting for a while for spider, so it just seems random

Yes whales open far far far more shards which increases their odds.

Apr 8, 2021, 14:4104/08/21

My new account has opened lots of shards but got nothing.

My first account pulled zavia on its second ancient. ..

While i think much of what we do is monitored for algorithms,pulls looks random...those who spend cash open a lot more shards so will get more champs they want.

I watched a utube of someone opening 100 voids (paid for) and he got no legendaries so he certainly didnt get better treatment

but those guys display every possible L60 champ all 6 starred and ascended, so they must get promotions or whatever.  So just cuz they show you a demo meant to make you feel better, they still have it all so they get it somewhere somehow; infinite gems, silver, potions, shards, champs, on and on.

Some can relate but for me those guys are totally unrealistic.

Apr 8, 2021, 14:4804/08/21

I also have none of the champs you named ("M Monster, the Witch, Gorgo, Skullcrusher"). Maybe you have some great champs in your vault and don't see their true value.

nothing like the ones I face in the arena, totally mind boggling creatures with amazing abilities

Apr 8, 2021, 14:4904/08/21

I believe this game - mostly shard pulls - does not treat anyone differently. The main difference is FTP pull 10+ shards/month vs. spender pull 100+ shards/month vs whale pull 1000+ shards/month.

I would like to hear Plarium say that.

Apr 8, 2021, 15:0404/08/21

Probably just confirmation bias. Let's face it, many champions are just trash, while others are trash comparatively speaking. The chance of opening a shard and being happy with the result is quite low. Who are you comparing yourself to that supposedly has much better luck? Do you know how much money they spent on shards? Regardless, it's just a fact that in a game of chance, there will be those that are lucky and those that are not, and you may just have drawn the short straw here. There doesn't have to be a conspiracy behind it. There are too many unknowns here to draw much in the way of a conclusion.

right, all I have are suspicions about it.  If the chancers are the same for all, then the only difference is quantity, more chances at the same probability.  More shards should not change the odds, it is just a one by one process.  So if lego chance is .5%, that still does not determine WHAT you get if anything.  That is why I look at all the Valkyries out there and wonder how that happens.  Maybe 1/10000??

Apr 8, 2021, 16:4704/08/21

I would like to hear Plarium say that.

facepalm, you think you are the real lady gaga ? cut the crap, such anonymous like you ask too much, look yourself in the mirror please. DO NOT QUOTE ME!!! 

Apr 8, 2021, 22:1104/08/21

facepalm, you think you are the real lady gaga ? cut the crap, such anonymous like you ask too much, look yourself in the mirror please. DO NOT QUOTE ME!!! 

sorry pokerface, I was born this way

Apr 8, 2021, 22:4704/08/21

Keep in mind the pool of total champs is constantly growing, which means the odds of getting a specific champ naturally go down.

I started recently, but I've noticed a lot of the older accounts/youtube vids/tutorials talk about meta champs that have been around forever, so when people got them 2 years ago they were really common since the total pool was smaller.

My newbie advice would be to not worry about the meta champs and look at what you do have.  You're filling roles for most of your teams, and there's a lot of champs (rare, epic, even some common) that can fill those roles.  The game is figuring out the puzzle with the peices you've been given.  Not waiting to pull the same 4-5 champs you constantly see in all of the tutorials and in the arena so you can copy someone elses work.

For example, there's only a few champs you can use for an unkillable CB team.  I don't have any of those champs, good chance I might never have them, so unkillable CB team isn't on my to do list.  I gotta solve that puzzle some other way.  On the other hand, I have a paragon, but still can't get it to work properly on the spider 17-20 cheese, so plenty to do!

There are a lot of champs in the arena I avoid like the plague because I know I can't beat them, but I also run into full lego teams I'll wipe with a full epic team all day long because I know they have zero synergy.  Four super powerful legendaries that aren't filling all the roles are useless to you, so figure out what you need and then do some research on what you have.

I spend a lot of time on ayumilove's pages of aura's/buffs/debuff's seeing what champs I have with those specific skills I need.  I needed to place a heal reduction debuff on someone recently for a challenge and it was easy to find a champ on my roster that could do the required debuff and throw them in some gear and put them to use by looking at those lists.  I was able to take my paragon in, instead of waiting to someday pull queen eva or ma'shalled or some other lego I'll probably never have access to, so don't get caught up thinking you need specific champs.

Apr 8, 2021, 23:2504/08/21

No - F2P players are not treated differently.

You are treated Equally to P2P players.

The game believes in Equality.

F2P have the right to struggle vs. Spider Den just as much has a P2P player.

Apr 9, 2021, 00:1504/09/21
Apr 9, 2021, 00:20(edited)

sorry pokerface, I was born this way


Apr 9, 2021, 00:1904/09/21
Apr 9, 2021, 00:21(edited)

Such idiot never got enlightened, DO NOT QUOTE ME.

Whatever I said, such people like you would never know. 

Apr 9, 2021, 08:4804/09/21

but those guys display every possible L60 champ all 6 starred and ascended, so they must get promotions or whatever.  So just cuz they show you a demo meant to make you feel better, they still have it all so they get it somewhere somehow; infinite gems, silver, potions, shards, champs, on and on.

Some can relate but for me those guys are totally unrealistic.

I can only speak from personal experience- i pulled my first legendary (a decent one) before i had bought anything, and i have only ever been a minnow (tiny spend). My luck on my new account has been terrible however.

Some whales will throw thousands at the game, that means for every shard you open they might open 100 or even 200 shards which makes it far more likely they will have the top champs.

I do believe our in game actions are logged and it influences the packs etc that we see. But it is not in the interest of plarium to give FTP no legendaries at all... they want you to spend and that is far more likely if you get a decent champ you want to invest in.....

I got frustrated at not being able to pull a decent second poisoner and had dramatically reduced my playtime.... theni pulled draco which then led to me playing again and getting the 10 quid gempack for gems to help level him.

Apr 9, 2021, 10:3504/09/21

Keep in mind the pool of total champs is constantly growing, which means the odds of getting a specific champ naturally go down.

I started recently, but I've noticed a lot of the older accounts/youtube vids/tutorials talk about meta champs that have been around forever, so when people got them 2 years ago they were really common since the total pool was smaller.

My newbie advice would be to not worry about the meta champs and look at what you do have.  You're filling roles for most of your teams, and there's a lot of champs (rare, epic, even some common) that can fill those roles.  The game is figuring out the puzzle with the peices you've been given.  Not waiting to pull the same 4-5 champs you constantly see in all of the tutorials and in the arena so you can copy someone elses work.

For example, there's only a few champs you can use for an unkillable CB team.  I don't have any of those champs, good chance I might never have them, so unkillable CB team isn't on my to do list.  I gotta solve that puzzle some other way.  On the other hand, I have a paragon, but still can't get it to work properly on the spider 17-20 cheese, so plenty to do!

There are a lot of champs in the arena I avoid like the plague because I know I can't beat them, but I also run into full lego teams I'll wipe with a full epic team all day long because I know they have zero synergy.  Four super powerful legendaries that aren't filling all the roles are useless to you, so figure out what you need and then do some research on what you have.

I spend a lot of time on ayumilove's pages of aura's/buffs/debuff's seeing what champs I have with those specific skills I need.  I needed to place a heal reduction debuff on someone recently for a challenge and it was easy to find a champ on my roster that could do the required debuff and throw them in some gear and put them to use by looking at those lists.  I was able to take my paragon in, instead of waiting to someday pull queen eva or ma'shalled or some other lego I'll probably never have access to, so don't get caught up thinking you need specific champs.

sorry for the quote but I do not see a way to respond without quoting

Yes, I agree about ayumilove site, and it has helped me to pick better options from my litter of puppies to use.

You mention paragon, have wanted to get that one off the ground but some other priority always steps in front.  There is a faction war where one paragon seems to survive forever, recharging itself over and over.

Not trying for any champ specifically but there is a handful from which I would be happy and relieved to have, just to know the game is fair.

Apr 9, 2021, 10:3704/09/21


sorry for the quote but I do not see a way to respond without quoting, if you see how pls lemme know

used to be you had a choice about quoting or not

and, chill out dude

Apr 9, 2021, 10:4304/09/21
Player J

No - F2P players are not treated differently.

You are treated Equally to P2P players.

The game believes in Equality.

F2P have the right to struggle vs. Spider Den just as much has a P2P player.

I think this topic is an eternal guessing game on everyone's mind.  Do you think p2p players welcome that news? 

And what evidence do you have for your views? Are you a Plarium programmer?

Not really concerned about who can fight who, but what one gets into their account is my concern.

Apr 9, 2021, 11:5104/09/21

Had 18 ancient shards saved for this event pulled all rares so i think its just some people have better luck than others weather you're f2p or pay i bought a gem pack for the event but i did have better luck when i was buying packs.