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Its another fix the arena thread.

Its another fix the arena thread.

Mar 31, 2021, 09:4903/31/21

See the absolute bashful ignorance and arrogance of new players?

The sheer audacity on this guy ... Hahaha

If anything arena should be harder, every team on defense should get a bonus increase to their stats (except speed) to counter the fact that you're playing against an AI and have the knowledge of the team you're facing beforehand. That's an insane amount of unfair advantage for every offensive team!

Is the above reply an example of acceptable behaviour on this forum?

Mar 31, 2021, 09:5203/31/21

Is the above reply an example of acceptable behaviour on this forum?

As much as calling someone a troll for being vastly more knowledgeable than you is. 

Apr 1, 2021, 13:4104/01/21

from being mid-range in Gold four I am now falling out of Gold Three, and for why, just because I have a well rounded and well developed overall team, so my Player power is high, I have lots of forties and fifties. All this Player Power means nothing as far as the Arena goes.

If this doesn't get sorted and fast the game is not going to be worth playing anymore, any suggests for a game that is worth playing?

Apr 1, 2021, 13:4304/01/21

from being mid-range in Gold four I am now falling out of Gold Three, and for why, just because I have a well rounded and well developed overall team, so my Player power is high, I have lots of forties and fifties. All this Player Power means nothing as far as the Arena goes.

If this doesn't get sorted and fast the game is not going to be worth playing anymore, any suggests for a game that is worth playing?

I suggest you start working on your arena team and treat it like any other game mode ie CB etc. 

You can't 2 key UNM CB without a really developed team, you can't stay in gold 4 without a really developed team.

Your problem is not "player power" affecting the teams you face, rather, the bots which made arena super easy for everyone are now gone. 

Apr 1, 2021, 14:1504/01/21

As much as calling someone a troll for being vastly more knowledgeable than you is. 

I am offended.  I thought I rightfully earned the title of forum troll! 

Apr 1, 2021, 14:1904/01/21

A piece of advice to new players well over 50% of champs are of NO practical use so don't save them just use them as food. DON'T collect champions they just give you a high Player Power that goes against you in the Arena. I am now divesting myself of a year's worth of useless champions, which just sit in my vault.

Apr 1, 2021, 15:4904/01/21

I am offended.  I thought I rightfully earned the title of forum troll! 

Apparently me, you and Player J are all forum trolls now for having more knowledge and a different opinion than someone who's been playing this for a little over a month. 

Metailrus quote :

"# When are you going to take action regarding the rather obvious trio of trolls belittling the problems that new players are running into with this game? "

I assume it's us who he as referring to lol! Hilarious

Apr 1, 2021, 15:5304/01/21

I belittle, mock and troll my own clanmates every day in our clan chat! I am an equal opportunity TROLL.   Good to know I am at least on the Olympic Troll Podium!

Apr 1, 2021, 17:5204/01/21
Apr 1, 2021, 18:08(edited)

Hello Raid Community. Few days ago I send a proposal / feedback to Plarium about the : Arena - Bots - Arbiter missions  situation. My point is simple : Allow players with "weak " arena teams to raise to gold 4 - one day a month. With bots or other means. Make it so those players don't gain anything else , from events, tournaments and arena rankings except having the opportunity to "Reach G4" and to spend some extra gems to farm some extra gold medals - if they want of course. 

My points here are : Yes Arbiter is not a game changer - but it helps. Yes players that don't have the skills and gear to be in G4 do not deserve to stay in G4. I am asking for X2(or more) Arena farming event similar to X2 shard summoning events. Gems are farmable/payable resource in Raid the same way like silver, energy and shards. 

I would like to see the opinion of the comunity on my proposal.

Thank you.

Apr 1, 2021, 19:3604/01/21

Hello Raid Community. Few days ago I send a proposal / feedback to Plarium about the : Arena - Bots - Arbiter missions  situation. My point is simple : Allow players with "weak " arena teams to raise to gold 4 - one day a month. With bots or other means. Make it so those players don't gain anything else , from events, tournaments and arena rankings except having the opportunity to "Reach G4" and to spend some extra gems to farm some extra gold medals - if they want of course. 

My points here are : Yes Arbiter is not a game changer - but it helps. Yes players that don't have the skills and gear to be in G4 do not deserve to stay in G4. I am asking for X2(or more) Arena farming event similar to X2 shard summoning events. Gems are farmable/payable resource in Raid the same way like silver, energy and shards. 

I would like to see the opinion of the comunity on my proposal.

Thank you.

Can you elaborate on this? I don't understand how it would help the current arena situation if there was an issue. If you got x2 medals or point gains, you'd still enter the same roadblocks, no?

Apr 1, 2021, 20:0004/01/21

I just farmed some food +-50 3* champs  in last 3 days and are sittng in my vault to be consumed. I  noticed that my player power (lvl51)  rised over 30k from 390k to 421k, which have impact on opponents chosen for each roll in arena.

Nothing changed to my arena team and was sitting in middle of S1 winning 3-4 battles per roll before stat farming food. When started to have more food champs over last 3 days winnable opponents ratio per roll started to drastically drop and now i barley find 1-2 opponents to beat per roll. Also team power of opponents rised and sitting 30-40k above my power team.

I'm pretty sure that once will get rid of food champs my player power dorps and will go back to more/less to state before i started gathering them.

I think this is one of factors that heavly influence choice of opponents.

IMHO alhoritm should take only player level and arena attack team power to calcualte and choose arena opponents. 

Similar behaviour i noticed on my other account.

Apr 1, 2021, 20:2804/01/21

I spent 2 years building my arena team. 

That's the effort I'm talking about.

Damn right I should gate keep you. Have fun catching up. 

Your argument is you deserve to be in the same place as me for simply "participating in the game" , don't make me laugh


Me too, I watched the You tube Videos and focused  on champs that Hellhades and Ash reccomend along with others

I played enough and yes spent $$$$ to get some good champs

STOP coming here and spamming your crap about this game. especially if your FTP. Good Grief

Apr 1, 2021, 22:3704/01/21

You farmed bot pages to get gold and now you're surprised you're tanking when they removed the bot pages?


You don't belong in Gold. Why do you think you do? 

Plarium made an official statement to He'll Hedes that they do not ever use bots.  Take that for what you will, but they were being very direct in their other responses.  

Apr 1, 2021, 23:2304/01/21

I spent 4 hours writing a very educational message today based on an Arena experiement I did.

I went to submit the post and the comment button froze erasing everything I wrote.

I refuse to redo everything I did.

What I will say is:

- I don't believe the game match's people sololy based on Player Power.

- For the first time in history, I found a Strong Arena player in Gold 2. 

Apr 2, 2021, 18:0304/02/21

the game has become shite with this bullshit arena, i have played for nearly 3 years (yes i played when it was a beta and wasnt properly realised) and im now getting showved down. everyone has aribiter and its basically relying on speed and it shouldnt be like that

Apr 3, 2021, 06:1804/03/21
Apr 3, 2021, 08:10(edited)

OK new player.  Not completely F2P but not a whale.  Looking for the best deals before I buy, as it's about ROI, and I am running a raid card.

Long post but the truth is there are multiple things that need to be considered.

What the older players didn't contend with was increased content in champions, game content and factions.  This means that newer players need to "hoard" their champions for later progression across all of the factions early up and for the extra content.  You do need to hoard as getting champions is completely random.  Some of the champions are also close to only good at one thing champions but what they are good at they are good at [Edit: Early - Mid game]. The same goes with all the variation of the artifacts as well as you also need them for the number of champions you have.  The more of both artifacts and champions the greater the player power.

When it comes to Arena if I come up against a player who is the same player level as me, or close, I can more often than not beat them, even though I don't have a good speed lead.  Most of the time I am at the bottom of the player level in every round.  Usually I am near 1/2 to 2/3 of the team power I am against and I can win if I can hit first and bring my shield up first.  Every loss requires two wins to advance.  I don't have a decent speed lead and have collected plenty of AyumiLove N/A champions.  Yes I am aware of how to speed balance and my teams is set to hit in the order they need to hit.  But then that is more the case with how the arena works and you need that speed lead.

I currenlty have champions that are also only mostly good for one thing so I also have a few sitting idle in my vault for later as well as holding the rares for food for later.  Thus increasing my player power.  The other problem is you can't simply hold and run a team of 5 for the FW as you need the different affinities to progress.  Which means you have to progress multiple champions.  

Mastery builds also mean you need multiple champions as you can build them one way that works but for other areas you weaken them.  So either duplicates or subsitutes are required.  Greater game content also affect this.

The teams I come up against often have champions that are top tier and I have nothing to counter with.  My legendary collection hasn't been good even with waiting and doing the 2 x shard events.  Unless some players pulled them from Shards playing for 60-90 days I hit teams with Scyl who is a 180 day reward.  In the arena the higher you go the greater that disparity becomes with player level and higher player levels means longer game time which means better collection of artifacts as well as the chance to level.  This is the lot of those who are in bronze and especially the new players.

For those who say people shouldn't build FW teams and diversify, etc, etc , etc, that is rubbish.  Advanced Quests require you to have developed some of this and you need to do some of these to complete the daily advanced quests.  For the not so bright who make the comment "they are advanced quests for advanced players" if they can't be completed then they shouldn't be available to the players and be refreshed daily.

Also with the Progress Missions you hit the Arena tier block and yet if you look at all the missions beyond most of the people who get to the Arena tier block have well and truely done them and simply click complete once you get beyond the block.  Either the missions beyond need to be harder or the problem is the issues with Arena.

Also truthfully with artifacts in general who uses anything other than speed boots.  So that tells you there are things with the mechanics that needs work.  Which is also why to build the arena teams you need speed leads and you can't influence which champions you get.

Apr 3, 2021, 12:5304/03/21

Why dont  put a iron rank (899 points), refresh there and appear 1 bot (party lvl 30).

Inactive account will be there.

(sorry, my english dont is very good).

Apr 3, 2021, 13:2004/03/21

Arena is not funny, just mandatory for quest/missions. Not talking about hard/unfair/matchmaking,  it's also a full time job, even worst, because you lost quickly your winnings. Don't have 1 or 2  day off ... never.

Imagine that for dragon lvl 20, you're must begin from lvl1 day after day, because the game don't remember your previous progress ... It's will be rotten. Arena is like that ... thus rotten

I saw the analytical video. I'm not surprised to find few lvl 60 players (0.5%)  despite the large number of people who have tried the game. Why so few players stay ? It's not all about the arena, there are other issues obviously. But the arena is probably the most frustrating of all. 

Apr 3, 2021, 16:5804/03/21

Well, there is something illogic here, look like none of you have thought about it. 

OP saw some very strong players in Gold Tier I, ppl tell him to upgrade his team. Sound logic. 

However I do see not only the OP in Tier I but those very strong players also in Tier I, that may make your advice become illogic. 

How come those strong players are pushed down to Tier I ? That does mean there are stronger players in Tier II and super strong in Tier III ... Well, look like OP need super power to climb up Gold Tiers. 

Apr 3, 2021, 17:4104/03/21
Apr 3, 2021, 17:41(edited)

Arena is not funny, just mandatory for quest/missions. Not talking about hard/unfair/matchmaking,  it's also a full time job, even worst, because you lost quickly your winnings. Don't have 1 or 2  day off ... never.

Imagine that for dragon lvl 20, you're must begin from lvl1 day after day, because the game don't remember your previous progress ... It's will be rotten. Arena is like that ... thus rotten

I saw the analytical video. I'm not surprised to find few lvl 60 players (0.5%)  despite the large number of people who have tried the game. Why so few players stay ? It's not all about the arena, there are other issues obviously. But the arena is probably the most frustrating of all. 

Job is how it feels for me, dont get me wrong each to their own.

I was stuck on the 'get 2 parts of great hall to level 4' as when i was a newbie i used the medals at random and plarium in their wisdom do not allow you to reset great hall (i am sure this is deliberate)

I had a massive push this weekend to get it done, and in the process hit Gold 2- i can pick out opponents i can or cant beat very accurately now .... but god was it a grind and i am already back in G1 with no motivation to keep hammering away constantly.

Once i did that quest, i was hit with a bunch of mind numbing but easy grind quests- which i did until i got to a closed potion dungeon quest.

But looking ahead ill need to hammer my way back up to gold tier again since the game insists on you doing the quests in the correct  order - designed to maximize the grindiness

All those stuck in bronze right now, have all this to look forward to in the future. 

At some point doing this i realised everything is set up to be deliberately as much as a grind as humanely possible - presumably so you will bypass stuff by spending money. I also realised that it isnt actually fun! ( i do enjoy doom tower and i enjoy tuning clan boss teams) but you cant do any of that without the endless arena grind.  

At that point i wondered why i do my unpaid 'job' and think i may actually be over my recent addiction :)