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Its another fix the arena thread.

Its another fix the arena thread.

Mar 30, 2021, 03:0003/30/21

Its another fix the arena thread.

Why as somebody that has not even been playing for 3 months am i matched against people that have been playing 1-2 years therefore have far better gear and champs.


Other user who got attacked a 100 times within an hour




How is any of this normal working as intended when you give us 39 tokens a day. 

Mar 30, 2021, 05:3603/30/21

You are already doing fine to be in gold in 3 months. 

Improve your defense so you will not get farmed by other players at your rank. 

Mar 30, 2021, 06:2103/30/21

You are already doing fine to be in gold in 3 months. 

Improve your defense so you will not get farmed by other players at your rank. 

You are sure you are no Plarium employee telling the people to spend money?

Mar 30, 2021, 07:2303/30/21

You are sure you are no Plarium employee telling the people to spend money?

I swear at this point this is the only reason this could make any sense at all. The moment someone posts the slightest criticism about Arena, some "gitgud" post appears next.

I am not even sure those are human beings. The answers seem generic and completely free of any "soul". Its basically "Arena is fine, you are not gud enuff, get better" ergo if you pay you win!

If they are not bots or paid agents then at the least they are "useful idiots" that keep valid criticism away from Plarium and give Players the wrong impression that this is somehow "their fault". 

Its not, Arena is busted and needs fixing....dont let them tell you otherwise!

Mar 30, 2021, 10:0403/30/21

Yeah, the sheer number of Arena posts every day proves, that it needs fixing and it needs it alot!

Mar 30, 2021, 10:0903/30/21

You farmed bot pages to get gold and now you're surprised you're tanking when they removed the bot pages?


You don't belong in Gold. Why do you think you do? 

Mar 30, 2021, 10:1903/30/21

You are sure you are no Plarium employee telling the people to spend money?

Care to explain why do you think you or the OP deserve to be in Gold when everyone else in Gold is either : 

A) - Spending


B) - Playing for 1-2 years


What mental gymnastics do you use to justify being in Gold when you don't meet these two criteria while EVERYONE else in there clearly does? 

I don't understand ... 

And don't tell me "iT's fOr tHe ArBiTeR mIsSiOn" 

You're not entitled to Arbiter either. She's a top tier void legendary in this game, but hardly needed for any progression - especially since by the time you achieve her you're supposed to be farming every dungeon 20 on AUTO. 

Arbiter is OPTIONAL. You will get her eventually. Until then farm your dungeons, farm your Clan Boss and stop crying. 

Mar 30, 2021, 10:4603/30/21

ah ...Airmaxx our resident troll.

Hey "Airmaxx"! Care to explain who put you in charge to define who deserves what? 

Let me help you out here: the way I see it, to be able to post in this Forum you need the following things:

A:) human decency


B:) general common sense

What mental gymnastics do you use to justify being here when you dont meet these two criteria while EVERYONE else does?

I DO understand though (you need to validate your addiction and needless spending somehow)

And dont tell me its "bEcAuSE I wAnT a GoOd gaME"

You are not entitled telling players what they deserve or not. You are just one player and it is up to Plarium and their CUSTOMERS to find common grounds. They dont need you as an ARBITER in between!

Spare us your twisted cheap "elitism" and go troll elsewhere!

Mar 30, 2021, 10:5303/30/21

ah ...Airmaxx our resident troll.

Hey "Airmaxx"! Care to explain who put you in charge to define who deserves what? 

Let me help you out here: the way I see it, to be able to post in this Forum you need the following things:

A:) human decency


B:) general common sense

What mental gymnastics do you use to justify being here when you dont meet these two criteria while EVERYONE else does?

I DO understand though (you need to validate your addiction and needless spending somehow)

And dont tell me its "bEcAuSE I wAnT a GoOd gaME"

You are not entitled telling players what they deserve or not. You are just one player and it is up to Plarium and their CUSTOMERS to find common grounds. They dont need you as an ARBITER in between!

Spare us your twisted cheap "elitism" and go troll elsewhere!

I won't read past the first two lines, you resorting to ad-homines in your pitiful attempts to argue with me tells me all I need to know about the rest of the content of your post.

It's not me who's defining who deserves what, it's the game (obviously as per OP's post), that's it.

Continue your crying now I'm eating my popcorn. Have fun!

Mar 30, 2021, 10:5603/30/21

You are sure you are no Plarium employee telling the people to spend money?

No, but see, there is no other way to prevent  this other than improving his defense. Maybe beg in every channel, or in forums or discord not to attack you if that will help 😂

Spending money helps, if you know what you are doing. 

And please, listen to my advise, this is in general to all players who complains in arena. When you hit a road block in arena, whether it is in bronze or in gold, if matches became difficult for you, you should have "go back to drawing board" attitude. Meaning, go back farming for artifacts, re think your strategy or your arena line up. And stop with "go back to forums/discord to complain" attitude. 

Mar 30, 2021, 11:1003/30/21
Mar 30, 2021, 11:14(edited)

No, but see, there is no other way to prevent  this other than improving his defense. Maybe beg in every channel, or in forums or discord not to attack you if that will help 😂

Spending money helps, if you know what you are doing. 

And please, listen to my advise, this is in general to all players who complains in arena. When you hit a road block in arena, whether it is in bronze or in gold, if matches became difficult for you, you should have "go back to drawing board" attitude. Meaning, go back farming for artifacts, re think your strategy or your arena line up. And stop with "go back to forums/discord to complain" attitude. 

Lol whatever you say Plarium employee.

Mar 30, 2021, 11:2103/30/21

You farmed bot pages to get gold and now you're surprised you're tanking when they removed the bot pages?


You don't belong in Gold. Why do you think you do? 

Because Plarium's previous 'fix' of the arena problem allowed him to sail into gold, then as the fix disappeared, made him crash back down... do you really think that was good game design? 

Arena was broken before, then they put that simplistic fix of the bot pages to resolve the situation... and now they've let it expire so the arena is going right back to where it had been before, apparently without Plarium having done anything in the meantime to fix the more fundamental problems. 

For sure, the biggest problem here is the actual new players facing way too tough opposition already in low bronze - and getting punished by the arena algorithms for expanding their roster and building different champions for different content. But the previous generation of newbies, like the OP, who Plarium invited into the gold tiers before suddenly throwing them out and slamming the door shut in their face... they also have reasons to be upset about that treatment. Whether they actually deserved to be in gold or not, they were there and now they're not, with no way of getting back any time soon - how do you expect them to react? 

Mar 30, 2021, 11:3003/30/21

I won't read past the first two lines, you resorting to ad-homines in your pitiful attempts to argue with me tells me all I need to know about the rest of the content of your post.

It's not me who's defining who deserves what, it's the game (obviously as per OP's post), that's it.

Continue your crying now I'm eating my popcorn. Have fun!

of course I am "resorting" to ad-hominems...I am criticizing your person!

since you cant read past two lines, Ill keep this one short :)

Mar 30, 2021, 11:3303/30/21

of course I am "resorting" to ad-hominems...I am criticizing your person!

since you cant read past two lines, Ill keep this one short :)

Oh I can, I just don't think you have anything worthy to say. 

Mar 30, 2021, 11:3503/30/21

Oh I can, I just don't think you have anything worthy to say. 

well at least you are thinking....progress!

Mar 30, 2021, 11:3703/30/21

Because Plarium's previous 'fix' of the arena problem allowed him to sail into gold, then as the fix disappeared, made him crash back down... do you really think that was good game design? 

Arena was broken before, then they put that simplistic fix of the bot pages to resolve the situation... and now they've let it expire so the arena is going right back to where it had been before, apparently without Plarium having done anything in the meantime to fix the more fundamental problems. 

For sure, the biggest problem here is the actual new players facing way too tough opposition already in low bronze - and getting punished by the arena algorithms for expanding their roster and building different champions for different content. But the previous generation of newbies, like the OP, who Plarium invited into the gold tiers before suddenly throwing them out and slamming the door shut in their face... they also have reasons to be upset about that treatment. Whether they actually deserved to be in gold or not, they were there and now they're not, with no way of getting back any time soon - how do you expect them to react? 

Ahem, Plarium's fix involved removing inactive accounts from the ladder. It never mentioned broken pages with teams filled with subpar players for easy farming.

Plarium did not invite anyone to Gold or beyond, the players invited themselves by farming obviously glitched pages of bots. Proof is that Plarium wasn't even aware of the bot pages in Arena. 

This bug seems to have went away on it's own, and now Arena is the way it's SUPPOSED to be according to Plarium and the standards set by players themselves. 

It's not a good game deisgn but issues like these happen, point is, if you think that farming glitched pages should allow you to be in top of the ladder, then both you, players, and Plarium disagree. 

Sorry but players shouldn't be allowed to farm "bots" all the way up to Platinum as it was happening before.

Arena is fine, it's the only real challenging mode we have, and players who have dedicated enough effort to build a good Gold team should be rewarded for it. 

Mar 30, 2021, 11:3703/30/21

well at least you are thinking....progress!

Perhaps you should try it, instead of bawwwing your eyes all over forums and asking mommy Plarium to give you stuff you don't deserve.

Mar 30, 2021, 11:4203/30/21
Mar 30, 2021, 11:43(edited)

Because Plarium's previous 'fix' of the arena problem allowed him to sail into gold, then as the fix disappeared, made him crash back down... do you really think that was good game design? 

Arena was broken before, then they put that simplistic fix of the bot pages to resolve the situation... and now they've let it expire so the arena is going right back to where it had been before, apparently without Plarium having done anything in the meantime to fix the more fundamental problems. 

For sure, the biggest problem here is the actual new players facing way too tough opposition already in low bronze - and getting punished by the arena algorithms for expanding their roster and building different champions for different content. But the previous generation of newbies, like the OP, who Plarium invited into the gold tiers before suddenly throwing them out and slamming the door shut in their face... they also have reasons to be upset about that treatment. Whether they actually deserved to be in gold or not, they were there and now they're not, with no way of getting back any time soon - how do you expect them to react? 

Another effect is that players pushed out of gold then squeeze silver players who end up in bronze and make bronze players lives impossible.

I win 80% of the fights i start as i am fussy about who i fight and can generally read now if i am likely to win, but- staying in place in arena is a chore not fun. Games are supposed to be fun not another job.

I can understand why people want competititve pvp and it should be competitive. I havent started a 'fix arena thread' for this reason (and because if i am honest there are enough of them)

But it seems to me that pvp should be seperated from pve (great hall and bonus stats), that way competitive pvp'ers can duke it out for fab rewards but it becomes optional

I suspect this wont happen because if arena was optional 90% of the playerbase would not touch it. The vast majority will be doing it because the game forces them to do arena to progress. That is bad game design, the activity should be fun for the majority of people not something they are forced to do..

As for all the threads, in all honesty? there are enough threads on it now surely. However being rude and dismissing the genuine frustration of players is not helpful.

Mar 30, 2021, 12:0903/30/21

Ahem, Plarium's fix involved removing inactive accounts from the ladder. It never mentioned broken pages with teams filled with subpar players for easy farming.

Plarium did not invite anyone to Gold or beyond, the players invited themselves by farming obviously glitched pages of bots. Proof is that Plarium wasn't even aware of the bot pages in Arena. 

This bug seems to have went away on it's own, and now Arena is the way it's SUPPOSED to be according to Plarium and the standards set by players themselves. 

It's not a good game deisgn but issues like these happen, point is, if you think that farming glitched pages should allow you to be in top of the ladder, then both you, players, and Plarium disagree. 

Sorry but players shouldn't be allowed to farm "bots" all the way up to Platinum as it was happening before.

Arena is fine, it's the only real challenging mode we have, and players who have dedicated enough effort to build a good Gold team should be rewarded for it. 

Seriously? You seriously expect me to believe that Plarium didn't know about the bot pages during all the months that they were there? Whether it was originally a glitch or not, their impact on the arena was massive - not only because of the wins against the bots themselves, but because the people who climbed tiers by farming them were then providing viable opposition for other players as well, creating a big cycle that pushed just about every active player upwards. It became possible for new players to quickly progress into silver and gold, even if they never actually fought against any bots. Not that it was always obvious who was a genuine opponent and who wasn't, certainly not for newer player. But now that the bot pages are gone again, the cycle reversed direction and started pushing everybody downwards instead - just like it was last summer. 

Nobody really knows what those bot pages were, where they came from, if Plarium created them on purpose or not - but either way, for a number of months, they resolved the problems with arena. Albeit in an unsustainable way and by going too far in the opposite direction, making arena stupidly easy for many players - hence my point that Plarium could and absolutely should have profited from that time to rethink arena and figure out a more sustainable solution, but I see no indication that they have. And if Plarium wasn't fully aware of all that... well, if they're that clueless about their own game, that's not very reassuring either. 

Mar 30, 2021, 12:3603/30/21

Seriously? You seriously expect me to believe that Plarium didn't know about the bot pages during all the months that they were there? Whether it was originally a glitch or not, their impact on the arena was massive - not only because of the wins against the bots themselves, but because the people who climbed tiers by farming them were then providing viable opposition for other players as well, creating a big cycle that pushed just about every active player upwards. It became possible for new players to quickly progress into silver and gold, even if they never actually fought against any bots. Not that it was always obvious who was a genuine opponent and who wasn't, certainly not for newer player. But now that the bot pages are gone again, the cycle reversed direction and started pushing everybody downwards instead - just like it was last summer. 

Nobody really knows what those bot pages were, where they came from, if Plarium created them on purpose or not - but either way, for a number of months, they resolved the problems with arena. Albeit in an unsustainable way and by going too far in the opposite direction, making arena stupidly easy for many players - hence my point that Plarium could and absolutely should have profited from that time to rethink arena and figure out a more sustainable solution, but I see no indication that they have. And if Plarium wasn't fully aware of all that... well, if they're that clueless about their own game, that's not very reassuring either. 

It's funny how I never saw you guys complain about LEGITIMATE glitches affecting the game since you all benefited from it in some way.

That tells me you don't care about the quality of the game, or the longetivity = you just want instant reward without the thought of consequences. 

Either way, arena is being normalized now. Some people will suffer and eventually adapt, others like myself who put enough effort into their arena teams will continue on as if nothing happened. 

It never should've happened but we were all rolling with it since we've been benefiting from it. 

The only arena tweak "needed" (not really needed, but that would completely illegitimize 99% of the new player crying so we don't have to suffer through it anymore) is rework of the arena missions for arbiter, particularly those that need you to reach a certain milestone. That's it. 

It's completely up to Plarium if they wanna do it or not, these demanding, arrogant 3 month old players who call others "plarium employees" and "trolls" deserve nothing but what Plarium gives them.

Mar 30, 2021, 12:4903/30/21

It's funny how I never saw you guys complain about LEGITIMATE glitches affecting the game since you all benefited from it in some way.

That tells me you don't care about the quality of the game, or the longetivity = you just want instant reward without the thought of consequences. 

Either way, arena is being normalized now. Some people will suffer and eventually adapt, others like myself who put enough effort into their arena teams will continue on as if nothing happened. 

It never should've happened but we were all rolling with it since we've been benefiting from it. 

The only arena tweak "needed" (not really needed, but that would completely illegitimize 99% of the new player crying so we don't have to suffer through it anymore) is rework of the arena missions for arbiter, particularly those that need you to reach a certain milestone. That's it. 

It's completely up to Plarium if they wanna do it or not, these demanding, arrogant 3 month old players who call others "plarium employees" and "trolls" deserve nothing but what Plarium gives them.

Effort dont make me laugh you did Arena when it was easy and now act all high and mighty get off your high horse you shill. *spit*