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It's that time again.... (Arena Rant)

It's that time again.... (Arena Rant)

May 28, 2021, 23:2105/28/21

i dropped down to gold 3 because some dumb fucker attacked my team before arena reset (i've been more busy lately so don't have much time for arena).

gold 3 is actually a cake walk compared to gold 4. the battles even in the low end of gold 4, are extremely stupid.

of course i'm not saying that these battles were easy. a lot of them were very dumb too. just not much compared to gold 4.


Jun 3, 2021, 23:2006/03/21

I disagree with you saying the highest level champ only at 50 is not a problem.

You say "it's Bronze 2, he should do that without lvl 60 champ". And what comes after he has done Bronze 2? How far should he climb without lvl 60 champ? Bronze 4? Silver 1? Ok, 60 victories to the player, 60 more Bronze medals. Would that change anything? At least in Bronze 4 or Silver 1 he has to build a good arena team. Or do you want to see Lvl 50 Warpriests in Gold?

The players that flee because they can't build an arena team would flee 2 or 3 weeks later. 

It's PvP, your opponents in arena are teams built by other players. Why should they be weak? Unlike the PvE-opponents, in the arena they want to win to. They get arena points if they win, and the they lose points if you win. For each victory a player has in arena, another player has to lose a fight. As there is no draw in arena, allways, whatever Plarium does, 50% of the fights are lost by one player. What else than "git gud" should be the solution? Weak built bot-teams that lose and make every player happy?

I agree. I'm a new player and find the arena static with other players champs. I care less what any issues there are to be frank..... I just play to have fun and have reached #1 in 3 different tournaments. They gave me tokens so I play them. Only thing I noticed was trying to get the prizes being #1 or not. The prizes are a little out of reach to say the least but get compinsated in other ways..... Just got to keep upgrading and with sacrifices etc. Only place I flee from is the Spiders lair.... I see why that is a problem, why new players flee, but not the arena's LOL

Aug 20, 2021, 11:2708/20/21

They  certainly know  how  to  ruin  the  Agena I've  lost  multiple  battles  against  teams  with  less  speed  snd  less  power  without  getting  a  go  -  how  dies  that  work,  ive  even  had  one  with  the  same  champions  that  I  lost  even  though  i  had  twice  the  power.  This  is  not  only  frustrating but  stupid

Sep 17, 2021, 07:3709/17/21

Agenda  is  worse  than  ever  after  the  update,  impossible to  beat  a  team  with  less  power  with  the  same  champions -  this  stupid

Sep 17, 2021, 16:5109/17/21
Sep 17, 2021, 16:52(edited)

Closed this Necro. If we want to chat about Arena now, that's fine without needing to go through 7 pages fom many many updates ago.

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