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It's that time again.... (Arena Rant)

It's that time again.... (Arena Rant)

May 5, 2021, 14:5305/05/21
May 5, 2021, 14:56(edited)

Iam experiencing some really strange differences it seems. It was a big struggle to get from B4 to S1. Used HK with 252speed and tuned my team with spirithost + warmaiden + Kael (teampower 92000). Then I got Brogni and replaced spirithost. Now I breezed through S1 and S2 no problem. Also had a page with "easy" fights when I got even S3 with this.

But now S3 seems like a big wall. Not really a problem ofc because it has to end somewhere. My teampower is 108000. But this teampower seems kinda useless in many many fights. My HK now has 262 speed now but I seem to be losing a lot on the speed race now (or I get cut in while my team is speed tuned. This might be a mastery Cycle of revenge (but that would be only usefull for Arena teams and this really does not seem to be specific arena teams ). Way more then before. Even from enemy HK that is level 4 and with teampower of 80k for example. 

Ofcourse it is ok to lose from teams that have more speed etc. But now there is just no way to tell. You can just as easily win from a team with 130k power as you can lose from a team with 80k power. I feel like this should be looked at as well. Ofc this are probably experience players that tuned their team on this but it just feels a little bit odd.

But yeah, I have to get Great Hall to level4 now. It was going ok in Silver 1 and 2 with progress but Silver 3 really seems to halt this progress a lot. And the next mission is unlock a Tier 3 Mastery :D:D:D:D and then Clear a Hard campaign level :D:D:D this is so badly tuned. And I think that is the main issue. It might be OK to ask for Great Hall level 4 or reach Silver one but not for like another 100 missions or so :D:D:D

May 7, 2021, 16:4705/07/21

I have started this game recently and I am I am stuck with the progession tasks just because it is impossible to get to the S1 arena. I have finished a lot of tasks that will come after reaching the S1 league, but I cannot claim them until I finished this annoying arena thing. And I do not get the other rewards like the holy summoning stuff for better champs. 

It is a pain in the neck, just to reach the B2 and to loose all the battles there.

May 9, 2021, 19:3705/09/21

There is only one "1" problem with Arena.  The Match Making algorithm! Period!  All I get are foes that are more powerful than I am, and it's because Plarium is greedy and wants to force me to buy it's powerups in order to progress in it.  Well, I've got news for Plarium:  They are not the first game I have shut down from my bank account for doing such things, and they will not be the last.  I spend enough money on your games Plarium.  Keep it up and I'll leave.  Want access to my bank account?  Stop being greedy.  It's that simple!

May 10, 2021, 11:0105/10/21
May 10, 2021, 11:05(edited)

Somehow, to get your very own Arbiter you have to amass 3400 gold bars fighting Arbiter led teams all the way. Almost all other speed leads simply cannot compete with well-built Arbiter teams. 

That's a very demotivating Catch-22. 

May 10, 2021, 11:3605/10/21

Arena is broken, that is a fact.

They want players to leave the game. LOL.

May 10, 2021, 12:3805/10/21

In my opinion, there is no reason to play PVP in any of these mobile type games, every single one is geared towards Whales, aka those with tons of disposable income. If you are not willing to spend hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars, then you will NEVER progress. Its been thing since Microtransactions became a thing. 

May 11, 2021, 20:1405/11/21

only me that arena have bugged now on reset. whent form gold 4 down to gold 1. have no defense lost. and my arbiter that is 295 is to slow to go first its 50/50 if im first or not in gold 1 holy shit  

May 12, 2021, 19:2505/12/21

The  agena  is  a  mess  again,  against teams  wirh  less  speed  and  power  and  I  dont  have  a  chance  even  with  the  same  champuon  the  opponent gets  100%  stun  and  i  get  0%  so  the  team  never  has  s  chance    -  Ive  dropped  from  gold  to  bronze  because  my  team  cannot  win.  To  add  i  bought  some  Sacred  shards  and  only  got  Rare  champions  -  well  ill  not  spend  any  more  money  on  a  crooked  game

May 13, 2021, 00:1605/13/21
May 13, 2021, 00:20(edited)

There is only one "1" problem with Arena.  The Match Making algorithm! Period!  All I get are foes that are more powerful than I am, and it's because Plarium is greedy and wants to force me to buy it's powerups in order to progress in it.  Well, I've got news for Plarium:  They are not the first game I have shut down from my bank account for doing such things, and they will not be the last.  I spend enough money on your games Plarium.  Keep it up and I'll leave.  Want access to my bank account?  Stop being greedy.  It's that simple!

Actually, no. Matchmaking problem is a symptom, not a cause.

The root cause is the point system, if they don't rework the whole point system, forget about any matchmaking tweaks, it would not do anything, because there's noone to match you with.


May 13, 2021, 08:4805/13/21

There is an insanely simple soluiton to Bronze -- which has absolutely zero business being loaded with teams that you should never see until Gold I.  DO NOT ALLOW LEVEL 60's SHOW UP IN BRONZE 1-4. DEFENSE QUEUE. Zero of them. If the team contains a single Level 60, bury it and don't let it show up on defense. Not ever. If that's a player's defense team, sideline it for as long as they're in Bronze. Create a bunch of fake teams of level 40's and 50's if you have to. 

Then you can fix Silver. How do you fix Silver? DO NOT ALLOW ANY TEAM OF NOTHING BUT 60's TO SHOW UP IN SILVER BATTLES. If there is at least one level 50, okay. That's fine. But if the team is straight 60's, then it isn't allowed to show up in the Defense team lists. 

Arena was better broken and too easy about 5 months ago than it is hopelessly loaded up with whales. It shouldn't be hard to at least climb out of Bronze. And maybe it's time to have more rankings. It sure isn't fair to somebody just starting the game to  pop into Arena, try to get started in Bronze I and see nothing but level 60 legos. It shouldn't be difficult for somebody like me who was in Gold III or IV and stopped playing for a couple months to climb back up out of Bronze again. 

Another idea? When you've reached Silver, never let a player drop below Silver I again. If you've reached Gold, don't ever allow a player to drop below Gold I again. So when a bunch of players with high powered teams stop playing, they don't wind up piling up in Bronze and Silver. 

May 14, 2021, 14:2605/14/21

Bronze II teams have 100k+ power, this is just painful daily and just plain wrong, 


May 15, 2021, 05:0005/15/21

I  cant  even  make  it  to  bronze  3  due  to  the  fact  that  so  many  high  ranking  tems  have  no t  been  played  for  some  time  so  they  are  full  lego  teams  maxed  out  that  just  deatroy  me  i  fear  without  a  new  rework  i  will  never  acquire arbiter,  thus  peventi me  from  completing the  next  set  of  said  challenges  

May 16, 2021, 00:4305/16/21

I have not seen it anywhere, but how is strength of the team calculated? This seems to be a serious issue that needs to be addressed.

I have a strong team and yet get my ass handed to me with teams 70K less in strength. And  by that I mean I get taken out in a round, a single round. And I see this in the threads as happening all over the place, so this really does neeed addressing. 

May 16, 2021, 04:2005/16/21

I have not seen it anywhere, but how is strength of the team calculated? This seems to be a serious issue that needs to be addressed.

I have a strong team and yet get my ass handed to me with teams 70K less in strength. And  by that I mean I get taken out in a round, a single round. And I see this in the threads as happening all over the place, so this really does neeed addressing. 

There will be some that will say that team power is useless, some will say it's part of an overall observation in which you must memorise what many of those arena heroes do so you can actually make an accurate assumption of what a team can do.

But overall it's because Plarium formula for team is F*ed up.

The most important stat in Arena is speed, but somehow it almost doesn't add anything up to team power while if you add to Defense and/or resistance it will shoot your team power straight up.

So yeah, memorise all the meta arena champs, that's the best way to navigate arena and don't put much consideration on team power.

May 16, 2021, 04:2005/16/21

lots a posts and same ideas :

- since 3-4 weeks arena is a mess ; 

- everywhere appear teams with "strange" atributes : very high speed or other atributes that make them... extremelly hard to resist :)

- players are constantly push down and lose fast tiers 

Simple explanation : was a period when was possible to breath in arena ( we say that bots existed in Arena and Plarium said NO) and lots of people advanced fast and did Arbiter missions ( ones related with Arena). Plarium noticed that incomes where going down ( i guess that they have very good analitics ) and that is their solution ( I think that thei even mentioned in some message on Newsfeed)

So is not an accident , is done on purpose and Plarium probably have no real intention to change something.

to promise yes ( is an word in my country that inteligent person promise and idiots are hopping - and our politicians are applying it also a lot :)))

To fix- i have serious doubts

May 16, 2021, 14:0105/16/21

Well it seems that Plarium's promise to fix the arena during the first half of May was just so much smoke and mirrors. It's been broken since February already. 

It has turned into a catch22. It's all about speed, but cannot beat the speed of Arbiter or Kymar led teams. So need Arbiter to get through the arena missions that finally give Arbiter.

I don't game to be constantly frustrated. I don't get any fun glancing occasionally at the game playing itself via multibattles or autoclickers, where is the engagement in that? 

Here is what I face right now in Silver IV - wall-to-wall Arbiter teams blocking any progress.


Over 1 year in but this game isn't fun anymore. Tomorrow begins the search for another.



May 18, 2021, 13:2805/18/21

Elvie Honeydripper

The same is situation on Bronze and way, wall of Arbiters, Kumars, Gorgorabs....just refresh to win 5 combat for daily and never progress in missions...that new Ramantu gay...seems i will look him only on pictures and many many more players....and all Plarium say is - no problem, just get more speed, speed, speed...on august there will be 2 years of play for me...frustrated...for this time i get 1 void epic (except Broadmaw) and not a sigled lego (except Visix the Unused) and dupes, dupes, dupes...but they all say this is Luck...well my luck seems too bad....think this august will be the time for leaving the game too...i never see such a game, where you must play more than a year for one quest, just to proceed and get that shiny new content...enough is enough....

May 18, 2021, 13:3705/18/21

The PVP part being the part that locks me as a relatively new player from the progression to build up all those essential heroes, despite that I did a rather hefty pay-in is the reason why I won't spend another dime and already see myself quitting after another month or so. Right now, the 150 games per month to gain  the golden opp means me hitting repeat battles with the lowest shit-character I have to make the pain go away as quickly as possible. I know that arena won't change for quite some time, so no idea trying to do your best, because when you are facing teams that totally wreck you still in Bronze 1 - yeah, that part is for later or if at all. The invest of either time or money to get a good shot at it just doesn't feel worth it and I wouldn't recemmend anyone not being super-serious to stay in this game for too long.

May 18, 2021, 14:3205/18/21
May 18, 2021, 14:38(edited)
Elvie Honeydripper

Well it seems that Plarium's promise to fix the arena during the first half of May was just so much smoke and mirrors. It's been broken since February already. 

It has turned into a catch22. It's all about speed, but cannot beat the speed of Arbiter or Kymar led teams. So need Arbiter to get through the arena missions that finally give Arbiter.

I don't game to be constantly frustrated. I don't get any fun glancing occasionally at the game playing itself via multibattles or autoclickers, where is the engagement in that? 

Here is what I face right now in Silver IV - wall-to-wall Arbiter teams blocking any progress.


Over 1 year in but this game isn't fun anymore. Tomorrow begins the search for another.



Maybe you should try to refresh all the time until you find one opponent you can beat. You are so close to Gold - what is much easier as Silver, due to the great matchmaking system Plarium uses. Account power and account level determine your opponent list in Silver, but not in Gold, where only arena points matter. So with high account power and account level, you meet a wall of Arbiets in Silver and weaker  teams in Gold.

My arena defense one month ago in Gold:



My arena defense in Silver 2 (!) now:


Silver teams much stronger than Gold teams? Wow, what a great way of arena matchmaking!

Make sure that you either reach Gold 3 or never got to sleep before a ranking period ends. 

I was in bottom of Gold 2. One defense fight lost, --> top of Gold 1 --> ranking period ends --> bottom of Gold 1 --> one defensive fight lost --> Silver 4. 

Teams in Silver are impossible to beat, more Hegemons, Arbiters and other top champs as in Gold. Silver 2 from Silver 4 in a couple of days.

That was Gold 2: 


And that is Silver 2:


If you have a high account power and level and fall out of Gold, you will never reach it again. Try to reach gold as early as you can, and make sure you never leave it. Next week in Bronze, I will probably face a team of Arbiter, Hegemon, Krisk, Ma' Shalled.

May 19, 2021, 03:2805/19/21

Maybe you should try to refresh all the time until you find one opponent you can beat. You are so close to Gold - what is much easier as Silver, due to the great matchmaking system Plarium uses. Account power and account level determine your opponent list in Silver, but not in Gold, where only arena points matter. So with high account power and account level, you meet a wall of Arbiets in Silver and weaker  teams in Gold.

My arena defense one month ago in Gold:



My arena defense in Silver 2 (!) now:


Silver teams much stronger than Gold teams? Wow, what a great way of arena matchmaking!

Make sure that you either reach Gold 3 or never got to sleep before a ranking period ends. 

I was in bottom of Gold 2. One defense fight lost, --> top of Gold 1 --> ranking period ends --> bottom of Gold 1 --> one defensive fight lost --> Silver 4. 

Teams in Silver are impossible to beat, more Hegemons, Arbiters and other top champs as in Gold. Silver 2 from Silver 4 in a couple of days.

That was Gold 2: 


And that is Silver 2:


If you have a high account power and level and fall out of Gold, you will never reach it again. Try to reach gold as early as you can, and make sure you never leave it. Next week in Bronze, I will probably face a team of Arbiter, Hegemon, Krisk, Ma' Shalled.

Yup.  I made the mistake of falling out of gold this week (I just don't have all day to refresh looking for decent matchups).

My defense log looks like this:


And my matchups look like this:


I think I'm probably done with the arena LOL.  This chick ain't worth it, they'd have to sweeten the deal with a trunda and a few other lego's at this point.

Gold 2 was a breeze in comparison.  Idk how they managed to mess up matchmaking so badly that the arena gets signficantly harder as you go down in rank.   What's really fun is I'll win 3 battles on offense, and lose 6 on defense in the same time frame.  The slow slide is snowballing into an avalanche and I just don't care for it.

Mods, forget about my teams, forget about my matchups, how do I make the arena fun for me?  Right now it's about the most miserable thing in the world.

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