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REMOVE the Arena Missions from the Arbiter Quest Line

REMOVE the Arena Missions from the Arbiter Quest Line

Mar 12, 2021, 14:2803/12/21
Mar 12, 2021, 14:31(edited)

If you are using Shaman in arena you belong in B1...

If you focus on FW at all, other than having a champ to do level 1 for daily missions you are shooting yourself in the foot

You should focus on Dragon & Arena, I'll ask again how many 60s and how many 50s? It is relevant.  

Hmmmmmm .... I went for Faction Wars ,,, 

I now have an FW Team for Every Faction ,,,,

ALL are atleast at Dungeon 6 , Some are at 8, and one or 2 are even as high as 9 or 10 

Most of my Dungeons are at 8 ,  

So I have Built Teams for FK , Dragon , Spider etc 

and My Keep Tems are all doing 8 , some even at 9 or 10

STUCK in Arena Bronze Tier I , and NO, I am not using Shaman in Arena

But I will admit I do hae a ton of 50s most in 4 star / 5 Star Epic or Lego gear

Most @ +11 or +12 gear with Glyphs

I do have a Ton of 40s , Most with 11 or 12 Gear with Glyphs ,,,

Most are into 3rd row of masteries and have at least 1 or 2 highlighted on the 3rd row


as per the outline of the Game ** A HERO COLLECTION GAME **

But you can not ** Collect and Build ** heros as that seems to be 

Counter intuitive for Arena Ranking system , 

which , as per the Above Decription by EGDNIT 

that seems to have figured out the Arena Ranking System 


and that would completely and Definitely Explain why 

I get solid teams of 2 or 3 Fully accended Lego 60s

that only have 900 points in Bronze Tier I

Mar 12, 2021, 15:0303/12/21

There  is  no  question  that  the  classic  arena  is  a  joke,  that  is  why  i  spent  some  money  on  gems  and  just  kept  refreshing  until  i  got  a  page  of  bots  and  thats  how  i  climbed  out  of  bronze.  I  am  in  gold  IV  and  after  reset  i  find  myself  in  gold  3  fighting  tougher  opponents.  They  do  need  to  fix  it  but  you  can  kinda  cheat  a  bit  if  you're  willing  to  spend  some  gems  on  refreshes  and  farm  the  bits.  Wait  until  reset  to  do  it  though!  

Mar 13, 2021, 06:0803/13/21


Currently, we are not planning to remove arena missions from the Arbiter Quest Line. They might be a more formidable challenge than most missions might, but they are like nothing else, teaches team composition and interactions that will help you move forward.

I agree 100% that arena teaches team composition which is something all players need to learn. The problem with arena missions being in the progression chain is that pvp difficulty is out of sync with pve difficulty. Currently I'm working on the mission to get 1 Great Hall bonus to level 4. Soon after a mission requires me to get 3 stars on Valdemar Strait HARD difficulty. I've already 3 starred the entire BRUTAL difficulty and 2 starred half of nightmare. 

I agree pvp needs progression but it needs a separate progression line from pve. Programmers can control the difficulty and challenges of pve but difficulty and challenges in pvp are largely controlled by your opponent fellow players. 

In PROGRESSION it makes no sense that I completed the next 11 missions before the one I'm working on now. Further down the chain it tells me to fuse Justicar. I already fused him as well as Relickeeper, Rhazin, Astralon, and Broadmaw. The progression chain makes absolutely no sense. Am I  gonna have to fuse Justicar again? I hope not. 

Progression should flow from one logical step to the next. So long as pvp and pve are lumped together this is not possible. There are several ways this could be fixed. 

>> Make 2 completely separate progression lines

>> Once I've fused Justicar or achieved 3 stars on Valdemar Strait Hard difficulty give me the reward and credit for doing it. In other words require all the missions to be completed but don't dictate the order.

Mar 13, 2021, 08:5403/13/21

Arena also teaches new players that this game is pay to win. 

Arena should be a ladder, however, currently, it's a brick wall. There should not be full geared full 60 teams in bronze. Maybe some poorly geared in Bronze 4. Because that is the level new players are at.

Looking at the progress missions, getting to Silver II comes right after earning 3 Stars on Stage 7 of Brimstone Path on Hard difficulty. There is absolutely 0 chance someone who just only cleared Hard campaign is able to touch Silver II. Reaching Silver III AFTER upgrading champion to 50? Wait what? I was supposed to get to Silver II without a single level 50 champion? What a joke. You need 60 to even dream about Silver.

The pacing of the mission may have made sense back when they were made, doesn't make any sense with the current state of the Arena.

I used to play in Gold I, then I stopped focusing on Arena and moved to other parts of the game. Now I can barely hold myself in Silver I, despite my team getting stronger. That should not be a thing. Arena matchmaking should be based only and only on Arena performance, not overall game performance. Having a good CB team or a good Fireknight team has little influence on how good is my arena team. 

Mar 13, 2021, 09:4803/13/21
Mar 13, 2021, 10:01(edited)

You're 'lucky' you're in silver already - getting there is almost impossible despite all the 'you just need better kit' nonsense. All 60s teams should not be in bronze. I got to bronze 3/4 once and since then can't get above bronze 2. Farcical.

Afriad you're talking into a black hole  - there's nothing wrong with bronze arena apparently. As you say just looking at those mision chains shows how it is totally screwed up and stopping people progressing. 

Plarium don't seem to want to know  - or not want to fix it anyway - unfortunately. 

Mar 16, 2021, 12:5503/16/21
Mar 16, 2021, 13:00(edited)

Those Arenamissions are totally out of place.

I mean "deal 1000000 Damage to the Demon Lord" ~ 25 Missions after finally reaching Silver is kind of a Joke. Or "Clear Stage 7 of XXX on Hard" or "Beat Stage 3 or higher on XXX 5 times on Auto".

You already done all this multiple Times to Level your team to even reach Silver 1...

I'm glad i got really lucky at the start and summoned 2 really good Heroes for my Team. 

Apr 26, 2021, 21:0904/26/21

The Arena IV Mission for the Arbiter Quest is just ridiculous. You need to beat hords or teams that already have Arbiter to get this champion. I can easily do every other mission in this quest but I'm many months away from reaching Arena IV. 

I wonder how many people are reaching that milestone these days.

Honestly I'm so frustrated with this that I have started thinking taking some vacation from this game

Apr 27, 2021, 01:4504/27/21

so i guess i should literally just feed all my champions until my account power is complete trash, then i can win some arena matches.  yeah, i'll probably just pay another game to not frustrate the shit out of me, thanks.

Apr 27, 2021, 05:3204/27/21

so i guess i should literally just feed all my champions until my account power is complete trash, then i can win some arena matches.  yeah, i'll probably just pay another game to not frustrate the shit out of me, thanks.

Arena is basically a paywall, there's no if and buts about it anymore.

There's only 1 variation of team with very specific hero with very specific gear setting that can be used to progress in arena.

The illusion is that there are heroes you can get through grinding campaign, but they're basically squishy heroes that will be useless once you get to silver 2 or above, where people have upgraded those farmable heroes with legendaries and where people have packed their gears with speed artifacts and speed glyphs. On which you certainly cannot reliably farm those artifacts and upgrade them to lvl 16 and get all the speed stats.

So yeah, paywall, git gud (read: pay up) or move on

Apr 27, 2021, 06:0804/27/21
Apr 27, 2021, 06:10(edited)
Player J

I agree with Green Knight.

You people need to learn how to build team compositions better.

You people need to suck it up.  

I blame Auto Campaign Battles!

The Auto Campaign Battles have made you people soft!

Back in my day, We didn't have Auto Campaign Battles.

We use to manaul Campaign Runs, until our hand got Carpal Tunnel.

It's clear to me what is happening!

You login to the game and do your 30 Free Auto Battles.

Than you head over to Arena and expect to win.

Than end up getting stomped!

And you just can't figure out why?


It is because your team is level 40.

It is beause your team is unascended.

It is because your team is unbooked.

It is because your team is unmasteried.

It is because your team gear is only +8 

It is because your team has no synergy.

I bet my Kael can solo your whole team.

I bet my Kael Team Power is more than your whole team.


You people are not even trying to improve.

You are just complaining to complain.

Why don't you people go improve yourself?

No excuses! 

Do it! Do it!

Well said player J: :He needs to start playing with all the energy he has and build build and keep packing the vault in other way he might as well uninstall raid now lol 

And wish they will stop to cry about pvp !!! They wont change it get over it lol !!!

Apr 27, 2021, 09:0204/27/21

These threads always go the same way

Someone posts pointing out that matchmaking based on player power is flawed (it is) and requests changes to missions. These changes wont happen because most people know arena is not fun and only do it because they are forced to for dailies / hall etc

A plarium employee will sometimes post about how the game is based on skill (LOL) and how they are 'looking at it' but of course they arent because they only care about whales whaling.

One or two trolls might pop up with their awful command of english.

Usually someone else will pop up trying to be helpfull and offering to help with team composition etc- but completely ignoring that the person who posted is in the newbie tier of B1 and essentially they are saying 'git gud'

For people with high player power, silver is harder than gold, that is a problem. Matchmaking assures that when you improve your account your opponents get harder, that is also a problem and counteractive to the idea of progression. The problem is not in gold where you can get 1 man teams deranking, it is in silver and bronze.

Apr 29, 2021, 18:1704/29/21


Currently, we are not planning to remove arena missions from the Arbiter Quest Line. They might be a more formidable challenge than most missions might, but they are like nothing else, teaches team composition and interactions that will help you move forward.

The problem is Arbiter, because of the huge impact she has on most accounts in gold (high gold/plat is different, since most of those have characters that allow different comps).

To get Arbiter you need to be able to reach gold 4, but without her, or a similar character like Lyssandra, it is extremely difficult to get there. If you can get to gold 4, just for one match at the appropriate time, arena becomes much easier almost immediately.

It is just poor mission design. They have included challenges that increase exponentially with time in content that increases linearly with your time in the game. As a result it becomes increasingly more difficult for new players to progress as the game ages. Eventualy it will become impossible for the majority of new players, no matter how hard they try unless they spend enough money to pull one of those champs, or one of the counters to them such as Tormin, from shards.

Jul 4, 2021, 14:4707/04/21

Here i am in gold 2 at level 31 with arbiter and ursuga warcaller due to spending $20 last 2x void event :D 

Jul 4, 2021, 16:4807/04/21

Here i am in gold 2 at level 31 with arbiter and ursuga warcaller due to spending $20 last 2x void event :D 

Very nice. Good for you.

But not everyone has that luxury of disposable income. Us free to play scrubs will continue to whine and complain until the end of time. :D

Though I am doing less of it, because the poor state of my account and what, really isn't even good enough to be out of bronze 'Brute Force' arena team, are in fact, my own fault. I'm about to be stuck on the 2 Great hall bonuses to 6 mission, and will be for a while, because even though I forced my way to gold, and have been there for at least a month now, it takes me 2 - 4 refreshes to find a team I can beat. Because I know, no matter the difference in team power. I can't beat a team with a speed lead, despite my slowest champ being in the upper 180's for speed.

Jul 4, 2021, 16:5407/04/21
Jul 4, 2021, 16:55(edited)

Here i am in gold 2 at level 31 with arbiter and ursuga warcaller due to spending $20 last 2x void event :D 

Congrats! Also, please stop necroposting.

Jul 4, 2021, 19:3707/04/21

Get to Bronze III for 2 Mission/Quests >> WHAT A JOKE ! ! ! 

These are the tteams i face all the time and it is kind of getting Sickening


All of this teams are trash and ez to beat with any f2p

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