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REMOVE the Arena Missions from the Arbiter Quest Line

REMOVE the Arena Missions from the Arbiter Quest Line

Mar 3, 2021, 22:2103/03/21

I'm not sure if the arena matchmaking really depends on account power. Is there any real investigation about that? We don't know how the matchmaking in arena works, and the speculation of a few players is not a proof.

It's kind of illogical that you get stronger opponents in the arena by such a mechanic. The arena matchmaking definetly is not coded to punish the player EGDNIT. If your account power raises by buying shards, it will be the same for everyone else. How comes that the TEAM POWER of your opponents increase by your ACCOUNT POWER? Other players (your opponents in arena!) open shards too, they level up champions they use at CB and in dungeons, but not in arena, too. How comes that only your opponents in arena get harder? The player xy you had in your enemy-list in arena yesterday opened the same number of shards as you did. If the way of  matchmaking works like you saied, he should be in your enemy-list again. And where do all the "harder" opponents come from? If that would be true, shouldn't there be some threads like "arena is so easy now. It was a hard job a year ago, but now all the bloody noobs are in my arena tier"? If you get harder opponents now, from their point of view they get weaker opponents.

In addition to that, the opponent's team power is not really an indication how the fight will end. In a speednuker team, a champ like High Khatun does nothing than giving her speedbuff in the first round. With lvl 40 she can do exactly the same as with lvl 60. But an opponent with a lvl 40 Khatun will probably have a much lower team power than an opponent's team with the same champs at lvl 60.

I've investigated it enough to be confident about it. Take that as you will. If you can find any other reason for why across multiple samples over multiple days the relative account power remains more or less the exact same no matter what the absolute power is, I'd happily hear it. I would also like to hear an explanation for why my arena opponents shift so dramatically in power level despite my tier remaining the same or even dropping.

And no, my situation is not unique, and I'm certainly not the only one who has noticed it as you can clearly see if you look around in threads about the arena. Many have noticed that they are getting strong opponents, and many have noticed that they have started getting worse for no apparent reason. You ask why I should be the only one affected, and that's a fair question, but why are you so sure others are not? But let's run with that assumption, and I can think of a few reasons for why I'd be a special case.

1) I don't throw away my champions. Even those I have no direct use for, I don't get rid of because I may find a use for them later, or maybe I've overlooked the use I might have for them now (quite likely). I currently have 85 champions in my vault that I have no direct use for, in addition to food of various ranks. Most of them are rares, a handful are epics. Others may get rid of them where I don't.

2) Others may have experienced the same situation and just given up because they find that their progression is blocked. I've been sticking with it because I'm stubborn and was lucky enough to get Serris, who I can say is pretty much single-handedly carrying me. Others may not have been as lucky. Or perhaps they got even more lucky, and are now one of the teams I get to face.

3) Others may pay for better shards and skip straight to epic/legendaries by bypassing the rares entirely, thus never having to stock up on rares or having no need to save them because there are legendaries that supersede them.

That aside, would you expect to see people complaining if they found the arena too easy? I'm going to go with a hard no on that one. Instead, they would move up the ranks and be happy. However, maybe they are not very active in the arena, and thus drop for that reason when similar teams to theirs target them and they lose, but they don't fight enough to climb up again. In fact, I've heard time and again from people up in the gold tiers that the arena is indeed very easy, and that they have no trouble staying up there even without any defense. A YouTube video I watched even went as far as to say that's how you're supposed to do it, unless you're going hardcore for platinum. This is another issue with the arena, but one separate from matchmaking. The offense/defense aspects of it makes advancement asymmetrical, in that if you're too strong you don't get points for defending, and if you don't attack you won't either, thus your rank is to some extent less a function of your potential and more one of your activity.

And yes, I'm well aware that power is not everything and that power is in itself an extremely arbitrary number (as I touched on previously). However, it is not without any meaning, and when you face a team 2-3x your power full of legendaries, well, odds are not in your favor. That being said, I routinely fight, and quite often win against teams with 50-75% more power than mine with 1-2 legendaries in it, if I pick my fights carefully. Not because I want to, but because that's the best I get, and that's regardless of whether I'm in B4 or S2. Like you say, a speed team doesn't need high power, I'm not sure if that is because speed is either valued very low compared to other stats, or just outright ignored in the calculation, but it's quite misleading. That doesn't make it a better metric for matchmaking though, it makes it much much worse.

Mar 3, 2021, 22:2103/03/21

I never noticed a difference in arena team power when my account power went up.  I was seeing 60-140k teams at 450k and now I'm still seeing those same teams at 550k. 

In regard to the arena missions, they're possible but time consuming as f2p.  I would be amenable to toning them down to the tune of 200 medals but removing them completely would make it too easy, especially for a champion of the caliber of Arbiter.

At 75 days in, I just finished the first 400 medal missions yesterday.  There's 10-15 missions before the last 400 medal mission and by the time i get there, I'll probably have all 400 again.

If you're struggling just ask for help.  This forum, bar none, has been the most helpful game forum I've come across and the quality and depth some of the posters go to, like Player J, is pretty damn mpressive.

Mar 3, 2021, 22:3803/03/21

I never noticed a difference in arena team power when my account power went up.  I was seeing 60-140k teams at 450k and now I'm still seeing those same teams at 550k. 

In regard to the arena missions, they're possible but time consuming as f2p.  I would be amenable to toning them down to the tune of 200 medals but removing them completely would make it too easy, especially for a champion of the caliber of Arbiter.

At 75 days in, I just finished the first 400 medal missions yesterday.  There's 10-15 missions before the last 400 medal mission and by the time i get there, I'll probably have all 400 again.

If you're struggling just ask for help.  This forum, bar none, has been the most helpful game forum I've come across and the quality and depth some of the posters go to, like Player J, is pretty damn mpressive.

Arena team power does not seem to a factor at all, or at least none of the sampling I did indicated that would be the case. Total account power is. I don't know what tier you're at, but the system should smooth itself out the higher up you go, for one because at some point there's only so much power you can stuff into your arena team and so it will naturally become a lesser ratio of your total, but also because players further into the game are more likely to start gathering champions for other purposes and you get less aberrations.

I will happily take any data you have on your opponents power compared to your own that you have, but all of what I've gathered between 200k-350k have pointed towards the same conclusion so far.

Mar 4, 2021, 00:0003/04/21
Mar 4, 2021, 00:03(edited)

Arena team power does not seem to a factor at all, or at least none of the sampling I did indicated that would be the case. Total account power is. I don't know what tier you're at, but the system should smooth itself out the higher up you go, for one because at some point there's only so much power you can stuff into your arena team and so it will naturally become a lesser ratio of your total, but also because players further into the game are more likely to start gathering champions for other purposes and you get less aberrations.

I will happily take any data you have on your opponents power compared to your own that you have, but all of what I've gathered between 200k-350k have pointed towards the same conclusion so far.

Well, when I was  bronze 4/silver 1, I had an arena team with ~50k power and account power at ~425k.  I was seeing 60-140k teams 40-50% of the time.  I'm silver 3 currently, with an arena power of 82k and account power at 556k.  I'm still seeing 60-140k teams, except now I see less 60s and sometimes I see 160s.  This probably has more to do with higher arena ranking than higher account power.  

Mar 4, 2021, 00:2603/04/21

I stopped tracking team power because like I said, I found no correlation. At this particular moment, I'm just within S1 with 323K total power, and most of the teams are in the 90k-115k range. Account power min/max/avg 74%/125%/104%, so pretty much in line with my previous data points (this one is actually on the lower side). Account power is far higher than my datapoints from mid S2 were when I was in the low 200s, team power is a bit more iffy since I don't keep track of it, but I do remember that seeing teams close to twice my power was not particularly common, whereas now it's almost the norm. Once upon a time, and I think that actually was in S1, 2x my power was the extreme. My record these days is 2.89x, and that was from low or middle S2. This particular group is actually one of the better ones, I'm seeing at least a couple of fights I could consider if I still had tokens.

Thing is, I did track the situation as I fell from mid S2 down to mid B4 at the lowest, and there was literally no difference in my opponents. That's a bit more prone to deviations since there's a lot fewer data points from that period of time before I stabilized somewhere in the upper B4/lower S1, but there was definitely not any significant difference in the samples I did get. Nor did the teams change all that much, and I'm seeing Arbiters in B4, which in itself should be considered strange seeing how you have to have been to at least S2 and won a total of 800 medals there to get that champion (and that's assuming the objectives I'm seeing right now are the last arena-related ones in the chain, which I kind of doubt).

Mar 4, 2021, 01:0203/04/21

i have discussed the same thing over a year ago. anyone who denies or devalues this issue is a complete ignoramus and a fucking idiot. this is a problem that is built into the game and has never been addressed, but has only gotten worse.

actually the only player i know who bypassed this issue by luck is someone in my clan who pulled arbiter when he was around the same level i was when i made the thread below (under lvl 30 maybe). but since he already had the top prize in the game and there wasn't any other content in the game at the time, he eventually got bored and left the game for a very long time.

good luck.

Mar 4, 2021, 01:3503/04/21

EGDNIT made a comment with a wall of text.

It was a very interesting comment, but it isn't completely accurate.

I want to highlight the following paragraph said by EGDNIT.

It was Paragraph 3 in his wall of text.

"I made it halfway to S3. Now I'm not even clinging to S1. Did I get worse in the last week? Not really. If anything I've improved my team. Did literally everyone suddenly become considerably stronger? Well, maybe, that's hard to say, but I seriously doubt it. Yet, the stronger I've supposedly become, the more difficulties do I encounter in the arena. "

The answer to EDGNIT question is Yes.

The reason it happens is because of the way Arena is Designed.

Arena has its own Economics.

A few months or even years ago, An Economics Guru explained to players why Arena is the way it is.

The person in question gave a massive speech explaining what is going on.

I will not rewrite everything he said.

The Short Verison is the following:

People in Platinum have 4,000 Arena Points.

Every Week people in Gold 4 & Platinum reset to 2,900 Arena Points.

What does this mean?

It means a player in Platinum with 4,000 Points has beat other players.

They have stolen 1,100 Points from other players.

Than at Arena Reset they go back to 2,900 Points 

The 1,100 points they stole from other players ends up deleted.

If left unchecked, The Arena System begins to starve itself.

The result is Massive Tier Drops.

Players who have been in Gold 4 for 2 months can end up in Gold 3.

They will end up in Gold 3 unable to get back to Gold 4.

The team they have hasn't changed.

The gear they have on there team hasn't changed.

The player power they have hasn't changed.

The only thing which is changed is the Economy of Arena.

It is starving itself of points which is forcing Tiers of players downward.

I'm not talking about 1 person going downard.

I'm talking about hundreds & hundreds of people getting forced downward from each Arena tier.

The people in Gold 4 in up in Gold 3.

The people who where originally in Gold 3 get shoved down to Gold 2.

It spirals downward on a large scale.

This is why the game has to monitor Arena.

They have to monitor Arena to see how badly Arena is starving itself.

They try to resolve the issue by adding points back into Arena.

The way points are added to Arena are 2 ways.

1st way = New players joining Arena

When you start a new account, You go into Arena.

The game gives you 1,000 or so Free Arena Points.

Those points are being added to the Economy of Arena from outside of the system.

2nd way = Fake Accounts or Bots

When you push the Refresh Button, You will see a super super easy Arena page.

All the people on the page are like Free Wins.

These accounts are not real.

They have been created to allow you to beat them in order to add points to the system.

When points are added to the Economy of Arena, It causes an Upward Spiral.

The System has a Surplus of Points causing Massive Growth among all the Tiers.

Hundreds and Hunrdes of people from various Tiers go upward.

Players in Silver 2 end up in Silver 4.

It also shows you how the game controls Arena.

The game can chose when to have the Fake Accounts/Bots in Arena.

Or they can chose to not add them to Arena.

We call it the On & Off switch.

They can turn switch on making it easier for people.

They can turn switch off making it harder for people.

It all depends on what there agenda is at the time.

Sometimes, the game makes it harder for people in Arena so players will buy Arena packs for an Event.

Othertimes, the game makes it easier for people in Arena so players don't get upset about Missions.


Now that I have explained this to you.

You can see why I highlighted the below comment from the EDGNIT.  

"I made it halfway to S3. Now I'm not even clinging to S1. Did I get worse in the last week? Not really. If anything I've improved my team. Did literally everyone suddenly become considerably stronger? Well, maybe, that's hard to say, but I seriously doubt it. Yet, the stronger I've supposedly become, the more difficulties do I encounter in the arena. " 

You was in Silver 3.

Now, you are clinging to Silver 1.

Your team didn't change.

Did everyone get stronger? Yes, 

Why? Economics!

The System is starving itself.

All the people in Silver 3 have drop down to Silver 1 with you.

The people you were struggling against in Silver 3 are the same ones you are struggling with now in Silver 1.

You shouldn't be discouraged by this.

The game will rebalance the Economy of Arena.

You will go back upwards when it is rebalanced.

The important thing is to keep improving your team.

The Silver 3 players are the same ones in Silver 1 who are giving you a road block.

Try to push thru them with a better developed Arena team.

You will get there.

Mar 4, 2021, 07:3103/04/21

The saddest part of this arena circus is,  that you can see that you have already long ago,

completed the missions way ahead, of the dreaded progress blocking arena mission.

Try as you may, you win a few battles and advance slightly.

Only to see that next time you go to play, you have been dragged back down again.

So it goes on and on, the same all the time.

Really sad and puts you off playing the game.

So with this in mind, i have given up on arena, will never get Arbiter.

Just do the 5 fights every day to complete daily quests.

Mar 4, 2021, 08:1703/04/21

@Player J 

I dare guarantee you that everyone did not suddenly drop a bunch of tiers in a time frame of 10 minutes. Nor does it explain why I did not experience that same issue in any of the weeks prior. It certainly doesn't explain the scenario another person described, in which they have 2 accounts that get vastly different opponents at the exact same point in time.

Mar 4, 2021, 08:4903/04/21
Mar 4, 2021, 09:08(edited)

The most annoying thing is how totally opaque it is.

I was in Bronze 3/4 then a week later could barely get a foothold in bronze 2. Someone posted the other day they were struggling to get out of silver 2 having been in 4 or something like that  - the team they posted was more or less identical to mine from what I could see - how on earth is this system working that two more or less the same teams can be so far apart? 

I see stronger teams than the one he posted regularly in bronze 1/2 lineups - if that isn't screwed up then i don't know what is! 

There must be some rather stupid MM mechanics at work - or it's just 'fixed' as Player J says. And if it is 'fixed' then I'm afraid it appears to be broken to me 😀 And waiting for a rebalsnce may take too long and just drive some players away that just get bored trying.

This is supposed to be a business - how do Plarium really think totally screwing up a major part of the game and stopping progress through the missions is going to attract people to spend money, when doing that clearly makes little difference unless you get 'lucky' or the apparently broken arena MM favours you for whatever reason. 

And I'm afriad posting mod responses basically saying 'it's all fine', contrary to the clear opinion of many players recently, seems rather silly.

Mar 4, 2021, 11:1503/04/21

"how on earth is this system working that two more or less the same teams can be so far apart? "

Better gear.

Mar 4, 2021, 20:0203/04/21
Player J

I agree with Green Knight.

You people need to learn how to build team compositions better.

You people need to suck it up.  

I blame Auto Campaign Battles!

The Auto Campaign Battles have made you people soft!

Back in my day, We didn't have Auto Campaign Battles.

We use to manaul Campaign Runs, until our hand got Carpal Tunnel.

It's clear to me what is happening!

You login to the game and do your 30 Free Auto Battles.

Than you head over to Arena and expect to win.

Than end up getting stomped!

And you just can't figure out why?


It is because your team is level 40.

It is beause your team is unascended.

It is because your team is unbooked.

It is because your team is unmasteried.

It is because your team gear is only +8 

It is because your team has no synergy.

I bet my Kael can solo your whole team.

I bet my Kael Team Power is more than your whole team.


You people are not even trying to improve.

You are just complaining to complain.

Why don't you people go improve yourself?

No excuses! 

Do it! Do it!

Arena success mostly comes down to gear. Champions matter to a point and obviously they need to be maxed out in all areas, but if you have killer gear you can win with crap or average champions. Speed first, and damage second wins Arena. The vast majority of your champs speed and damage comes from gear, hence gear wins arena. Any arena team can be defeated, regardless of their abilities, if you go first and hit hard enough or hit them in the right way.

If you want to do well in this game, forget about chasing the next shiny champion. Park your arse in Dragon and farm, farm, farm. Given the drop rates of decent gear there, you'll need several thousand dragon 20 runs to have one really competitive team for Gold Arena, Level 20 Dungeons and UNM CB. Better gear means more arena wins. More arena wins means a better great hall, which allows more arena wins. Rinse and repeat.

I don't know why everyone spends so much time focusing on shard openings, fusions, doom tower, and other events and the like. If you're not spending most of your time and resources farming gear, it will not be possible to improve at a reasonable pace. In the end champs don't make nearly as much difference as the game tries to make you believe. It's what they're wearing that makes them great. The only exception to this rule in my experience is clan boss, that requires very specific skills to succeed. Once you've got the champs with those skills, they're still useless without good gear.

Any Youtuber can tell you that this champion or that is broken, then throw amazing gear on them and have them walk through content. Ignore this. They do this becaue they need to create content to keep people watching and reviewing the ever incresing number of champions give them that content. All you need is a speed lead, a crowd controller, a buffer or debuffer and a nuker. All of these roles can be filled by either free login champs or farmable champs from campaign. Ignore the hype and farm!

Mar 4, 2021, 20:2503/04/21

You don't always have to be the fastest in Arena my Friends.

This set up below has won me many Arena Battles against Faster Foe's.


Don't underestimate teams which go 2nd.

They can be very strong.

Mar 4, 2021, 20:2703/04/21
Mar 4, 2021, 20:49(edited)

All chamions are booked, all gear upgraded. all masteried. team in arena level 110 (in bronze arena) and have level 60 now.

so, that's not the point. Yet the opponents are much stronger. It's nonsense to say that your team may only be 40. Even if that is the case, you should have opponents with level 40 against you, and not level 60. 

Its shouldn't get opponents with half more power. And there we get to the point, the arena is therefore not good at ballance. 

you hear everyone go from gold to bronze. Me too.

The problem is also the gear, some can get very good gear, but ftp gamers often get junk gear.

The problem is also that many clans do not even want average players to join, only platinum players Then the middle class are left out. That means that average players cannot get rewards because they are rejected by clans.

Everyone in my clan is inactive now, (because the arena has gotten worse with ballance ) no one is doing anything anymore. So yes, I have nothing more to do with my clan. I have to find another clan, but then I am told that I must be able to defeat a nightmare clanboss or I am not allowed to enter.

Mar 4, 2021, 20:5603/04/21
Player J

You don't always have to be the fastest in Arena my Friends.

This set up below has won me many Arena Battles against Faster Foe's.


Don't underestimate teams which go 2nd.

They can be very strong.

Speed gives you the initiative. It allows you to decide who to take out or lock down before they can act. Going second means you have to ensure that you can survive that first round and still be combat capable. Why take such a big risk when there's a solution? If your opponent happens to do more damage then you expected you are screwed. If you're hit with stuns or block revives (or both) you're screwed. If your monster defence is bypassed your screwed. Even my Skull Crown doesn't always survive fast enough teams to get her nuke off despite her unkillable passive because the other team can setup to strip it off, then hit her again.

Going second may be viable for an end game player such as yourself, with the right mix of very difficult to get champs and great gear but it's certainly not a tactic I would ever recommend to a player trying to fight their way out of early arena ranks. Frankly I'm surprised you're recommending it in this case, but to each their own I guess.

Mar 4, 2021, 20:5903/04/21

All chamions are booked, all gear upgraded. all masteried. team in arena level 110 (in bronze arena) and have level 60 now.

so, that's not the point. Yet the opponents are much stronger. It's nonsense to say that your team may only be 40. Even if that is the case, you should have opponents with level 40 against you, and not level 60. 

Its shouldn't get opponents with half more power. And there we get to the point, the arena is therefore not good at ballance. 

you hear everyone go from gold to bronze. Me too.

The problem is also the gear, some can get very good gear, but ftp gamers often get junk gear.

The problem is also that many clans do not even want average players to join, only platinum players Then the middle class are left out. That means that average players cannot get rewards because they are rejected by clans.

Everyone in my clan is inactive now, (because the arena has gotten worse with ballance ) no one is doing anything anymore. So yes, I have nothing more to do with my clan. I have to find another clan, but then I am told that I must be able to defeat a nightmare clanboss or I am not allowed to enter.

A good clan is important to get the best out of clan boss rewards, but it's not critical to have. I grinded my way to NM CB in a very inactive clan. You just need the levels, the masteries and the right gear, and a large helping of patience.

Mar 5, 2021, 01:1303/05/21

REMOVE the Arena Missions from the Arbiter Quest Line

Clearly Plarium CAN'T or WON'T fix the abhorrent Arena Matching System thus making it next to impossible for the casual players or F2P players to obtain the required number of medals required to progress in the Arbiter Mission quest, so just remove the Arena Missions, please. There are plenty of missions in the quest that require a great deal of time and effort, so the Arena Missions are superfluous. All they add is level of frustration that will drive many casual/F2P players away from the game. 

Focking morrons 2 years cant get silver 600 euro invested on that trash game:FUCK YOU

Mar 5, 2021, 01:1503/05/21

if i see one of you on the street bitches wich makeing that quests for 600 youro you will suck my 40 years old dick 

Mar 5, 2021, 03:1503/05/21

Imma  go  ahead  and  say  you  are  upset  about  the  arena  missions  in  the  quest  for  arbiter.  She  is  of  course  an  arena  champ  (  amongst  other  things  )  so  the  arena  mission  should  kinda  be  there.  The  problem  with  the  medal  mission  is  unless  you  are  in  gold  iv  or  plat  it  is  going  to  take  quite  some  time  unless  you  heavily  invested  in  one  great  hall  bonus  from  the  get  go.  You're  just  gonna  have  to  keep  on  going dude.  You'll  get  in,  but  if  you  quit....  you  deffo  won't.  

Mar 5, 2021, 10:1703/05/21

Speed gives you the initiative. It allows you to decide who to take out or lock down before they can act. Going second means you have to ensure that you can survive that first round and still be combat capable. Why take such a big risk when there's a solution? If your opponent happens to do more damage then you expected you are screwed. If you're hit with stuns or block revives (or both) you're screwed. If your monster defence is bypassed your screwed. Even my Skull Crown doesn't always survive fast enough teams to get her nuke off despite her unkillable passive because the other team can setup to strip it off, then hit her again.

Going second may be viable for an end game player such as yourself, with the right mix of very difficult to get champs and great gear but it's certainly not a tactic I would ever recommend to a player trying to fight their way out of early arena ranks. Frankly I'm surprised you're recommending it in this case, but to each their own I guess.

Truly fast teams often lack damage output.

It is because there is always a trade off which has to be made.

The more speed you have the less damage you can have.

It is simply logical.

You can verifiy this with a simple example.

If your hero is wearing 6 Speed gears, It will do less damage vs. 4 Savage + 2 Cruel gears.

It your hero is wearing 4 Savage + 2 Cruel gears, It will be slower vs. 6 Speed gears.

It all comes down to Strategy.

It is about countering what the Opponent is doing.

Going 2nd is viable in every Arena Tier.

I have defended & advocated for Go 2nd teams for years.

I created a guide to help players reach Silver 1 with Defensive teams.

The game does promotion codes.

You can begin the game off with a Starter + Executioner.

Executioner can be a Defensive Damage Dealer + Campaign Farmer.

Or a person could farm for Executioner from Chapter 11.

In fact, Executioner got nerfed because he was very strong.

He still is strong.

He just isn't as strong as he use to be. 

You will not believe me because you have never tried using a Defense team in lower tiers to climb.

It is extremely effective.

The reason it is effective is because of the way Arena teams are designed.

The typical Speed Nuking set up players use is the following:

- Diabolist/Apothecary

- Spirithost

- Warmaiden

- Starter

Generally, The players will not have there Starters in Arena Damage gear.

Players typically will have the Starters dressed in Lifesteal gear for Campaign Farming.

This means the damage they do will be greatly reduced.

In addition, A lot of new players don't understand the important of Accuracy.

They often will not stack enough Accuracy on there Warmaidens.

This means the Defense Down Buff they are applying is more vulnerable to being Resisted.

Lastly, The team set up I am showing you doesn't have any Remove Enemy Buff heroes.

It is because the game doesn't give players any as F2P.

This makes the Speed Nuking teams extremely vulernable to Shield sets.

The setup which proved to be the most effective was the following:

- Templar -  Resist Aura + Provokes

- Warpriest - Healing + Shield Set Wearer

- Executioner - Damage Dealer + Lifesteal Set Wearer (Campaign Farmer)

- Shaman - Revive + Shield Set Wearer or  Curse Gear Wearer 

Shield set on Shaman can be good to double stack more shield to Survive First Nuke Hit.

Curse set on Shaman can be good to prevent Lifesteal Starters from Staling Mating your Victory.

So yeah - Go 2nd teams can be viable & effective even in Bronze Arena.

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