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Sep 1, 2020, 11:4709/01/20


This post is in reference to mandables "leaked" nerfs and buff for 2.2. 

If the leaks are to be believed, then the three problem children arent getting nearly nerfed enough. Instead i suggest the following for the character changes.

Take away Siphis unresistable sleep, take away her defense up, do that and she still gonna be great but maybe not stupid broken. or honestly just make her 20 base speed slower anything less wouldnt be enough.

For Rotos yeah one of the three have got to go. You cant have 100% ignore defense with a extra turn and block revive. Maybe you could if you put it on a 7 turn cd; id personally just move down the ignore defense to 25% and then instantly that move acts as a strong free turn buffer for his other moves but nothing ridiculous to be 1 shotting full tanks. or remove the block revive and let people bring back revive meta alittle bit at least.

Madam has a move that single highhandedly defines platinum arena, without her you'll never make it. Thank god shes an epic, right?  Removes all buffs, thats a move that should be reserved for the gods but not only that she has attack down and defense down with it, all wrap up in a sweet 4 turn cd combo. make it like a 7 turn cd and then maybe its balanced. When u look at legenarys like Sethallia, Kymar and Katonn its clear to see that her move is way too powerful. Nothing can shift a battle more that this one move; my recommendation is to take more of a Katonn route with it. Instead of removing all buffs make her move simply remove shields, I wouldnt add the "remove unkillable"/"block damage" part of his move as this is more than enough to keep her relevant and out of legendary status. and honestly it might not be enough 

These are just recommendations not demands, Im just trying to illustrate that these problems requires moves to be changed not just minor corrections.

Plarium i sincerely hope these Leaks are fake and that you all will be brave enough to make the corrections that are NEEDED. 

Sep 1, 2020, 12:1809/01/20
I hope the leak is false... The "nerf" actually do nothing! A minor inconvenience in gearing and speed tuning, but in the end does absolutely nothing.
Sep 1, 2020, 13:1309/01/20

link to nerfs?

anyone getting buffed?

Sep 1, 2020, 13:1409/01/20
I was hoping for different nerfs but still be great champs. If this goes live I can’t complain too much since I just pulled my madame over weekend and I’ve had Siphi since last 2x void 
Sep 1, 2020, 13:2009/01/20

Trips said:

link to nerfs?

anyone getting buffed?

Was potential leak manibal made a video 

Siphi  speed increase nerfed 15 to 10%

Rotos 75 to 65% ignore defense 

Madame A3 debuff on target decrease from 3 to 2 turns 
Sep 1, 2020, 13:2809/01/20
Sep 1, 2020, 13:31(edited)

Trips said:

link to nerfs?

anyone getting buffed?

Yeah there are mostly buffs but when it comes to nerfs there so minior its stupid, the nerf to dracomorph is bigger that siphi smh

None of these are confirmed but apparently it comes from a reliable source.

Sep 1, 2020, 13:3909/01/20
Thx.  I'll have to watch. Curious what they are doing to duchess and warlord
Sep 1, 2020, 14:2809/01/20
Sep 1, 2020, 14:29(edited)
If Serris will be nerf like what OP sugested, I will remove her artifacts and she will rot in storage lol
Sep 1, 2020, 14:3709/01/20
just chill bro, Plarium will not nerf champions harsh in anyway.  This is not a game like WoW or D3 which would effect the whole population when changes made.  Players spent thousand upon thousand real $$$ to chase some specific champions, and Plarium must keep the aforementioned champions "relatively" good or there will be riots.  money is the king, they gotta keep spenders happy or who would wanna spend? 
Sep 1, 2020, 20:4709/01/20
Sep 1, 2020, 21:25(edited)

How or why does this kind of thing happen?

You have champions, legendary champions with an ability to place a continuous heal buff, which heals the receiving champion by 15% at the start of their turn, for 1, 2, or 3 turns.

Siphi is also legendary, but instead of using a turn to heal her allies, or placing a buff which can be removed or blocked, her mere presence heals them 15% at the start of their turn, and that is only part of one of her abilities.

She and several others are on another level, beyond "legendary".

I am not in favor of nerfing any champion, a lot of money is spent in acquiring, upgrading, and building, not just the champion in question, but also in the champions that work with them as a team.

So instead of nerfing them, create a new class, so that when they compete in the arena, they are competing with others in their class, and not the 1.0 game version legendaries, or adjust the points gained when using them as you do with teams of a lower arena score, a modifier which could adjust dynamically each week based on the champions usage in the arena (e.g. +/- [x] points for using champion [y]), or ... something other than continuing to add new champions with an obvious "this is the champion that will be in everyone's arena team" advantage, and later "rebalance" them.

Sep 2, 2020, 13:2309/02/20

JoinME said:

If Serris will be nerf like what OP sugested, I will remove her artifacts and she will rot in storage lol

Well i think that one of her problems is that she has a move that is so outrageously powerful, it basically bends the rules of the game around it. When it comes to pvp there isnt a skill that comes close to as good.

well i guess its all about how good do you actually want her to be; do you want her to be better then 99% of the legendaries in this game, or do you want her to be as good as tayrel/skullcrusher/skullcrown.  Admittedly yeah i probably wont use her anymore either but realistically the only epics i still use are skullcrown and madam.

My suggestion aims to take her from god tier legendary to god tier epic.

With a nerf like this she still has really good math ups against alot to good legendaries, warlord/Valkyrie, just not ALL of them any more. 

Sep 2, 2020, 15:4409/02/20

I cannot speak about Siphi or Rotos, as I do not have them (they are OP though IMO), but since I use Madame Serris a lot (Arena, PVE), I must admit she is very strong - here is my Idea to put her a bit lower:


  • Remove two buffs from each target
  • place -50% ATK and -60% DEF for 3 rounds with 80% chance (3 rounds is mostly for CB anyway)
  • add three levels for booking with 5%, 5%, 10% chance to apply debuff (11 books for our precious lady)

This way she can help against Santa/Tower/Skullcrusher/Valkyrie/Martyr/Krisk, but if enemy team is heavily buffed, some buffs stays. Also Block debuffs buff will be more viable when she fails to remove it, preventing her strong debuffs.

Thanks for critics.


Sep 3, 2020, 04:3409/03/20
If you had those legos you wouldn’t be complaining. If they nerf them I want the option of unbooking them
Sep 3, 2020, 04:3609/03/20
I have her and use her yet if they want to nerf the others to the point of being useless then nerf her the same. 
Sep 3, 2020, 06:4809/03/20

Ho Lee Chit said:

If you had those legos you wouldn’t be complaining. If they nerf them I want the option of unbooking them
Well i have madam and i can say plainly that she is making the game worse for being there. and yeah you should be able to get your books back 100%
Sep 3, 2020, 07:1309/03/20

For me, just remove her "remove all buff" part from her A3 and then put that "remove all buff" into her A2.

Still strong but not broken.

Sep 3, 2020, 15:0409/03/20

The remove buff plus decrease def makes her unique, and this is a hard counter to siphi duchess and krisk. You remove this, it will make her trash and indirect buff to the said 3 champions. Without this skill it will be harder to nuke these three champions, at least for me. 

Serris has been at least twice(?) in a 10x summon event. A lot of players probably spend alot during 10x event just to get her. Remove the remove buff and decrease def, a lot of players will not be happy

Sep 3, 2020, 15:0709/03/20

Do you know what upsets me the most about Madam Serris?

The fact no one ever mention's Madam Serris Insane Passive!

Just read how busted this is!

Lets wrap our head around this one shall we.

Madam Serris does nothing!

Madam Serris just sits there taking a turn.

Madam Serris gains a shield for free

Madam Serris gains the ability to crowd control the enemy for free.

The Passive Madam Serris has puts me on tilt more than her A3.

I have come to accept Madam Serris A3.

Madam Serris A3 is insane? Okay, I get it.

Why does Madam Serris Passive have to be insane as well?

I just don't understand why she needs the Fear on the passive?

Don't you people think the A3 move + the Fear on the Passive is a little to much?

Sep 3, 2020, 17:0109/03/20

Player J said:

I just don't understand why she needs the Fear on the passive?

Don't you people think the A3 move + the Fear on the Passive is a little to much?

And then you haven't even mentioned her A2 which is *also* very strong - or can be, it's very RNG dependent of course. But quite often when I attack a Serris in arena, her A2 is applied to 1 or 2 of my champions, sometimes even all 4. It's not as broken as Ma'Shalled since the True Fear is only one turn and it's rare that it gets applied on all champions, but still, even 1 turn TF on some enemies plus block debuffs on all allies is still very powerful. 

So actually, I wouldn't mind if they make only minor changes to her A3, as long as they also nerf her A2 and her passive. If they're going to change only one of her skills, then yeah, they'd have to nerf it pretty hard to restore balance. 
Sep 3, 2020, 18:5309/03/20

I hate attacking teams with Serris in arena, absolutely detest it.  But I just pulled her during 2x and leveled up.  About to gear, so I am torn on this one.

But I do agree that overall her kit is absolutely ridiculous.  I am more concerned about the plans for duchess (I guess I expect some nerf) and Warlord.  As a void legendary I don't think he deserves a nerf, nothing he does is really OP.
Sep 3, 2020, 20:3209/03/20

killerclone187 said:

badsad said:

just chill bro, Plarium will not nerf champions harsh in anyway.  This is not a game like WoW or D3 which would effect the whole population when changes made.  Players spent thousand upon thousand real $$$ to chase some specific champions, and Plarium must keep the aforementioned champions "relatively" good or there will be riots.  money is the king, they gotta keep spenders happy or who would wanna spend? 
Dont be so sure they have done some real dumb things in the  past !!!

lol, +1