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Not believe the Arena is "Fixed", Arena is still broken.

Not believe the Arena is "Fixed", Arena is still broken.

Aug 28, 2020, 11:3808/28/20

Low level , low spender checking in. The adjustments made have helped me out tons. I'm not battling squads of legos in lower bronze anymore. I'm still getting my ass kicked but the fights are balanced, sure I get cocky and bite off more than I can chew...but its a vast improvement to what it was.I think there should be some kind of level cap implimented.

I'm not sure how that would work ( I build houses for a living , not design games , so I'll leave that to the pros to work out).

Maybe level lock teams..... Say.."X" amount of 6 star champs ,can't fight "x"amont of 3 star champs ? I dunno, games like COD mobile seem to handle this rather well.....just saying.

I'm pushing bronze 4 now ( yes pathetic I was there once) and I feel like I have a chance now, as opposed to starting a fight, leaving...rinse, repeat just to get my clan 3 stars everyday with zero progression ( if anything I was losing rank just to get dem stars)

As for the high level  boosting problems I have seen  on youtube, I can't really comment on, but as a PC gamer I fully admit  I've boosted with a friend to get an achievement ot two.....but if that  messes with users ( that spend cold hard cash ) it needs to be stopped immediately !

Well done Plarium, you have given us "Low level" players a chance to progress....Silver 1 here I come !!!!
Aug 28, 2020, 16:3608/28/20
My oppinion to Arena atm: Plarium changed absolutly nothing last patch. I dont see any difference , the shit is still broken since may. Tbh, after playing this game for over a year now i didnt see Plarium fixing their mistakes, they make it even worth or do nothing. Arena is absolutly shit, as well as the Tag team shit. If anyone really expected plarium to fix the arena issue is new to the game or naive as fuck. It wont be fixed in the next ones , maybe it will never be fixed, wouldmt really surprise me
Aug 28, 2020, 19:1408/28/20
@SEAN6027 the Problem is that there several Progress Mission of arena and u will see the next Wall soon , the adjustments are completly worthless since plarium added Bots to the game to fuck ppl in arena up