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Not believe the Arena is "Fixed", Arena is still broken.

Not believe the Arena is "Fixed", Arena is still broken.

Aug 25, 2020, 12:1508/25/20

JoinME said:

Can you describe how they disguised a speed team? Because I assume whenever they have turnmeter booster, they are speed teams. 

Except for Seeker + Tank teams teams (specially when with Mountain King on the team) . A player that knows this tactic very well will not make their Seeker super fast. This is surely a very tanky Seeker build. In case you dont know, Seeker has a passive that puts aoe defense buff on the team when he got hit. Basically a trap to those who uses squishy aoe nukers in their offense. If their nuker is not strong enough to nuke this team on their first turn. More often than not, it is game over for the attacking team

I think that he meant that most speed teams have low team power rating.

Because how Raid calculate the team power that emphasizes on resist and defense (?).

So in silver tier, people who create speed teams usually have low team power, hence the the false appearance of "weak" teams because of their low team power.
Aug 25, 2020, 13:1908/25/20
Aug 25, 2020, 13:23(edited)

OzzLee said:

JoinME said:

Can you describe how they disguised a speed team? Because I assume whenever they have turnmeter booster, they are speed teams. 

Except for Seeker + Tank teams teams (specially when with Mountain King on the team) . A player that knows this tactic very well will not make their Seeker super fast. This is surely a very tanky Seeker build. In case you dont know, Seeker has a passive that puts aoe defense buff on the team when he got hit. Basically a trap to those who uses squishy aoe nukers in their offense. If their nuker is not strong enough to nuke this team on their first turn. More often than not, it is game over for the attacking team

I think that he meant that most speed teams have low team power rating.

Because how Raid calculate the team power that emphasizes on resist and defense (?).

So in silver tier, people who create speed teams usually have low team power, hence the the false appearance of "weak" teams because of their low team power.

What he say. My Arena Team has only 70k Power. and is a Speed Monster. High Kathun with 310 Speed, Seeker follows with 290 Speed followed by Warmaiden to debuff and Rea to Nuke the team down. currently I can destropy teams that have 100-150k power with "some" ease.

Only on rare occations I can Out paced. and Mostly that happens when an Arbiter is on the enemy team or they have a Speed Monster of an Apothecary with them.

The biggest problem I have is when the Team has Duchess on the Team. Rothos or Miscreated Monster are also a Problem from time to time. 
Thou with Rea's A3 that also Removes all Buffs from the enemy, she bashes nearly any one. Thou my Rea is a Glass Canon. 4,5k Atk 100% Crit Rate and 298% Crit dmg.

The Arena match up needs to change not to How much Team Power but linked to the Great Hall, how much Wins and Loses do you have.

Aug 25, 2020, 14:0008/25/20

Medui said:

What he say. My Arena Team has only 70k Power. and is a Speed Monster. High Kathun with 310 Speed, Seeker follows with 290 Speed followed by Warmaiden to debuff and Rea to Nuke the team down. currently I can destropy teams that have 100-150k power with "some" ease.

Only on rare occations I can Out paced. and Mostly that happens when an Arbiter is on the enemy team or they have a Speed Monster of an Apothecary with them.

The biggest problem I have is when the Team has Duchess on the Team. Rothos or Miscreated Monster are also a Problem from time to time. 
Thou with Rea's A3 that also Removes all Buffs from the enemy, she bashes nearly any one. Thou my Rea is a Glass Canon. 4,5k Atk 100% Crit Rate and 298% Crit dmg.

The Arena match up needs to change not to How much Team Power but linked to the Great Hall, how much Wins and Loses do you have.

That's why I don't want to participate in the speed arms race.

I choose to take the nuke and hit back at the glass cannons.
Aug 25, 2020, 14:0308/25/20
Aug 25, 2020, 14:04(edited)

Ahh yes, speed teams will have low team power since there is no point of putting high res on the team. That will be only wasted stats.

@medui you have two fast champions, that should be enough to push you to gold 4. Are you not in gold 4 already? 
Aug 25, 2020, 15:4408/25/20

Medui said:

OzzLee said:

JoinME said:

Can you describe how they disguised a speed team? Because I assume whenever they have turnmeter booster, they are speed teams. 

Except for Seeker + Tank teams teams (specially when with Mountain King on the team) . A player that knows this tactic very well will not make their Seeker super fast. This is surely a very tanky Seeker build. In case you dont know, Seeker has a passive that puts aoe defense buff on the team when he got hit. Basically a trap to those who uses squishy aoe nukers in their offense. If their nuker is not strong enough to nuke this team on their first turn. More often than not, it is game over for the attacking team

I think that he meant that most speed teams have low team power rating.

Because how Raid calculate the team power that emphasizes on resist and defense (?).

So in silver tier, people who create speed teams usually have low team power, hence the the false appearance of "weak" teams because of their low team power.

What he say. My Arena Team has only 70k Power. and is a Speed Monster. High Kathun with 310 Speed, Seeker follows with 290 Speed followed by Warmaiden to debuff and Rea to Nuke the team down. currently I can destropy teams that have 100-150k power with "some" ease.

Only on rare occations I can Out paced. and Mostly that happens when an Arbiter is on the enemy team or they have a Speed Monster of an Apothecary with them.

The biggest problem I have is when the Team has Duchess on the Team. Rothos or Miscreated Monster are also a Problem from time to time. 
Thou with Rea's A3 that also Removes all Buffs from the enemy, she bashes nearly any one. Thou my Rea is a Glass Canon. 4,5k Atk 100% Crit Rate and 298% Crit dmg.

The Arena match up needs to change not to How much Team Power but linked to the Great Hall, how much Wins and Loses do you have.

And you stand in .... Silver tier ? Such a waste. I believe the Thread Owner discussed about Silver.


Plarium did make a fix, they did. What did they do ? They removed all dead players out of your list.

I already pointed out the problem is not dead players. Another problem is none of them and none of you could understand what I wrote about THE ROOT CAUSE is HOW THEY MAKE YOUR ARENA LIST. 

Aug 25, 2020, 16:0108/25/20

Ident20 said:

And you stand in .... Silver tier ? Such a waste. I believe the Thread Owner discussed about Silver.


Plarium did make a fix, they did. What did they do ? They removed all dead players out of your list.

I already pointed out the problem is not dead players. Another problem is none of them and none of you could understand what I wrote about THE ROOT CAUSE is HOW THEY MAKE YOUR ARENA LIST. 

High Khatun and Warmaiden would've been too squishy at gold. Even at silver they're squishy. And once those 2 are removed, the team would've had nothing to go on.

Sure they can help push teams close to gold with good artifacts, can't see a team like that stay in Gold in today's set-up

Aug 25, 2020, 18:1408/25/20
Trips said:

Why shouldn't f2p have to compete with paying players?

The game does NOT want you to stay f2p.  

Arena is "broken" for sure, but they don't care if $0 spending players quit.   The problem is new players (even moderate spenders) have no chance against long tenured players.
And some of us would happily continue to be moderate payers who don't give a rat's ass about the PvP arena. It's enough work to make our way up to the Nightmare campaign and get better with Clan Boss. Arena should be an option, not a requirement.
Aug 25, 2020, 18:2808/25/20

Yes I'm Stuck on Silver Tier atm. But mostly cause I'm atm Building a New Arena Team that is Def and Tank Based. 

So far my New Team will be Build:

Stag Knight for Debuff - Stag Knight in Stun Set or Shield Set + 1 Def Set

Infernal Baroness for Dmg - Shield Set + 1 Def Set

Fu Shan to Stun - Stun Set - + 1 HP Set

I'm not Sure for the Last Champ but I'm thinkink of Sepulcher Sentinel as fourth Champ also in  Shield Set + 1 Def Set, but if my Calculation is Right that Team will have around 60-80k Shield from Start.

I want to build a Team that builds without Speed.

And the Reason I'm Stuck on Silver ios mostly, when I look in my Defense Tab I get Attacked mostly by ppl with 200k + Arena Teams. 

I reach Silver 3 go to sleep and I'm back to Silver 1. 
Aug 25, 2020, 23:3208/25/20

How does your defense going? How many attacks you get in an hour? 

If you get, let's say, 10 attacks per hour and your defense is losing, you should consider changing your defense already. Make a much "scarier" defense. Scary means opponent might think that they will not be able to defeat, or a defense that will take long to defeat. 

You can study your defense logs, look what team your opponent is using on your defense. 

An example, I use Tormin before on defense. I use to get attacked only 1 or 2 time per hour before. Then blender comp came, the incoming attacks raised up to 5 to 10 atttacks at most. So I change my defense against blender comps. Put 2 Skullcrowns, then the incoming attacks goes back down again 1 every 2 hrs with around 40 to 50% win rate.

Just to be clear here, I am not saying you use what I use, I have not been in ranks lower than gold4 for months now. I don't know the meta there. 

Long story short, make your defense strong and look scary to not get dropped easily on your rank. 


Building a tanky team is not always a solution. I, as a player who wants to always finish a battle in 5 to 10s, I see tanky team as arena food, eversince I got Serris. But now, looking that she is on the balancing list I am afraid that they might nerf her and become unusable for ME. 

Medui said:

Yes I'm Stuck on Silver Tier atm. But mostly cause I'm atm Building a New Arena Team that is Def and Tank Based. 

So far my New Team will be Build:

Stag Knight for Debuff - Stag Knight in Stun Set or Shield Set + 1 Def Set

Infernal Baroness for Dmg - Shield Set + 1 Def Set

Fu Shan to Stun - Stun Set - + 1 HP Set

I'm not Sure for the Last Champ but I'm thinkink of Sepulcher Sentinel as fourth Champ also in  Shield Set + 1 Def Set, but if my Calculation is Right that Team will have around 60-80k Shield from Start.

I want to build a Team that builds without Speed.

And the Reason I'm Stuck on Silver ios mostly, when I look in my Defense Tab I get Attacked mostly by ppl with 200k + Arena Teams. 

I reach Silver 3 go to sleep and I'm back to Silver 1. 

Aug 26, 2020, 15:3108/26/20
Aug 26, 2020, 15:32(edited)

Medui said:

Yes I'm Stuck on Silver Tier atm. But mostly cause I'm atm Building a New Arena Team that is Def and Tank Based. 

So far my New Team will be Build:

Stag Knight for Debuff - Stag Knight in Stun Set or Shield Set + 1 Def Set

Infernal Baroness for Dmg - Shield Set + 1 Def Set

Fu Shan to Stun - Stun Set - + 1 HP Set

I'm not Sure for the Last Champ but I'm thinkink of Sepulcher Sentinel as fourth Champ also in  Shield Set + 1 Def Set, but if my Calculation is Right that Team will have around 60-80k Shield from Start.

I want to build a Team that builds without Speed.

And the Reason I'm Stuck on Silver ios mostly, when I look in my Defense Tab I get Attacked mostly by ppl with 200k + Arena Teams. 

I reach Silver 3 go to sleep and I'm back to Silver 1. 

You said your Speed Nuking set up is the following:

High Khatun ----> Seeker ------> Warmaiden -----> Rae

Your set up is the Classical Arena Speed Nuking set up.

It is a very good set up.

However, It isn't designed to beat everything.

A Tank Team will counter the set up.

You need to create another set up which can deal with a Tanky set up.

Tanky teams can be vulnerable to: 

  • Immunity
  • Crowd Control 
  • Fast Pace Burst Damage 
  • Buff Removal
  • Single Target Damage

As far as your new Arena Defense, The set up you gave will not work.

Stag Knight - Infernal Baroness - FuShan - Sepulcher

This isn't a proper Defense/Tank Team.

You are going to lose.

Aug 26, 2020, 17:5308/26/20

Not much of choice I'm not in posesion of 200 Champs.

I can only work with what i have. and only Haveving 2 Legos and around 15 Epics, and non of the Good Epic's. Plarium RNG is Trolling me with nearly ONLY Demonspawn Epics...

So I need to use what I have. But getting confirmation here, I will Fine Tune and Min Max my Speed Nuke Team. Thou I'm Taking out Warmaiden and place Stag Knight in her place. 

Rea has luckily, Buff Removal from enemys *grin* 

And a Scary Def Team... doesn't work yet need bette Heros for that. Thou I got Umbral Enchantress Today, myber I build her up for Arena Def with a few Others working with her. 

Sadly with mostly Crap Hero's its not so easy to get a good Def running. 

But Thanks for the Suggestions, and for stopping me to do a mistake with the other Team Idea ^^

Aug 26, 2020, 22:1908/26/20

@Medui if you want to make a defense team you need to start building your resist.. sepulcher is very good she has defense aura and she can block damage once pe turn.. a cleanser would be very usefull to have.... reliquary tender is amazing(void rare) or a mausuleum mage(epic)..

For defensive team to work you need the cleanser to be the fastest in you team and it should have hight resist.. a defensive aura lead, a aoe provoker..

With sepulcher, umbral,  a cleanser and a hp based champ that has as much hp as you can in shiled set ( a miscreated monster would be amazing )  you should be good to go

Aug 26, 2020, 23:3608/26/20
Aug 26, 2020, 23:36(edited)

as a fairly new player, I think I'm getting Yaga today, it's absolutely impossible to win any matches in Silver.  I'm hanging right at the edge of Bronze 4 and Silver 1.  Basically anytime there's a legendary on the opposing team I can't win.  Even some epics make winning impossible.  The power level of certain champs is just ridiculous.  Vergis is practically unkillable.  If I kill the rest of his team on the first turn, it will then take me 8-9 turns to kill vergis 4v1, and that's when the vergis only has like 20k AP.  Seeker seems to have 200 base speed.  He goes first ALWAYS.  I've got 220 speed on khatun, plus the speed aura, and seeker still goes first every time.  Any team that has a Seeker, I cannot beat.  There's probably about 20-30 champs that are just unkillable right now, and everybody but me seems to have them.

My main concern is the order in which these arena missions come up.  Like the first time you're expected to kill silver is before you're expected to beat hard campaign and are on dragon 3? Come on.  I'm almost done with nightmare and am on dragon 17 and can barely reach silver, let alone get 50 badges.  That's the main issue here, and why so many people are likely complaining about the difficulty of arena.
Aug 27, 2020, 01:1508/27/20

FlaRaven said:

@Medui if you want to make a defense team you need to start building your resist.. sepulcher is very good she has defense aura and she can block damage once pe turn.. a cleanser would be very usefull to have.... reliquary tender is amazing(void rare) or a mausuleum mage(epic)..

For defensive team to work you need the cleanser to be the fastest in you team and it should have hight resist.. a defensive aura lead, a aoe provoker..

With sepulcher, umbral,  a cleanser and a hp based champ that has as much hp as you can in shiled set ( a miscreated monster would be amazing )  you should be good to go

Sadly I dont have Mausuleum Mage or Reliquary Tender so I need to Sub with something else. 

What I get is:

Umbral Enchantress

Sepulcher Sentinelt

No Micreated Monster, thou I think Jareg will do for the Shield Bearer and to Cleanse... well the only Cleansing Champ I have atm is Acolyte Force Rare Knight Revenant.

Hopefully that works. Thou it wil take at least 1-2 Weeks to finish. Need to get the Poitions, Gear and Food to Up them to 6 Star ^^

Thanks for the Tip Raven ^^

Aug 27, 2020, 03:1908/27/20

Medui said:

Sadly I dont have Mausuleum Mage or Reliquary Tender so I need to Sub with something else. 

What I get is:

Umbral Enchantress

Sepulcher Sentinelt

No Micreated Monster, thou I think Jareg will do for the Shield Bearer and to Cleanse... well the only Cleansing Champ I have atm is Acolyte Force Rare Knight Revenant.

Hopefully that works. Thou it wil take at least 1-2 Weeks to finish. Need to get the Poitions, Gear and Food to Up them to 6 Star ^^

Thanks for the Tip Raven ^^

I think the New Defense set up you are trying to make isn't going to work.

The Tips FlaRaven gave you isn't bad, but I don't think it is good.

FlaRaven told you what you wanted to hear.

I don't agree with what FlaRaven did because it gives you false hope with out knowing anything about you.

1st - We don't know the Champion's you own.

2nd - We don't know your Gear situation.

3rd - We don't know what your trying to Achieve with your set up.

It takes a lot of effort, planning & structure to make an Arena Defense successful.

You have to remember - Tanky teams go 2nd.

You have to have a plan or the enemy team going 1st will destroy you.

Step 1 ----> What is your Tanky Team Win Condition?

Is your Tanky team going to have a Damage Dealer to kill enemy team?

Is your Tanky team trying to win by being annoying (Forcing Enemy to Quit Fight)?

Aug 27, 2020, 09:1408/27/20
Aug 27, 2020, 09:15(edited)

Player J said:

Medui said:

Sadly I dont have Mausuleum Mage or Reliquary Tender so I need to Sub with something else. 

What I get is:

Umbral Enchantress

Sepulcher Sentinelt

No Micreated Monster, thou I think Jareg will do for the Shield Bearer and to Cleanse... well the only Cleansing Champ I have atm is Acolyte Force Rare Knight Revenant.

Hopefully that works. Thou it wil take at least 1-2 Weeks to finish. Need to get the Poitions, Gear and Food to Up them to 6 Star ^^

Thanks for the Tip Raven ^^

I think the New Defense set up you are trying to make isn't going to work.

The Tips FlaRaven gave you isn't bad, but I don't think it is good.

FlaRaven told you what you wanted to hear.

I don't agree with what FlaRaven did because it gives you false hope with out knowing anything about you.

1st - We don't know the Champion's you own.

2nd - We don't know your Gear situation.

3rd - We don't know what your trying to Achieve with your set up.

It takes a lot of effort, planning & structure to make an Arena Defense successful.

You have to remember - Tanky teams go 2nd.

You have to have a plan or the enemy team going 1st will destroy you.

Step 1 ----> What is your Tanky Team Win Condition?

Is your Tanky team going to have a Damage Dealer to kill enemy team?

Is your Tanky team trying to win by being annoying (Forcing Enemy to Quit Fight)?

Thats why I try to get Ideas here. So far I use my Attack team as Def Team. But using a Team that is Pretty Much a High Speed Glas Canon Nuke isn't working in Def. 

Gear wise, I'm at least stage 13+ in all Dungeons. There for I pretty Much only have 5 and 6 Star gear. I don't even bother with keeping anything below 5 or 6 star. 

And Champion wise.... oh well look for your self ^^

Some of the Rares are food but oh well maybe there is somthing I'm not seeing.

The thing is, I just want a Def Team that has an around 50/50 chance of win or lose so I don't fall down so deep after going to sleep.

I'm mostly annoyed that I go to Bed: Silver Tier 2 40 Points away from Tier 3.... I wake up back down to Silver Tier 1 and in some occasion even Bronze 4.

Out of the Champs in the ScreenShots only a few have Full Masteries (And are fully Booked). Wich are:




Stag Knight

Cold Heart (the lvl 50 one)

the Others only are up to Tier 4 Masteries seeing that I mostly need to Farm for the Masteries. My only Saving Grace I use 4 Full Masters so the one I'm upping always gets the Scrolls.

Other Info:

Fu Shan is build in Life Steal with High dmg for FactionCrypt.

Saurus is Build to Speed Farm 12-3 Brutal

Gravekiller. Kael and Banshee are in work for CB Team

The only Otherthing of note is, I'm currently working on geting the Razin Scalehide Fusion Complete.

Would be fun to see if someone can make a Working Def Team out of my Crap Champs ^^'



Aug 27, 2020, 12:1608/27/20

you seem to have built all attack champions....

zelotah is wasting away with sepulcher on your bench....
Aug 27, 2020, 19:0208/27/20
Aug 27, 2020, 19:41(edited)

MEDUI, you have some amazing champions.

The only thing I don't see on your Roster is a Damage Dealer which is Defense or Health based.

However, you did say you are making Rhazin.

Rhazin can be built to do damage.

Rhazin is very strong Defensive Damage Dealer.

The question is how fast can you Fuse Rhazin?

Rhazin can be huge for your Tanky set up.

I am seeing 2 different Tanky set ups you can make.

The 1st set up is Resistance:

Leader: Resistance Aura

1st move: Turn Meter Filler + Increase Defense

2nd move: Shields

3rd move: AOE Damage Dealing Defender

4th move: AOE Freeze/Stun/Provoke/True Fears/Sleep

Everyone on your team would need Resistance on this set up.

The goal would be to resist all the debuff's the enemy put on you.

You are in Silver 1 -----> I am guessing your heroes would all need to have around 200 RESIST.

When you get into Gold, You will probably need more RESIST.

I'm just giving you an estimated amount based on what I often see + current arena tier ranking.

Your Leader would be Rhazin.

Rhazin will give you the best Resist Aura.

Rhazin has 90% Resist Aura.

1st move: Best Champion for this job is Seeker - Hands down 

Seeker is a God at Turtling Defense teams.

I do know Seeker is on your Offense set up.

You could try another hero named Doomscreech.

Doomscreech is a rare hero which you own in your Roster.

Doomscreech can be used, but he isn't as powerful as Seeker.

Ultimately, you will have to decide what you want to do.

2nd move: Would be Zelotah

Your going to want Zelotah with tons of HP.

You are going to want Zelotah in a Shield set.

Zelotah also has a move which apply's more Shields. lol

Zelotah is a Shielding God

I wish I had a Zelotah.

3rd move: Would be Rhazin.

You would want Rhazin to be your Damage Dealer.

You want him with 100%  C.Rate

You want him with tons of C.Damage.

The other stats would be a combination of Resistance - Defense - Health

4th move: Would be Umbral Enchantress

You would want Umbral in Frost Set.

You would want Umbral to have crazy amounts of Accuracy.

The other stats would be a combination of Resistance - Defense - Health

The Resistance set up above is good against Speed Nuking set ups similar to yours.

This is your Speed Nuking set up:

Leader: Speed Aura

1st move: Turn Meter Filler + Speed Buff -----------------------------------> High Khatun 

2nd move: Turn Meter Filling + Increase Attack + Extra Turn ---------> Seeker

3rd move: Provoke ---------------------------------------------------------------> Seeker

4th move: Decrease Enemy Defense ---------------------------------------> Warmaiden

5th move: AOE Damage Dealing Attacker ---------------------------------> Rae

or 5th move: AOE Freeze + Remove Enemy Buffs -----------------------> Rae

Your Speed Team is putting Debuffs!

Seeker --------> Provoke

Warmaiden --> Decrease Defense

Rae -----------> Remove Buffs + Freeze

What happens if you do all of these above things and you see a green text saying RESISTED?

You are in big trouble! 

With Out Warmaiden reducing Enemy Eefense ---> Enemy Defense will be at full power

With out Rae removing Enemy Shields -------------> Enemy health is much safer.

The chances of your Rae killing them in 1 shot is very unlikely at that point.

If your not able to kill them in 1 shot, They will have a turn.

Any return fire done to your squishy speed team could be Fatal. 

If your Rae dies from there return fire, The chances of winning are close to impossible.

You can see how the Resist set up can be a good counter to your Classical Arena Speed Nuking set up.

However, the Resist set up isn't invincible.

I told you every set up has a weakness.

There is no perfect set up.

Resistance teams have problems against different Speed Nuking set ups.

The Classical Arena Offense Speed Nuking set up you have is merely 1 set up out of many.

There are tons of different variations to the set up.

People alter the set up so it can perform differently vs. what they are fighting against.

The Draw backs of a Resistance team is:

- Heroes which can't be resisted ------> Some heroes have the ability to bypass Resistance with there moves

- Artifiact Sets ------------------------------> 4 Piece Sets bypass Resistance + Accuracy Checks

- Teams which have no debuffs -------> Some teams try to burst you down with no debuffs!

For Example:

Here is a Speed Nuking set up which is known as the Blender set up.

Leader: Speed Aura

1st move: Turn Meter Filler + Increase Attack

2nd move: Rally with Allies

3rd move: AOE Damage Dealing Attacker

4th move: AOE Damage Dealing Attacker

What debuffs are they doing in that Blender set up?

None! they are just blitzing you down with AOE Damage Dealing attacks!

What is your Resistance doing?

Nothing! They don't have any debuffs.

Do you see the brilliance?

Image your Rae attacking 5 times with her AOE moves.

The Enemy has Shield up, but do you really care?

By the time the 2nd AOE move comes from your Rae, The enemy shield is gone.

And your Rae is still attacking with 2-3 more AOE moves.

Its so beautiful. 

Now we reach the next set up which I saw for you.

A Tanky set up with a Defense Aura!

Why are we using a Defense Aura?

Let the Blender teams rush us now! 

We dare you!

We have a Defense Aura now!

We are the Lords of the Defense!

Our heroes feet are planted on the ground.

They will not Budge.

They are like a Mountain!

Do your worst Blender teams.

You got nothing!

Your weak!

The sad part is the player using the Blender team don't fall for it.

They are to smart for that my friend.

You can't trick them so easy.

Previously, We used Resistance Aura to stop there Debuff's.

They noticed our Defense was more vulnerable with out a Defense Aura.

They created a Psychical Assault on our heroes trying to burst us down.

We now are using a Defense Aura.

We can shut down there Psychical Assault, but they will not do it!

They have noticed a new Vulnerability in our set up?

Can you see it? We are now Vulnerable to Status Condition Assaults.

Oh My Gosh - My Mountain Team is Frozen!

Wake up from your Sleep Debuffs heroes.

Oh no no no no no - You cowards - Fight us like a real men.

So guess what we are going to need now?

FlaRaven told you - Your going to need a hero who Cleanses Debuffs.

At the time, you probably didn't understand why.

I have explained it to you now - So now you perfectly understand.

The 2nd set up is Defensive:

Leader: Defense Aura

1st move: Turn Meter Filler + Increase Defense

2nd move: Cleansing + Healing

3rd move: AOE Damage Dealing Defender

4th move: AOE Freeze/Stun/Provoke/True Fears/Sleep

The main difference between the previous set up + this set up is your more vulnerable to debuff's.

The 2 heroes which will be the most vulnerable will be the Damage Dealer + Crowd Control hero.

The heroes moving 3rd + 4th.

The heroes going 1st + 2nd will need Resistance.

You want as much Resistance as you can, but you will be missing out on the +90 Resistant Aura from Rhazin.

You will lose the +90 from the Aura, but you still want Resistance on those 2 heroes.

Here is the main issue: 

In a perfect world, You would want the Cleasner to go first.

You would want the Cleasner to remove all the debuffs from your other heroes.

Than they would go with out being obstructed by any debuffs.

The problem is most Turn Meter Filling Champions are built with speed.

Turn Meter Filling hero enables your other heroes to take turns.

I haven't been able to make a Cleansing Hero go faster vs. my Turn Meter Filling hero.

I am trying to find the words to explain what I am thinking.

It's very difficult.

Ok - Let me use your Speed Team as an example:

Your Speed Team has Speed Aura.

Your Speed Team has High Khatun who gives you Turn Meter Filling.

Your Speed team has Seeker who gives you Turn Meter Filling.

The Defense team I am talking about is going to use a Defense Aura.

In a Perfect World, I am having the Cleanser go First.

This never works out for me because the Cleanser is built with Tons of Resist + 4 piece Immunity set.

I only have room to add 2 piece of Speed gear.

You can only have 6 gears on your hero (4 Immunity + 2 Speed)

My turn meter filling champion in this perfect world situation can only have 2 Speed gears on.

If he has more than 2 speed gear on, He will go before the Cleanser.

And it is a huge problem because I need the turn meter filling champion faster!

Remember, What the enemy is doing!

  • Speed Aura
  • 1 Champion Full Speed gear + Turn Meter
  • 2 Champion might even be Full Speed Gear + Turn Meter

They are move at 100 miles an hour - Its like a race track.

They are running lap after lap.

They will take 2-3 turns before I ever have chance to move.

You can't win if they start lapping you.

If the enemy team is going so fast, There whole team moves.

Than there whole team moves again.

By the time you have your chance to move, There will be no hero left on your team standing.

I have found having the Turn Meter Filling hero with 4 pieces of Speed gear is enough.

Your Defense team isn't trying to be faster vs. the enemy Speed team.

Your Defense team is trying to "keep up" with Speed team.

Enemy takes 1 turn.

You take 1 turn.

Enemy takes 1 turn.

You take 1 turn.

Everything is ok.

Enemy takes 2 turns.

You take 1 turn.

You lose!

This is why I think the only way to do it is to have the Turn Meter Filling champion go first before Cleanser.

Than you put Resistance Banner + Resistance in Substats to hope he doesn't get Debuffed.

If you think you can get the Cleanser to go first + work, You can give it a try.

Let me know if you can get it to work.

Maybe, my gear is not good.

Maybe, I am not doing something right.

I wish to learn + Improve as well.

Leader: Defense Aura

1st move: Cleansing + Healing

2nd move: Turn Meter Filler + Increase Defense

3rd move: AOE Damage Dealing Defender 

4th move: AOE Freeze/Stun/Provoke/True Fears/Sleep

I just haven't had much luck getting it to work.

Every time I tried to do it - The enemy runs over me.

They have Lyssandra + Abriter

I have to deal Lyssandra reducing my turn meter on top of buffing there Speed.

It's impossible.

Maybe, It is my own Fault.

I should be using a Resistance Aura vs. those teams.

I'm just stubborn.

I use the below set up:

Leader: Defense Aura

1st move: Turn Meter Filler + Increase Defense 

2nd move: Cleansing + Healing

3rd move: AOE Damage Dealing Defender

4th move: AOE Freeze/Stun/Provoke/True Fears/Sleep

Lets give an example:

Lyssandra ----> Turn Meter + Speed Bufff + Reduce Enemy Meter

Abriter --------> Turn Meter + Increase Attack

Venus --------> AOE Def Down + Weaken

Big Un -------> AOE Nuke

This is the move order the enemy is using:

Lyssandra ----> Abriter ----> Venus ----> Big Un

Enemy Team will go first:

1st move: Lyssandra -------------> Turn Meter + Speed Bufff + Reduce Enemy Meter 

2nd move: Abriter ----------------> Turn Meter + Increase Attack

Lyssandra + Abriter do a lot of Turn Meter Filling + Buffs.

It would trigger my Tormin Passive on there turn - It could potentially freeze them.

Lets say Big Un gets Frozen.

3rd move: Venus ------------------> AOE Def Down + Weaken

Venus will attack all my heroes.

If Venus hit is Critical, It will trigger my Seeker Passive on there turn.

My Seeker will put Increase Defense up on my team

4th move: Big Un -----------------> Frozen -----> Turn Is Skipped.

My Team will go second:

My team still has Increase Defense up from Seeker Passive which triggered

1st move: Seeker ------------------------> Turn Meter Filler + (The Atk buff doesn't matter) + Extra Turn

2nd move: Seeker -----------------------> Provoke

3rd move: M.Mage ----------------------> Cleansing the Defense Down + Weaken

4th move: Rhazin ------------------------> AOE Nuke + Reduce Enemy Meter

5th move: Tormin ------------------------>  AOE Provoke

Yeah, you can see it works.

Also the Damage Dealer doesn't have to be an AOE nuker.

It could be a Single Target Nuker which hits really hard.

Altan - Rotos - Mountain King

In this example, you would want your Single Target Nuker to kill Big Un.

The rest of the team is all Bark.

Big Un is the Bite.

If you take out Big Un, The rest of the team will go down.

There isn't a lot they can do.

Aug 27, 2020, 19:3808/27/20

Woah Holy, thanks for the Floot of Information. 

I'm going to go trough it the next few Hours / Days and look at my Possibilities.

Thou Double Summons for Void is comming up, I think I invest a bit of Money and try my hand on Getting Void Epics or Sacred. Still have 15 Void Shards left andmaybe I buy 5 more or so, if there is a good Offer. 

But Money Spending aside. I think I try to build both Set ups slowly. the Resist and the Def Tanky on this I can Switch Def around every other day. 

I'm Most Likly going to use Doomscreech for the Def team he has Turn meter fill + Inc. Def. 

The rest I need to look and read and reread the Info you give me. 

Mighty Thanks for that will come in handy and will be helpful. 

In Terms of my Att Team, I'm Thinking of Switching High Kathun for Fu Shan. Fu Shan Also has Arena speed Aura. BUT I can use him to Stun the Def Team. Hopefully. (Will Proberly run Fu Shan with Stun Set in Addition to his own Stun skill)

But anyways. Thanks Player J.

Great and Helpful Advice. Well for me at least who only plays for roughtly 100 Days ^^'


I think I can geht Rhazin within the coming Week. and in around 11 Days I also get DarK ElHain Will build Dark Elhain for Ice Golem, and secondary as Counter for the Freez Champs in Arena ^^



Aug 28, 2020, 04:2408/28/20

Medui said:

OzzLee said:

JoinME said:

Can you describe how they disguised a speed team? Because I assume whenever they have turnmeter booster, they are speed teams. 

Except for Seeker + Tank teams teams (specially when with Mountain King on the team) . A player that knows this tactic very well will not make their Seeker super fast. This is surely a very tanky Seeker build. In case you dont know, Seeker has a passive that puts aoe defense buff on the team when he got hit. Basically a trap to those who uses squishy aoe nukers in their offense. If their nuker is not strong enough to nuke this team on their first turn. More often than not, it is game over for the attacking team

I think that he meant that most speed teams have low team power rating.

Because how Raid calculate the team power that emphasizes on resist and defense (?).

So in silver tier, people who create speed teams usually have low team power, hence the the false appearance of "weak" teams because of their low team power.

What he say. My Arena Team has only 70k Power. and is a Speed Monster. High Kathun with 310 Speed, Seeker follows with 290 Speed followed by Warmaiden to debuff and Rea to Nuke the team down. currently I can destropy teams that have 100-150k power with "some" ease.

Only on rare occations I can Out paced. and Mostly that happens when an Arbiter is on the enemy team or they have a Speed Monster of an Apothecary with them.

The biggest problem I have is when the Team has Duchess on the Team. Rothos or Miscreated Monster are also a Problem from time to time. 
Thou with Rea's A3 that also Removes all Buffs from the enemy, she bashes nearly any one. Thou my Rea is a Glass Canon. 4,5k Atk 100% Crit Rate and 298% Crit dmg.

The Arena match up needs to change not to How much Team Power but linked to the Great Hall, how much Wins and Loses do you have.

Why is a "matching" system needed, why can't the refreshes pull 5 random players [x] arena points below, and 5 random players [x] arena points above your arena score?

If you base it on their Great Hall or anything outside the tier, then they are effectively not competing within their arena tier.