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Not believe the Arena is "Fixed", Arena is still broken.

Not believe the Arena is "Fixed", Arena is still broken.

Aug 23, 2020, 23:4608/23/20

Not believe the Arena is "Fixed", Arena is still broken.

Doing PVP Classic Arena all days in Silver I, with MANY MANY players level 60+ 3-4 level 60 Legendaries with 100,000+ Power, ONE HUNDREDS, these players should not be in Silver 1, why? they get nothing good.

Does anyone have the same experience? is Silver easier or the same? 

I start to feel like this Arena Patch balance is just a "claim" but nothing really change. Same old broken class arena
Aug 24, 2020, 00:4008/24/20

Personally, I find the fix has pushed me up to Silver 2

For the longest time I have been stuck in Silver 1, and after the 2.12 I broke my ceiling at 1360 point and have now break into Silver 2.

Offensively, I don't see that many differences between before and after patch 2.12

But defensively, I usually have around 70% lost rate, after 2.12 that 70% is now my WIN rate, a total 180 degrees reversal.

So yeah, I don't know what happened, but that's what happens to my account
Aug 24, 2020, 01:0308/24/20

Yeah, no. This is the LEAST powerful opponent match I just got in a panel of Bronze II:

The highest ranked was 97K! That's BRONZE.

The claim that Arena has been fixed is a lie. It is no easier for me to advance, or to ever have the possibility of getting past the challenge to reach Silver I.

Either a) Plarium is lying with the intent of dangling that carrot for people to dump $$ into the hopes of getting farther along now,

or b) Plarium devs don't actually know how to write a proper algorithm to match up opponents.

Aug 24, 2020, 01:1108/24/20
Aug 24, 2020, 01:14(edited)

Please understand that arena rankings is not directly proportional to your power level that is why you will still see fully ascended max level teams in lower ranks

There can be several reasons for this.

 One is the player is a whale which bought evertlything that he needs, summon, chickens, max ascension and artifacts. 

Two, can be a player who already maxed his hall so no reason to grind arena at all. 

Three, lazy high level player who still play from time to time but not able to maintain arena ranks.

Four, just inactive players.

Now, they have made a change in arena matching (not sure what they did, or if maybe it needs time to take effect) but not arena ranks of each player proportional to their power level.

Also, think of this, if they will remove all inactive players in arena in the rankings, they will remove not only high level players with strong teams but will also remove low level players with weak teams. This is why I always think of removing inactive players is the solution. 

They cant just remove strong teams in lower ranks in arena. What if the player is just early game but whale too much to have strong team to start climbing arena? They cant just push this player to gold automatically. And it will not be good to whales as they will not be able to rank up their hall easily as they will face strong teams right away without experience in arena. This will make spending in the game not favorable to them when it comes to arena.

Arena is a ladder. Whether you are strong or weak, early game or end game player, you will still start at the bottom or be push to the bottom.

One fix they could have done is to remove arena missions in arbiter quest. A small problem here is some players will not have to be competitive in arena if there are no great reason to play arena when you are early game. They probably want a balance number of early game and end game players playing in arena. 
Aug 24, 2020, 01:1808/24/20

I just got to ask, how is everyone doing in the defensive battles?

I can't be the only one turning my defense rate 180 degrees...
Aug 24, 2020, 01:4508/24/20

JoinME said:

 One is the player is a whale which bought evertlything that he needs, summon, chickens, max ascension and artifacts. 

Two, can be a player who already maxed his hall so no reason to grind arena at all. 

Three, lazy high level player who still play from time to time but not able to maintain arena ranks.

Four, just inactive players.

They cant just remove strong teams in lower ranks in arena. What if the player is just early game but whale too much to have strong team to start climbing arena? They cant just push this player to gold automatically. And it will not be good to whales as they will not be able to rank up their hall easily as they will face strong teams right away without experience in arena. This will make spending in the game not favorable to them when it comes to arena.

The problem with this  "The player is high powerful team because he whale Pay2Win" this not a valid reason. Because:

1) why is this player still in Silver 1. he should be in Gold II in his sleep easy auto battle, with 4 Legendaries 100,000+ Power. 

2) Why is he level 60+ that's not new player, that's long time player. My main account is level 62 with 70,000 Power in Silver I and that's 3 months playing. That's not new player.

Aug 24, 2020, 02:0108/24/20

downonluck said:

The problem with this  "The player is high powerful team because he whale Pay2Win" this not a valid reason. Because:

1) why is this player still in Silver 1. he should be in Gold II in his sleep easy auto battle, with 4 Legendaries 100,000+ Power. 

2) Why is he level 60+ that's not new player, that's long time player. My main account is level 62 with 70,000 Power in Silver I and that's 3 months playing. That's not new player.

The thing about arena is, you can't just put crazy high level legendary champion haphazardly and think it's going to get you high ranking

In arena, you actually need to have your champions be able to compliment each other, many of those legendary teams are still at silver also because at gold, their teams just can't compliment each other.

This part of arena team building is the one that frustrated me at the beginning, but after finding out what and how arena works, it's actually a part that I love about arena,

I started with Jizoh, Skullcrusher, Athel and Doompriest at Bronze 3, that was 2 months ago I think, everyone don't believe I can break into Silver 1 with that team, specially because my average team speed is low compared to others in arena. But they did get me into Silver 1, because I know what each of those champions needs to do and at what sequence they need to do it.

I've beaten Siphi, Rotos, Miscreated Monster, Madame Serris, any champ that you can think of that is supposedly the go to champ in Arena just because their team cannot support those heroes. Jizoh that everyone hated is actually my star of the team, many times single handedly destroying teams all by himself.

So yeah, a lot of those "high powered" teams are just usually paper tiger.
Aug 24, 2020, 02:2308/24/20

As I said, arena is a ladder. You don't make a step you dont climb. If you stop climbing the one below you will pass you. 

This ladder does not consider new player or old player. Strong or weak. 

downonluck said:

JoinME said:

 One is the player is a whale which bought evertlything that he needs, summon, chickens, max ascension and artifacts. 

Two, can be a player who already maxed his hall so no reason to grind arena at all. 

Three, lazy high level player who still play from time to time but not able to maintain arena ranks.

Four, just inactive players.

They cant just remove strong teams in lower ranks in arena. What if the player is just early game but whale too much to have strong team to start climbing arena? They cant just push this player to gold automatically. And it will not be good to whales as they will not be able to rank up their hall easily as they will face strong teams right away without experience in arena. This will make spending in the game not favorable to them when it comes to arena.

The problem with this  "The player is high powerful team because he whale Pay2Win" this not a valid reason. Because:

1) why is this player still in Silver 1. he should be in Gold II in his sleep easy auto battle, with 4 Legendaries 100,000+ Power. 

2) Why is he level 60+ that's not new player, that's long time player. My main account is level 62 with 70,000 Power in Silver I and that's 3 months playing. That's not new player.

Aug 24, 2020, 02:4708/24/20
Aug 24, 2020, 02:48(edited)

JoinME said:

As I said, arena is a ladder. You don't make a step you dont climb. If you stop climbing the one below you will pass you. 

This ladder does not consider new player or old player. Strong or weak. 

Although in essence I do agree with you, arena does need more work, specially in acclimating newer players.

And the ladder needs to consider weak and strong players, I have been advocating the need for a safety net, so players cannot fall beyond such a safety net. It is not to protect higher tier players to keep their tiers, this is to protect lower tier players from having to face fallen high level players

Aug 24, 2020, 07:0008/24/20
Aug 24, 2020, 07:08(edited)

JoinME said:

As I said, arena is a ladder. You don't make a step you dont climb. If you stop climbing the one below you will pass you. 

This ladder does not consider new player or old player. Strong or weak. 

downonluck said:

JoinME said:

 One is the player is a whale which bought evertlything that he needs, summon, chickens, max ascension and artifacts. 

Two, can be a player who already maxed his hall so no reason to grind arena at all. 

Three, lazy high level player who still play from time to time but not able to maintain arena ranks.

Four, just inactive players.

They cant just remove strong teams in lower ranks in arena. What if the player is just early game but whale too much to have strong team to start climbing arena? They cant just push this player to gold automatically. And it will not be good to whales as they will not be able to rank up their hall easily as they will face strong teams right away without experience in arena. This will make spending in the game not favorable to them when it comes to arena.

The problem with this  "The player is high powerful team because he whale Pay2Win" this not a valid reason. Because:

1) why is this player still in Silver 1. he should be in Gold II in his sleep easy auto battle, with 4 Legendaries 100,000+ Power. 

2) Why is he level 60+ that's not new player, that's long time player. My main account is level 62 with 70,000 Power in Silver I and that's 3 months playing. That's not new player.

It's not about the ladder, every game has ladder, it's more of whether the system is broken or not.

My point is there is 0 incentive and reason why an ACTIVE level 66+ Whale or Pay2Win want to be around Silver 1 FOR WEEKS, the reward in Silver worth less than in Gold rank. Unless this player is so inactive he is  "stuck" on that rank and since his team is powerful, no others in that rank range can defeat him to lower him rank any further. THAT is the main problem here. Who out there level 66 100,000 Power want to be in rank silver, no one.

Aug 24, 2020, 08:2608/24/20
Aug 24, 2020, 09:24(edited)

downonluck said:

It's not about the ladder, every game has ladder, it's more of whether the system is broken or not.

My point is there is 0 incentive and reason why an ACTIVE level 66+ Whale or Pay2Win want to be around Silver 1 FOR WEEKS, the reward in Silver worth less than in Gold rank. Unless this player is so inactive he is  "stuck" on that rank and since his team is powerful, no others in that rank range can defeat him to lower him rank any further. THAT is the main problem here. Who out there level 66 100,000 Power want to be in rank silver, no one.

1. There's actually plenty of incentives to stay down, like farming medals for your great hall. If you think about it, it's actually more cost effective to farm at lower tier. You get guaranteed medals although smaller in numbers as opposed to chance of getting ZERO medals because your opponents are tougher at higher tiers. Not to mention points for events and tournaments.

2. 100k is not actually that high of a team power, my team is 113k, and let me tell you if I can use that team power to get to gold, I would have used it. And although many people have already said that team power means nothing, from my observation, to be in gold the team power seems to hover around 180k ish at the low end.

Aug 24, 2020, 14:3908/24/20
OzzLee said:

I just got to ask, how is everyone doing in the defensive battles?

I can't be the only one turning my defense rate 180 degrees...
85-90% loss rate on defense in gold 3  But I don’t get attacked as much now about 10-12 times per day as before was every hour 
Aug 24, 2020, 16:1808/24/20

I still see no difference in g3/g4 on main or s2/s3 on alt

The ponzi scheme has
Aug 24, 2020, 18:5808/24/20
It changed. For worse. I actually made a small upgrade and was able to get back to gold with a hundred points to spare. Update time and now I'm in S3 with team over 150k points. Ofc I originally was in G4 before this whole mess started. 
Aug 24, 2020, 19:2008/24/20

OzzLee said:

I just got to ask, how is everyone doing in the defensive battles?

I can't be the only one turning my defense rate 180 degrees...

It was holding up very good last night in Gold 4.

I was at the higher end of Gold 4 with 3,700 Arena Points.

The minimum amount to Platinum was 3,900 Arena Points.

I was using the Below Defense:

Aug 24, 2020, 20:0808/24/20
Aug 24, 2020, 20:11(edited)

"Some of them are p2w whales" is not a justifiable excuse.

One of the things that I've been saying since I started posting on this topic is that there needs to either be a) a removal of p2w wall in the progress missions, or 2) an algorithm to match up f2p players vs f2p players.

Sorry but players who are mostly f2p aren't going to pay much, for long, if they are put in a situation where they are required to do so in order to progress the narrative of the game. They will just leave the one of a thousand "f2p" games in search of another one, -or- they will just cruise on what they can in f2p mode, and tax the server resource for people who do pay.

No, I shouldn't have to face against players who dump hundreds or thousands of dollars into a microtransaction game.

Free to play games that work — and actually want to keep a large player base — realize this, and they don't put pay walls into the core mechanic of the game.

Give me rewards if I make it to Platinum, in some miracle, someday. Great! Don't make it to where it's impossible for me to finish the questline if I don't.

And so long as those who are f2p have to face established p2w whales in order to reach that endgame, that's what it will be.

Keep a hundred people happy who will pay $10 here and there for an energy boost or a mix pack every month, you make more money than one p2w player who dumps a hundred bucks on relic and chicken packs.

Drive those players away in frustration, or turn them into idle players, you make nothing off of them.

Aug 24, 2020, 20:2008/24/20

Cynwulf said:

"Some of them are p2w whales" is not a justifiable excuse.

One of the things that I've been saying since I started posting on this topic is that there needs to either be a) a removal of p2w wall in the progress missions, or 2) an algorithm to match up f2p players vs f2p players.

Sorry but players who are mostly f2p aren't going to pay much, for long, if they are put in a situation where they are required to do so in order to progress the narrative of the game. They will just leave the one of a thousand "f2p" games in search of another one, -or- they will just cruise on what they can in f2p mode, and tax the server resource for people who do pay.

No, I shouldn't have to face against players who dump hundreds or thousands of dollars into a microtransaction game.

Free to play games that work — and actually want to keep a large player base — realize this, and they don't put pay walls into the core mechanic of the game.

Give me rewards if I make it to Platinum, in some miracle, someday. Great! Don't make it to where it's impossible for me to finish the questline if I don't.

And so long as those who are f2p have to face established p2w whales in order to reach that endgame, that's what it will be.

Keep a hundred people happy who will pay $10 here and there for an energy boost or a mix pack every month, you make more money than one p2w player who dumps a hundred bucks on relic and chicken packs.

Drive those players away in frustration, or turn them into idle players, you make nothing off of them.

Why shouldn't f2p have to compete with paying players?

The game does NOT want you to stay f2p.  

Arena is "broken" for sure, but they don't care if $0 spending players quit.   The problem is new players (even moderate spenders) have no chance against long tenured players.
Aug 25, 2020, 02:5508/25/20

They aren't done tinkering with arena. They didn't claim that the last patch would "fix" it. They made the first of several incremental changes as they gather more data on the problem.

I've complained about the arena mess just as much as anyone else, but I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt that they can bring things in line over the next few patches. Hopefully they don't disappoint.

Aug 25, 2020, 05:4708/25/20
Since the "fix" I am encountering more speed teams that are well disguised.  It seems that speed does not greatly increase team power.  So a team from 40k to 150k can be a speed team.  I am building a tank team for offense and defense.  But by the time its finished, the dynamics of the game may change again. 
Aug 25, 2020, 09:1308/25/20
ClosedPoly said:

Since the "fix" I am encountering more speed teams that are well disguised.  It seems that speed does not greatly increase team power.  So a team from 40k to 150k can be a speed team.  I am building a tank team for offense and defense.  But by the time its finished, the dynamics of the game may change again. 
Once you get to Bronze 4 / Silver 1,  I think any team that is bellow 110k team power can usually be assumed as speed teams, specially if you notice the "usual" suspect heroes
Aug 25, 2020, 10:4808/25/20

Can you describe how they disguised a speed team? Because I assume whenever they have turnmeter booster, they are speed teams. 

Except for Seeker + Tank teams teams (specially when with Mountain King on the team) . A player that knows this tactic very well will not make their Seeker super fast. This is surely a very tanky Seeker build. In case you dont know, Seeker has a passive that puts aoe defense buff on the team when he got hit. Basically a trap to those who uses squishy aoe nukers in their offense. If their nuker is not strong enough to nuke this team on their first turn. More often than not, it is game over for the attacking team

ClosedPoly said:

Since the "fix" I am encountering more speed teams that are well disguised.  It seems that speed does not greatly increase team power.  So a team from 40k to 150k can be a speed team.  I am building a tank team for offense and defense.  But by the time its finished, the dynamics of the game may change again.