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Classic arena

Classic arena

Aug 14, 2020, 21:0408/14/20
Player J said:

NPNKY said:

Can you show me a screenshot from the main (base) screen of where to find these? Are they the ones in the bottom left labeled "Missions", or is this something I haven't unlocked yet?

Perfect. That's what I thought you were referring to. That's where I'm stuck, trying to get to Silver I.  Thanks for your help.
Aug 16, 2020, 00:4708/16/20
Aug 16, 2020, 02:00(edited)


Trips likes to make Tanky Teams.

It's not bad to have a Tanky Team set up.

The only issue Trips might have is not having a very strong Nuker.

Duchess - Skullcrusher - Warlord - They don't Nuke.

Miscreated Monster is the only Nuker in that set up.

The issue is even though Trips can build Miscreated Monster to be a Nuker.

Miscreated Monster still isn't going to put out crazy damage numbers.

Miscreated Monster puts out good damage numbers, but nothing truly insane.

It all depends on the team Trips team fights against.

If Trip goes up against a bunch of squishy Speed Nuking heroes, Miscreated Monster good damage numbers can kill them.

If Trips goes up against another Tank team or Speed Nuking team with bunch of Reviving heroes, M.Monster might struggle.

Sir Nicholas - Mountain King - Rotos -----> Those are your High End - Top Tier - Tank Team - Damage Dealers.

Rhazin - Mortu Macaab - Altan ------------> Those are your Low End - Top Tier - Tank Team - Damage Dealers.

I think M.Monster is more in the Middle Tier.

Truthfully, Tank Teams are at the lowest point they have ever been.

  • Madam Serris is dominating tanks teams ability to keep Buffs up + reducing there defense with Def Down.
  • Rotos is dominating tank teams with his single target nukes - picking apart tanks teams synergy. 
  • Tormin passive has been bugged - The game plans to fix it, but till they do players have been benching Tormin.
  • Blender teams are wrecking havoc on tanks teams ability to with stand fast bursts of damage.
  • Game even introduced a new hero (Kreela Witch Armor) which allows them to Stun + Rally.

Speed Teams are simply unafraid.

There isn't anything keeping Speed Teams in check.

Aug 16, 2020, 01:4408/16/20
Player J said:


The only Damage Dealer you have which is level 60 is Elhain.

Players often build Arena Set ups around there Damage Dealer.

What I recommend doing is the following:

Leader: High Khatun - Speed Aura

1st move: HIgh Khatun ------------------------> Turn Meter Filling

2nd move: Spirithost ---------------------------> Increase Attack

3rd move: Stag Knight ------------------------> AOE Def Down

4th move: Elhain --------------------------------> AOE Damage Dealer

High Khatun -----> You want her Insanely Fast --------------------------------------> 6x Speed + Speed Substats

Spirithost ---------> I, personally, like Spirit host to be Fast + Tanky ------------> 4x Speed + 2x Immortal/HP gears

Stag Knight ------> You want him to be Semi-Fast + Very Accurate ------------> 2x Speed + 2x Offense + 2x ACC

Elhain -------------> You want her to Hit like a Truck ---------------------------------> 4x Offense + 2x C.Rate

Well, it worked. I was able to get into Silver 1. It took me about 3 energy refills and about 6 rerolls to get teams that weren't  4 legendaries at 60, but I got there. Down to Bronze 3 by the next morning, but at least I'm not stuck on the rest of the arbiter missions anymore. At least not until the next arena mission.
Aug 16, 2020, 02:0308/16/20

NPNKY said:

Well, it worked. I was able to get into Silver 1. It took me about 3 energy refills and about 6 rerolls to get teams that weren't  4 legendaries at 60, but I got there. Down to Bronze 3 by the next morning, but at least I'm not stuck on the rest of the arbiter missions anymore. At least not until the next arena mission.

Aug 16, 2020, 14:1308/16/20
killerclone187 said:

Trips said:

I have no speed, I run Warlord (resist lead) Skullcrusher Miscreated Monster Duchess

My gear is lacking otherwise I would be able to hang at bottom of g4 easily.  My problem is MM & Warlord only around 200-250 resist.  Need to get to 300+.  Duchess is 350.  I never go 1st, but can win 60-70%

Maybe swapping skullcrown for tayrel? 

OMG trips your funny lmao your a funny dude either your board or just crazy do u need help i have discord bro lol???

What is so funny? I am back in gold 4 over 3000 pts.  My tanky team can battle up against the g3 teams. The team has great synergy. Of course there are many teams I have no chance against but I only need to find 1 or 2 each refresh.  If I didn't have 3 of 4 team members doubling up for CB team I could improve the gear and masteries towards arena. And the 4th, monster, is built for spider.  As someone who has spent very little $$$, this is the only option I have for arena. 
Aug 16, 2020, 14:4108/16/20

Player J said:


Trips likes to make Tanky Teams.

It's not bad to have a Tanky Team set up.

The only issue Trips might have is not having a very strong Nuker.

Duchess - Skullcrusher - Warlord - They don't Nuke.

Miscreated Monster is the only Nuker in that set up.

The issue is even though Trips can build Miscreated Monster to be a Nuker.

Miscreated Monster still isn't going to put out crazy damage numbers.

Miscreated Monster puts out good damage numbers, but nothing truly insane.

It all depends on the team Trips team fights against.

If Trip goes up against a bunch of squishy Speed Nuking heroes, Miscreated Monster good damage numbers can kill them.

If Trips goes up against another Tank team or Speed Nuking team with bunch of Reviving heroes, M.Monster might struggle.

Sir Nicholas - Mountain King - Rotos -----> Those are your High End - Top Tier - Tank Team - Damage Dealers.

Rhazin - Mortu Macaab - Altan ------------> Those are your Low End - Top Tier - Tank Team - Damage Dealers.

I think M.Monster is more in the Middle Tier.

Truthfully, Tank Teams are at the lowest point they have ever been.

  • Madam Serris is dominating tanks teams ability to keep Buffs up + reducing there defense with Def Down.
  • Rotos is dominating tank teams with his single target nukes - picking apart tanks teams synergy. 
  • Tormin passive has been bugged - The game plans to fix it, but till they do players have been benching Tormin.
  • Blender teams are wrecking havoc on tanks teams ability to with stand fast bursts of damage.
  • Game even introduced a new hero (Kreela Witch Armor) which allows them to Stun + Rally.

Speed Teams are simply unafraid.

There isn't anything keeping Speed Teams in check.

Pretty much spot on J.

I don't have any of those damage dealers except Rhazin,  so very limited. 

1. Avoid Rotos, Siphi, Duchess 

2. Avoid Serris 90% of time depending on rest of team

3. Don't attack anyone with multiple revivers 


1. High resistance (300+), only 2 of my 4 qualify currently. Resistance is useless on CB so I am poorly geared on both teams.

2. Obviously as much def/hp as possible 

3. Stalwart gear when possible 

4. I'm very slow, around 200 speed across the board

5. High accuracy for warlord and mm

Most of my battles are close, good rng=win bad=loss

I need lots of stuns and fear and then win the war of attrition. 

My defensive victories are likely often stalemates

Aug 16, 2020, 19:3908/16/20
Not without dropping thousands of dollars into the game. Only legends good enough to counter speed are the rare legendaries 
Aug 16, 2020, 19:4008/16/20
I’ve noticed a lot lately their are teams set up with legends that just won’t die. Not enough power to kill anyone on my team just too much defense and an op healing factor design to just dragged the game on until you quit. Just another thing to add to raids failed pvp system. So sad for such a decent idea of a game 
Aug 17, 2020, 07:4708/17/20
Almost 3 hours straight with almost no reasonably winnable fights even in bronze 3/4.  Even in Bronze you have so many defenses that are just 4 fully ascended 60s including 1 or more legendaries.  This is totally absurd and not very fun as someone that's been playing less than 3 weeks and has 1 60.
Aug 17, 2020, 19:2108/17/20
Sometimes get even "personal"
Aug 17, 2020, 23:5208/17/20

Trips said:

Player J said:


Trips likes to make Tanky Teams.

It's not bad to have a Tanky Team set up.

The only issue Trips might have is not having a very strong Nuker.

Duchess - Skullcrusher - Warlord - They don't Nuke.

Miscreated Monster is the only Nuker in that set up.

The issue is even though Trips can build Miscreated Monster to be a Nuker.

Miscreated Monster still isn't going to put out crazy damage numbers.

Miscreated Monster puts out good damage numbers, but nothing truly insane.

It all depends on the team Trips team fights against.

If Trip goes up against a bunch of squishy Speed Nuking heroes, Miscreated Monster good damage numbers can kill them.

If Trips goes up against another Tank team or Speed Nuking team with bunch of Reviving heroes, M.Monster might struggle.

Sir Nicholas - Mountain King - Rotos -----> Those are your High End - Top Tier - Tank Team - Damage Dealers.

Rhazin - Mortu Macaab - Altan ------------> Those are your Low End - Top Tier - Tank Team - Damage Dealers.

I think M.Monster is more in the Middle Tier.

Truthfully, Tank Teams are at the lowest point they have ever been.

  • Madam Serris is dominating tanks teams ability to keep Buffs up + reducing there defense with Def Down.
  • Rotos is dominating tank teams with his single target nukes - picking apart tanks teams synergy. 
  • Tormin passive has been bugged - The game plans to fix it, but till they do players have been benching Tormin.
  • Blender teams are wrecking havoc on tanks teams ability to with stand fast bursts of damage.
  • Game even introduced a new hero (Kreela Witch Armor) which allows them to Stun + Rally.

Speed Teams are simply unafraid.

There isn't anything keeping Speed Teams in check.

Pretty much spot on J.

I don't have any of those damage dealers except Rhazin,  so very limited. 

1. Avoid Rotos, Siphi, Duchess 

2. Avoid Serris 90% of time depending on rest of team

3. Don't attack anyone with multiple revivers 


1. High resistance (300+), only 2 of my 4 qualify currently. Resistance is useless on CB so I am poorly geared on both teams.

2. Obviously as much def/hp as possible 

3. Stalwart gear when possible 

4. I'm very slow, around 200 speed across the board

5. High accuracy for warlord and mm

Most of my battles are close, good rng=win bad=loss

I need lots of stuns and fear and then win the war of attrition. 

My defensive victories are likely often stalemates

Are you using the same team for offense and defense in arena? 

Aug 18, 2020, 00:4808/18/20

Yes, same for offense and defense.

Aug 18, 2020, 15:2008/18/20

Supposedly, they fixed it. It's not fixed. 

The underlying issue was that anyone who ever played the game ever left their arena defense team in there and it never went away. Because RSL bleeds out players like crazy, that means a lot of high powered players gave up and quit the game ages ago. Their fully ascended, fully masteried, awesomely equipped, mostly legendary defense team can't move up because they stopped playing, but they can lose from time to time and move down. They were sitting in Bronze I II and III. Because Plarium left it broken and did nothing for such a long time, clearing Bronze IV arena is now something you do after clearing Nightmare campaign and are attacking Nightmare Clan Boss daily. But the placement of Arena within the Progress Missions and Quests presupposes that you can reach Silver I pretty early in the game, when you absolutely can't. 

I'm currently able to farm everywhere in brutal. I'm working on Nightmare campaign. I have multiple 6 star champions, I've fused Relickeeper snf maxed him out, I can deal millions in damage on Clan Boss, etc. Scanning to the left of "Reach Silver I" above and unless it's got something to do with Arena, I already did it a long time ago. 

Now finally, after the player base has pestered them endlessly for over a year, Plarium has finally kicked inactive players out of arena. This is good certainly, but because it took so long for them to get around to it, the game has evolved. All of Arena is still completely impossible to progress in for players who are at the just about to "Clear Stage 7 of the Catacombs of Narbuk on Hard" for the first time. I've cleared it on Nightmare, and I still can't reach Silver I. Too many people like me have been trapped in Bronze for too long and newer players haven't a prayer of beating any of us. Fixing the root cause of why Arena was broken didn't just magically make everything better. 

My suggestion: Just drop Arena from the progress missions entirely and replace it with something else. It was left too broken for too long and now it's impossible to gage where it would fit in anymore. It's the territory of endgame players at this point. While it has improved a little, Bronze III sure a hell shouldn't look like this (screen shot just taken seconds ago): 

Aug 18, 2020, 17:1708/18/20
I'm giving it till the end of the month. I will try my very best to reach Silver I by the end of the month. If I can't do it, I'm quitting the game. I'm not 100% F2P, but I'm also not a big spender. If this game is only meant for the big spender whales, I say let them have it and to hell with Plarium and their whale collecting game. 
Aug 18, 2020, 17:2608/18/20
Aug 18, 2020, 17:32(edited)

MrChuckles said:

Ikaar teams look really solid.

If Ikaar has the team built correctly, It will be very hard to beat.

1st move: Gorgorab ------------> Turn Meter Filling + Increase Attack

2nd move: Suzerain Katon ---> AOE Weaken or Def Down

3rd move: Skullcrown ---------> AOE Nuke

4th move: Minaya --------------> Protection - Healing - I would have her in a Shield Set

If Ikaar set up is faster, He should be able to 1 shot people.

If Ikaar set up isn't faster, His Minaya in a Shield set can offer protection to survive enemy nuke.

Than his Minaya can heal up his team on the counter attack.

Irrelevant set up is good for Offense.

Irrelevat set up isn't great for Defense.

Irrelevat has a similar set up to Ikaar, but Irrelevat set up has technical issues.

1st move: Lyssandra ------------> Turn Meter Filling

2nd move: Madam Serris -----> AOE Def Down 

3rd move: Skullcrown ---------> AOE Nuke 

4th move: Kael -----------------> 2nd AOE Nuke

In Theory, I think Irrelevat would want his team to do the above moves.

The issue is Madam Serris AI doesn't do AOE Def Down on Auto.

Madam Serris AI likes to do Block Debuffs Buff on Auto.

This is what Irrelevat team is going to do the majority of the time.

1st move: Lyssandra ------------> Turn Meter Filling

2nd move: Madam Serris -----> Block Buffs

3rd move: Skullcrown ---------> AOE Nuke  

4th move: Kael -----------------> 2nd AOE Nuke

Irrelevat isn't giving any of his damage dealers an Increase Attack Buff

Irrelevant isn't weakening the Enemies Defense with a reliable Def Break Debuff.

Ikaar team will do a lot more damage vs. Irrelevat team.

Ikkar has taken steps to provide Increase Atk + Weaken or Def Break

Ikkar has taken steps to prove his team with Sustain Resurrection + Healing.

Ikkar team is more flexible - It can dish out hits + bounce back from enemy hits.

Ikkar team shouldn't have been the first match team 

The first team match ups are usually vs. teams which are weak.

Ikkar team looks like a challenging fight.

Atom & Vladislav teams are both garbage.

They don't know what they are doing.

They just put random heroes into a set up.

It might be there best - highest leveled champions.

To beat Ikaar team:

You want a Faster Speed Aura vs. Skullcrown

You want a Turn Meter Filling Champion

You want a hero to Remove Shields - Incase, Minaya is wearing Shield set.

You want a hero to do AOE Def Down

You want a hero with Single Target Nuke which can Ignore Unkillable Buffs to bypass Skullcrown passive

You want a hero who has Block Revive to stop Gorgorab from reviving the team

You want a hero who has Heal Reduction Debuff to stop Minaya from healing the team

So with that in mind - What would the Ultimate Counter Set to Ikaar team look like?

Abriter ---------------> 30 % Speed Aura + Turn Meter Filling

Madam Serris -----> Remove All Enemy Buffs + AOE Def Down

Rotos ----------------> Single Target Nuke + Ignore Unkiillable Buff + Block Revive

Teela Goremane --> AOE Heal Reduction for 2 turns

To beat Irrelevant team:

You want a Resist Aura to counter  Lyssandra + Madam Serris

You want a Counter Attack to help your slow team get turns

You want a way to Sustain (C. Healing - Regular Healing - Shielding - Reviving)

You want a shield to sponge some of the damage Skullcrown + Kael will do.

You want a hero with Single Target Nuke which can Ignore Defense to kill Kael

You want a hero who can Crowd Control (Provoke - Stun - Freeze - True Fear)

So with that in mind - What would the Ultimate Counter Set to Irrelevant team look like?

Siphi ------------------> 80% Resist Aura + Healing + Reviving

Martyr ----------------> Counter Attack + Provoke ----> Alternatively, You can use Valkyrie for Counter Attack + Shields

Mountain King ------> Single Target Nuke + Ignore 50% Defense

Krisk -------------------> Big Shield + Provoke

To beat Atom & Vladislav teams:

You just need a Classical Arena set up

You want Speed Aura

You want Speed Buff

You want Turn Meter Filling

You want AOE Def Break & Weaken if possible

You want AOE Nuker

So with that in mind - What would the Ultimate Counter Set to Atom & Vladislav teams look like?

Lyssandra ------------------> Turn Meter Filling + Decrease Enemy Turn Meter + Speed Buff

Abriter -----------------------> Turn Meter Filling + Speed Aura 30%

Venus ------------------------> AOE Def Down + Weaken

Big Un ----------------------> AOE Nuker



Maybe, you have some of these heroes.

Maybe, you don't have some of these heroes


You have to know how to beat the enemy.

Than you have to see if you have the heroes with the necessary skills to beat the enemy.

Than you have to see if you have leveled the hero up enough to put them into a position to win.

And if all of the above things happen - You will win.

And if all of the above things don't happen - You will lose.

And that is what separates the strong arena players from the weak arena players.

The strong arena players fight the battles - they know they can win.

The strong arena players avoid the battles - they know they can't win.

There is no shame in avoiding a fight.

You can't expect to beat everyone all the time!

Aug 18, 2020, 18:0808/18/20
Player J said:

Maybe, you have some of these heroes.

Maybe, you don't have some of these heroes

I'm pretty sure most of the newer players in bronze 3 have none of the heroes you listed, considering they're all legendaries except Serris who might as well be a legendary, many of them even void legendaries. If they had a number of those champions, they could probably also climb in arena on their own. When you recommend teams like that against these opponents in bronze 3, that only proves the point people are making - that these are teams that don't even remotely belong in bronze 3. 
Aug 18, 2020, 18:4608/18/20

Player J said:

"Maybe, you have some of these heroes.

Maybe, you don't have some of these heroes



Let's explore that, shall we? Here's the list of heroes you suggested:

Arbiter: Don't have her because that would require me reaching Silver I as well as several other Arena achievements. Since I can't reach Silver I, obviously I don't have her.

  1. Madam Serris: Don't have her.
  2. Rotos: Don't have him.
  3. Teela Goreman: Don't have her.
  4. Mass Counterattack Hero: Don't have one.
  5. Mass Ignore Damage/Unkillable: Don't have one.
  6. Siphi: Don't have them.
  7. Martyr: Don't have them.
  8. Mountain King: Don't have him.
  9. Krisk: Don't have them.
  10. Lyssandra: Don't have them.
  11. Venus: Don't have her.
  12. Big Un: Don't have them.

Sure, arena is the challenging. It's all kinds of fun strategy, swapping out this or that champion to counter this or that other champion. But if you don't have enough pieces to play that game, then you're just staring at an impossible wall of endless frustration. That sucks any and all fun you might be experiecing out of Arena.

I have the following level 60's. Galek, Sethalia, Sandlashed Survivor, Relickeeper, Warmaiden, Fellhound. I've got Golden Reaper, Painkeeper, Maulie Tankard and several others to 50. It's not enough to get me to Silver I. I'm trying to beat a full set of chess pieces with mostly pawns.

But you're completely missing my entire point. The Progression Missions right after "Reach Silver I" are:

  1. Clear Stage 7 of Catacombs of Narbuk on Hard.
  2. Clear Stage 5 or higher of the Minotaur's Labyrith 10 times on auto.
  3. Unlock Tier 2 Masteries for 2 Champions.
  4. Earn 3 Stars on Stage 7 of the Catacombs of Narbuk on Hard difficulty.

I've done all of those forever ago. The placement of Arena in the Progression Missions assumes that a player who can do those things should have already reached Silver I by now. Well I've been stuck here unable to reach Silver I for four months now, so please explain how much fun that is.

Aug 18, 2020, 20:1408/18/20
Classic arena in a nutshell: having arbiter 301 speed but never!!!! Go First,  so 50% winrate is best i can get , after farming gold 4 over a year , funny and interesting gamedevs that do nothing
Aug 18, 2020, 20:2608/18/20

L9753 said:

Player J said:

Maybe, you have some of these heroes.

Maybe, you don't have some of these heroes

I'm pretty sure most of the newer players in bronze 3 have none of the heroes you listed, considering they're all legendaries except Serris who might as well be a legendary, many of them even void legendaries. If they had a number of those champions, they could probably also climb in arena on their own. When you recommend teams like that against these opponents in bronze 3, that only proves the point people are making - that these are teams that don't even remotely belong in bronze 3. 

You are correct L9, but J is correct that the other 2 are beatable but could have used better heroes as examples.

All these posts continue what I have said all along.... inflation+less new players = failure of ponzi scheme

The only way to "fix" is change mechanics to significantly increase # of players in each arena tier.  I have no faith that Plarium will do this with whatever adjustment is coming, lol
Aug 18, 2020, 20:4608/18/20
Aug 18, 2020, 20:50(edited)

You people do realize rare & epic heroes can do the things I have said?

I gave a list of Legendary heroes because it is the heroes which came to my mind as I was writing.

I fight against Legendary Teams in Arena all the time.

It is easy for me to rattle off Legendary Heroes as examples because it is just the heroes I see majority of the time.

It doesn't mean you need to have a Legendary hero to have the same desired result.

And I can prove it.

Here is what I said -------> To beat Atom & Vladislav teams: 

  • You just need a Classical Arena set up
  • You want Speed Aura 
  • You want Speed Buff 
  • You want Turn Meter Filling 
  • You want AOE Def Break & Weaken if Possible
  • You want AOE Nuker

Full Rare Team - which can do the above things I have said:

Apothecary ------> Turn Meter Filling + Speed Buff

Spirithost --------> Speed Aura + Increase Attack Buff

Warmaiden ------> AOE Def Break

Kael ----------------> AOE Nuker

Rare & Epic Mixture Team - which can do the above things I have said:

Haruspex -----------> Turn Meter Filling + Speed Buff

Flesheater ---------> Increase Attack Buff

Zargala -------------> AOE Def Break

Skullcrown --------> AOE Nuker + Speed Aura

Full Epic Team - which can do the above things I have said:

High Khatun ------> Turn Meter Filling + Speed Buff 

Gorgorab ----------> Speed Aura + Increase Attack Buff 

Stag Knight -------> AOE Def Break 

Tallia ---------------> AOE Nuker

Epic & Legendary Mixture Team - which can do the above things I have said:

Golden Reaper ------> Turn Meter Filling + Speed Buff   

Seeker -----------------> Increase Attack Buff  

Dracomorph ----------> AOE Def Break 

Lord Shazar ----------> AOE Nuker + Speed Aura

Full Legendary Team - which can do the above things I have said: 

Lyssandra ------> Turn Meter Filling + Speed Buff   

Abriter -----------> Speed Aura + Increase Attack Buff 

Venus ------------> AOE Def Break

Big Un -----------> AOE Nuker

Another Full Legendary Team - which can do the above things I have said:

Siphi --------------> Turn Meter Filling + Speed Buff

Astralith -----------> Speed Aura

Ghostborn -------> Increase Attack Buff + AOE Def Break

Trunda -----------> AOE Nuker

Oh My Gosh!

I beat the same garbage teams 

- 6 different times 

- With 6 different teams.

- With 24 different heroes.

All using the same exact set up and Player J is on Fire - Ladies & Gentlemen!

God - I love Arena!

They need to add a 3rd Arena - Faction Wars PVP Arena.

Make it happen, Plarium!