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Classic arena

Classic arena

Aug 12, 2020, 21:0208/12/20
Aug 12, 2020, 21:05(edited)

my halls not that great either took me bit to realise I should've been hitting it hard from the start oops - you can tell what my cb team affinities are lol

before the may patch that screwed us over I was farming gold 4 easily still found plenty of tough teams but also teams that were pretty even so was able to chip away I think the best I got was 300 from platinum not from trying to get there just from the setup of teams.

I really hope they achieve the result we are all looking for in arena personally having a tier capped with players allowed also not helping I know few guys who easy plat players but dropped to silver in disappointment in how arena was hurting people but they swapped out their team for 1 champ teams to help lower players a lot of the teams im seeing in silver are well and truly high end gold tier players

ive upped my resist on 2 of my 4 champs to around 240 each not high enough yet but has definitely made a difference in helping me setup the win from going second now theres so many champs I need to progress now but a speed lead would be great come on rng gods lol

the way the game is at the moment I think and I hope it is the case that plarium is working on rolling out the arena fix asap, battle pass timeframe between 1 to 2 unbelievably long

Aug 12, 2020, 21:1608/12/20
benpountney77 said:

my halls not that great either took me bit to realise I should've been hitting it hard from the start oops - you can tell what my cb team affinities are lol

before the may patch that screwed us over I was farming gold 4 easily still found plenty of tough teams but also teams that were pretty even so was able to chip away I think the best I got was 300 from platinum not from trying to get there just from the setup of teams.

I really hope they achieve the result we are all looking for in arena personally having a tier capped with players allowed also not helping I know few guys who easy plat players but dropped to silver in disappointment in how arena was hurting people but they swapped out their team for 1 champ teams to help lower players a lot of the teams im seeing in silver are well and truly high end gold tier players

ive upped my resist on 2 of my 4 champs to around 240 each not high enough yet but has definitely made a difference in helping me setup the win from going second now theres so many champs I need to progress now but a speed lead would be great come on rng gods lol

the way the game is at the moment I think and I hope it is the case that plarium is working on rolling out the arena fix asap, battle pass timeframe between 1 to 2 unbelievably long

resist is key if u know u will lose speed battle, still have to be selective when attacking 
Aug 13, 2020, 00:5808/13/20

Everyone showing off Great Halls!

I guess - I will show off mine, too!

Aug 13, 2020, 05:0208/13/20
Player J said:

Everyone showing off Great Halls!

I guess - I will show off mine, too!

  Those days are over for such progressing in the great hall --> sadly! You are lucky to be where you are
Aug 13, 2020, 18:5408/13/20

Can anyone give me some tips for getting into Silver arena? I'm stuck at Bronze II no matter who I try to put in my team or how I have them geared up. I think I made it into Bronze III once, and promptly lost the next 4 battles. I've got about a dozen heroes at level 40, about 6 at level 50, and 4 at 60, so I figure I'm probably just not putting them together right or not using them correctly. I haven't managed to pull any legendaries yet, so if I need them to get into Silver, I'm screwed.

Aug 13, 2020, 18:5908/13/20
NPNKY said:

Can anyone give me some tips for getting into Silver arena? I'm stuck at Bronze II no matter who I try to put in my team or how I have them geared up. I think I made it into Bronze III once, and promptly lost the next 4 battles. I've got about a dozen heroes at level 40, about 6 at level 50, and 4 at 60, so I figure I'm probably just not putting them together right or not using them correctly. I haven't managed to pull any legendaries yet, so if I need them to get into Silver, I'm screwed.

you need to focus on 6*, post your roster for advice
Aug 13, 2020, 21:4408/13/20
this game its a joke, bad rewards in cb, impossible arena, rng are very suspicious, etc... etc... and plarium don't fixed anyone.  
Aug 13, 2020, 22:2308/13/20

When this is what you roll every time you cant make it out of bronze. Something is definitely wrong with how this is designed. I would hate to see what some of the gold level characters look like.  

Aug 13, 2020, 22:2708/13/20

True! I am tired from all "barking" "yapping " "complaining " how ever you wish to call , they not do a thing about that! No joy, just pure surviving from day to day, i just pick my match carefully and my def is as it says "def and 2 nukes" works so far for now (example 5 wins 2 lost).

P.S.: Plarium for goodness grief I know you all know the true and read (time to time forum lol ) DO something about it!
Aug 14, 2020, 11:4108/14/20
Aug 14, 2020, 11:45(edited)

I can't post a screenshot from my phone for some reason, but here it is in list format. 

60: Stag Knight and Shaman for Epic. Elhain and Warpriest for Rare

50: Sikara, Sandlashed Survivor, Lightsworn, Corpse Collector, Relickeeper, Fang Cleric, and High Khatun for Epic. 

Athel, Galek, Kael, Reliquary Tender, Apothecary, Spirithost, Warmaiden, Hyria, and Veteran for Rare

40: Seneschal, Mistress of Hymns, Skytouched Shaman, Hordin, Jizoh, Zargala x2, Teshada, Taurus, Ghrush the Mangler, Jotun, Stag Knight #2 for Epic

Diabolist, Justiciar, Executioner, and Warden for Rare.

30: Painsmith and Grumbler

I'm not keeping any Rares less than a B rating unless I'm short for faction crypts.

I also have all but one to fuse Rhazin Scarhide, and I will have Yaga the Insatiable in a few more days.

I have decent heroes, so I figure I'm just not using them right.

I've been looking at some of the rankings online, and I'm thinking I should prioritize Apothecary, Spirithost, Warmaiden, and Diabolist  next, but I'm certainly open to suggestions. 

I do have a handful of blue and purple shards saved up for summons, but until I get my high priority heroes maxed, I haven't worried about pulling more.

Aug 14, 2020, 12:4608/14/20
Aug 14, 2020, 12:53(edited)


The only Damage Dealer you have which is level 60 is Elhain.

Players often build Arena Set ups around there Damage Dealer.

What I recommend doing is the following:

Leader: High Khatun - Speed Aura

1st move: HIgh Khatun ------------------------> Turn Meter Filling

2nd move: Spirithost ---------------------------> Increase Attack

3rd move: Stag Knight ------------------------> AOE Def Down

4th move: Elhain --------------------------------> AOE Damage Dealer

High Khatun -----> You want her Insanely Fast --------------------------------------> 6x Speed + Speed Substats

Spirithost ---------> I, personally, like Spirit host to be Fast + Tanky ------------> 4x Speed + 2x Immortal/HP gears

Stag Knight ------> You want him to be Semi-Fast + Very Accurate ------------> 2x Speed + 2x Offense + 2x ACC

Elhain -------------> You want her to Hit like a Truck ---------------------------------> 4x Offense + 2x C.Rate

Aug 14, 2020, 12:5108/14/20
Thank you. I'll give that a try.
Aug 14, 2020, 13:1908/14/20
Aug 14, 2020, 13:28(edited)


Players build up Diabolist under the following situations:

1- They don't own a Turn Meter Filling hero (Apothecary or High Khatun)  

2- They plan to fuse her to make Relic Keeper

3- They plan to use her in Demon Spawn Faction Wars Crypt.

---> You already own a few Turn Meter Filling heroes.

---> You already have Relic Keeper - I'm assuming you fused him already.

---> The only thing which you would use Diabolist for is Demon Spawn Faction Wars Crypt.

I think you don't have to rush into building up a Diabolist

Players build up Warmaiden under the following situations:

1- They don't own a AOE Defense Down hero (Stag Knight or Zargala)

2- They plan to fuse her to make Relic Keeper 

3- They plan to use her in Barbarian Faction Wars Crypt. 

4- They plan to use her in Dragon 20 Speed Nuking teams

---> You already own a few AOE Defense Down heroes.

---> You already have Relic Keeper - I'm assuming you fused him already.

---> The only thing which you would use Warmaiden for is Barbarian Faction Wars Crypt.

---> You don't have the heroes to make a Dragon 20 Speed Nuking set up.

I think you don't have to rush into building up a Warmaiden.

One thing I will say is Warmaiden is different vs. Diabolist.

Some people never use Diabolist.

They might build up 1 Diabolist for the Relic Keeper Fusion because it is part of the Abriter Missions.

Than they never build up another Diabolist.

Warmaiden is different because your going to need like thousand Different Defense Down heroes. lol

You are going to want a Defense Down Hero in Clan Boss

You are going to want a Defense Down Hero in Dungeons.

You are going to want a Defense Down Hero in Minotaur

You are going to want a Defense Down Hero in Potion Keeps

You are going to want a Defense Down Hero in Arena

You are going to want a Defense Down Hero in 3 vs. 3 Arena.

You are going to want a Defense Down Hero in every Faction War Crypts.

You are looking at 13 different Defense Down heroes from 13 different Factions War Crypts.

The point I am trying to make is you have Stag Knight as a Defense Down hero at the moment.

Your still relatively new to the game.

You can get away with using Stag Knight for now.

BUT down the Road - Your going to want to level up every Defense Down hero you pull.

Your going to need so many of them 

The issue is so many area's in the game have waves of heroes.

In order to get through them fast, You need a hero with defense down to make them weaker.

This helps you chew through them a lot faster.

Otherwise, your going to be in 10-30 min fights - All day long. lol

No one is going to wait 1 hour for there Faction War Crypt team to win 1 Auto fight.

People have lives.

They have stuff to do.

They can't be bothered by these hella long battles.

Again this doesn't really apply to you specifically.

You should focus on the Abriter missions.

Most people take Faction Wars serious only after they beat all of the Abriter missions.

Aug 14, 2020, 17:1908/14/20

MrChuckles said:

I've muddled through for almost a year as a mostly Free to Play guy hoping things would get better but I cannot get to Silver IV. Why? Because it freaking impossible. 

they just moved the problem from bronze 1 to bronze 2 and then they swing: you saw we work, we listen and proudly they call it a: SOLUTION

What a trumpet band

Aug 14, 2020, 19:4008/14/20
Aug 14, 2020, 19:46(edited)
Player J said:


Players build up Diabolist under the following situations:

1- They don't own a Turn Meter Filling hero (Apothecary or High Khatun)  

2- They plan to fuse her to make Relic Keeper

3- They plan to use her in Demon Spawn Faction Wars Crypt.

---> You already own a few Turn Meter Filling heroes.

---> You already have Relic Keeper - I'm assuming you fused him already.

---> The only thing which you would use Diabolist for is Demon Spawn Faction Wars Crypt.

I think you don't have to rush into building up a Diabolist

Players build up Warmaiden under the following situations:

1- They don't own a AOE Defense Down hero (Stag Knight or Zargala)

2- They plan to fuse her to make Relic Keeper 

3- They plan to use her in Barbarian Faction Wars Crypt. 

4- They plan to use her in Dragon 20 Speed Nuking teams

---> You already own a few AOE Defense Down heroes.

---> You already have Relic Keeper - I'm assuming you fused him already.

---> The only thing which you would use Warmaiden for is Barbarian Faction Wars Crypt.

---> You don't have the heroes to make a Dragon 20 Speed Nuking set up.

I think you don't have to rush into building up a Warmaiden.

One thing I will say is Warmaiden is different vs. Diabolist.

Some people never use Diabolist.

They might build up 1 Diabolist for the Relic Keeper Fusion because it is part of the Abriter Missions.

Than they never build up another Diabolist.

Warmaiden is different because your going to need like thousand Different Defense Down heroes. lol

You are going to want a Defense Down Hero in Clan Boss

You are going to want a Defense Down Hero in Dungeons.

You are going to want a Defense Down Hero in Minotaur

You are going to want a Defense Down Hero in Potion Keeps

You are going to want a Defense Down Hero in Arena

You are going to want a Defense Down Hero in 3 vs. 3 Arena.

You are going to want a Defense Down Hero in every Faction War Crypts.

You are looking at 13 different Defense Down heroes from 13 different Factions War Crypts.

The point I am trying to make is you have Stag Knight as a Defense Down hero at the moment.

Your still relatively new to the game.

You can get away with using Stag Knight for now.

BUT down the Road - Your going to want to level up every Defense Down hero you pull.

Your going to need so many of them 

The issue is so many area's in the game have waves of heroes.

In order to get through them fast, You need a hero with defense down to make them weaker.

This helps you chew through them a lot faster.

Otherwise, your going to be in 10-30 min fights - All day long. lol

No one is going to wait 1 hour for there Faction War Crypt team to win 1 Auto fight.

People have lives.

They have stuff to do.

They can't be bothered by these hella long battles.

Again this doesn't really apply to you specifically.

You should focus on the Abriter missions.

Most people take Faction Wars serious only after they beat all of the Abriter missions.

Are the Arbiter Missions the set with the scroll, labeled just "Missions"? I'm not seeing anything labeled "Arbiter Missions". If so, that's where I'm stuck. I'm currently stuck on the Progress Mission to get to Silver 1, and I've already finished the next 20 or so locked ones after that. I've finished all the Champion challenges, I'm on the 10th set of Artifact challenges, I'm on the 5th set of Dungeon challenges, and I'm stuck on the second set of Arena challenges until I get to Silver and win 30 battles there
Aug 14, 2020, 19:4808/14/20
Player J said:


The only Damage Dealer you have which is level 60 is Elhain.

Players often build Arena Set ups around there Damage Dealer.

What I recommend doing is the following:

Leader: High Khatun - Speed Aura

1st move: HIgh Khatun ------------------------> Turn Meter Filling

2nd move: Spirithost ---------------------------> Increase Attack

3rd move: Stag Knight ------------------------> AOE Def Down

4th move: Elhain --------------------------------> AOE Damage Dealer

High Khatun -----> You want her Insanely Fast --------------------------------------> 6x Speed + Speed Substats

Spirithost ---------> I, personally, like Spirit host to be Fast + Tanky ------------> 4x Speed + 2x Immortal/HP gears

Stag Knight ------> You want him to be Semi-Fast + Very Accurate ------------> 2x Speed + 2x Offense + 2x ACC

Elhain -------------> You want her to Hit like a Truck ---------------------------------> 4x Offense + 2x C.Rate

I've equipped them like you said, and they're now going in the following order: Khatun, Elhain, Spirithost, Stag Knight. Should I just use Elhain's default skill until the other buffs are up?

Aug 14, 2020, 20:2108/14/20
Aug 14, 2020, 20:22(edited)

The Abriter missions are the ones where if you complete them all.

You can acquire the hero named Abriter 

The Below Screenshot is what happens when you finish the last Abriter mission:

When you collect her, You see the Below Screenshot:

I'm Incredible!

Aug 14, 2020, 20:3708/14/20
Player J said:

The Abriter missions are the ones where if you complete them all.

You can acquire the hero named Abriter 

The Below Screenshot is what happens when you finish the last Abriter mission:

When you collect her, You see the Below Screenshot:

I'm Incredible!

Can you show me a screenshot from the main (base) screen of where to find these? Are they the ones in the bottom left labeled "Missions", or is this something I haven't unlocked yet?
Aug 14, 2020, 20:4308/14/20
Aug 14, 2020, 20:50(edited)

NPNKY said:

I've equipped them like you said, and they're now going in the following order: Khatun, Elhain, Spirithost, Stag Knight. Should I just use Elhain's default skill until the other buffs are up?

Its critical that you fix the Move Order.

You have to fix there speed so they move in the right Order.

High Khatun ---> needs to move first --------> so she fills the rest of your teams turn meter

Spirithost ------> needs to move second ----> so she increases the damage your attacking heroes does

Stag Knight ---> needs to move third --------> so he can weaken the enemies defenses 

The heroes have to move in this Order because they are trying to enable Elhain to do a massive killer hit!

Think of it in the following way:

-> High Khatun Job is to make Elhain go first before the enemy damage dealer

-> Spirithost Job is to increase the Damage Elhain will do.

-> Stag Knight Job is to weaken the Enemies Defenses so they take more incoming damage from Elhain.

These 3 heroes are building Elhain up!

They are putting Elhain on a High Pedestal so she can Dish Out PAIN!

Here is a video ---> You can watch the whole thing if you want too.

A youtuber made it a long while back.

The part which you need to pay attention to the most is at 33:00 - till end of the video

We are trying to make your team do what his team is doing.

You scroll right down your Arena list and destroy them all.

Aug 14, 2020, 20:5408/14/20

NPNKY said:

Can you show me a screenshot from the main (base) screen of where to find these? Are they the ones in the bottom left labeled "Missions", or is this something I haven't unlocked yet?