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Aug 2, 2020, 20:0208/02/20


after all that time cant understand how arena works, similar teams but allways oposite team has first hit, even we have same team leader and my is divine speed and speed sets equiped, and if that isnt enough they have characters with counter attack, lifesteal and speed effects at same time so their chars act even before my 3x speed sets khatun even if they have hp leader not speed ones, i never do arena where i act first no matter of they leader type.

On other hand in team arena seems that work more normaly but points drops after lose battle are based on some rules but cant find wich.ones, win 6 points lose 14 if team are close rating, same if you attack teams stronger than yours or weaker on rating, so how team of 80k power can lose 14 points if win brings 6, no matter oposite team has 50 or 150k power? 

Anyone can explain me those unlogic please
Aug 2, 2020, 20:4408/02/20
Aug 3, 2020, 02:05(edited)

There's other ways to add the speed outside of the sets

1. The boot's primary stats

2. All the other equipment sub stats

3. Glyphs

4. Upgrade on equipment raising sub stat

You may have 3 speed sets but that doesn't necessarily mean you have more speed.

And about score, it is based on your relative position of you compared to the opponent in the tier and NOT based on team power.

Aug 2, 2020, 21:0108/02/20
Aug 2, 2020, 21:02(edited)

Once you realize all Arena in this game is horrible the better off you'll be.  There was a champ Ma'shalled who was horrible and what did they do make him OP.  My Siphi is OP as well but can't 1shot anyone yet Ma'shalled removes all buffs and dmg increased by 50% against targets with no buffs who 1 shots my Siphi with almost 50khp and 3k defense.  They need to seriously nerft alot of champs. 

Madame Serris (Remove buffs, dec def and dec attack shouldn't be on same ability)

Ma'shalled (make dmg against targets with no buffs on seperate ability other than one to remove buffs)

Siphi (Remove sleep can't be resisted and make all Leggo Revive champs CD 4 turns when booked)

Rotos (Remove ignore unkillable and block dmg from A3)

That's just a start 

Aug 3, 2020, 01:1408/03/20

Plarium is telling you: pay more or quit. That's simple. 

Not only your enemies go first, they have stronger attack, stronger defend, higher accuracy, higher resist. Because Plarium buffed defend team TOOOOOO MUCH.

Also becareful when you vote in google play/app store, they mark your account as doomed account.

Aug 3, 2020, 01:2908/03/20
Aug 3, 2020, 01:30(edited)

Everywhere I go in classic arena, players around me seem unchanged. I can't believe when I go to Silver I see player with Abiter, Nethril, Rhazin, Draco; or Abiter, Big Un, Roshcard, Stag Knight. What the hell you are doing in Silver ? Or you guys just follow to haunt me ? 


Aug 3, 2020, 02:1008/03/20

Anyway, that is why I invest more on defense and resistance, and I see more and more teams are doing the same.

It's been 2 months I think since I decided I want to finish the "get to silver 1" progress mission, and it's now my 3rd week in a row I finished in silver 1

I don't know if the tactics can work on higher tier... But I am content as of now.
Aug 3, 2020, 02:3408/03/20
OzzLee said:

Anyway, that is why I invest more on defense and resistance, and I see more and more teams are doing the same.

It's been 2 months I think since I decided I want to finish the "get to silver 1" progress mission, and it's now my 3rd week in a row I finished in silver 1

I don't know if the tactics can work on higher tier... But I am content as of now.
I get to 1250-75 when I play.  Then my defense craters and I start back around 1150.  Do you have a nuker and healer on your def/resist team?  I am willing to try anything. 
Aug 3, 2020, 03:2108/03/20
Aug 3, 2020, 03:25(edited)

ClosedPoly said:

I get to 1250-75 when I play.  Then my defense craters and I start back around 1150.  Do you have a nuker and healer on your def/resist team?  I am willing to try anything.

This is my team that I use to break into silver 1.

I still use them but some gear have changed and upgraded.

My goal is for Skullcrusher to apply CA, if Athel survive, she will soften the enemy up, and the duo Doompriest and Jizoh chip away the enemies health. Many nuker team in Bronze 4 / Silver 1 are squishy, that if we survived their initial nuke, they'll go down easily.

I am right now I'm in the process of making the ingredients to fuse Rhazin to replace Arhel in that team.

Aug 3, 2020, 03:4108/03/20
I dont have Doompriest or Skullcrusher.  I will check and see the best I have that can fill the skill sets.  You like Athel better than Kael?  Did you gear Athel for Def or nuker? 
Aug 3, 2020, 03:5708/03/20
Aug 3, 2020, 04:00(edited)

ClosedPoly said:

I dont have Doompriest or Skullcrusher.  I will check and see the best I have that can fill the skill sets.  You like Athel better than Kael?  Did you gear Athel for Def or nuker? 

If you want, just put 3 defense type champion and a good healer. Or 2 Def tyoe and 2 healer

 Aim for 3000 defense for the DEF heroes and around 2250 (minimum) for the healer, the next important stats is Resistance, aim for 200, because you don't have counter attack champions, you will still need speed, my low speed is actually beneficial because I do counterattack. 

In this case Apothecary help you, since if you book him his healing is really annoying the opponent and he can bump up your speed.

I personally like Jizoh because he is self contained, he can shield, heal and counter attack all by himself

I kinda regret missing Kantra, I intentionally not fusing her because a lot of the ingredients used for he fusion was already "booked" using their dupes. In retrospect, I should've ignored that 

Oh yeah, since def type heroes don't usually deal a lot of damage, you can try equipping then with destroy set, that way it will slowly take away the opponent healer capabilities to heal their team mates

Aug 3, 2020, 06:2908/03/20

I am getting some Krazy Glue and duct tape and see if I can patch this together.   lol

Thx for the help. 
Aug 6, 2020, 02:5908/06/20

I decided to go with Apo and Jizoh.  I am thinking about using Fang Cleric and Shaman because they can bring back from the dead.  Def will likely a long battle so recall should have value. 

Do you see anything in my other champs who might be a better choice than Fang and Shaman? 

OzzLee said:

ClosedPoly said:

I dont have Doompriest or Skullcrusher.  I will check and see the best I have that can fill the skill sets.  You like Athel better than Kael?  Did you gear Athel for Def or nuker? 

If you want, just put 3 defense type champion and a good healer. Or 2 Def tyoe and 2 healer

 Aim for 3000 defense for the DEF heroes and around 2250 (minimum) for the healer, the next important stats is Resistance, aim for 200, because you don't have counter attack champions, you will still need speed, my low speed is actually beneficial because I do counterattack. 

In this case Apothecary help you, since if you book him his healing is really annoying the opponent and he can bump up your speed.

I personally like Jizoh because he is self contained, he can shield, heal and counter attack all by himself

I kinda regret missing Kantra, I intentionally not fusing her because a lot of the ingredients used for he fusion was already "booked" using their dupes. In retrospect, I should've ignored that 

Oh yeah, since def type heroes don't usually deal a lot of damage, you can try equipping then with destroy set, that way it will slowly take away the opponent healer capabilities to heal their team mates

Aug 6, 2020, 05:2908/06/20

OzzLee said:

There's other ways to add the speed outside of the sets

1. The boot's primary stats

2. All the other equipment sub stats

3. Glyphs

4. Upgrade on equipment raising sub stat

You may have 3 speed sets but that doesn't necessarily mean you have more speed.

And about score, it is based on your relative position of you compared to the opponent in the tier and NOT based on team power.

It's not always a case of poor gear.

I had my Apothecary at 278 (280 now) for quite a while, and this was certainly not the highest, or enough to ensure I won every match, but it was enough to enable me to win more than half of my offensive battles while I was in Gold IV (4).

Seemingly overnight, nearly all of the teams I challenge start first, even those without a speed aura are starting off first as if everyone increased their speed to 300+ at the same time.

Aug 6, 2020, 05:3808/06/20

Zukoku said:

Once you realize all Arena in this game is horrible the better off you'll be.  There was a champ Ma'shalled who was horrible and what did they do make him OP.  My Siphi is OP as well but can't 1shot anyone yet Ma'shalled removes all buffs and dmg increased by 50% against targets with no buffs who 1 shots my Siphi with almost 50khp and 3k defense.  They need to seriously nerft alot of champs. 

Madame Serris (Remove buffs, dec def and dec attack shouldn't be on same ability)

Ma'shalled (make dmg against targets with no buffs on seperate ability other than one to remove buffs)

Siphi (Remove sleep can't be resisted and make all Leggo Revive champs CD 4 turns when booked)

Rotos (Remove ignore unkillable and block dmg from A3)

That's just a start 

Also, change the mechanics of Rotos' passive skill. 

In a battle against him, my Whisper hit him, he negated/limited the damage and got an extra turn, which he was able to use while it was still my Whispers turn.

Aug 6, 2020, 06:5908/06/20
ClosedPoly said:

I decided to go with Apo and Jizoh.  I am thinking about using Fang Cleric and Shaman because they can bring back from the dead.  Def will likely a long battle so recall should have value. 

Do you see anything in my other champs who might be a better choice than Fang and Shaman? 

You have Umbral and Mountain King - both are very powerful in arena, far more so than Fang Cleric or Shaman. If you have some decent Shield set gear and high HP on MK, he contributes a ton defensively, while also hitting very hard on offense (though single target only). Umbral's job is obviously the AOE provoke, to lock opponents on her while MK or some other DPS kills them. 
Aug 6, 2020, 07:4908/06/20
L9753 said:

ClosedPoly said:

I decided to go with Apo and Jizoh.  I am thinking about using Fang Cleric and Shaman because they can bring back from the dead.  Def will likely a long battle so recall should have value. 

Do you see anything in my other champs who might be a better choice than Fang and Shaman? 

You have Umbral and Mountain King - both are very powerful in arena, far more so than Fang Cleric or Shaman. If you have some decent Shield set gear and high HP on MK, he contributes a ton defensively, while also hitting very hard on offense (though single target only). Umbral's job is obviously the AOE provoke, to lock opponents on her while MK or some other DPS kills them. 
I also have Zelotah with his 70 Resist aura.  Does that give him value in place of Umbral? 
Aug 6, 2020, 14:2408/06/20
Aug 6, 2020, 14:26(edited)

ClosedPoly - You have amazing heroes to make a Tanky Arena Composition.

The only issue is they are not fully leveled up to level 60.

Spirithost ---> Zelotah ---> Mountain King ---> Umbral

Spirithost ---------> Immunity gear or Resist gear ----> SPD - RESIST - DEF - HP

Zelotah ------------> Shield gear ---------------------------> SPD - RESIST - HP - DEF

Mountain King ---> Immortal gear -----------------------> SPD - RESIST - C.RATE - C.DMG 

Umbral ------------> Frost gear ----------------------------> SPD - ACC - RESIST - DEF

Aug 6, 2020, 16:0808/06/20
I agree with J. But maybe apothecary instead of spirithost, and use zelotah as lead. Just get apothecary really fast. Wasted too many chickens 6starring 3 starter heroes?
Aug 7, 2020, 19:4908/07/20
Trips said:

I agree with J. But maybe apothecary instead of spirithost, and use zelotah as lead. Just get apothecary really fast. Wasted too many chickens 6starring 3 starter heroes?
I do a lot of grinding on 12-3.  Besides XP and silver, I get a lot of shards. 
Aug 8, 2020, 04:1508/08/20

Tbh, arena is the biggest gargabe since the update in may where they fucked it up, but instead they do exactly nothing. Number 1 prio isnt even fixed in next patch, instead we get a complete horribe 3x4 Tag team Version that was planned for 2019. I really hope that you @ plarium do not pay your devs gor what they do, they must be watching porn or something while sitting in the Office. As well as i really hope that you lose a karge amount of Players who will not Comeback Back to Show you that you fucked it up, i dont really thing you got the idea of what is irgend and what is not.

I was playing gold 4 over a year straight . Now i need gold 4 for my arbiter questline and guess what , i only face platinum players that i can never Beat, i need at least an arbiter to have a chance go First. Plz plarium read the Last sentence slowly and repeat it until you understanf it . It seems like this is not ging to Happen fast nur i believe in you this case.

Overalls feedback: great gamepotential destroyed by an absolutly horrible gamestudio. Next time when i Decide to download an app and i see its Made by plarium i will drop the idea, singe there is no Support behindert it, only marketing 
Aug 8, 2020, 09:3408/08/20
Aug 8, 2020, 09:35(edited)

Hi all.

I agree with opinions about arena. I have same. Last days I was pushed out from gold4 and I have problems in gold3. Mechanics for arena are completely idiotic, in my opinion. It looks like every opponent suddenly got more power and more speed. Of course, I can also kill enemy team in one round, or defeat team with 50% more power. These points are only indicator if enemy team is very strong or not. It looks like there are more players in arena and number of places in tiers are limited. It means only whales will play in higher tiers soon. 

Additionally players which do not play for some weeks, are moved to lower tiers. Then they are very strong and nobody can defeat them. It should be done kind of groups in arena, like for tournaments. Also should be avoided meeting very strong opponents landing from higher tiers. 

There is the way how to win in arena: buy more items from shop! Money this is the only reason for developer of this game to release it. You can buy everything to improve You champ without completing events to get books or scrolls. It is very pity that money rules this game, because it is quite good.