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I need advice on advancing further, please

I need advice on advancing further, please

Jun 19, 2020, 08:5706/19/20

rcw said:

Miscreated monster is awesome in spider, excellent most dungeons, can be very good in arena (hint, ally protection another toon that uses ally protection will make all targets, inclucing MM give a fear from the spooky passive), and surprisingly solid in some clan bosses teams.

Zargala could be your big damage in arena and dungeons, not CB. 

Psylar, Luria, and umbral are your next best epics in some order depending on what you need. The first two are better for spider than umbral. Umbral will help a lot on dungeon waves. All have their use in arena.

Ultimate galek, MM, and apothecary can be the core of a team does spider 20.

You don't have a 2 turn attack down champ out of coffin smasher, unless i missed him (someone like Sepulcher or Jareg would be ideal). You should consider coffin for CB, unless like I said I missed a better option.

Other interesting candidates are Spider (look for videos on him, he is better than first glance).

If it were me I would work on MM first and Zargala second and see what champs I got in the mean time. Miscreated monster is still useful at the highest end game in spider. Zargala can be outfitted and relegated to dungeon wave clearing at the very end game. If you got no better attack down champs, my next target would be coffin. After that I would go with one of Psylar/Luria/Umbral depending on what you want to advance next.

***edit, I forgot to mention, Drexar is underwhelming at best. Don't book him.

Thank you.

What do you mean by "2 turn attack down", please? Do you mean a Decrease Attack Debuff for 2 turns? Like Nazana's A3 on a 3 turn cooldown, when booked, with a 50% decrease? She has the Ally Protection Buff on her A2 too, which might work well with Miscreated Monster.

As for Drexthar - exactly, nope, he is not getting any books from me. Maybe he can borrow some in the local library if he wants to read some. He definitely is NOT worth legendary books. He still is solid without the books, though. He just is not the best teammate for Siphi.

Hmmm... so how about this setup for the Arena?


Gorgorab (speed aura)

Miscreated Monster 


Siphi the Lost Bride


Gorgorab (speed aura)

Miscreated Monster


Siphi the Lost Bride

Jun 19, 2020, 15:2006/19/20

LordVika said:

Ill be honest with you, everyone here is going to tell you that you need to have all your champs at lv 60 fully ascended and you will need all you artifacts, ring, neckless, banner at +16 and you have to have the perfect stats on it or you will never be able to progress. They will tell you spend the next 6 months grinding out that stuff.

I'm gonna tell you the brutal truth, the game is broken in a lot of aspects, like arena, when you try to get to silver 1, it will be nearly impossible to do unless you either spend a ton of money on the hopes of getting champs to help you or spend the next year of your life grinding out this game all day every day.

This is what the game's all about, isn't it?

It may take weeks, particularly for a F2P to 6* a champion, but it makes it all the more more special. All the while the game dangles adverts for six 5* chickens for $29.99--the easy way out! (my wife would literally kill me if I took it).   This is a stoicist's dream!

You are going to get creamed in the Arena, sure. But there's something to be said about the feeling of accomplishment this game can offer. And if you do get better through working the hard way, it offers even more, imo.

I am only in competition with myself here, and my strategies (aided of course by learning from all of you, and others too). I merely test them or measure them against other players.  I'm not in any hurry either, it takes as long as it takes.

That's why I like this game, actually. It burns. Spending would only make it a lot easier (boo!) and divorce lawyers cost a hell of a lot more!  ;-D

Jun 19, 2020, 15:3506/19/20
CONGRATS ON GORGORAB!!!!!! That is a huge gamechanger. Book MM and gorgorab.  Happy progressions LOL.
Jul 1, 2020, 04:5307/01/20

Trips said:

CONGRATS ON GORGORAB!!!!!! That is a huge gamechanger. Book MM and gorgorab.  Happy progressions LOL.

Thank you.

Gorgorab and Miscreated Monster proved to be the game changer for me. To my surprise, the defensive battles catapulted me from low Silver IV to Gold I since the last Arena rankings reset. That is, despite the suboptimal gear and two champions specced for dungeons. Some are using *4 artifacts. Most of the artifacts are not level 16 yet, more like level 12.

My current Arena team:

- Siphi the Lost Bride (dungeon specced)

- Gorgorab

- Miscreated Monster

- Athel (dungeon specced)

Jul 1, 2020, 06:5507/01/20
Jul 1, 2020, 06:57(edited)

You could do several options with your Arena team.

1st Option: Is to make your team more of a Grinding Team.

You could swap out Athel for Drexstar on your Arena team.

Your Arena team would be very tanky - self sustain type of team.





Your team will have access to Reviving - Turn Meter - Block Buffs - Ally Protection - Shields

It can be a very well built grinding team.

It regenerates itself to slowly kill off the enemy team.

2nd Option: Is to make your team more of a Fast & Furious Team.

You could swap Siphi for Warmaiden or Zargala

You could swap M.Monster for Umbral


-Warmaiden or Zargala



Your team will be fast pace Turn Meter ---> AOE Decrease Enemy Defense ---> AOE Nuke ---> AOE Provoke

It can be a very well built speed nuking team with crowd control.

The provokes would offer protection if your Athel doesn't 1 shot. 


It is possible for you to do any of those set ups

What ever, you want to do.

Jul 1, 2020, 07:3007/01/20

Well, I actually stopped using Drexthar in the Arena anymore, because his HP burns cancelled Siphi's Sleep debuffs. I swapped him for Miscreated Monster.

I now need some more books, especially Epic books, to make Umbral Enchantress and other unbooked champions better.