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I need advice on advancing further, please

I need advice on advancing further, please

Jun 15, 2020, 18:4506/15/20

I need advice on advancing further, please

Hello everyone, I seem to have gotten stuck. I do have a reasonably well populated champion stable, but realized I really need to focus on levelling and properly gearing up specific champions to advance any further and start building more specialized teams, based on the content I would use them for. I think I am safely beyond the point of having too few champions having to use a jack-of-all-trades team.

The problem I face is now paradoxially too many champions and I feel more lost than my poor overworked Siphi (yes, I was THAT lucky), who, bar the Campaign farming, is a member of every team of mine, along with her pals Drexthar and (hopefully soon-to-be-replaced) Athel.

Mind, that I do not have access to Dragon/Spider 20 yet, and I am not swimming in *6 Legendary gear.

I would be grateful for any advice on how to set up my teams to be mroe effective and to advance further.


Athel (*6)

ARENA TEAM (Silver III-IV, in order of activation):

High Khatun (*5)

Siphi the Lost Bride (*6)

Drexthar Bloodtwin (*6)

Athel (*6)


Siphi the Lost Bride (*6)

Drexthar Bloodtwin (*6)

Athel (*6)

Apothecary (*6)

Kael (*5)

GENERAL DUNGEON TEAM (Completed Dragon stage 17):

Siphi the Lost Bride (*6)

Drexthar Bloodtwin (*6)

Athel (*6)

Psylar (*6)

Warmaiden (*5)

SPIDER TEAM (Completed Spider stage 10):

Siphi the Lost Bride (*6)

Drexthar Bloodtwin (*6)

Athel (*6)

Apothecary (*6)

Infernal Baroness (*6)



Jun 15, 2020, 19:0806/15/20
60 Miscreated Monster
Jun 15, 2020, 19:1706/15/20

Not sure what your arena strategy is with that group. Think you have a Gold team in your roster though.

60 Miscreated Monster, yes I am repeating myself.

Coffinsmasher for CB, unless you have a better ATK down option.

Frozen Banshee for CB Poison.

Jun 15, 2020, 19:1806/15/20

Trips said:

60 Miscreated Monster

Thank you, yes, that seems a good idea, although I actually like fighting Arena teams with him as the team leader, as they always seem to be easier targets to me. And with Siphi on my side, he is not much of a threat to me, as I often keep him sleeping the whole match.

Hmm should he replace Athel, then?

How about Zargala? Some say she is quite good in Arena too.
Jun 15, 2020, 19:2106/15/20

First question: why on earth have you paid that much to unlock so much vault space just to have all those rares in triplicate? Keeping one of each rare, yes, but why three? 

Anyway, besides indeed MM, seems like your most obvious mistake is sleeping on Frozen Banshee. Definitely for Clan Boss (possibly also for dragon but opinions are more divided on that), she's the best woman for the job of poisoner. Level her, book her (I guess your 3 dupes can help with that...) and then put her on your CB team instead of Kael. Your CB team probably also needs some other changes, but not quite sure what the best setup is. 

Normally you want to ensure constant decrease def and decrease attack on the CB (weaken is also nice but more a bonus), in addition to poisons and HP burns. Warmaiden or Zargala could put decrease def, I suppose. Coffin Smasher could put increase attack, though you don't want him to put his hp burn because you can only have 1 hp burn at a time and Drexthar's does more damage. Erinyes could be good in combination with Frozen Banshee to put her own poisons and extend FB's. Though once you get the final remaining rares you need for Rhazin, don't hesitate to sacrifice the Erinyes...  

Jun 15, 2020, 19:2906/15/20

Trips said:

Not sure what your arena strategy is with that group. Think you have a Gold team in your roster though.

60 Miscreated Monster, yes I am repeating myself.

Coffinsmasher for CB, unless you have a better ATK down option.

Frozen Banshee for CB Poison.

My Arena strategy is to choose opponents without speed leader, and avoid some, such as those with Valkyrie. High Khatun starts and provides speed and turn meter boost, then Siphi puts on Block Debuffs and Increase Defense on the whole team, then Drexthar uses AoE, then if there seems to be a chance for a one-shot on a wounded enemy (or more), Athel uses Increase Attack (trading off the Buffs from Siphi) and uses her AoE.

I try to kill healers, champions with revival, or some nasty abilities such as the ones with no revival. Siphi can help a lot with keeping one or more enemies on Sleep, unless Drexthar manages to put HP Burn on them, because that cancels the Sleep Debuff. I only revive High Khatun if there is nothing else to do, otherwise Siphi is busy buffing and using Sleep.

In addition to Athel, I need to change Drexthar for someone else too, as he and Siphi do not work overly well in one Arena team. Nevertheless, this team got me to low Silver IV. That seems to be the ceiling for this team.
Jun 15, 2020, 19:3706/15/20

L9753 said:

First question: why on earth have you paid that much to unlock so much vault space just to have all those rares in triplicate? Keeping one of each rare, yes, but why three? 

Anyway, besides indeed MM, seems like your most obvious mistake is sleeping on Frozen Banshee. Definitely for Clan Boss (possibly also for dragon but opinions are more divided on that), she's the best woman for the job of poisoner. Level her, book her (I guess your 3 dupes can help with that...) and then put her on your CB team instead of Kael. Your CB team probably also needs some other changes, but not quite sure what the best setup is. 

Normally you want to ensure constant decrease def and decrease attack on the CB (weaken is also nice but more a bonus), in addition to poisons and HP burns. Warmaiden or Zargala could put decrease def, I suppose. Coffin Smasher could put increase attack, though you don't want him to put his hp burn because you can only have 1 hp burn at a time and Drexthar's does more damage. Erinyes could be good in combination with Frozen Banshee to put her own poisons and extend FB's. Though once you get the final remaining rares you need for Rhazin, don't hesitate to sacrifice the Erinyes...  

That is the thing. I just hoarded and hoarded, keeping in mind especially the rule "never sacrifice Voids" and now my Vault is full of Void dupes. Then I stopped and looked at my collection, and said to myself, that this is not the right way to play. I must be sleeping on useful champions in my hoarding rush, and my teams do not seem to be that effective. Hence this thread.

I already started culling my non-Void collection, keeping two of each (one for possible use and one for possible Fusion) and using the rest as books/food.

As for Frozen Banshee, I guess am not sure how to use her most effectively. Kael seems to be a better poisoner, as he does not rely on a debuff to place the poison. But so many players say Frozen Banshee is good, that I really should try her.

Jun 15, 2020, 20:1406/15/20

Ill be honest with you, everyone here is going to tell you that you need to have all your champs at lv 60 fully ascended and you will need all you artifacts, ring, neckless, banner at +16 and you have to have the perfect stats on it or you will never be able to progress. They will tell you spend the next 6 months grinding out that stuff.

I'm gonna tell you the brutal truth, the game is broken in a lot of aspects, like arena, when you try to get to silver 1, it will be nearly impossible to do unless you either spend a ton of money on the hopes of getting champs to help you or spend the next year of your life grinding out this game all day every day.
Jun 15, 2020, 20:2206/15/20

WatchdogCZ said:

I already started culling my non-Void collection, keeping two of each (one for possible use and one for possible Fusion) and using the rest as books/food.

As for Frozen Banshee, I guess am not sure how to use her most effectively. Kael seems to be a better poisoner, as he does not rely on a debuff to place the poison. But so many players say Frozen Banshee is good, that I really should try her.

For many rares, even keeping two is probably one too many, unless maybe it's a faction for which you're particularly weak in FW and need every rare you have. 

Kael's poison on his A1 is the weak 2.5 percent version - which only gets in the way, taking up precious space against the 10 debuff limit on CB where you'd want to be putting 5 percent poisons instead. So it's only his A3 that puts good poisons, and considering the cooldown, he just doesn't put all that many of them. FB can put more poisons - and moreover, her poison sensitivity makes them do 25 percent more damage (not only hers btw, also other people's poisons if you have multiple poisoners, e.g. if you combine her with Erinyes). Though yes, she's very much a one trick pony and you better make sure she has enough accuracy to not miss her poison sensitivity debuff, because then she becomes almost useless for 3 turns. 

Obviously she does less damage on other abilities than Kael, but as you get further on the CB, regular damage matters less and less unless you have legendaries who can put 100k+ damage per hit. Poisons and warmaster procs make up most of the damage, and since the warmaster procs are the same for both while FB is a better poisoner... 
Jun 15, 2020, 20:2306/15/20

LordVika said:

Ill be honest with you, everyone here is going to tell you that you need to have all your champs at lv 60 fully ascended and you will need all you artifacts, ring, neckless, banner at +16 and you have to have the perfect stats on it or you will never be able to progress. They will tell you spend the next 6 months grinding out that stuff.

I'm gonna tell you the brutal truth, the game is broken in a lot of aspects, like arena, when you try to get to silver 1, it will be nearly impossible to do unless you either spend a ton of money on the hopes of getting champs to help you or spend the next year of your life grinding out this game all day every day.

Thank you for your opinion. I do understand how real money hungry the game is. That is why I decided to stop hunting for more and mroe champions, and rather concentrate on working with what I have. I do not aspire to be a top tier player. I couldn't care less about any other achievements than those needed to get the Arbiter, and I plan to take it slow and enjoy the ride as much as I can.

As for the Arena, I am currently at Silver III, climbing back towards Silver IV, but I need to get a better Arena team.

I know there is a lot of grind waiting for me, but I plan to slowly train my champions and food for them, and just learn and improve.

Jun 15, 2020, 20:3106/15/20

L9753 said:

WatchdogCZ said:

I already started culling my non-Void collection, keeping two of each (one for possible use and one for possible Fusion) and using the rest as books/food.

As for Frozen Banshee, I guess am not sure how to use her most effectively. Kael seems to be a better poisoner, as he does not rely on a debuff to place the poison. But so many players say Frozen Banshee is good, that I really should try her.

For many rares, even keeping two is probably one too many, unless maybe it's a faction for which you're particularly weak in FW and need every rare you have. 

Kael's poison on his A1 is the weak 2.5 percent version - which only gets in the way, taking up precious space against the 10 debuff limit on CB where you'd want to be putting 5 percent poisons instead. So it's only his A3 that puts good poisons, and considering the cooldown, he just doesn't put all that many of them. FB can put more poisons - and moreover, her poison sensitivity makes them do 25 percent more damage (not only hers btw, also other people's poisons if you have multiple poisoners, e.g. if you combine her with Erinyes). Though yes, she's very much a one trick pony and you better make sure she has enough accuracy to not miss her poison sensitivity debuff, because then she becomes almost useless for 3 turns. 

Obviously she does less damage on other abilities than Kael, but as you get further on the CB, regular damage matters less and less unless you have legendaries who can put 100k+ damage per hit. Poisons and warmaster procs make up most of the damage, and since the warmaster procs are the same for both while FB is a better poisoner... 

Hmmm, good point with the CB Debuff slots, I have never managed to fill them up yet. I guess I should try to. I guess I am going to park Kael. Is Erinyes worth booking?

Keeping two rares is to have one to use (even eventually if Plarium updates them somehow), and one for known Fusion or a possible one in the future.

Would you recommend using the rare Void dupes as books, please?
Jun 15, 2020, 20:4206/15/20
Miscreated and Bellower need to be 60. MM is a beast in arena. Bellower is a great campaign farmer and a really good nuker for arena.
Jun 15, 2020, 20:4406/15/20
Even if you don't use MM in Arena, he will carry you in all dungeon waves and obviously is great in spider.  You have a great roster, need chickens and better gear. You will do dragon20 immediately with MM. I'm guessing the waves is where you struggle? You may be able to do 20 now IMO with your roster. Could be gear issues though.
Jun 15, 2020, 21:2806/15/20

WatchdogCZ said:

Hmmm, good point with the CB Debuff slots, I have never managed to fill them up yet. I guess I should try to. I guess I am going to park Kael. Is Erinyes worth booking?

Keeping two rares is to have one to use (even eventually if Plarium updates them somehow), and one for known Fusion or a possible one in the future.

Would you recommend using the rare Void dupes as books, please?

I wouldn't book Erinyes, no, because you may end up using her to fuse Rhazin who is obviously far more important. Unless you already have the rares to fuse another Erinyes. But if you can keep her, there are probably a few dozen epics who'd be ahead of her in my priority list for books. 

I'm not even sure if you should really use her - I used her for a while but ended up going back to Apothecary, him speeding up the whole team seemed to increase my damage more than Erinyes' additional poisons. And when you get the right masteries on your FB and debuffers so they have a 30 percent chance of putting their poison sensitivity / poison / decrease def/atk for one turn longer, the need for a debuff extender also becomes smaller. 

I wouldn't treat void rares any different than non-void ones unless they're actually good, like Coldheart, Fellhound, Reliquary Tender, Bellower, Pain Keeper, Bulwark and maybe a few others. Plus the very situational ones like Paragon that you want to have just in case. Sadly there are a whole lot of void rares who are neither good nor filling unique positions like that. 
Jun 15, 2020, 21:4206/15/20

insphatch1962 said:

Miscreated and Bellower need to be 60. MM is a beast in arena. Bellower is a great campaign farmer and a really good nuker for arena.

I think I have a few Epics that are ranked *5 for Campaign - Infernal Baroness, Psylar, Zargala, Hordin, Miscreated Monster too while at it. I think using one of them for another role too may be worth booking him/her and getting full Masteries for them. Wouldn't they have better stats than Bellower, as he is a rare?

Trips said:

Even if you don't use MM in Arena, he will carry you in all dungeon waves and obviously is great in spider.  You have a great roster, need chickens and better gear. You will do dragon20 immediately with MM. I'm guessing the waves is where you struggle? You may be able to do 20 now IMO with your roster. Could be gear issues though.

I have 12 *5 chicken and some food champions. I do have enough Energy to farm more food. The two level 40 Diabolists are basically food waiting to get to *5.

The waves indeed are where I struggle some. Siphi can revive, so a dead or two are not a fatal blow, though. As for the gear issues, yes, gear is a problem too, most of my gear is *4-5, with only a handful of *6, and even much less Legendaries. Not all are the perfect combination of main stats and substats, either.

I plan to spend some energy on gear farming too. You know, to farm the gear to be able to get the gear.

I do think that I have a reasonably good champions pool, I just need to decide who to concentrate the resources on and for what role, and that is why I need some more opinions than just mine, to help me with that.

Jun 15, 2020, 21:5006/15/20
Jun 15, 2020, 21:51(edited)

I would not do Bellower.  He will end up just being a farmer. You have other better options.

MM for sure asap. You will do Dragon20 and Golem20 with MM and Siphi.
Jun 15, 2020, 21:5606/15/20

L9753 said:

WatchdogCZ said:

Hmmm, good point with the CB Debuff slots, I have never managed to fill them up yet. I guess I should try to. I guess I am going to park Kael. Is Erinyes worth booking?

Keeping two rares is to have one to use (even eventually if Plarium updates them somehow), and one for known Fusion or a possible one in the future.

Would you recommend using the rare Void dupes as books, please?

I wouldn't book Erinyes, no, because you may end up using her to fuse Rhazin who is obviously far more important. Unless you already have the rares to fuse another Erinyes. But if you can keep her, there are probably a few dozen epics who'd be ahead of her in my priority list for books. 

I'm not even sure if you should really use her - I used her for a while but ended up going back to Apothecary, him speeding up the whole team seemed to increase my damage more than Erinyes' additional poisons. And when you get the right masteries on your FB and debuffers so they have a 30 percent chance of putting their poison sensitivity / poison / decrease def/atk for one turn longer, the need for a debuff extender also becomes smaller. 

I wouldn't treat void rares any different than non-void ones unless they're actually good, like Coldheart, Fellhound, Reliquary Tender, Bellower, Pain Keeper, Bulwark and maybe a few others. Plus the very situational ones like Paragon that you want to have just in case. Sadly there are a whole lot of void rares who are neither good nor filling unique positions like that. 

Hmm, Erinyes has only really seen action in Faction Crypts so far. I guess that is how it is going to stay for a while. I have at least two of each rare to fuse another for Razin. I do not have Penitent, Preserver, and Theurgist from the bottom row yet. I have all the others at least once. Can I fuse Razin with the middle row champions directly, or do they have to be fused first to count? Apparently, I have all four already.

I have some books I managed to hoard up:

30 Rare

36 Epic (only Psylar is booked, and fully in her case)

4 Legendary (Siphi has her A1, A2 and A3 fully booked, Passive does not seem to be worth books, Drexthar does not seem to be worth books at all)

I don't want to waste my Epic books. Who would be worth spending them on?

Oh, and would Reliquary Tender be worth investing resources in, or do I have someone better for the same roles already? I can book her easily, as she is a rare.

Jun 15, 2020, 22:0106/15/20

1. MM 

2. Coffinsmasher (Atk down is most important debuff on CB)

3. Frozen Banshee (Better posioner than Kael, but you need books -- luckily u have 3 in vault lol)

I need to look closer for what I would do for Arena, I am probably missing some obvious combo.

Jun 15, 2020, 22:2906/15/20

WatchdogCZ said:

Hmm, Erinyes has only really seen action in Faction Crypts so far. I guess that is how it is going to stay for a while. I have at least two of each rare to fuse another for Razin. I do not have Penitent, Preserver, and Theurgist from the bottom row yet. I have all the others at least once. Can I fuse Razin with the middle row champions directly, or do they have to be fused first to count? Apparently, I have all four already.

I have some books I managed to hoard up:

30 Rare

36 Epic (only Psylar is booked, and fully in her case)

4 Legendary (Siphi has her A1, A2 and A3 fully booked, Passive does not seem to be worth books, Drexthar does not seem to be worth books at all)

I don't want to waste my Epic books. Who would be worth spending them on?

Oh, and would Reliquary Tender be worth investing resources in, or do I have someone better for the same roles already? I can book her easily, as she is a rare.

You could absolutely fuse Rhazin from the epics directly if you have them all, and you should, but I only see Erinyes in your collection? 

For epic books, Trips is right, MM is first priority. After that, Zargala is worth books but unfortunately requires a ton of them, while you mostly just want to develop her A3. She can be very powerful in arena and in dungeons as a replacement for Warmaiden - much harder hitting, though even after booking, she has a less than 100 percent chance to land the decrease defense. Against waves or in arena, her A2 could easily proc another A3 and another chance to apply decrease def (even if it's on cooldown, no matter), but obviously against dungeon bosses or clan bosses, she won't be killing anyone so the A2 can't proc the A3. 

As for RT - she's got a strong cleanse/heal plus a revive, but you would know better yourself to what extent you need more support when you already have Siphi and Apo on most of your teams. 
Jun 19, 2020, 07:2706/19/20

How did this thread drop so deep? I am sorry, I misssed the last two posts

@9753 - I am sorry, my mistake, apparently I misclicked and I was looking at Relickeeper, rather than Rhazin.

@TRIPS - I just cracked a single Ancient shard and was excited to see purple. And then even more, because I just pulled Gorgorab! I would be grateful for any pointers on who to focus on for the Arena. I checked my roster and I do seem to have some champions rated very high for the Arena.


Siphi the Lost Bride (absolute goddess in Arena)

Drexthar Bloodtwin (the synergy with Siphi is not smoothless, since HP Burn effectively cancels Siphi's Sleep)

Epic *5 rated:



Gala Longbraids



Knight Errant


Miscreated Monster





Skytouched Shaman

Umbral Enchantress



When I get enough of them to *6/60 and get enough good gear for them, I may even start looking at the new Arena mode, but that is going to be a long run before I get to that point, especially as far as good gear for so many champions is concerned.

Jun 19, 2020, 08:3506/19/20
Jun 19, 2020, 08:36(edited)

Miscreated monster is awesome in spider, excellent most dungeons, can be very good in arena (hint, ally protection another toon that uses ally protection will make all targets, inclucing MM give a fear from the spooky passive), and surprisingly solid in some clan bosses teams.

Zargala could be your big damage in arena and dungeons, not CB. 

Psylar, Luria, and umbral are your next best epics in some order depending on what you need. The first two are better for spider than umbral. Umbral will help a lot on dungeon waves. All have their use in arena.

Ultimate galek, MM, and apothecary can be the core of a team does spider 20.

You don't have a 2 turn attack down champ out of coffin smasher, unless i missed him (someone like Sepulcher or Jareg would be ideal). You should consider coffin for CB, unless like I said I missed a better option.

Other interesting candidates are Spider (look for videos on him, he is better than first glance).

If it were me I would work on MM first and Zargala second and see what champs I got in the mean time. Miscreated monster is still useful at the highest end game in spider. Zargala can be outfitted and relegated to dungeon wave clearing at the very end game. If you got no better attack down champs, my next target would be coffin. After that I would go with one of Psylar/Luria/Umbral depending on what you want to advance next.

***edit, I forgot to mention, Drexar is underwhelming at best. Don't book him.