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Arena needs to be changed Now

Arena needs to be changed Now

Jun 14, 2020, 17:1906/14/20

The 4 you have can still possibly get you to Silver at 50. But you need to improve the gear (to do that u probably need to farm dragon). Get speed Up for HK/Seeker. Get Order correct. Get WM ACC much higer. Increase Kaels Attack.

You should be farming chickens and doing Dragon (what level dragon can you do).

Accuracy gear is your friend for WM. Speed Gear is your friend for HK/Seeker. Kael is hopefully farming 12.3 Brutal? But he needs better LS gear probably. 

I am not trying to be rude. If you post the specific gear for each, I will happily offer more advice.
Jun 14, 2020, 17:2506/14/20
With the current Arena you will probably need WM to be 60 to get to Silver.
Jun 14, 2020, 17:5506/14/20

Trips said:

With the current Arena you will probably need WM to be 60 to get to Silver.

I just got these a few minutes ago and im upgrading them as i type this

Jun 14, 2020, 17:5906/14/20

Trips said:

With the current Arena you will probably need WM to be 60 to get to Silver.

if my team is the same (exact same for what the eye can see) or better (having better champs) then another team why would i have to get WM to 60? there are tons of teams with WM at 40-50 and they don't need to be 60.

I personally think its been so long that you actually seen the bronze and silver tiers that you don't actually know whats going on.

These changes were made in within the last month or so, so even if your current toon is an alt, unless you made it with the last couple weeks, you wouldn't have seen or had to deal with the problem.
Jun 14, 2020, 18:4806/14/20
Jun 14, 2020, 18:54(edited)

Trips said:

klimasie said:

One question, how long have you been playing?


NM 2 key (speed team).

I listen to the master.

What are the names of all your force champs? I am terrible with images. You certainly must have an all red team u can do to smash the blue teams. How fast is your Apo? You have no good speed lead (only Doom for force).  A really fast apo or seeker can mitigate this.

My arena team (one of few): App SPD 275 -> Stag Knight SPD 220 (A2 dec def, dec atk) -> Brakus A3 -> Gala A3

Another team: Seeker->StagKnight->Brakus->Gala (sometimes Rhazin but his eq is still weak)

But it's not that I don't win because I win but: it's that I don't have a chance to reach G4 since I can't collect 1000 points in G2. Before the update I was in G4 and there I had 4 points for each fight. Now 2. Platinum is for whales. Why are they full of G2, G3, G4 - I don't have MM, MS, Rothos, Duches, Hegemon and many others.

I can have the world's fastest apo but in the team with Hegemon I have no chance. I can have the best nukers in game but what can I do against Arbiter + Ma'Shalled + MM + Skulcrown? Nothing ...

Jun 14, 2020, 18:5306/14/20

so Basically you are in gold with above 200 speed, why should bronze lv of arena need gold tier stats, to compete?

In all honesty i should be able to reach silver 1 with speed below 200
Jun 14, 2020, 19:0106/14/20

LordVika said:

so Basically you are in gold with above 200 speed, why should bronze lv of arena need gold tier stats, to compete?

In all honesty i should be able to reach silver 1 with speed below 200

You have +8 gear!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously All your gear for arena team should be at least +12. How much silver do you have?  How many heroes do you have gear on? Where is all your silver going? There is an ARTIFACT EVENT... UPGRADE GOOD GEAR
Jun 14, 2020, 19:0806/14/20

Gear is more important than having legos or epics.

That is upgraded +16 decent gear will move you up FAST.

Seeker and HK do not need to be upgraded to 60 to help in Arena.  They just need SPEED. You need both WM and KAEL to have high attack to effectively nuke. And WM need ACC to land debuff.

Get gear fixed, order correct and YES your team will beat mine to GOLD (If u get WM to 60).

I am stuck in Silver3 (sometimes 2) Going to spend a week upgrading gear to see if I can get all over 200 speed since I have no TM Boost (I wanted seeker or gorgorab from 2x but no luck)
Jun 14, 2020, 19:1206/14/20
LordVika said:

so Basically you are in gold with above 200 speed, why should bronze lv of arena need gold tier stats, to compete?

In all honesty i should be able to reach silver 1 with speed below 200
Just get HK over 200 (Just as fast u can). Get seeker to 180-190. WM 170. Kael 165ish.
Jun 14, 2020, 19:1306/14/20
You have gear completely unleveled? I am more confused as to how you expect to compete even in Bronze?
Jun 14, 2020, 19:2506/14/20
Jun 14, 2020, 19:27(edited)

LordVika said:

so Basically you are in gold with above 200 speed, why should bronze lv of arena need gold tier stats, to compete?

In all honesty i should be able to reach silver 1 with speed below 200

For some time I have been trying to explain to everyone that after the update the arena was broken. But I get the impression that everyone doesn't understand me and wants to give advice. I manage, but in this form the arena makes no sense. I will write this last time:

In the assumptions of the developers of the game to get the IV level of gold in the arena you had to be at level:

- assigning champion to 6 *

-unlock masters with 6 triers

- chempion clothes in a ring, an amulet and a banner

- enter the gold arena IV

This is nonsense in its current form !!! It's such nonsense that I don't even want to comment on it!

So either they fix it or bye, bye raid

And one more nonsense. Upgrade GH to LVL 10 being in Gold I or Gold II what does this mean?

Well, for every win I get 1 point or 2 points. What does it mean? Well, I have to win 1000 or 500 fights !!! What does it mean? How many fights can I win a day? How many tokens do I get every day and how many of them can I win every day?

Hint! A few. What does it mean? From 3 to 6 months to complete the ONE mission !!!!! 

TRIPS What about mine team (a few posts above)?

Jun 14, 2020, 20:3106/14/20

Trips said:

You have gear completely unleveled? I am more confused as to how you expect to compete even in Bronze?

Because Bronze is the starting area for arena.

There is no reason i should have mid to late game stats to compete in beginner stuff. There is no reason i should be forced to have +16 gear and a complete set of ring, neckless, banner to compete in beginnner levels of things.

What you are suggesting would be correct for high silver to gold brackets, but not for bronze lvls, and suggesting differently just shows that since you been playing for so long you do not understand how the game has changed of the worst for new players.

I would put money down that if you created a brand new account today and spent absolutely 0 dollars on it, you wouldn't get past bronze 3
Jun 14, 2020, 20:4206/14/20

I did start a brand new account. Less than 2 months ago. I have spent ZERO. I made it to Silver in less than 30 days. Gold is more challenging, but a work in progress. I got to silver with Kael, warmaiden spirithost @40 and saurus @50. If I had seeker like you I would be in Gold. Seeker is that good in arena. BUT you need to upgrade the gear. What are you spending silver on??? 

NOTHING prevents a new player from upgrading the gear. You have pieces not even at +4??? Seriously. You cannot win that way. I gave you significant advice as did others. You can choose to follow it or ignore it and keep pissing into the wind... 
Jun 15, 2020, 03:1006/15/20

Trips said:

I did start a brand new account. Less than 2 months ago. I have spent ZERO. I made it to Silver in less than 30 days. Gold is more challenging, but a work in progress. I got to silver with Kael, warmaiden spirithost @40 and saurus @50. If I had seeker like you I would be in Gold. Seeker is that good in arena. BUT you need to upgrade the gear. What are you spending silver on??? 

NOTHING prevents a new player from upgrading the gear. You have pieces not even at +4??? Seriously. You cannot win that way. I gave you significant advice as did others. You can choose to follow it or ignore it and keep pissing into the wind... 

You are 100% correct, by why waste silver on gear that wont help you. but reguardless of gear lvl if the stats match what should be required to get to where i need to be, why should the gear be upgraded?

Since you didn't have to deal with the current problems, you don't get it.

I'll say it again, if you made a character right now, today, you wouldn't be able to get past bronze 3
Jun 15, 2020, 06:0406/15/20
Yes you are correct. Make a character NOW, you will not be able to pass bronze 3. You need more time and luck for this. It could be weeks, months or year. That is how it is suppose to work, like what I said in other previous post, don't rush in finishing missions. Don't rush in climbing arena, you don't need HIGH ACCURACY to climb to GOLD 4.  

LordVika said:

I'll say it again, if you made a character right now, today, you wouldn't be able to get past bronze 3

Jun 15, 2020, 06:1206/15/20

Look, you can throw out advice all day but what it boils down to is this: 

Arena is a requirement for the game. Even the daily energy reward quest requires 5 fights to complete.

Now are we supposed to just accept that until we've spend months grinding ranks, levels and gear that.we should just consign our accounts to being trash in the arena because the developers fail to see how messed up the matchmaking is?

The arena should be fun! It should NOT be refresh after refresh of teams you have ZERO CHANCE of beating. That's what it is currently.

Whether it is a change as OP suggested, or a result of inflation down the ranks - it needs to be addressed. 

Personally I'd love to see changes that take the power out of the speed nuke meta and make it more dynamic gameplay, but I would settle for having at least a few fair fights per refresh.

Jun 15, 2020, 06:3206/15/20

LordVika said:

You are 100% correct, by why waste silver on gear that wont help you. but reguardless of gear lvl if the stats match what should be required to get to where i need to be, why should the gear be upgraded?

Since you didn't have to deal with the current problems, you don't get it.

I'll say it again, if you made a character right now, today, you wouldn't be able to get past bronze 3

You are really barking up the wrong tree here. Trips has acknowledged that there's a problem with arena, but he's trying to help you make progress anyway. GreenKnight, the community manager from Plarium, has also acknowledged that they're aware and looking into it - that doesn't necessarily mean that they'll make helpful changes any time soon, but it does mean there's not much more to be gained from complaining on the forums. 

Moreover, clearly Trips is better placed than most veteran players to understand the issue, considering his fairly new f2p alt. You should probably stop embarrassing yourself by trying to pretend you're as good a player as him and that he would do no better in your position, considering that until yesterday you didn't know about basic game mechanics like accuracy/resistance. Clearly with his experience and his strong focus on developing his account as efficiently as possible, he could achieve more than what seems possible to you. By trying to drag down veteran players, you're only undermining your own points about what it's like for new players. 

So for the next couple of weeks, which seems like the absolute minimum time before any changes might occur, I'd suggest you accept the current reality and progress in arena as much as you can, using the advice you've been given or asking for more if needed. 
Jun 15, 2020, 06:4706/15/20

I know what these guys problem. They are lazy to progress. They see difficult teams in arena. They complain instead of trying to improve their gear.  Since they complain that they wanted a "fix" in arena but not suggesting anything. I made a suggestion before to put a cap on each tier of arena tiers. I am tired of them complaining they are hopeless at this point.

And I do not need to be a better player than anyone. I don't need to be a veteran, I don't care. You can be better than me, it is not a problem. I am at least logical in this game, if I encounter a roadblock in my progression, at least I know what I need instead of complain. 

L9753 said:

LordVika said:

You are 100% correct, by why waste silver on gear that wont help you. but reguardless of gear lvl if the stats match what should be required to get to where i need to be, why should the gear be upgraded?

Since you didn't have to deal with the current problems, you don't get it.

I'll say it again, if you made a character right now, today, you wouldn't be able to get past bronze 3

You are really barking up the wrong tree here. Trips has acknowledged that there's a problem with arena, but he's trying to help you make progress anyway. GreenKnight, the community manager from Plarium, has also acknowledged that they're aware and looking into it - that doesn't necessarily mean that they'll make helpful changes any time soon, but it does mean there's not much more to be gained from complaining on the forums. 

Moreover, clearly Trips is better placed than most veteran players to understand the issue, considering his fairly new f2p alt. You should probably stop embarrassing yourself by trying to pretend you're as good a player as him and that he would do no better in your position, considering that until yesterday you didn't know about basic game mechanics like accuracy/resistance. Clearly with his experience and his strong focus on developing his account as efficiently as possible, he could achieve more than what seems possible to you. By trying to drag down veteran players, you're only undermining your own points about what it's like for new players. 

So for the next couple of weeks, which seems like the absolute minimum time before any changes might occur, I'd suggest you accept the current reality and progress in arena as much as you can, using the advice you've been given or asking for more if needed. 

Jun 15, 2020, 10:0106/15/20

Arena is BS- period. It become powerful over 1 night.  And its only silver 1 to gold 3.  

Jun 15, 2020, 14:4306/15/20

I was actually doing pretty good. I've spent some time speed tuning and gearing and it paid off (except to optimize completely would require me to nerf my speed farmer, which isnt going to happen right now). And pulling a Tayrel helped out immensely.  I was even beating teams with 4 legendaries, (if i noticed they werent fully built) , and was rather confident entering against 60 fully ascended Kaels and such. It got me comfortably into Bronze 3 and I've stayed there for quite some time, even through the end of last week's rankings, I believe. I was heading into Bronze 4  Baby!

Well.... I woke up this morning after the rankings, square into Bronze 1 gain. LOL! And I don't get that much sleep . Arena offense is much different than Arena defense, obviously. ;-)

The Arena is  just upper tier, which is not a bad thing, but missions and challenges, etc, should reflect that as well. I know and completely understand the arguments made by those who attempt to help, and appreciate it completely. However, if you were (honestly) an Early F2P player you would understand the points much better, i think. e.g. Gems are low (do not FTLOG buy into the gem mine as I did, it's a trap) therefore you're DXP lamp is off more often than on, you often find yourself just staring at your energy meter as it ticks up for another go with your chicken farmer. etc.  LOL!

Eventually, I will  make it to farm Dragon, etc. for better gear. but for now, brutal and nightmare campaign has better consistency for very specific items you are looking for (e,g, crit lifesteal gloves, etc), and your chickens level up along the way.

The rewards gained from the challenges and missions, etc. would help out immensely, and it's why they are there to begin with. However, they are not obtainable at the moment. It isn't about 'laser focusing' on the missions at all, but that DXP, energy, and pack o'gems look mighty inciting indeed, when you've been farming on empty for a while.

I am not complaining, even though it may sound like I am.. I likethis game and i'm not going anywhere.  Juuust making an observation,believe me.