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Arena needs to be changed Now

Arena needs to be changed Now

Jun 10, 2020, 03:5906/10/20

LordVika said:

Lxzy said:

Like Trips said- Laser focus on missions is a trap. Progress with your account as a whole- work on your CB team, try and work with your dungeon teams, etc. and arena will follow. Arena rewards are only weekly anyway unlike CB/dungeons.

I've already said this here on the forums before, Plarium is aware with the complaints about arena and it's already being looked into. 

So in the meantime the best thing we can do right now is actually take a look at your arena teams and figure out comps, check gear/masteries so you guys can actually compete in arena better. I guarantee you having a full team of 6*legendaries would only get you so far- you need to have proper gear, proper team comp, more importantly you need to know what teams your champions can beat. 


See that is just wrong.

Missions and quests are supposed to show you the way to progress. By completing missions and quests it is supposed to make you stronger, not halt your progress. There are even missions and quests that require you to actually win in arena, not just fight but win. So when inactive teams get deranked guess what, they are still there now just hurting the lower ranked players and stopping them from getting any progression. People are not going to want to wait months to get past inactive players, wait months to gain any progression, they will just find another of the millions of games out there to play where aspects of the game are not completely cut off from them.

It is a widely known fact that when Plarium took over this game, they made changes to the way arena works and it has made it 100000000000000000000x harder then it was before. While that might be okay for players that have been playing for a long time and have gotten champs that can be used in the different meta, it hurts and drives away new players and F2P players because they feel like they are being made to spend money in hopes of getting the champs they need to make any kind of progression.

Some of the easiest fixes to arena would be, to completely remove inactive players from arena completely, don't just derank them. By deranking inactive players, it only hurts the lower ranks, because if a gold ranked player goes inactive then he becomes a problem for the silver and bronze ranked players, simply because they can not hope to beat a team that has a much higher upgraded guildhall and is filled with 5s and 6s fully ascended champs. Also another way to fix arena is making ranks locked, meaning if you get to silver you can not fight in bronze. If your are able to fight and grind in silver never should you be allowed to drop to bronze. Yes there are players that will intentionally put 1 low champ as their defense to drop ranks, so they can actually fight and derank weaker players, since they can't PK players, that is the next best option for them, being that they are trolls.

I am a little over a month into the game.  I realized too late that missions are a pathway to learning the game.  When I started focusing on missions I hit roadblocks.  But, I was lucky.  I read a lot of forums and watched some vids.  I found an old forum post how to build a good arena defense team out of players we all get from login and shard drops.  I am building that defense now.  It should stop me from ending the day in bronze 3 only to start the next day in low bronze 2 because my defense lost all night long. 

This is not an easy game.  That is why I chose it.  Its only the 2nd online game I have played.  A few days ago I finally 3 starred brutal.  Now I farm brutal 12.3 and its great.  It was hard, but I got there with a lot of help from experienced players on the forum.  Don't be afraid to ask questions.  There are a lot of nice players here willing to help you. 

I dont know the old arena because I wasn't here.  What I read tells me that something has changed in arena.  Maybe Plarium will make an adjustment to cure the problem.  Maybe, we will learn ways to beat the harder arena.  A big company like Plarium will only make changes when its to their financial advantage.  This is what we have for now. 

Jun 10, 2020, 17:3906/10/20

If no one wants to believe me when i say people are intentionally dropping ranks or are way to over powered for the rank they are listed in i have several screen shots to prove what i am saying.

below are screen shots of what i am talking about, one is of a weak defence team from a player that has over 500k power, and while i know player power doesn't mean anything, it does show that the person has way stronger champs and is actually dropping in ranks because they want to. the next ones will be of players that are way to strong to be in bronze ranks, one looks inactive because of not having a clan but the other does have a clan

Jun 10, 2020, 19:1906/10/20
That looks like 3 wins? Isn't that  the kind of teams we want to see in bronze and silver? 
Jun 10, 2020, 20:2206/10/20
Jun 10, 2020, 20:25(edited)

I agree with Trips.


I don't understand why you haven't beat them already.

Its so obvious that you can win.

I feel like your not even trying to put any effort into winning.

Have you even tried improving your Arena team?

Jun 10, 2020, 20:2506/10/20

Trips said:

That looks like 3 wins? Isn't that  the kind of teams we want to see in bronze and silver? 

No, we don't want to see teams with multiple max rank/ascended Legendary champs in Bronze. Ever. 

If the arena tiers were to roughly correlate with account progression (which they should - but obviously don't), would you consider having multiple 60 Legendary champs to be early game? 

Maybe for a big spender, but definitely not F2P or light spender.

The third screen shot we don't want to see in silver/bronze either. Obvious intentional de-ranking for the purpose of farming easy wins with a stronger offense team, which no one would care about aside from getting de-ranked by these accounts.

Not asking for free or easy wins. I hit go on plenty of fights I'm not favored to win. I even win some of them. But even those nail-biters are hard to come by, and I'm stuck in Bronze III seeing refresh after refresh full of purple star Legendary or the staple speed nuke combos maxed out. 

Arena should be fun. It should be about learning the champ combos and tactics to play them or beat them. When it doesn't matter what you field because the level/gear/progression disparity means instant death or a 2 round match at best, well that's not fun. It's frustrating. It makes arena both a roadblock to progress and a chore you have to do to get energy every day just to grind and hope the RNG gods smile on you. 

Jun 10, 2020, 20:5006/10/20
Jun 10, 2020, 20:51(edited)

There is absolutely no motivation for a high-end player to devolve into bronze. 

He get less rewards if doing arena and he gets weaker  teambonuses in every area of the game.

well...come to think of it. There is the longshot of a content creator that want to simulate a beginner account and lowering his bonuses.

I would more than likely guess the teams you posted are of inactive players. And even thinking about those team they dont look strong. No speed aura and no inherit sustain. they would probaly be one-shotted by any gold team. A full rare team with warmaiden and kael could probaly one-shot it too given enough speedgear.

Edit: With that said I understand your frustration and if it is any comfort content creators are acknowlegdeling that low-end arena needs to change. I think even moderators have acknowledged it.
Jun 10, 2020, 21:1506/10/20
drone said:

There is absolutely no motivation for a high-end player to devolve into bronze. 

He get less rewards if doing arena and he gets weaker  teambonuses in every area of the game.

well...come to think of it. There is the longshot of a content creator that want to simulate a beginner account and lowering his bonuses.

I would more than likely guess the teams you posted are of inactive players. And even thinking about those team they dont look strong. No speed aura and no inherit sustain. they would probaly be one-shotted by any gold team. A full rare team with warmaiden and kael could probaly one-shot it too given enough speedgear.

Edit: With that said I understand your frustration and if it is any comfort content creators are acknowlegdeling that low-end arena needs to change. I think even moderators have acknowledged it.
Exactly. :)
Jun 10, 2020, 23:5006/10/20
Jun 10, 2020, 23:57(edited)

drone said:

There is absolutely no motivation for a high-end player to devolve into bronze. 

He get less rewards if doing arena and he gets weaker  teambonuses in every area of the game.

well...come to think of it. There is the longshot of a content creator that want to simulate a beginner account and lowering his bonuses.

I would more than likely guess the teams you posted are of inactive players. And even thinking about those team they dont look strong. No speed aura and no inherit sustain. they would probaly be one-shotted by any gold team. A full rare team with warmaiden and kael could probaly one-shot it too given enough speedgear.

Edit: With that said I understand your frustration and if it is any comfort content creators are acknowlegdeling that low-end arena needs to change. I think even moderators have acknowledged it.

The motivation of deranking would be boredom or not being able to compete in the high ranks so just get stuck farming the lower ranks. "A team with warmaiden and kael coul probaly one-shot it given enough speed gear" yeah but thats the problem, new players in bornze tier arena doesn't have the proper gear to do what you say

As for inactive teams, why are they still in the arena at all? Deranking them does nothing to help the game.  All it does is move the problem from mid game players to early game players, making it that much harder for them.

The devs and mods saying they know about the problem, but doing nothing about the problem doesn't help either. Why add a new type of arena to the game when the normal arena is broken? Fix what is broken before adding anything to it.

I mean for crying out loud, barely no one wanted to join the 3v3 test server because they know that it won't fix anything in normal arena, so they just joined when Plarium said they were giving free stuff for joining. Like how bad does a aspect of a game be messed up that you have to bribe the players to joining a test server for a new aspect of it.

Jun 12, 2020, 00:0006/12/20

Maybe, if a player is trying to be truly evil, They would de-level themselves to bully beginners?

I suppose an argument could be made about that.
Jun 12, 2020, 01:2906/12/20

Player J said:

Maybe, if a player is trying to be truly evil, They would de-level themselves to bully beginners?

I suppose an argument could be made about that.

its the same as playing a mmorpg and going around pking low players. because you are bored and its something fun to do when they rage and say stuff in world chat.

Jun 12, 2020, 04:0306/12/20
Its so funny to see the amount of people that truly don't understand this game or the people who own it. you can tell by the post if they have played since the early part of the game or not. People think that the arena algorithm changed or they changed their defense and people had to figure out how to beat them. yet they still cant climb in arena if you're in low arena , no one needed to figure out how to beat you. this game is a major grind, so yeah if you dont have several hours a day, no you're probably not going to get anywhere. especially if you dont understand the game, synergy, team comps, a lot about champs other than what is in your pool. this really isnt a game thats geared towards casual play, if u wanna play casually you better get used to playing a very limited version of the game. now, thats not to say that it's impossible or that you have to be pay to win. I am completely free to play and have played since beta on my main account. ofc this is mostly about all the people who think that arena only got broken after they started to play. news flash getting outta bronze has always been super difficult, maybe the most difficult part of the game is breaking outta bronze and silver. IMO it weeds out the ones who arent ready to play raid.
Jun 12, 2020, 04:2906/12/20


Its so funny to see the amount of people that truly don't understand this game or the people who own it. you can tell by the post if they have played since the early part of the game or not. People think that the arena algorithm changed or they changed their defense and people had to figure out how to beat them. yet they still cant climb in arena if you're in low arena , no one needed to figure out how to beat you. this game is a major grind, so yeah if you dont have several hours a day, no you're probably not going to get anywhere. especially if you dont understand the game, synergy, team comps, a lot about champs other than what is in your pool. this really isnt a game thats geared towards casual play, if u wanna play casually you better get used to playing a very limited version of the game. now, thats not to say that it's impossible or that you have to be pay to win. I am completely free to play and have played since beta on my main account. ofc this is mostly about all the people who think that arena only got broken after they started to play. news flash getting outta bronze has always been super difficult, maybe the most difficult part of the game is breaking outta bronze and silver. IMO it weeds out the ones who arent ready to play raid.

So you are basically saying either spend money or go find another game.

Yes plarium made changes to the algorithm, because its not even new players that are having a hard time, its all players, from gold to bronze.

Players don't get deranked overnight and then have to struggle to get back up for no reason. 

why are inactive gold tier accounts showing up in bronze tiers, makes bronze tier players unable to attack for several refreshes? Why are players from silver or gold allowed to derank whenever they want? These are simple things plarium could easily fix or change if they wanted to, but instead they make another whales only version of arena. 

Maybe if the devs actually showed that they pay attention to what the majority of the player base, not to do everything everyone asks for, because that is just stupid, but just show they pay attention to the simple things.
Jun 12, 2020, 04:4406/12/20
Clam didn't say you got to pay to move up...u need to put in time to the game.i was stuck in bronze when I first started for a long time .got to gold 1 then didn't play for 2 I'm lucky to be in silver 2.but I also know the only way to move up is get better.grind,upgrade champs,get masteries.etc.and yes they do need to do something about inactive accounts.bronze way too loaded with teams that shod be at least in silver.
Jun 12, 2020, 13:5106/12/20

Trips said:

1. I agree arena has gotten way tougher. They need to do something minor to change it. But...

2. It was always harder. The PVE missions were always easier.

3. If you are stuck in bronze after 45 days u r doing something wrong 

4. My alt account is 100% f2p and been on silver2/3 for a bit now. Less than 2 months and I still have a 4star spirithost in the lineup. I need to replace her. I need better gear on everyone. 

5. People lose sight of actually progressing their teams by focusing on the immediate mission. The mission isn't going anywhere... improve your team

I am probably a few weeks from even trying to get to gold. So what do I do..

If 2xp running I farm chickens.  Otherwise if decent event/tournament I farm gear. If neither I farm scrolls for the last 2 members of CB team which should be able to get top chest in NM at that point. 4 keys will be needed but not bad.

The laser focus on the missions is a trap

What is the rest of your team then Trips?

I am on day 46

My arena team is (maxed out full accented unless otherwise stated) 

Apothecary(speed set*3) (his speed atm is 202)

Spirthost(lvl50 1 Sheid set 1 speed set) (Leader for the speed boost)

zargala(1 cruel set 1 speed set 1 off set to utilise 5* speed boots)

Elhain( 2 Offense Set 1 Speed Set) 

They are geared to go in this order and mostly have 5*+ uncommon/rare lvl12-16 artefacts admittedly the sub rolls aren't the best but its all I have at the moment 2/4 rolls are at least beneficial. They all need banners because the spider is a meany and will only give me lizardman banners. 

This team cannot compete with the top of bronze 4. It is 50/50 against other speed teams and Triple lego teams are almost always out of the question especially if their power is almost twice my teams. I get maybe 5 certain wins per 20 refreshes.

My situational swap ins are sandlashed survivor, psylar, crimson helm (and now bellower but I only pulled him this morning).

What would you do besides grind for banners and have full lvl 16 6* Artifacts with the best sub rolls? Min Maxing champions should be end game stuff not one of the first missions. 

My question is where are all the other people that are struggling to get out of bronze 4, that are supposedly doing it wrong, and why aren't I matched with them lol.

Jun 12, 2020, 14:0606/12/20
Jun 12, 2020, 14:08(edited)

Something needs to be done, IDK what's changed in the last month.  I was hanging around upper Gold 3 to lower gold 4, and I was fine in that area.  Now I'm struggling to maintain silver 4 ranking.  Maybe I was lucky and playing above my level.  Now I get smoked by team with less the half of my power ranking and getting level 40 and 50 one shooting my teams.

I can't post my team since I move folks in and out on offense depending on match ups.  They are all mastered out in at least 5 star epics.  
Jun 12, 2020, 15:2806/12/20

I will post more detail later. You likely need more speed. The uncommon gear is hurting you. I have all 3 60 with +16 gear except for spirithost who is 40 with just speed gear to go first. and she is not that fast.

40 SH atk up

60 WM def down

60 Kael

60 JH (lead aura)

Post roster and screenshots of team member stats for better advice. I am happy to help. I've gotten my clan members to gold who were stuck.

Jun 12, 2020, 19:5906/12/20
Jun 12, 2020, 20:0006/12/20
Jun 12, 2020, 20:1106/12/20

Here are two battle against fully ascended level 60 legendary teams with very high power, one in silver2 and one in silver3.

These are teams I look to attack. I don't care if they are all legendary (I consider MM to be lego btw). This tells me the person probably should be in gold if they have that many good heroes and that high power. 

They are not sandbagging, they are just not good at the game. The teams are too slow and have no synergy.  My team is not very fast, <200 speed with no TM booster. But I have a great strategy. It doesn't always work because my best one is inferior to my opponents worst 1-on-1.

Arena is not 1-on-1. Arena is 4v4.

I pick battles as follows:

1) Do I have high chance to go 1st (If no move on)

2) Does opponent have no aura in lead position but a gorgorab in 2nd spot. Oh this is one of those evil sandbaggers and the gorg has 300 speed and will go 1st right? Wrong, those people don't exist. This is another person setting up their arena team wrong.

3) Does the team have more than 1 60 starter hero. Generally an automatic win. You shouldn't have 2 on your roster (until you have 20+ 60s) let alone your arena team

more to call brb

Jun 12, 2020, 20:3406/12/20
Jun 12, 2020, 20:35(edited)

Another win against 4 LEGENDARIES. OMG!  How does he do it.