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new dragon tournement only fun for high-end players

new dragon tournement only fun for high-end players

May 8, 2020, 14:5105/08/20

new dragon tournement only fun for high-end players

I work hard to get the right players at the right place. Which means I'm mainly working on epics and legendaries. I'm not in the stage yet that I can invest in other players like rares who are in themselves interesting, but not needed for CB, campaing or dungeons except for a few. So I need to fall back on what I have on rares when I started off this game and of course not all of them are lvl 60. So to play dragon I'm going from stage 17 to stage 12 which doesn't give me any 6* gear. So no use for me.

This whole thing only means that I need to work even harder and wait longer before I can get to the books I need to actually be able to play ... yes, the tournaments. The events at the moment aren't giving much legendary books except the summoning. But that means I need to buy the shards or collect them over a long, long time.

I'm not completely a f2p player, I do invest in the game, but I simply can't put in the amount as some other players can. And even when I would be able to pay, when you're a starter or a middle-player, you still don't have the capacity to score high on just rares.

So please think of another way to make the tournaments more interesting. I think there is a post out which has some suggestions in it

May 8, 2020, 16:5705/08/20
May 8, 2020, 17:55(edited)

Look at it from a newer player's perspective, please. Imagine if they make an Epics or Legendaries only tournament any time soon. 

I only have a handful of badly rated Epics, and neither of them is booked, ranked up, levelled up, geared, or has Masteries. I would be sitting those tournaments out for the time being.

I am actually extremely happy they started with a Rares tournament, because that is what my first and only team is. Rares only. And again, not even completely done. Moreover, this tournament coincides with a Dungeon Divers event, effectively doubling my rewards.

May 8, 2020, 17:4005/08/20

Hi, Guys!

Thanks for your feedback. :)
May 8, 2020, 18:1105/08/20

WatchdogCZ said:

I am actually extremely happy they started with a Rares tournament, because that is what my first and only team is. Rares only. And again, not even completely done. Moreover, this tournament coincides with a Dungeon Divers event, effectively doubling my rewards.

I don't know how good you are at math, but if you really are new player and you don't have strong rare team, you, my friend, will end this tournaments heavily dissapointed.

You should be able to run some simple calculations of how many energy/runs you should do according to your current Dragon stage and the type of rarity/star equipmen you can get and you probably will end up not so happy as you now. 

May 8, 2020, 18:2005/08/20
This is completely horrible. This tournament should give you points like regular one and extra points for each rare you use. What a bad idea this was
May 8, 2020, 18:5205/08/20
May 8, 2020, 18:55(edited)

Daering said:

WatchdogCZ said:

I am actually extremely happy they started with a Rares tournament, because that is what my first and only team is. Rares only. And again, not even completely done. Moreover, this tournament coincides with a Dungeon Divers event, effectively doubling my rewards.

I don't know how good you are at math, but if you really are new player and you don't have strong rare team, you, my friend, will end this tournaments heavily dissapointed.

You should be able to run some simple calculations of how many energy/runs you should do according to your current Dragon stage and the type of rarity/star equipmen you can get and you probably will end up not so happy as you now. 

Well, I am not a completely F2P player, tha was never the question, though. I put my money into the game with a plan in mind, besides, with the daily rewards of 500 Energy every week, one can plan the participation in the tournaments and events nicely. You also get some Energy as rewards for various activities.

I started less than a month ago. I do have some nice rares (lucky me, I pulled the Apothecary and Athel), I did farm for equipment for them with my spare Energy, so I do have some decent equipment (decent being *4-5 here). Even when I was only able to do the first few stages of the Spider Tournament, I was able to get some lower rewards. I actually prefer events to tournaments, though, as they give me more rewards for less points.

My main point was that many (I dare say most) newer players only have usable rares team, not epics or legendaries. Therefore, I don't feel left out on the first "new" tournament already. It is bad enough that I cannot participate in quite a few of the Faction Crypts, due to the lack of any meaningful team from most factions. Nevertheless, I shall get there, eventually.

EDIT: One more thing to clarify. I wholeheartedly support the idea of a bonus for a specific rarity/faction/alignment/whatever, with the participation open for any team composition at regular points rewards. Maybe even create a special tier of rewards for fully focused teams. It would only help make the tournaments more fun.
May 8, 2020, 19:1605/08/20

This tournament is as bad as any previous ones.  Not worth running the dungeon.

Better spend the energy leveling your champions.
May 8, 2020, 19:3405/08/20
May 8, 2020, 19:36(edited)

WatchdogCZ said:

Daering said:

WatchdogCZ said:

I am actually extremely happy they started with a Rares tournament, because that is what my first and only team is. Rares only. And again, not even completely done. Moreover, this tournament coincides with a Dungeon Divers event, effectively doubling my rewards.

I don't know how good you are at math, but if you really are new player and you don't have strong rare team, you, my friend, will end this tournaments heavily dissapointed.

You should be able to run some simple calculations of how many energy/runs you should do according to your current Dragon stage and the type of rarity/star equipmen you can get and you probably will end up not so happy as you now. 

Well, I am not a completely F2P player, tha was never the question, though. I put my money into the game with a plan in mind, besides, with the daily rewards of 500 Energy every week, one can plan the participation in the tournaments and events nicely. You also get some Energy as rewards for various activities.

I started less than a month ago. I do have some nice rares (lucky me, I pulled the Apothecary and Athel), I did farm for equipment for them with my spare Energy, so I do have some decent equipment (decent being *4-5 here). Even when I was only able to do the first few stages of the Spider Tournament, I was able to get some lower rewards. I actually prefer events to tournaments, though, as they give me more rewards for less points.

My main point was that many (I dare say most) newer players only have usable rares team, not epics or legendaries. Therefore, I don't feel left out on the first "new" tournament already. It is bad enough that I cannot participate in quite a few of the Faction Crypts, due to the lack of any meaningful team from most factions. Nevertheless, I shall get there, eventually.

EDIT: One more thing to clarify. I wholeheartedly support the idea of a bonus for a specific rarity/faction/alignment/whatever, with the participation open for any team composition at regular points rewards. Maybe even create a special tier of rewards for fully focused teams. It would only help make the tournaments more fun.

Being f2p or spender doesn't nothing to do with my point here. My point was - if you are new player, therefore with not strong enough rare team, you are even more screwed, because simple math shows that you can't do 2 sh#ts in those tournaments. You will not get any meaningfull place fighting end players with good rare teams and you can't get more than couple of rewards from the right side just because you will farm low level Dragon for low tier and quality gear, for less points.

That have nothing to do with the fact that you still need to farm Dragon from time to time for some equpment and you can do this when there is an tournament. It's about the tournament, that is no near new player friendly as you think. 

May 8, 2020, 19:5305/08/20

Daering said:

WatchdogCZ said:

Daering said:

WatchdogCZ said:

I am actually extremely happy they started with a Rares tournament, because that is what my first and only team is. Rares only. And again, not even completely done. Moreover, this tournament coincides with a Dungeon Divers event, effectively doubling my rewards.

I don't know how good you are at math, but if you really are new player and you don't have strong rare team, you, my friend, will end this tournaments heavily dissapointed.

You should be able to run some simple calculations of how many energy/runs you should do according to your current Dragon stage and the type of rarity/star equipmen you can get and you probably will end up not so happy as you now. 

Well, I am not a completely F2P player, tha was never the question, though. I put my money into the game with a plan in mind, besides, with the daily rewards of 500 Energy every week, one can plan the participation in the tournaments and events nicely. You also get some Energy as rewards for various activities.

I started less than a month ago. I do have some nice rares (lucky me, I pulled the Apothecary and Athel), I did farm for equipment for them with my spare Energy, so I do have some decent equipment (decent being *4-5 here). Even when I was only able to do the first few stages of the Spider Tournament, I was able to get some lower rewards. I actually prefer events to tournaments, though, as they give me more rewards for less points.

My main point was that many (I dare say most) newer players only have usable rares team, not epics or legendaries. Therefore, I don't feel left out on the first "new" tournament already. It is bad enough that I cannot participate in quite a few of the Faction Crypts, due to the lack of any meaningful team from most factions. Nevertheless, I shall get there, eventually.

EDIT: One more thing to clarify. I wholeheartedly support the idea of a bonus for a specific rarity/faction/alignment/whatever, with the participation open for any team composition at regular points rewards. Maybe even create a special tier of rewards for fully focused teams. It would only help make the tournaments more fun.

Being f2p or spender doesn't nothing to do with my point here. My point was - if you are new player, therefore with not strong enough rare team, you are even more screwed, because simple math shows that you can't do 2 sh#ts in those tournaments. You will not get any meaningfull place fighting end players with good rare teams and you can't get more than couple of rewards from the right side just because you will farm low level Dragon for low tier and quality gear, for less points.

That have nothing to do with the fact that you still need to farm Dragon from time to time for some equpment and you can do this when there is an tournament. It's about the tournament, that is no near new player friendly as you think. 

Yes, I was mostly talking about the rewards on the right side, the first one or two, usually. Event rewards too.

I participated and got some nice free stuff way before I got my first level 60. The Dragon is my most favourite gear grind, and I got most of my Lifesteal set pieces there. I started low, and worked my way up some. I do not try to compete with the big hitters. I set my own goals.

Even a new player gets a few blue shards quite quickly, and one free every week. This means a team of rares. Maybe not optimal rares, but rares nonetheless. My original point was, that for a newer player, choosing rares and not epics or legendaries for the first "new" tournament was actually a good choice. The original postwas about the OP having a team of epics, not rares. Newer players do not have epics. Even if they do due to some incredible luck, it is hardly a full team.
May 8, 2020, 19:5505/08/20
This event should have been to give bonus points if you used an all rare team, not only allow participation with an all rare team.
May 8, 2020, 20:0305/08/20
Are tournament groupings done by level?  Seems that way, just curious. Or some other kind of hidden progress meter.
May 8, 2020, 20:5205/08/20

I think It groups players with similar account power, but maybe I am wrong.

About month ago my two accounts was in same group. I earn total of 0 points from that tournament 😂 I stoped care for tournaments long ago, if some of them align with my own plans, then good, getting some extra stuff is not bad and that's all. But to run them against p2w players - no, tnx. 
May 8, 2020, 22:2805/08/20
It's nice to see for a new player that i can have content when im long enough in the Game. But it's bad for now, because no chance to get anything without paying. I'm Sorry but i can't see how it could help to bring new Player to the game. Or let new Player enjoy the game.
May 8, 2020, 22:4505/08/20
May 8, 2020, 22:46(edited)

I am very dissapointed..Yet another event only for whales... this dragon tournament is absolute horrible for low spenders and ftp.. The ideea of using only rares is good.. but the requirements.. 3750 points !!! for the legendary book is insane are you serious plarium !? How many average players(low spenders) are going to cap 3750 points ? almoust none.. it`s ok that whales compete against eachother for the group and leaderboard positions but make the rewards a little low spender friendy.. this event should require 2500 points for legendary book and 2000 points epic one..

May 8, 2020, 22:4505/08/20
May 8, 2020, 22:48(edited)

I completely agree! This is just another money-grab that is turning me off to the game. The graphics are stellar, I love that I can play on PC, and I don't mind buying some stuff from time to time. This game so far has shown me how greedy these games are getting. The prices on the "deals" are outrageous, and energy is expensive. The best thing I've bought on this game was the $29.99 Battle Pass! I got TONS of goodies and energy and gear and Champs! I've been hoping that they would do that again, but there has been no mention of it. It helped me immeasurably as a new player and made me wanna play. Now they are in my pocket, and I'm realizing that I'm not going to go very far, very fast without opening my wallet even further.

If they do the Battle Pass again, I might buy the top tier of it ($39.99 last time...) just to do the fun challenges. But for now, I hear Crystalforged Heroes of Fate calling. L8rz.

EDIT: I hope Plarium is paying close attention to their customers, and not just the whales. I doubt it, but I really hope so...
May 8, 2020, 23:3105/08/20

Hey there. This is another player giving his thoughts on the topic. 

First of all, id like to underline that we all appreciate that the developer is trying to introduce new ways to compete. Its much needed, because it got pretty boring lately, we are having the 3rd Dungeon divers event in a row (in what, 2 weeks?) .. we desperately need more event types, and this one as an idea doesnt look like a bad one.. But.

I think many players feel locked out of this event, and thats really the main thing you dont want your players to feel. I consider myself your usual p(l)ayer, got about 6 lvl 60 legendaries, 4-6 epics, and only 3 rares at 60.. I can take down dragon15 with an all rare team, but not 20, i'd need 5  specific probably lvl 60 or at least very well geared lvl50 rares.. 

Obviously i didnt invest my resources in rares, why the hell would I, when i have legendaries and better epics to work on.. Also its not in sync with the FW - where players would also level their epics or legendaries to advance. Nobody really wants to lvl rares, there are always more important champions to upgrade, and nobody will or should do it.

I understand you have to throw a bone sometimes to the whales, but i dont think this is the bone theyre after,

So back to the point - I (and I think many of us) could farm lower levels with a rare only team, but should we..? In my tournament group

[where 75 ppl are standing on 0 points - 12 hrs into the tour] the group leader is already above 3k points. It would only worth to go lower level, if i'd actually won the group, and the 2 tomes, but then i should spend at least 5k energy [~1500 gems] farming a lower level, probably missing tens of 6 star epic/legendary artifacts.

- the event would be great though, if rares were more easy to get to max stats, but currently it just looks like a too big investment these kind of events are kinda forcing us to make..


Thanks for working on new competiton types, but this one makes more ppl feel bad, than good. 

May 8, 2020, 23:3605/08/20

Ranking no 1 got legendary book. Ranking no 2 and below got same reward just likes usual. The event is designed to milk the whales. 

However i will take a part on the tournament, but i will wait until the last days and see how many points the other players have. My goal is only to grab some gem or energy refill reward.  
May 9, 2020, 00:2305/09/20
May 9, 2020, 00:24(edited)

As far as I know, no one is forcing everybody to be number one in your tournament group. No one is forcing everybody to get all the rewards on the right panel.

I have thousands of gems, can refill all night, can use autoclicker 24/7 just to be number one, but I am not doing it, why? Because I am not forced to to do it!

Don't get salty, prepare for the next rare tournament if you want to. Else, just concentrate on your farming with your regular team. 
May 9, 2020, 00:4605/09/20
After 14 hours of the start of the tournament only 13 people are playing the tournament in my group of 100, only 13% of the people are "enjoying" this tournament, which I am assuming they're whales, is just ridiculous and cannot be defended, that simple
May 9, 2020, 09:1205/09/20
I'm not a whale and I can do 20. I've been playing for a while though. I guess I just got lucky. I only have 1 legendary (queen ava) but a lot of good rares. Rare team kael, frozen banshee, gravechill killer, reliqary tender and cold heart. I play basically every day and use all the energy. I kinda like it since not so many people can do it. Now I have a chance of getting the sweet gear. 
May 9, 2020, 22:1305/09/20
Guys, thank you again for your feedback. :)