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Balancing Rotos without touching the championBalancing Rotos without touching the champion

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Balancing Rotos without touching the champion

Mar 4, 2020, 17:2603/04/20

Balancing Rotos without touching the champion

Hello everyone, 

With the newest fusion and the introduction of rotos and siphi, it has been really hard to counter rotos given the kit he possesses, and i have thought of something  that could really change the way ppl go about rotos (both when attacking or building), this could prove to be a good modification to improve the "strategic" building of a team for the arena.

This simple modification would be to make it possible to resist (through the regular accuracy/resistance mechanic) the "block revive" debuff.

If i am not mistaken the "block revive" debuff doesn't take into account the resistance of the target upon "death" to apply the debuff.

I think this simple change would make rotos a lot less unstoppable without modifying anything regarding the champion.

Generally speaking, block revive is a debuff and as any debuff it should obey  the same rules to be applied.

Feel free to give me your two cents about the matter

PS : rotos or no rotos, i'm just pointing out a flow in how the game processes the "block revive" debuff.

Mar 5, 2020, 04:4803/05/20


Thanks for your feedback, but I don't think "Block Revive" should be resisted or blocked. It's not a common debuff and it has been created to go against revives meta, like Tormin against speed meta, like "block debuff" against all the debuffs.

This is a balancing.
Mar 5, 2020, 09:5503/05/20

I would also like to leave a comment regarding Rotos.

If you even plan to nerf him, then nerf ONLY his arena capabilities. (either his passive, or the block revive or something)

Just, never nerf him in other areas.

Let me explain, I am a low spender who plays for 3 months. Throughout my play, I have 12 legendary books and 6-7 of them where from events. To fully utilise Rotos, you have to invest into the champion but also into other champions (Longbeard in my case, 5 tomes in Longbeard and the rest in Rotos). I don't care for arena since there are so many champions, but for CB, IG and Dragon I do care.

So, if you ever plan to nerf Rotos, then consider that if it affects other areas apart from arena, it would pretty much be a gameover for low spenders and instant quit for many. (investing in one champ is tough, investing in a whole team to make a champ shine is all-in gambling)

Thank you.
Mar 5, 2020, 11:2503/05/20
They won't nerf him.
Mar 5, 2020, 15:4203/05/20
Block revive is a 4 turn Skill, if you are lucky in speed you can use him 2 times, there are plenty of battles in arena when you die before you have opportunity to use him
Mar 5, 2020, 16:4103/05/20

Valdys said:


Thanks for your feedback, but I don't think "Block Revive" should be resisted or blocked. It's not a common debuff and it has been created to go against revives meta, like Tormin against speed meta, like "block debuff" against all the debuffs.

This is a balancing.

Thanks for the tip about the "block revive" genesis, although i would point out that Tormin's Freeze can be resisted, same thing for the "block debuff" all these can be resisted even if they were created to counter a specific meta and recreate a bit of variety in the team building they still had limits in the form of being somewhat stopable, shouldn't "block revive" be treated the same way ? 


5 March, 2020, 3:42 PM UTC

Block revive is a 4 turn Skill, if you are lucky in speed you can use him 2 times, there are plenty of battles in arena when you die before you have opportunity to use him


this is not a 4 turn CD it's 3 (i'm talking about fully upgraded) , this skill is a SURE KILL essentially since it penetrates defense + "unkillable" + "block dmg" and it gives an extra turn. truth is, this skill is a 1 turn CD.

Mar 5, 2020, 17:1703/05/20
Mar 5, 2020, 17:20(edited)

You never had a problem with Bloodgorged or I.Bloodtwin doing Block Revive.

They been in the game for over a year!

The game releases Rotos with Block Revive.

You want to make a huge stink about it.

Lets just cut the crap.

Your upset because Rotos is spanking your little Duchess/Raglin/Abriter - What ever, reviving hero your using on your Arena team 

You want to take out your frustration on Rotos.

Your grasping at any little excuse you can!

You want Rotos nerfed or balanced as you call it.

Of course, You want Block Revive to need ACC in order to trigger.

This way your High RESIST team your using can counter it.

It's not going to happen, Pal

Your argument is invalid.

If you had a problem with Block Revive, You should of posted it a year ago.

You didn't care - at any other time!

Now you care - because Rotos is ruining your picture perfect set up.

Oooo Booo Hooo

Poor you!

Just take your beating like a real man!

If you have a problem with Rotos, Make a team to counter Rotos.

Boom - Easy!

Instead, what did you decide to do?

You decided to waste your time in the forums grasping at obscure arguments.

Block Revive needing ACC? You can't RESIST something if your hero is dead.

The desperation coming off your post is so THICC - with 2 C's.

But thanks for stopping by.

It is always nice to see new faces on the forums!

We will put your suggestion in our folder which is located in the Garbage Can.

Mar 6, 2020, 03:2603/06/20
Mar 6, 2020, 03:27(edited)

Player J said:

You never had a problem with Bloodgorged or I.Bloodtwin doing Block Revive.

They been in the game for over a year!

The game releases Rotos with Block Revive.

You want to make a huge stink about it.

Lets just cut the crap.

Your upset because Rotos is spanking your little Duchess/Raglin/Abriter - What ever, reviving hero your using on your Arena team 

You want to take out your frustration on Rotos.

Your grasping at any little excuse you can!

You want Rotos nerfed or balanced as you call it.

Of course, You want Block Revive to need ACC in order to trigger.

This way your High RESIST team your using can counter it.

It's not going to happen, Pal

Your argument is invalid.

If you had a problem with Block Revive, You should of posted it a year ago.

You didn't care - at any other time!

Now you care - because Rotos is ruining your picture perfect set up.

Oooo Booo Hooo

Poor you!

Just take your beating like a real man!

If you have a problem with Rotos, Make a team to counter Rotos.

Boom - Easy!

Instead, what did you decide to do?

You decided to waste your time in the forums grasping at obscure arguments.

Block Revive needing ACC? You can't RESIST something if your hero is dead.

The desperation coming off your post is so THICC - with 2 C's.

But thanks for stopping by.

It is always nice to see new faces on the forums!

We will put your suggestion in our folder which is located in the Garbage Can.


You seem like an angry little man.

You are totally missing the point here and you are trying to make me feel bad (i forgot some people are feeding off forums by spreading their viral spite and childish anger around like you do), and by doing that the only thing you actually manage to do is sound like an idiot.

The main reason ? Everything you said is false i'm not going to go into the details i already wasted enough time reading your little trolling pamphlet, anyway if you cannot contribute to the conversasion, i respectfully suggest you  not to write wannabe essays about other people's supposed feelings/champions or whatever.

Have a nice day my angry little friend

Mar 6, 2020, 04:4003/06/20

MutMutMutanT said:

Valdys said:


Thanks for your feedback, but I don't think "Block Revive" should be resisted or blocked. It's not a common debuff and it has been created to go against revives meta, like Tormin against speed meta, like "block debuff" against all the debuffs.

This is a balancing.

Thanks for the tip about the "block revive" genesis, although i would point out that Tormin's Freeze can be resisted, same thing for the "block debuff" all these can be resisted even if they were created to counter a specific meta and recreate a bit of variety in the team building they still had limits in the form of being somewhat stopable, shouldn't "block revive" be treated the same way ? 

That's the problem, those debuffs can be resisted, so you can solve everything just building your champions with resistance. 

A full tank team, with at least one resser, will have a lot of resistance, so how do you face them? You can't without block revive.

"Block revive" exists to face those heroes like Raglin, who can revive every 2 turns, Arbiter, Lilitu, Siphi... ecc.
Mar 6, 2020, 15:0003/06/20

Valdys said:

MutMutMutanT said:

Valdys said:


Thanks for your feedback, but I don't think "Block Revive" should be resisted or blocked. It's not a common debuff and it has been created to go against revives meta, like Tormin against speed meta, like "block debuff" against all the debuffs.

This is a balancing.

Thanks for the tip about the "block revive" genesis, although i would point out that Tormin's Freeze can be resisted, same thing for the "block debuff" all these can be resisted even if they were created to counter a specific meta and recreate a bit of variety in the team building they still had limits in the form of being somewhat stopable, shouldn't "block revive" be treated the same way ? 

That's the problem, those debuffs can be resisted, so you can solve everything just building your champions with resistance. 

A full tank team, with at least one resser, will have a lot of resistance, so how do you face them? You can't without block revive.

"Block revive" exists to face those heroes like Raglin, who can revive every 2 turns, Arbiter, Lilitu, Siphi... ecc.

But my point of view is that if one chooses to focus on resistance on a certain champion, then it is a lot harder to be as effective in other areas (critic chance/damage or HP or w/E) which elevates a bit the strategic angle of PvP, well at least at first.

I say at first becauce it is of course possible to aquire perfect pieces of equipment that allow for high stats all around, but that's how grinding for gear should be rewarded anyway.

If a flat-out resisted "block revive" is a problem, implementing a "soft resist" of the block revive could be a new angle, humor me for a sec : instead of resisting the block revive it could alter the state of the revived champion : for example the champion revived could be afflicted for a set amount of turns (or the reminder of the combat) by a debuff like the newly created sensitivity (not the poison sensitivity but something new along those lines). 

Something could be done about those other "meta debuffs" like freeze too, for example freezing could have diminishing effects on champions after the first freeze 

(as a sidenote, a friend of mine experienced a "bug" the other day, he applied "block revive" on rotos and siphi was still able to revive him)

Mar 27, 2020, 16:2503/27/20

Have to agree.  If you didn't happen to fuse/get Rotos, you're  at a huge disadvantage in higher end arena.  He's unbalanced.  A block revive one-shot combined with extra turns is broken.  For proof, you only need to look at how some of the top arena teams are running two Rotos.

It honestly has me considering quitting the game.
Mar 27, 2020, 18:4203/27/20

I have read everyones comments here and while i fully believe rotos n tormin ruined the arena experience its not for the reason most people think it is.

In the past arena battles were decided by who has the best teamcomp and who has the best gear where as now its decided approximately 70% by pure RNG. I have been platinum several times in the past although i dont bother with it anymore at all i might add.

The problem with Rotos in particular as opposed to bloodtwin, bloodgorged etc is that Rotos ignores defence,(yes bloodgorged does aswell) takes extra turns coupled with a passive that makes him win even if he doesnt go first where as bloodtwin n bloodgorged would´ve both been dead he instead takes a turn. i am endgame and have been for very many months and im a spender yet i lost an arena battle to a rotos team that was in midgame at best purely from RNG. i poked with my kymar to remove some buffs and he took a turn with passive and procceded to take 11 turns in a row and killed my entire team while having very bare minimum gear.

Now some of you might go off saying "so counter him!" theres not a single champion in the entire game outside of rotos who can win a fight with terrible gear fighting against a full endgame geared team. while i obviously went back against the same team i lost to and crushed it what annoys me is the fact that the RNG is way too dominant. If you measure win conditions for varius teamcomps say a speed teams win condition is "if my team goes first i win" where as a slow tank teams win condition is "if i resist his debuffs i win" in Rotos case his win condition is "if i get a single turn i win AND i cheat with turnmeter due to my passive"

For those of you who believe that resistance teams would ever become dominant in the first place you clearly havent been paying attention. I ran a full tank team in the past although thats quite long ago but since tormin was released i was forced to build a speed team like everyone else due to the fact that against speed teams my team could take the hit, recover and retaliate and i won about 90-95%+ battles against speed teams but when people added tormin to their speed teams my team simply never got a turn at all. Resistance is very easily countered because while you need 4 champions stackpiled with resistance i can counter your entire team by having ONE debuffer with high accuracy. its also easier to get efficency out of accuracy than it is from resistance so accuracy is "cheaper" to build. in my case i run a Serris with almost 600 accuracy and i can tell you she doesnt get resisted all that often.

In conclusion the proof speaks for itself, 95% of all platinum teams having rotos is NOT because he is new and fun people dont care about that in platinum its all about the best of the best and if he wasnt overtoned he wouldnt be used anywhere near this much but his core problem is simply needing too little stats to perform miracles and WAY too much RNG involved in his kit making it unbearable to play against. The other problem is just like tormin everyone has one unlike bloodgorged and bloodtwin who are legendaries from shards exclusive making them far less common.

Does Rotos need a nerf? ehh probally but i dislike nerfs as a whole, he simply shouldnt ever have been released like this so i´d vote no.

Do i think he will be nerfed? no. he will not be nerfed directly but instead in a few months we´ll have a new fusion that hardcounters his existance kinda like rotos himself hardcounters duchess, tormin n alot of other previous toptiers.

This turned out to be an awfully long post. Anyways wish ya´ll a great day! stay safe!

Mar 28, 2020, 16:3103/28/20

MutMutMutanT said:


You seem like an angry little man.

You are totally missing the point here and you are trying to make me feel bad (i forgot some people are feeding off forums by spreading their viral spite and childish anger around like you do), and by doing that the only thing you actually manage to do is sound like an idiot.

The main reason ? Everything you said is false i'm not going to go into the details i already wasted enough time reading your little trolling pamphlet, anyway if you cannot contribute to the conversasion, i respectfully suggest you  not to write wannabe essays about other people's supposed feelings/champions or whatever.

Have a nice day my angry little friend

I have every reason to be angry.

You are trying to change a game mechanic which has existed for over a year.


Your asking the game to change the Block Revive game mechanic.

This means every Block Revive hero in the game will be affected.

I own 12 Legendary heroes:

  • Harvest Jack
  • Queen Eva
  • Rotos
  • Abriter
  • Errol
  • Fu-Shan
  • Cillian
  • Lord Shazar
  • Tormin
  • Rhazin
  • Foli
  • Mortu-Macaab

Out of those 12 heroes, I own 4 Block Revive heroes

They all will suffer because of 1 champion which you have a "Problem" with.

You say I am having a viral spite.

You say I have childish anger.

I think I am justified in having those feelings because you are acting like a selfish person.

If you had a problem with Rotos, you could have asked the game to nerf Rotos.

You didn't!

You asked the game to nerf a well established game mechanic which will affect dozens of heroes unrelated to Rotos.

Your post has said nothing about Queen Eva, Foli, or Mortu Macaab.

What have they done to make you feel like they need to be nerfed?

Apr 7, 2020, 14:4704/07/20

Hello @VALDYS,
1 month ago I wrote on my first comment (see above). I told you that I am afraid of him getting nerfed since I spend all my tomes on him and on longbeard for their combo. I also told you that if you are going to nerf him, nerf his arena only,

You replied to me that Rotos will not be nerfed.

Today, they nerfed the relentless set which, honestly speaking, nerfed Rotos balanced performance in other areas apart from the arena.

Thats like doing it intentionally.

I am out.

Apr 7, 2020, 15:2904/07/20
People wouldn't complain about Rotos if they had him.  I'm pretty sure.
Apr 7, 2020, 16:0004/07/20
Apr 7, 2020, 16:04(edited)

If Rotos was not a fusion and not given to anyone you mean?
Because he was a fusion, he required a lot of resources to get, and he was OP in arena and balanced on dungeons and CB compared to other legendaries, not god tier, not low tier.
I, as a person who had 14 leg tomes in total and used them all to build Rotos+LB for dungeons and CB, now have an account in a worse state than a new account, who is solid only in arena and unrecoverable in CB.

At least, they should give me back my 14 books to invest them to rha'zin or something.

This is unfixable.
If they want to nerf Rotos in arena, they should nerf Rotos in arena, not everywhere else except the arena (his passive).

And why a moderator tossing a lie to me so comfortably? I trusted him. He could say 'yes, we will nerf him' or 'I dont know', instead he thought that it will be funny to say the exact opposite

@VALDYS, that was not cool. Not cool at all.

People wouldn't complain about Rotos if they had him.  I'm pretty sure.

Apr 7, 2020, 16:0604/07/20

cs101092 said:

Hello @VALDYS,
1 month ago I wrote on my first comment (see above). I told you that I am afraid of him getting nerfed since I spend all my tomes on him and on longbeard for their combo. I also told you that if you are going to nerf him, nerf his arena only,

You replied to me that Rotos will not be nerfed.

Today, they nerfed the relentless set which, honestly speaking, nerfed Rotos balanced performance in other areas apart from the arena.

Thats like doing it intentionally.

I am out.

It was an exploit bug, people were abusing of it. 

It's not a nerf, it's a fix, like UK teams for cb.
Apr 7, 2020, 16:0804/07/20

cs101092 said:

If Rotos was not a fusion and not given to anyone you mean?
Because he was a fusion, he required a lot of resources to get, and he was OP in arena and balanced on dungeons and CB compared to other legendaries, not god tier, not low tier.
I, as a person who had 14 leg tomes in total and used them all to build Rotos+LB for dungeons and CB, now have an account in a worse state than a new account, who is solid only in arena and unrecoverable in CB.

At least, they should give me back my 14 books to invest them to rha'zin or something.

This is unfixable.
If they want to nerf Rotos in arena, they should nerf Rotos in arena, not everywhere else except the arena (his passive).

And why a moderator tossing a lie to me so comfortably? I trusted him. He could say 'yes, we will nerf him' or 'I dont know', instead he thought that it will be funny to say the exact opposite

@VALDYS, that was not cool. Not cool at all.

People wouldn't complain about Rotos if they had him.  I'm pretty sure.

Tossing a lie? 

Rotos has not been touched, he's still the same, you were abusing of a relentless bug, same for Robar, for example.
Apr 7, 2020, 16:5104/07/20
Apr 7, 2020, 16:52(edited)

I am really sorry, but how is that a bug and not a nerf?

'Combine it with Skills that also grant Extra Turns bla bla'

Please, I invest time and money in this game. I like this game, why the game hates us? I and the rest of the player base deserve some honesty.

Apr 7, 2020, 16:5504/07/20
Apr 7, 2020, 16:59(edited)

If you search 'in which player to use relentless' everyone will say that it is worth only to the champions that grants extra turns. This is a huge nerf for the set and these champions.

If you wanted to break the Rotos meta in arena, why you didn't just nerf his passive or his combo with Siphi?

Please, talk with the team and let them know the frustration. There are many people like me, spamming on the release note's comments.

Or just let me get my books off of Rotos and Longbeard and create a new CB and dungeon team. My acc is destroyed now. (I can swap both of them for Rha'zin if I can pass their books to him now)
Apr 7, 2020, 17:0204/07/20

Ah come on. Dont come with the bug excuse again.

From the player perspective the nerf of the relentess set is design change - not a bug.

I aswell cant help to suspect it is intented as a nerf (justified or not) for rotos. Problem is it nerfed all other champions aswell with the grant extra turn, that werent overpowered.