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Bp weekly. Ascend one champ from each faction

Bp weekly. Ascend one champ from each faction

Feb 27, 2020, 02:5302/27/20

I complete all weekly quest accept this one

Feb 27, 2020, 03:2302/27/20
Also having this issue, got to 10/13 though. Good thing we paid money to have access to the battle pass weeklies, and then have no support on this.
Feb 27, 2020, 03:3602/27/20
Feb 27, 2020, 03:40(edited)


i tried now all 13 Factions. Still the same bug. 1/13. It is not fixed. 

Please have a look again.

Also i can’t write to support ingame.

Thank you.

Feb 27, 2020, 03:3702/27/20
Same issue. Frustrating as hell. I have 8 of 13 and I Haven't gotten credit since. Can't even get support to load so I can open a ticket..  
Feb 27, 2020, 04:0702/27/20
Feb 27, 2020, 04:09(edited)

I just got my first point credited from a Fang Cleric, Dark Elves. I wonder if it needs to be one of the fusion champions, or something crazy like that? I note that the Fang Cleric is one of the current fusion champions.

Does anyone have a list of the rares? I can't remember what they were as I'm up to the second stage.

Bah, scrap that - Sepulcher Sentinel just gave me nothing.
Feb 27, 2020, 04:1702/27/20
Feb 27, 2020, 04:18(edited)
I'm stuck at 10/13 and have ascended multiple champions of various rarities from each faction.  Definitely broken.
Feb 27, 2020, 04:2902/27/20
this issue is not fixed, still experiencing it - did 12/13 and it registered 7/13
Feb 27, 2020, 04:2902/27/20
I am stuck at 12/13 also
Feb 27, 2020, 04:5302/27/20
I am stuck on 12/13.  It has not been fixed.  
Feb 27, 2020, 05:0502/27/20
I'm also still having the issue. I did 8/13 and it registered 2/13. I've redone 3 factions, and it's still showing 2/13. Also, I can't support to load. This is extremely frustrating. Is there a way to get a refund of the battle pass? It might be time to stop playing.
Feb 27, 2020, 05:1102/27/20
Same issue here better get credit for the gear and level rewards this is pretty bs wasting energy and potions on a broke quest
Feb 27, 2020, 05:1202/27/20
Dose anyone think maybe you have to fully accend the champs or maybe they have to be fully leveled up to 30 or 40 or 50 maybe 
Feb 27, 2020, 05:4402/27/20
uneekballz said:

Dose anyone think maybe you have to fully accend the champs or maybe they have to be fully leveled up to 30 or 40 or 50 maybe 
Don't think so, it's just a weekly quest which shouldn't consume resource that much. 
Feb 27, 2020, 05:5202/27/20

I ’m stuck at 12. I ascended 13 factions 3 times, because  i  thinking I maybe missed one, but it still says 12/13 :(

Feb 27, 2020, 06:2202/27/20
Stuck on 12/13 also...
Feb 27, 2020, 06:3402/27/20
Feb 27, 2020, 06:38(edited)

I am stuck on 11/13 despite having ascended at least 2 of each faction. that is a lot of potions, a lot of time, and a lot of coin spent without any fix or compensation

*edit* The weekly pass is something we actually PAID REAL MONEY for. Please take that in to consideration when offering a solution since this bug is specifically affecting your customers who are willing to pay to play. 

Feb 27, 2020, 06:4202/27/20
I'm stuck at 11/13, having made a list and ascended multiple champions of differing rarities.  Would be nice to see this fixed.
Feb 27, 2020, 07:5102/27/20
Not working for me either I’m at 12/13 so only one left I made a list and have done it twice 
Feb 27, 2020, 09:1502/27/20

Valdys said:

Hi, guys!

Valkyrie today at 10:11 UTC:

"Guys, letting you know that we're aware of the problem with the completing BP quest "Ascend 1 Champion from each Faction". Looking into it right now. We will keep you updated."

It should be fixed now.

I'm sorry but this is not only completely misleading but also wrong. I know you're "just" a moderator, but People lost a lot of potions on this already (and Need to farm new ones to be able to somehow finish it) and might have lost even more thanks to your Statement that it should be fixed now, which it definitely isn't.

I know because I'm one of them who tried multiple ascentions without any result and after reading your post again. Right now, especially after your public post About it being fixed I expect plarium to step up and refund us the potions we used up this far and also add a Register so we know which faction did Count for us already and which didn't. Or just set this Weekly as solved for EVERYONE and on top of this refund part of the potions lost in this.

It's again like in many ways an issue of the UI which Needs to be fixed (just like there's still no ingame-library where you can click the Name of a buff/debuff to get the Details, skills don't Show "dmg" numbers - only that "they do dmg" and skale with whatever in an undisclosed way --- and so many more Things).

People Play to be able to do this. And pay / use a lot of Energy to have the potions to ascend their heroes to do it on top of the base-price we payed for the Battle-Pass …. bringing in stuff like this (and it's not the first one which didn't work -- see the collect all dailies on day one just as one more example, the wording of the boss-adds as another, etc etc etc.) is just not acceptable *sigh*.

Maybe the progs should really consider a test-realm/sandbox-Server where they or specific testers (e.g. the streamer/youtoubers or others) test those Features before rolling it out AND asking for Money without even knowing if everything works as intended.
Feb 27, 2020, 09:2202/27/20

Just adding in my name here too :( Wrote everything down to make sure I ascended one for each faction, used uncommons and rares and one epic, all of them from 0 to 1 star. And still progress says 0/13. Tried "fully" ascending an uncommon up to 2 stars, nothing, tried fully ascending a rare, nothing, tried fully ascending an epic, nothing. So I am still at 0/13. 

The only reasonable thing to do here is to at least grant everyone this quest as finished. And then possibly some kind of further compensation like maybe 12/6/3 of each potion type or something like that.

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