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Bp weekly. Ascend one champ from each faction

Bp weekly. Ascend one champ from each faction

Feb 26, 2020, 10:1302/26/20
I’m having the same issue, I did it for all factions but it’s only showing one has been completed. I even tried different affinities but nothing has changed. Don’t know what’s going on
Feb 26, 2020, 10:2302/26/20

I just opened this task and discovered 1 done already.
Luckily I remember who I ascended.

Why wasn't a counter/tracker included in this?
If something similar comes up in a later task, I predict more confusion.

Plarium, you guys need to step up your game and anticipate these things.

Feb 26, 2020, 10:5402/26/20

AlWeMaX said:

I just opened this task and discovered 1 done already.
Luckily I remember who I ascended.

Why wasn't a counter/tracker included in this?
If something similar comes up in a later task, I predict more confusion.

Plarium, you guys need to step up your game and anticipate these things.

Exactly this. A faction-info (what was done and what is still open) should definitely be part of this. Especially when it's as Buggy as it is Right now.

I tried to get this one done too and ascended from ascended-*-rating to ascended-*-rating:

Ult. Galek 3 to 4     - Ork 
Apothecary 3 to 4   - High Elf
Corrupt Cad. 0 to 1 - Undead
Warpriest 2 to 3      - Sacred Order

meaning I should have 4 factions done but it only Shows 2/13 ? ! …. Sadly I didn't check after each one to see which one triggered the "update" in the weekly progress and which one didn't, but the support should be able to figure this out. Does it have anything to do from which *-Rating we update it ? ("does it work better" from below 3-star or above 3-star ascention? ).

For our mods, if it helps this is my Player-ID:    um35462513 | 34845617

Feb 26, 2020, 11:4202/26/20

same problem i heve, and i ascend all my champs froma all fraction by 1 star.

still show me 10/13...

Feb 26, 2020, 11:4602/26/20
Same issue, I’m stuck at 9 of 13. I’ve done them all twice so far. Went to report it in game and the support section isn’t working either which is how I ended up here. 
Feb 26, 2020, 11:5402/26/20

I’m having the same issue

Feb 26, 2020, 12:1402/26/20
Facing the same issue, except showing 0/13 regardless of what I do to whom. Maybe there's a rarity or leveling trick to it we can't see?
Feb 26, 2020, 12:2502/26/20
Feb 26, 2020, 12:28(edited)

Same here, I carefully picked one champ (2-dot ones for cheaper ascending) from each faction and got them all up one pink star. Result: 11/13.

Now go figure which ones were bugged...

Reading the above comments and reddit thread > HERE<, I'm thinking of waiting a bit in case a fix is found within the week. I would really hate to see a weekly quest lost due to a bug, given that the reward linked to completing a weekly quest is one whole level gain...

Feb 26, 2020, 12:4002/26/20

I've got a load of unused, unranked, unleveled and unasceneded Epic rarity champions sitting in my collection so when I saw this mission and that it had no tracker to tell you which you'd done, I decided to do it in Index order.  I assumed that if I new I was going from top down, left to right, then all I'd have to do to keep track of which Factions I'd done was see how many I'd done.

So Bannerlords first.  I ascended a previously unascended Epic Champion.  The tracker said 0/13.  I ascended him again.  0/13.

I tried the next faction along and then the next.  Still 0/13.

Was it registering them as ascended but just not updating the counter or was it not registering at all?  I count three Factions done, the game says 0.

At this point, I decided to check these forums.  I'm glad I did!  I might have been tempted to carry on to doing all 13 on the assumption it was just the counter on the mission that was broken!  I'm wondering how many players have made that assumption and not checked the forums and thus wasted a load of resources?

Feb 26, 2020, 12:4202/26/20

yesterday was game update on google play it might be influence of this. for people who didn't updated yet 

Feb 26, 2020, 13:0002/26/20
Feb 26, 2020, 13:10(edited)

Same problem here. I has ascended 56 champions and i has compleded 9/13


I have the game updated and it still doesn't work properly
Feb 26, 2020, 13:1602/26/20
Feb 26, 2020, 13:24(edited)

I've done 12 out of the 13 (only have 1 banner lord I can upgrade), most of them twice, I'm running out of champions to upgrade!

It says I only have 8/13

edit: Using Plarium Play on PC.

Logged into phone app (android) to see if that might be it but no, still no change after upgrading several more different champions.
Feb 26, 2020, 13:1602/26/20

Same Bug for me. Im Stuck AT 10/13.

Done each fraction twice. 
Feb 26, 2020, 16:2102/26/20
I have ascended at least 3 champs from each faction and still show 0/13 for mine. Hopefully some fix/compensation comes soon
Feb 26, 2020, 16:3702/26/20
not a single of the champions I've ascended registered for the weekly battlepass quest. At least the regular quest that asks me to ascend a champion registered it, so it is doubly puzzling that not a single of the champions I ascended got registered for the battlepass. And I just ascended one of each before I checked on it. feels like I just wasted alot of potions.
Feb 26, 2020, 17:0702/26/20

It has to be a rare champion - don't know if only rares or if rare or higher.

I ascended a few that were uncommon and it didn't work.

Then ascended a rare barbarian and it worked.

Went down the list, did 12 and I got just 7/13

So, something is definitely messed up. I for sure had more than 7 ascended. Wondering if it has to be from 0 stars? I don't know. Strange. 

Feb 26, 2020, 17:2702/26/20
I too am having this issue. I have spent quite a bit of resources on this challenge only to see it wont progress past 1. Could you please mark this off as a pass for everyone who has attempted or completed this?
Feb 26, 2020, 17:4102/26/20
Same issue, after first round I made a list just to check them off for the second round attempt, still showing 10/13.  At least I'm not going crazy.
Feb 26, 2020, 17:4802/26/20
Kensington said:

I wrote them all down, did them each twice and still no luck.  
Same to me, ascended 13 Champs 2 times, still at 10 from 13 in the weekly task.
Feb 26, 2020, 17:5302/26/20
Lucimorth said:

It has to be a rare champion - don't know if only rares or if rare or higher.

I ascended a few that were uncommon and it didn't work.

Then ascended a rare barbarian and it worked.

Went down the list, did 12 and I got just 7/13

So, something is definitely messed up. I for sure had more than 7 ascended. Wondering if it has to be from 0 stars? I don't know. Strange. 

all of the champions I ascended were rare or higher. not a single registered for the battlepass
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