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Feb 10, 2020, 00:5402/10/20

Who care if Darth used his Mountain King as fodder to protest. He didnt EARN it or obtain it by getting lucky with the RNG. 

PLARIUM has played favorites, other people have spent money trying to get that Legendary Hero as well. Its total BS that Plarium chooses to give it to a guy in the middle of his hissy fit. The whole community should have a hissy fit and everyone should be compensated so it's fair. I dont think giving everyone a Draco is the answer, it would just destroy the value of the character. But Plarium has given away at least 3 legendary champions that I know of.. they should give everyone an Uber Shard x3 to guarantee a legendary pull and randomize what people get. But you cant have the devs going into THIS guy's account and just giving him the champion he wanted... that's not right to the other players.
Feb 10, 2020, 01:0202/10/20
Player J said:

I see nothing wrong with any of this.

Plaruim sent a message saying they gave the Russian Youtuber a Dracomorph because he was first player in the world to complete Faction wars.

They wanted to do something special for him.

Thus, they gave him a Dracomorph which is special!

I am perfectly fine with this.

That's a crock of horse crap. Who was the first player to reach platinum in PvP Arena? Who was the first to complete Brutal mode pre-nightmare? Who was the first clan to kill Clan Boss? There are a lot of firsts in the game. This also doesnt justify the other instances of people getting a free legendary champion.
Feb 10, 2020, 05:0002/10/20
Feb 10, 2020, 05:01(edited)

Legatux said:

@Player J <--- this guy is a troll.  

I think he works for Plarium.. :D

This post needed a bump to the top anyway. Community needs to be upset about this. Go read my resolution suggestion 
Feb 10, 2020, 08:1002/10/20

LOL - Marius tells you people the same exact thing I am telling you.

Don't you people get it?

Cartman trick you.

Cartman clearly staged the 300 shards to make it seem like he was so upset about not getting a Dracomorph.

Cartman knew all along he was getting one.

I can't wait till Cartman makes a youtube video saying you all have been punked/trick.

You people are so gullible.

Let the record show - I was only one on the forums which didn't get fooled by this ruse.

HAHA - You have to wake up pretty early in the morning to fool old Player J!

Feb 10, 2020, 08:2102/10/20
Legatux said:

There is nothing more repulsive then players who say its "no big deal" or "you just want free stuff".   Opening hundreds upon hundreds of shards with zero legendaries, game crashes daily costing resources that I PAID FOR without proper reimbursement, not being transparent, predatory practices via algorithms targeting specific accounts, (leads me and other to believe drop rates are manipulated) this while stacking the deck against the community by providing a select few with advantages in in global leaderboards and tournaments underhandedly i might add.  The entire game is rigged like a casino however in a casino you know whats taking place, in Raid Shadow Legends you do not as its completely hidden from you and manipulated.  With all this taking place some of you have the gall to make the comments  mentioned above when a company is literally scamming and taking advantage of all of us.  They then have the nerve to make a post pretending like they are not doing it when they were caught red handed!!!    They absolutely think we are all that stupid and just a bunch of sheeple/cattle to get fat off.  The players are upset because we all spent time and money thinking that it was a level playing field and the metrics/coding/game mechanics were above board.  What's been happening is nefarious and is similar in scope to what EA has done in the past when they released incomplete games at full retail price.  They would release games duping customers into thinking they were getting a complete product only to find out they are literally forced to buy DLC in order to participate.

In any other industry they would have been forced to refund every dollar and be  held accountable to the customers/public they ripped off.

Cartman isn't the villain in actuality he ACCIDENTALLY exposed them and Plarium has been back-peddling ever since.  

I'm pretty sure this reply will get deleted as they have been actively deleting comments and banning players in discord, facebook and on the forums in several countries.  Players in Russia, Spain and just about every else in the world where the game is available are extremely upset.  

The only language these large conglomerates understand is the power of the almighty dollar.  If society whats to implement a change they have the ability to do it via how they spend their money.

We delete posts and ban people who breach the rules. Just those. 
Feb 10, 2020, 08:3402/10/20
Daering said:

May I also give my suggestion on how Plarium can elegantly solve the problem? I'm copying it from somewhere else, where i initially post it:

Plarium, take your Draco back, make official announcement that this was stupid mistake, then give everyone 1 or 2 free sacred shards and make 1 time 100% chance for those 1 or 2 sacred shards. I'm pretty sure you can do this. Every other shard beyond those 2 will have regular chance, i.e. doesn't have any. You can do this, right?

This is how you can clean your name, give everyone equal compensation for screwing things big time and still have RNG involved.

And don't use your Community managers like cannon fodder, make it open and official.

I love this, but they won't do it... 
Feb 10, 2020, 10:2702/10/20
Player J said:

LOL - Marius tells you people the same exact thing I am telling you.

Don't you people get it?

Cartman trick you.

Cartman clearly staged the 300 shards to make it seem like he was so upset about not getting a Dracomorph.

Cartman knew all along he was getting one.

I can't wait till Cartman makes a youtube video saying you all have been punked/trick.

You people are so gullible.

Let the record show - I was only one on the forums which didn't get fooled by this ruse.

HAHA - You have to wake up pretty early in the morning to fool old Player J!

Obviously logical and critical thinking are not your strengths, I understand, so I will no longer bother you and I do not intend to repeat obvious things endlessly. Anyone can go back, follow the different positions in the topic and make their own conclusions. 
Feb 10, 2020, 14:5302/10/20
Darkened said:

Legatux said:

@Player J <--- this guy is a troll.  

I think he works for Plarium.. :D

Only because someone thinks differently?
Feb 11, 2020, 00:3802/11/20

Taureck said:

Darkened said:

Legatux said:

@Player J <--- this guy is a troll.  

I think he works for Plarium.. :D

Only because someone thinks differently?


Because he always takes plarium's side, dismisses any issues with the game and acts like a paid PR shill for Plarium.

Feb 11, 2020, 12:0902/11/20
Feb 11, 2020, 12:25(edited)

summerebay said:


Because he always takes plarium's side, dismisses any issues with the game and acts like a paid PR shill for Plarium.

I take the side of the party which is telling the truth!

In this case, Plarium is telling the truth!

Plarium gave Cartmen a Dracomorph for being first person in the world to complete Faction Wars.

The issue is Plarium does a poor job at communicating with there player base.

Plarium should have sent out an in-game message to everyone in the community telling them they was going to give Cartmen Draco.

The fact is they didn't send out a message.

The result is a PR nightmare.

Players began creating fake stories as to why Cartmen received a Draco.

That is what happened.

There is only 2 choices at this point.

1) You believe Plarium.

2) You don't believe Plarium

I am going with option 1.

I think Plarium had good intentions.

They just have a bad job at relaying messages to the community like always.

If you are going with option 2, You should probably quit the game.

Just take a moment - to read everything you people are saying.

I have read everything you have said.

I am going to tell you what you have said so you can hear it back towards you.

  • You don't believe Plarium has good intentions.
  • You don't believe Plarium gave Draco for Faction wars
  • You believe Draco was giving to Cartmen because he complained/cried.

This would mean Plarium has violated there own rules.

  • You don't believe Plarium cares about there community.
  • You believe Plarium is back peddling with all of there messages.
  • You believe Plarium is being manipulative to cover up the truth.

Now I want you to read all of this because this is what you have been telling me.

The way you are describing Plarium is as a company that is pure evil - The Devil - itself

And now comes my question

If you think the game is the Devil, How can you sit here and tell me you expect the game to be good?

Do you want the Devil to say he is sorry for being bad and doing all of the above things to you?

Do you want the Devil to atone for all his sins/mistakes?

I'm sorry to break it to all of you, but the Devil will not do those things.

The Devil is incapable of doing such things.

You see - To be good or to atone for your sins - These are considered Heavenly Actions

The work of God.

It is a divine action of purity & goodness which could only come from heaven.

You can't truly believe something is evil while having expectations for it to be heavenly.

It doesn't work that way.

What you people are suggesting is a logical fallacy

Now you know my logical & critical thinking skills are very good.


I play chess as well.

I'm very good at it.

Feb 11, 2020, 21:1602/11/20

Valkyrie was doing damage control after the fact this this post. Nothing she said can be taken as truth. It was pure PR lies.

Player J said:

Valkyrie clearly confirms the community suspicion!

Feb 12, 2020, 22:0202/12/20

Quelek said:

hi found this interview about this on Youtube i guess its relevant to this?

It is more like a monologue than interview.

And let me quote someone from comment section under the video, it summarizes everything:

Cirilla: "We didn't give Cartman Draco when he first asked because we thought there was going to be a big community backlash."
Cirilla, 5 minutes later: "When we gave him Draco we hadn't forseen what the consequences would be."

Feb 15, 2020, 10:5502/15/20
Feb 15, 2020, 10:56(edited)
Player J said:

LOL - Marius tells you people the same exact thing I am telling you.

Don't you people get it?

How can you believe this is the truth??? Marius clearly copied and pasted what Valkyrie posted in the discord or somewhere. It’s OBVIOUSLY THE PLARIUM OFFIAL COVER UP. It’s definitely NOT THE TRUTH. How can you call yourself a critical thinker when you failed to notice or comment on the fact that Marius and Valkyrie posted IDENTICAL statements.

Like, they clearly group write this response and are posting it everywhere.

You think cartman staged this whole fiasco?? That is the most far fetched thing ever. There’s a maxim, that the most simple explanation is the truth.

The simplest explanation here is that Plarium wanted to win back an influencer who was raging over their terrible rng, to the point of potentially quitting the game, and influencing his followers to quit also. Plarium gave him the legendary to make him happy, to bring him back into the fold. To make him feel special. How could he quit on mommy Plarium now that she gave him a piece of candy to shut up and stop whining?

I say people should all report Cartman for violating the rules. Or Plarium themselves for violating the rules.

I will NOT be satisfied with the outcome of this scandal unless I too get a free legendary. Because I too have noticed that even with double chances, I can open my modest 35 free to play ancient shards... and get 35 terrible rare champions... no epics, no legendaries. And that’s just wrong.

Feb 15, 2020, 12:4702/15/20
Player J said:

summerebay said:


Because he always takes plarium's side, dismisses any issues with the game and acts like a paid PR shill for Plarium.

I take the side of the party which is telling the truth!

In this case, Plarium is telling the truth!

Plarium gave Cartmen a Dracomorph for being first person in the world to complete Faction Wars.

The issue is Plarium does a poor job at communicating with there player base.

Plarium should have sent out an in-game message to everyone in the community telling them they was going to give Cartmen Draco.

The fact is they didn't send out a message.

The result is a PR nightmare.

Players began creating fake stories as to why Cartmen received a Draco.

That is what happened.

There is only 2 choices at this point.

1) You believe Plarium.

2) You don't believe Plarium

I am going with option 1.

I think Plarium had good intentions.

They just have a bad job at relaying messages to the community like always.

If you are going with option 2, You should probably quit the game.

Just take a moment - to read everything you people are saying.

I have read everything you have said.

I am going to tell you what you have said so you can hear it back towards you.

  • You don't believe Plarium has good intentions.
  • You don't believe Plarium gave Draco for Faction wars
  • You believe Draco was giving to Cartmen because he complained/cried.

This would mean Plarium has violated there own rules.

  • You don't believe Plarium cares about there community.
  • You believe Plarium is back peddling with all of there messages.
  • You believe Plarium is being manipulative to cover up the truth.

Now I want you to read all of this because this is what you have been telling me.

The way you are describing Plarium is as a company that is pure evil - The Devil - itself

And now comes my question

If you think the game is the Devil, How can you sit here and tell me you expect the game to be good?

Do you want the Devil to say he is sorry for being bad and doing all of the above things to you?

Do you want the Devil to atone for all his sins/mistakes?

I'm sorry to break it to all of you, but the Devil will not do those things.

The Devil is incapable of doing such things.

You see - To be good or to atone for your sins - These are considered Heavenly Actions

The work of God.

It is a divine action of purity & goodness which could only come from heaven.

You can't truly believe something is evil while having expectations for it to be heavenly.

It doesn't work that way.

What you people are suggesting is a logical fallacy

Now you know my logical & critical thinking skills are very good.


I play chess as well.

I'm very good at it.

Im with you J. I think allot of people want things to be wrong so they have something to do. Mistakes were made, absolutly and like you stated communication is the biggest one. 
Feb 15, 2020, 13:0302/15/20
Feb 15, 2020, 13:06(edited)


I have moved on with my life.

I am looking to the present & the future!

The Draco Gate misunderstanding is behind me. 

It is in the past.

It has been a week already.

A week is so long ago.

I have forgiven the game!

If you wish to continue to live your life in the past, you can go ahead.

I don't care.

I'm looking ahead!

Plarium has brought us so much new content.

I am over joyed with all of these new things they have brought to us!

We have new champions to try out!

We have new debuffs + buffs to test!

We have new battle pass which is amazing!

We have new fusion heroes!

We have double summon on Sacred Shards!

I can't be bothered disproving your statements from the past when there is so much awesomeness happening in the present.

If you wish to be a debbie downer, You can write messages to someone else.

Feb 15, 2020, 13:1802/15/20
Feb 15, 2020, 13:19(edited)

1. I opt for "I do not trust them" option.

2. I do not expect them to do the right thing

3. I do not pay for the game - partly due to overpriced stuff, party due to point 1.

4. I intend to remind people here on forums and on discord / Reddit / play store about what happened - not because I believe plarium can change, just so someone who is on the fence about spending will tip to "I won't spend"

5. If they actually change (which I really doubt) I will revise all above ...

Feb 15, 2020, 13:2102/15/20

Syridian said:

Im with you J. I think allot of people want things to be wrong so they have something to do. Mistakes were made, absolutly and like you stated communication is the biggest one. 


All the problems Raid experiences could be adverted if they would just send out in-game news messages to players.

Raid likes to inform people of things on Facebook - Forums - Discord - All of these various communication outlets which players don't use.

When all they have to do is use 1 communication outlet, The communicate outlet already pre-built into the game.

The in-game news function!

Feb 15, 2020, 16:1202/15/20
Guys, I'm going to close this topic. We don't need to talk about it anymore.
The topic is locked. You cannot post comments.