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Feb 8, 2020, 08:0302/08/20


If you don't know yet, an awesome person from the Russian forums is trying to encourage us to participate in their heated debate about Plarium giving Dracomorph away for free to a streamer who threw a tantrum that he didn't get Draco after opening 300 ancient shards.

I think Plarium should just give everyone a Draco since they did it for him. And a Mountain King, since they did that for Darth Micro just so he could make a video about him. And any other Legendary they have given to an influencer for free, just so they could make a video about it.

Feb 8, 2020, 09:2302/08/20


How couldn't we know about #dracogate2020? Lol

Plarium won't give anything to players and, "if you don't know yet", Darth fed his MK to protest. 

Feb 8, 2020, 12:4202/08/20

I study  some marketing and publicity so i can tell... and this is only as far as i know. that this seems to be a common practice by palarium: they give free legendary to people who give free advertise for their game (better than pay advertisement to be honest, which is way more expensive than giving a intangible champion for a avid gamer who appreciate this sort of thing better than gold) Advertising can be good advertising or bad, better if its good, but bad publicity is also publicity...

I can tell this is a something done under the table, you don't want this to be known as it disrupts what users see as fair, it was bad timing this was discover on a live stream, EVERYONE saw it first hand and hated it! Because it's unfair for other players who do invest large amounts of money to get their beloved Legendary, and their in all their right to protest as how i see it, its corruption of the game mechanics... everyone should be treat equally and have the same opportunities, if casino start giving money to losers who make a fuzz for losing on their tables that casino is going straight to doom. But again, this is just a way to see it. 

BTW i wouldn't complain if you give me Valkyrie! ...right i don't have a twitch or a be a you tuber with thousands of followers. Guess it's time to open a you tube account and start streaming about and only RAID! XDDD

Feb 8, 2020, 13:0102/08/20
Feb 8, 2020, 13:01(edited)

I see nothing wrong with any of this.

Plaruim sent a message saying they gave the Russian Youtuber a Dracomorph because he was first player in the world to complete Faction wars.

They wanted to do something special for him.

Thus, they gave him a Dracomorph which is special!

I am perfectly fine with this.

Feb 8, 2020, 15:0802/08/20
Feb 8, 2020, 15:11(edited)

Player J said:

I see nothing wrong with any of this.

Plaruim sent a message saying they gave the Russian Youtuber a Dracomorph because he was first player in the world to complete Faction wars.

They wanted to do something special for him.

Thus, they gave him a Dracomorph which is special!

I am perfectly fine with this.

Well, that is not what was happened. That is what they said after the community went on fire. Chronology wise, they have already given him some sacred shards in acknowledgment of his achievement for being first to finish all Faction Wars (which is not small achievement whale or not). Then he has bad pull over Dracomorph x2 chance and went mad and start to... i don't know the correct English word that explain it, but generally started to whining and raging again Plarium for not be able to pull Draco over so much shards. And then he receive brand new Dracomorph. And then community go wild, and then Plarium try to "damage control" their move by saying "Wait, we don't give him Draco because we don't want to lose whale and contend creator that brings us new subscribers, we are just good guys that do this because he is a good guy and let we all live in peace and harmony. O, and he finish Faction Wars first, right? Right, that must be, we give him Draco exactly and only for that!"

Personally i don't give a rat ass about some random guy, receiving something from someone. For whining or for achieving, deserving or not. We are just in different Universe, me and that guy. It will not affect my game in any way. "Oh, no, it will give him an edge in game now, he is even more competitive now, bla, bla.." Damn, he finished all Faction Wars, for what competition we are talking here?

The thing is, if Plarium has good reputation dealing with community, but this one time they do some bad PR move, like they didn't acknowledge where that will lead to and then was quick to openly explain, apologize and take decisive move to make things right by compensate the community, this even can finish good for them. By showing that they are quick to take responsibility for making mistakes and are willing to make things right.

But non of this is true. Plarium do not have good reputation, because they don't build one over time, they just keep cement (if that is a correct word) community opinion for them by just every their move.That last one was just the stick that brake the wheel.


I haven't spend a dime for this game, will never spend, I'm happy with my decision and every day Plarium are here to reassure me I'm on the right track.

Feb 8, 2020, 17:5902/08/20

I think the community went on fire for no reason.

The community over exaggerates for every little thing.

I think it is fine.
Feb 8, 2020, 18:2002/08/20
Are we all getting one?
Feb 8, 2020, 19:4002/08/20

For me its not the way plarium should do. The chance from getting a dracomorph is very low...doesnt matter if the chance is x10.  300 ancients is not much for getting a draco......0.5% chance getting a normal he gets 1.5 legos for 300shards. Its like a lottery, but chances are low.

There are so many players who spent the last 2 months i dont get a lego by opening a lot of shards...where is my free gift.....i am raging too. For me Plarium acts total unprofessionel...but what we expect from a company, which has only one point to do....making money...i can  understand that, the game is not for us players to have fun....its only abot money and how making more money...its ok for me.

But when u see players who get free gifts and others who spent the same amount of money not ...where is the justice?They should give all a free lego now....but this wil not happen.

I like the game....but me, many friends and some other guys i know ( some whales), we lost piece of piece of joy in the game and things like this make it not better. Updates and bug fixes are not really good some bugs exists for months....for a million dollar company normal no problem.

Its one of the most played app games, but if its all about money and plarium will not look for the community they lost players. I know many guys quitting the game who spent some 1000 dollars....not why they dont like the game...they dont like how plarium reacts and and how they make a gameplay...bugs didnt get fixed, some champs are total useless and there are no reworks....plarium just make new and new champs for getting more money.

This people say, that they can spent there money in other games, where the management of the game is better. I like gaming and if i like it i spent mon ey too...but i am also thinking at the moment about quitting. I dont know what plarium wnat to get for a reaction when they ake stupid things like this ( free champs for some players)! Be fair, make the gameplay better ( fix bugs and rework champs) and u will get more money with gamers who feel good with the moment u loose day for day good spenders!

Sry if i make mistakes....english is not my mother language
Feb 8, 2020, 20:5802/08/20

Valdys said:


How couldn't we know about #dracogate2020? Lol

Plarium won't give anything to players and, "if you don't know yet", Darth fed his MK to protest. 

Oh cry me a river ....interesting that when he got a free champion then he didn`t protested at all.... All youtubers that do raid content are a bunch of hypocrites.. he did it because he had 2 MKs + a ton of other champions so realy it`s not that big of a deal for him, i`m not buying his cheap acting! He used 2 of them just fine untill now.. so if he gets stuff for free it`s ok but if antoher youtuber gets free stuff he feels like protesting...

Anyway we all now that youtubers get free stuff from plarium.. at this point i don`t care anymore just like plarium does not care at all about f2p and little spenders..

Feb 8, 2020, 21:2402/08/20
Have spent a couple thousand dollars my wallet is closed now thank you 
Feb 9, 2020, 05:1002/09/20

Guys, if you've read the rules, you may know that the problem is that Cartman breached them with his attitude. He cried and threatened Plarium to rage quit if they didn't give him a Dracomorph. As a Content Creator, he should be punished for that, like being fired, but they gave him a gift. Other Content Creators have been punished for saying "wrong things", while he received a legendary champion.

Content Creators shouldn't show the middle finger to the company they're sponsoring. 
Feb 9, 2020, 14:5002/09/20

Daering, I think you are not correct at all!

I remember players on discord telling the developers Cartmen reward was a joke!

Cartmen finished all Faction War Crypts - 12 Crypts - each one with like 5 Legendary hero.

Cartmen used at the minimum 60 Legendary heroes to complete Faction Wars.

The reward for doing so??? 3 Sacred Shards.

Its was a joke reward!

Do you know how much money a person has to spend to get 60 Legendary heroes in this game?

And the reward is 3 Sacred Shards. lol

You guys can't even be serious!

Players in discord told the Developers that Cartmen should get a Legendary Champion designed for after him!

That is what the players wanted.

That is what the game said they was going to do.

Than it fell thru.

I knew it was going to fall thru all along!

Can you image all the rage the community would have if they gave Cartmen a unique legendary that was broke?

Whales would be furious that he has this 1 of a kind champion - that no one else has.

The game was obviously looking for a way to weasel out of giving Cartmen a custom made legendary.

They looked at Cartmen stream of him getting sad he didn't pull a Draco.

They saw an opportunity to give him Draco with out having to give him the unique legendary they promised. lol

As far as Cartmen threating to rage quit + crying, You guys are so gullible!

All the youtubers threaten to rage quit + cry.

It is all part of there act to get more views from gullible people watching them.

Feb 9, 2020, 15:3602/09/20

Player J said:

Daering, I think you are not correct at all!

I remember players on discord telling the developers Cartmen reward was a joke!

Cartmen finished all Faction War Crypts - 12 Crypts - each one with like 5 Legendary hero.

Cartmen used at the minimum 60 Legendary heroes to complete Faction Wars.

The reward for doing so??? 3 Sacred Shards.

Its was a joke reward!

Do you know how much money a person has to spend to get 60 Legendary heroes in this game?

And the reward is 3 Sacred Shards. lol

You guys can't even be serious!

Players in discord told the Developers that Cartmen should get a Legendary Champion designed for after him!

That is what the players wanted.

That is what the game said they was going to do.

Than it fell thru.

I knew it was going to fall thru all along!

Can you image all the rage the community would have if they gave Cartmen a unique legendary that was broke?

Whales would be furious that he has this 1 of a kind champion - that no one else has.

The game was obviously looking for a way to weasel out of giving Cartmen a custom made legendary.

They looked at Cartmen stream of him getting sad he didn't pull a Draco.

They saw an opportunity to give him Draco with out having to give him the unique legendary they promised. lol

As far as Cartmen threating to rage quit + crying, You guys are so gullible!

All the youtubers threaten to rage quit + cry.

It is all part of there act to get more views from gullible people watching them.

I don't care how much money whales spend for the game. It's their choice.

And he wasn't expected to receive a reward, but Plarium has been generous.

Like I said, the problem is that he breached the rules and they gave him a gift... a strong legendary champion.
Feb 9, 2020, 17:2202/09/20

Player J said:

I think the community went on fire for no reason.

The community over exaggerates for every little thing.

I think it is fine.

Yes, but you never find anything wrong with the game, the company or anything they do so your opinion is so blatantly biased as to be worthless.

I just assume you are a paid PR rep for Plarium.

Feb 9, 2020, 17:2902/09/20

Valdys said:

Guys, if you've read the rules, you may know that the problem is that Cartman breached them with his attitude. He cried and threatened Plarium to rage quit if they didn't give him a Dracomorph. As a Content Creator, he should be punished for that, like being fired, but they gave him a gift. Other Content Creators have been punished for saying "wrong things", while he received a legendary champion.

Content Creators shouldn't show the middle finger to the company they're sponsoring. 


The fact that I believe this hit around the same video of a kid opening up a ton of shards and getting jack squat and nary a word from Plarium about that didn't help.

After thinking about it a few days, I think the best solution might be to re-examine the whole shard system and work out a way to assign points for each shard that doesn't pop a lego and keep count of those points.  When a lego does pop the counter reset to zero, but if you keep not getting a lego and the counter reaches a "fair" number, whatever that might be, the next shard is forced to pop a lego.

Instead of punishing anyone or rewarding the players with a token, use the outrage to improve the game for everyone going forward.
Feb 9, 2020, 19:1002/09/20

There is nothing more repulsive then players who say its "no big deal" or "you just want free stuff".   Opening hundreds upon hundreds of shards with zero legendaries, game crashes daily costing resources that I PAID FOR without proper reimbursement, not being transparent, predatory practices via algorithms targeting specific accounts, (leads me and other to believe drop rates are manipulated) this while stacking the deck against the community by providing a select few with advantages in in global leaderboards and tournaments underhandedly i might add.  The entire game is rigged like a casino however in a casino you know whats taking place, in Raid Shadow Legends you do not as its completely hidden from you and manipulated.  With all this taking place some of you have the gall to make the comments  mentioned above when a company is literally scamming and taking advantage of all of us.  They then have the nerve to make a post pretending like they are not doing it when they were caught red handed!!!    They absolutely think we are all that stupid and just a bunch of sheeple/cattle to get fat off.  The players are upset because we all spent time and money thinking that it was a level playing field and the metrics/coding/game mechanics were above board.  What's been happening is nefarious and is similar in scope to what EA has done in the past when they released incomplete games at full retail price.  They would release games duping customers into thinking they were getting a complete product only to find out they are literally forced to buy DLC in order to participate.

In any other industry they would have been forced to refund every dollar and be  held accountable to the customers/public they ripped off.

Cartman isn't the villain in actuality he ACCIDENTALLY exposed them and Plarium has been back-peddling ever since.  

I'm pretty sure this reply will get deleted as they have been actively deleting comments and banning players in discord, facebook and on the forums in several countries.  Players in Russia, Spain and just about every else in the world where the game is available are extremely upset.  

The only language these large conglomerates understand is the power of the almighty dollar.  If society whats to implement a change they have the ability to do it via how they spend their money.

Feb 9, 2020, 19:3302/09/20
Feb 9, 2020, 19:50(edited)

Player J said:

Daering, I think you are not correct at all!

Maybe, but i would like to know where. Somewhere in my chronological retrospection? Those are just events by the order in which they occurred. It is a common knowledge among the community. This is what happened, I didn't try to interpret them, just represent them in correct order.

I remember players on discord telling the developers Cartmen reward was a joke!
Cartmen finished all Faction War Crypts - 12 Crypts - each one with like 5 Legendary hero.
Cartmen used at the minimum 60 Legendary heroes to complete Faction Wars.
The reward for doing so??? 3 Sacred Shards.
Its was a joke reward!

No one ever argued this was an exceptional reward. Like... no one, really! But let me clarify something. During the process of clearing all FW, Cartmen has collected many rewards, and I mean many. Around 4m silver, 6 void shards, 6 legendary books, 4/5* chickens, 4 sacred shards are just those that worth mentioning, not counting many epic books and sacred shards. Those are rewards for completing different stages in FW. The same rewards we all will get when and if we hit those milestone. All of you can find what reward awaits you by clicking on exclamation mark on lower left corner on FW screen.

Now, those three Sacred shards he received are an additional rewards from Plarium for acknowledging his achievement to be first for clearing FW. Given by Plarium additionally. They were not obliged to do so, it were sigh of good will (most probably PR move, but still good for them).

Do you know how much money a person has to spend to get 60 Legendary heroes in this game?
And the reward is 3 Sacred Shards. lol
You guys can't even be serious!

No one really cares. Seriously, No one! You also shouldn't. The same way he didn't care how much you and I spend in game. No, wait, i was wrong, Plarium did care as they should, but that is a different topic. See it that way: does that person, that wins Lyssandra on global leaderboard (he spend around 6k to 8k according to some users) did he receive something additionally from Plarium? Probably not, the same way player, who sped even more to get Hegemon probably didn't det any additional reward from them.

Spending money doesn't give you special privilege over non spenders aside what you get for your money. And certainly must not give you any advantage beyond that you pay for. Did you know, that isn't only Cartmen that spend here and there in game? Some spend small sums, some spend as much as the price of a new car. Aren't they worthy of an extra reward from Plarium for achieving something that someone doesn't?  I bet at this point anyone can insist that after spending months in the game he helped to promote the game, so anyone deserves extra reward.

Players in discord told the Developers that Cartmen should get a Legendary Champion designed for after him!
That is what the players wanted.
That is what the game said they was going to do.
Than it fell thru.
I knew it was going to fall thru all along!
Can you image all the rage the community would have if they gave Cartmen a unique legendary that was broke?
Whales would be furious that he has this 1 of a kind champion - that no one else has.
The game was obviously looking for a way to weasel out of giving Cartmen a custom made legendary.
They looked at Cartmen stream of him getting sad he didn't pull a Draco.
They saw an opportunity to give him Draco with out having to give him the unique legendary they promised. lol

Wait a minute - first you tell me that some community members insist Plarium should design champion after Cartmen and then you tell me that same community will go mad about that fact? "That is what the players wanted and that is what player will go mad about?" Can't follow your logic, honestly.

And again, if other players, whales or not, would be mad about some guy receiving extra reward beyond any reasonable border (like extra sacred shards are), why would they be happy about Plarium decision to do exactly that?

As far as Cartmen threating to rage quit + crying, You guys are so gullible!
All the youtubers threaten to rage quit + cry.
It is all part of there act to get more views from gullible people watching them.

I will repeat myself. With all my respect, I really don't give a flying **** about some guy. I don't care about him. Never heard about him before. never watched any of his videos, never will. Wish him all the best. My initial reaction for whole situation was "wft, Plarium" and is still the same. It's not about Drako or Cartmen, it's about company that cannot follow her own rules and is not consistent in what she does. How we as community can be sure that in the future things will not happen that will affect ourselves, not some random person? By giving our opinion now, not then, I think, 

Feb 9, 2020, 19:4502/09/20

May I also give my suggestion on how Plarium can elegantly solve the problem? I'm copying it from somewhere else, where i initially post it:

Plarium, take your Draco back, make official announcement that this was stupid mistake, then give everyone 1 or 2 free sacred shards and make 1 time 100% chance for those 1 or 2 sacred shards. I'm pretty sure you can do this. Every other shard beyond those 2 will have regular chance, i.e. doesn't have any. You can do this, right?

This is how you can clean your name, give everyone equal compensation for screwing things big time and still have RNG involved.

And don't use your Community managers like cannon fodder, make it open and official.

Feb 9, 2020, 21:5202/09/20
Feb 9, 2020, 21:58(edited)

The above post proves my case, guys!

You have the Chronological order incorrect!

1st ---> The game gave Cartman 3 Sacred Shards + said they was going to do something special for him.

We didn't know what the something special was!

We was thinking they was going to make a legendary based on Cartman.

Valkyrie clearly confirms the community suspicion!

Valkyrie above post shows everyone that what they was going to create a new champion based on Cartman!

They simply couldn't find the right way to go about it!

2nd ---> Cartman pulled 300 Shards during Dracomorph 2x - didn't get his Draco.

He was Whining - Cursing - Rage Quitting - Going F2P - like every other Youtube content creator in the game.

Cartman actions no different than anyone else.

3rd ---> Plarium saw an opportunity to give Cartman a Legendary with out having to create one for him.

They saw how much he wanted Draco.

They owed Cartman a Legendary Champion!

They decided to give him a Draco to fulfil there obligation of giving him a special legendary + making him happy in return!

Win - Win Situation! 

You see!

I have revealed the truth!

You all are just filled with all of these negative thoughts.

I think if you remain calm & positive about the situation.

You will see that I'm right!

Everything is perfectly fine!

Nothing is wrong.

Think about it! 

Feb 9, 2020, 23:1702/09/20
@Player J <--- this guy is a troll.  
Feb 10, 2020, 00:0802/10/20
Feb 10, 2020, 00:10(edited)

Player J said:

The above post proves my case, guys!

You have the Chronological order incorrect!

1st ---> The game gave Cartman 3 Sacred Shards + said they was going to do something special for him.

We didn't know what the something special was!

We was thinking they was going to make a legendary based on Cartman.

Valkyrie clearly confirms the community suspicion!

Valkyrie above post shows everyone that what they was going to create a new champion based on Cartman!

They simply couldn't find the right way to go about it!

2nd ---> Cartman pulled 300 Shards during Dracomorph 2x - didn't get his Draco.

He was Whining - Cursing - Rage Quitting - Going F2P - like every other Youtube content creator in the game.

Cartman actions no different than anyone else.

3rd ---> Plarium saw an opportunity to give Cartman a Legendary with out having to create one for him.

They saw how much he wanted Draco.

They owed Cartman a Legendary Champion!

 + making him happy in return!

Win - Win Situation! 

You see!

I have revealed the truth!

You all are just filled with all of these negative thoughts.

I think if you remain calm & positive about the situation.

You will see that I'm right!

Everything is perfectly fine!

Nothing is wrong.

Think about it! 

Actually not. :) To almost everything you said.

The Valkyrie post actually prove you wrong. You said that community have demanded legendary champ based on Cartman, but Valkyries explanation is way too different, isn't it? You very explanation is way different than your last one. What exactly Valkyrie confirms, and what exactly community suspect, as you say earlier that community himself insisted for Cartman based champion. You need to be more consistent, man.

BTW, I'm pretty sure her explanation is just damage control "post-factum", corporate BS talks to make Plarium move more acceptable by giving us false explanation. Does anyone really believe that company, that release "major" patches on 3 or more months circle, consist of 2/3 reskinned "new champions"  have any intention to make new, unique champion, based and in honor for Russian guy? Like, seriously? How can someone believe that? And Valkyrie here is just CM, she just have to do her job. She is "between the hammer and the anvil", as we say in my country.

By realizing that their explanation for the champion was fabricated you must understand how ridiculous sounds their and your explanation for "Oh, we saw an opportunity to give Cartman a Legendary without having to create one for him".

Also this

"They decided to give him a Draco to fulfil there obligation of giving him a special legendary"

What obligation, man? They don't have any obligation for giving him anything. They had already given him additional reward. can't you see this is just BS talks to cover their dirty move of flattering him, so he can continue to bring him subscribers?

If you really think

"Everything is perfectly fine!

Nothing is wrong."

then I'm starting to think we're talking about different situation here.

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