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Brakus fusion - Training event

Brakus fusion - Training event

Nov 19, 2019, 04:0911/19/19
Nov 19, 2019, 04:13(edited)

This is somehow a pointless topic.

Most people are doing maths that amount to nothing because they do not include the resources that many usually have. 

Like Mr IVY, most just decided they wouldn't do it because of the absence of resources not already prepared... Like food ready to rank up characters, potions already farmed.... All of it amount to a lot of energy and efforts. 

Yes the fusion is hard, even advanced player will turn it down in the absence of preparation, so when I read intermediate or beginners complain about the inaccessibility with maths, it makes me smile. 

It comes down to how prepared you are not how advanced. Beginner or expert, if you have enough preparation it will be accessible, if not just keep your resources for the next one. 

In my case I had the ressources farmed and ready, I still chose not to do it because I was emotionally drained after Jack and because Bakus isn't good enough to make people grind like crazy for a week, beginner or advanced. 

Nov 19, 2019, 06:5911/19/19
Nov 19, 2019, 07:15(edited)

Ne0deis said:

You assume in your math that players have a XP boost.

I assume they have not because it's not something consistant.....

I assume players have XP Boost because I am an Experienced Raid Shadows Player.

You assume players don't have XP Boost because you Lack Experience, BUT ITS OK.

You will improve over time!

We all started as a beginner once.

You will get better in the long run!

Good Raid Shadow Players know that you must always have an XP Boost when doing this particular event.

I will give you an example to show you why this is the case!

Lets say you have 800 gems.

You have 2 options with these gems

Option 1 - Use all the gems to buy Refills

Option 2 - Use some of the gems to buy an XP Boost + Use remainder to buy Refills.

What do you think is the best option?

The best option is OPTION 2 ALWAYS!

Lets explain why option 2 is always the best option!

Player A decides to go with option 1 = 800 Gems will buy you 20 Refills

Player B decides to go with option 2 = 800 Gems will buy you 1 XP Boost for 3 day + 13 Refills

At first glance, you might think Player A has the better option because he has "20" Refills vs. Player B only having "13" Refills, BUT IT IS AN ILLUSION!

You see when you don't have an XP Boost on, it takes you 6 runs to max out a level 1 hero in campaign.

When you do have an XP Boost on, it takes you 3 runs to max out a level 1 hero in campaign.

Thus, The Players B Refills are more valuable vs. Player A Refills.

Player B 1 Refill = 2 of Player A Refills!

The XP BOOST doubles the worth of Player B Refills!

It takes Player A double the energy to max out the same hero!

So in reality - Player B has 13 Refills vs. Player A who only has 10 Refills 

Player B is actually the person who chose the best option.

The above example is why I make the assumption people will always have an XP Boost.

If a person is buying Refills with Gems, They will take a moment out of there busy grinding Schedule to use some Gems to buy an XP Boost.

Just like what Player B did in the example!

It is Energy Efficient to always have an XP Boost on when you are grinding a long leveling event such as this.

You should account for XP Boost when you chose to do an event like this.

It should be part of your preparation.

Nov 19, 2019, 11:4411/19/19

The point here is not if the math checks out to he digit but HOW ridiculous the events are

For most you need to spend around 150Euro to get anywhere

Today i see another Summon rush coming just after weekends one ...

Plarium is getting greedier every day ... "The extreme challenge fusion" more like for the extreme whales fusion

A lot of ppl getting frustrated with the current state of game where we get new champs ( gotta spend to get them ) every few weeks but fixes that ppl asked for months back are non existent ( wouldnt need to spend on those ) 

Its quite clear where this game is going and i hear on twitch and youtube loads of ppl considering quitting they just waiting for a good excuse

I for one am not spending a single dime anymore and gonna actively discourage ppl to play this money grabbing game.

I am trully sorry i have ever started to play it
Nov 19, 2019, 11:4711/19/19

ksthecr0w said:

assuming you have xp boost:

1 farmer + 3x food 1*

- run 2x brutal 12-6 then 1x hard 12-6 will make 1* lv10 x3

  2x8+6 = 22 energy to make 3 food 1* champs ready for fusing to 2* (3x 9 points obtained)

- another batch of 1* lv1 goes 1x 12-6 brutal - they end up lv6 (3x5 points obtained)

- fuse lv10 with lv6 to get 2* lv1 (3x 5 points from tavern)

totals: 30 energy and 6 1* champs spent 

total of 3x9 (lv1->lv10) + 3x5 (lv1->lv6) + 3x5 (1*->2*) = 57 points

with energy maxed at 130 you get 480+2x130 = 740 energy per day

740 / 30 = 24,666666(6) runs available for free if you do not let free energy slip by sitting at 130/130

24x 57 = 1368 points available per day for free (and some leftover energy) if you have 24x6 = 144 1* champs to go with it.

to get this event done for free you need to prepare enough 2*lv20s and 3* lv30s to fuse with fresh batch of 2* lv1s just trained (and / or enough xp brews) to make up missing points ... then keep it going for 10 days straight.

maybe with doubled vault space and a month of preparation f2p would be able to see shadow of a chance to get this done (assuming no real life distracting from the game ...)

Hi ksthecr0w,

yeah this event is quite hard but not a lot, it's same how the Jack's fusion and less the Maulie's Fusion.

So me and hot other players wich they are F2p couldn't do all Fusion, i only did the Maulie and Jack fusion and now i don't have anything for do this event because i finished all my foods, all my gems for the Jack's fusion.

So for now i am only try to drop better items from the dungeons and farm sometimes some foods for the futures fusion and storage the gems for that.

I think this situation it's happen in all games (if you can say me some names where you are able to do all events and be F2p).

Have a nice day!

Nov 19, 2019, 14:3111/19/19
Mr. Ivv said:

ksthecr0w said:

I think this situation it's happen in all games (if you can say me some names where you are able to do all events and be F2p).

Summoner Wars, Kritika, Heir of Light, Juggernat Wars ... the list goes on 

Nov 19, 2019, 19:5511/19/19

Mr. Ivv said:

ksthecr0w said:

assuming you have xp boost:

1 farmer + 3x food 1*

- run 2x brutal 12-6 then 1x hard 12-6 will make 1* lv10 x3

  2x8+6 = 22 energy to make 3 food 1* champs ready for fusing to 2* (3x 9 points obtained)

- another batch of 1* lv1 goes 1x 12-6 brutal - they end up lv6 (3x5 points obtained)

- fuse lv10 with lv6 to get 2* lv1 (3x 5 points from tavern)

totals: 30 energy and 6 1* champs spent 

total of 3x9 (lv1->lv10) + 3x5 (lv1->lv6) + 3x5 (1*->2*) = 57 points

with energy maxed at 130 you get 480+2x130 = 740 energy per day

740 / 30 = 24,666666(6) runs available for free if you do not let free energy slip by sitting at 130/130

24x 57 = 1368 points available per day for free (and some leftover energy) if you have 24x6 = 144 1* champs to go with it.

to get this event done for free you need to prepare enough 2*lv20s and 3* lv30s to fuse with fresh batch of 2* lv1s just trained (and / or enough xp brews) to make up missing points ... then keep it going for 10 days straight.

maybe with doubled vault space and a month of preparation f2p would be able to see shadow of a chance to get this done (assuming no real life distracting from the game ...)

Hi ksthecr0w,

yeah this event is quite hard but not a lot, it's same how the Jack's fusion and less the Maulie's Fusion.

So me and hot other players wich they are F2p couldn't do all Fusion, i only did the Maulie and Jack fusion and now i don't have anything for do this event because i finished all my foods, all my gems for the Jack's fusion.

So for now i am only try to drop better items from the dungeons and farm sometimes some foods for the futures fusion and storage the gems for that.

I think this situation it's happen in all games (if you can say me some names where you are able to do all events and be F2p).

Have a nice day!

The problem is not being able ALL events and be f2p though i could tell you some names if i was sure it wouldn't come to a deleted post for advertising other games.

The problem is free player can do close to no event.

I've read quite a few time we need to be prepared. Having lot of food, xp boost, etc ...

Having lot of food would be nice ... but we can't have more than 300 champions including maxed out vault.

Having 10 day XP boost would be nice ... but it means 280 x 3 = 840 gems to have that amount of day covered (including 1 weekly quest XP boost). As we can get  for sure 25 gems per day we would have to wait 33 days to get the right amount. Then it means we use it for the XP bonus ... so we won't use it for the 11 blue shards pack which is usefull to achieve tornament/summon events.

We can set up a nice timing with the weekly XP boost, 2 weekly refill, 2 daily refill to max out the energy amount during an event but it will only last one day and the event need a permanent XP boost for 10 days, and at least 2x the amount of energy we can get each day.

Yet how can we prepare when it's plarium policy to not inform players about the upcommings events including rewards, thresholds, ... And i don't talk about advertising 2 days before. Of course it wouldn't be nice for plarium because it would mean more people getting prepared thus less chance of having them purchase their "omagad a new promotion pack just like you need for the event <<>>"

And should i remember everyone that they always include in their fusion a unfusable champions that can only be acquired with lot of chance on RNG with epic shards, or through those high threshold events ?

RSL events are simply not designed to be achieved by free players. You can never be prepared enough to achieve the events.It's all designed to make payers pay and they are encouraged to do that kind of frustration as there are some players fool enough to buy many 60$ + packs.

What's nice is there are some RSL advertising youtubers that starts to speaking about the rant and the greediness. And i eventually found another afk game :)
Nov 19, 2019, 21:1411/19/19
Player J said:

Ne0deis said:

You assume in your math that players have a XP boost.

I assume they have not because it's not something consistant.....

I assume players have XP Boost because I am an Experienced Raid Shadows Player.

You assume players don't have XP Boost because you Lack Experience, BUT ITS OK.

You will improve over time!

We all started as a beginner once.

You will get better in the long run!

Good Raid Shadow Players know that you must always have an XP Boost when doing this particular event.

I will give you an example to show you why this is the case!

Lets say you have 800 gems.

You have 2 options with these gems

Option 1 - Use all the gems to buy Refills

Option 2 - Use some of the gems to buy an XP Boost + Use remainder to buy Refills.

What do you think is the best option?

The best option is OPTION 2 ALWAYS!

Lets explain why option 2 is always the best option!

Player A decides to go with option 1 = 800 Gems will buy you 20 Refills

Player B decides to go with option 2 = 800 Gems will buy you 1 XP Boost for 3 day + 13 Refills

At first glance, you might think Player A has the better option because he has "20" Refills vs. Player B only having "13" Refills, BUT IT IS AN ILLUSION!

You see when you don't have an XP Boost on, it takes you 6 runs to max out a level 1 hero in campaign.

When you do have an XP Boost on, it takes you 3 runs to max out a level 1 hero in campaign.

Thus, The Players B Refills are more valuable vs. Player A Refills.

Player B 1 Refill = 2 of Player A Refills!

The XP BOOST doubles the worth of Player B Refills!

It takes Player A double the energy to max out the same hero!

So in reality - Player B has 13 Refills vs. Player A who only has 10 Refills 

Player B is actually the person who chose the best option.

The above example is why I make the assumption people will always have an XP Boost.

If a person is buying Refills with Gems, They will take a moment out of there busy grinding Schedule to use some Gems to buy an XP Boost.

Just like what Player B did in the example!

It is Energy Efficient to always have an XP Boost on when you are grinding a long leveling event such as this.

You should account for XP Boost when you chose to do an event like this.

It should be part of your preparation.

So experience is not exactly the best word here. You have played longer, yes. But the math does not change. The point is the events are a manifestation of greed. In the past events we had 2 weeks to achieve the leveling goals with the other events. This is crammed into 1 week. I have been playing almost as long as you, I can say the sum is the event is not appealing. It is stressful, soul sucking and wallet grabbing. There is no way to prepare for these because you cant stockpile energy and still play the game. And if I recall I made this point on your math back when i started. If the game is f2p why are the events not?
Nov 19, 2019, 23:0811/19/19

angelknight127 said:

So experience is not exactly the best word here. You have played longer, yes. But the math does not change. The point is the events are a manifestation of greed. In the past events we had 2 weeks to achieve the leveling goals with the other events. This is crammed into 1 week. I have been playing almost as long as you, I can say the sum is the event is not appealing. It is stressful, soul sucking and wallet grabbing. There is no way to prepare for these because you cant stockpile energy and still play the game. And if I recall I made this point on your math back when i started. If the game is f2p why are the events not?

Experience is the correct word!

It is my experience that has given me the knowledge to know that the OP was 100% wrong!

It is my experience that has given me the knowledge to know that the OP math is incorrect!

Furthermore, The math does change because this event is the only 1 of its kind.

All previous events are different vs. this particular one!

The game even told everyone in message that this fusion shall be a "Challenge Fusion". 

The game is free 2 play because you can download the game with out having to purchase the game.

All other games require you to purchase the game from store.

Than you have download the game only after you made the initial purchase to acquire the game.

That is the definition of a "Free 2 Play" game.

It doesn't mean all events are free.

It doesn't mean you can acquire everything for free.

If you believe you can get everything for free, you are being foolish.

You are not using common sense.

Nothing in the world is for free.

Everything has a cost.

The goal for games like this is to get people to play the game to see if they like the game.

Once, you have decided that you like the game.

The game does expect you to spend some money to continue to play the game.

To ensure that you do spend money, The game makes challenges & obstacles for you to entice you to spend.

This is how these games are designed.

This is why they have in game purchases.

No one works for free.

You have a job?

Do you work for free? No

The developers job is this game!

The developers job is to make a game for other people to play.

They expect to get payed just like you expect to get payed when you go to your job.

It is perfectly logical.

It is common sense.

People say these events are for greed. 

It isn't true!

These events are made to support the Developers livelihood.

The developers have a family.

The developers have to make a living to support there family just like you.

How will there family eat if they make no money?

If the game makes no money, The game stops existing because the developers will not continue to work at a place that isn't giving them money.

The developers have to make money to pay bills or even feed there family.

If the developers are not getting money, The developers would go to work some place else!

Everyone who is sane would do the same exact thing!

You go to work.

If your boss suddenly stopped paying you, Are you going to stay there and work for free?

What if you have so much passion about the job?

What if you love the job?

Doesn't matter!

Passion & love doesn't pay bills or prevent your kids from starving to death.

You would not stay working there!

You would quit!

Than find another job that can help you pay your bills and feed your family. PEROID!

This is what a sane human would do.

People who say the game is greedy are actually the ones who are really greedy.

Every time you point fingers to someone else there are 4 finger pointing back at you.

The game does fusion events to generate money to keep the game running while at the same time paying people salaries.

The people who are upset at this events and call the game "Greedy"

Are people who want to acquire the heroes with out paying to acquire them.

Why do players want a hero for free?

Why are they not satisfied with what they already have?

It is because the players themselves are "Greedy".

Your Greed is telling you that you want more!

Your Greed is telling you what you have isn't good enough!


You are a greedy individual.

You are just trying to shift your greed & angry to the game.

Its not the games fault that your not satisfied with what you have!

Other people are grateful for the opportunity of playing this fantastic game.

Some people can't even play this game because they can't afford to buy a phone.

  • All you can do is belly ache 
  • Complain
  • Blame others for your own personal problems

Shame on you!

Nov 19, 2019, 23:2711/19/19

Taureck said:

Player J,

if you feel the math is completely wrong, better to sustain that with a few numbers of your own. Just saying somebody is wrong is not enough

pls man don't ever tell some retard to calculate or to say something especially (Player J)

he thinks if he makes 4-meter long post rest ppl will think he is smart FFS every time 4-meter long post I'm sick of him....

Nov 20, 2019, 05:2211/20/19

numenor said:

pls man don't ever tell some retard to calculate or to say something especially (Player J)

he thinks if he makes 4-meter long post rest ppl will think he is smart FFS every time 4-meter long post I'm sick of him....

I will leave this here!

Message from the OP of this thread!

============ Edit 16/11/2019 ============== 

Thx to Player J, i corrected a mistake in the calculations. I was counting as if a champions could level his max level times when it can only level max level - 1 times (because it starts at level1)

Nov 20, 2019, 21:2811/20/19
Nov 20, 2019, 21:29(edited)

Player J said:

angelknight127 said:

So experience is not exactly the best word here. You have played longer, yes. But the math does not change. The point is the events are a manifestation of greed. In the past events we had 2 weeks to achieve the leveling goals with the other events. This is crammed into 1 week. I have been playing almost as long as you, I can say the sum is the event is not appealing. It is stressful, soul sucking and wallet grabbing. There is no way to prepare for these because you cant stockpile energy and still play the game. And if I recall I made this point on your math back when i started. If the game is f2p why are the events not?

Experience is the correct word!

It is my experience that has given me the knowledge to know that the OP was 100% wrong!

It is my experience that has given me the knowledge to know that the OP math is incorrect!

Furthermore, The math does change because this event is the only 1 of its kind.

All previous events are different vs. this particular one!

The game even told everyone in message that this fusion shall be a "Challenge Fusion". 

The game is free 2 play because you can download the game with out having to purchase the game.

All other games require you to purchase the game from store.

Than you have download the game only after you made the initial purchase to acquire the game.

That is the definition of a "Free 2 Play" game.

It doesn't mean all events are free.

It doesn't mean you can acquire everything for free.

If you believe you can get everything for free, you are being foolish.

You are not using common sense.

Nothing in the world is for free.

Everything has a cost.

The goal for games like this is to get people to play the game to see if they like the game.

Once, you have decided that you like the game.

The game does expect you to spend some money to continue to play the game.

To ensure that you do spend money, The game makes challenges & obstacles for you to entice you to spend.

This is how these games are designed.

This is why they have in game purchases.

No one works for free.

You have a job?

Do you work for free? No

The developers job is this game!

The developers job is to make a game for other people to play.

They expect to get payed just like you expect to get payed when you go to your job.

It is perfectly logical.

It is common sense.

People say these events are for greed. 

It isn't true!

These events are made to support the Developers livelihood.

The developers have a family.

The developers have to make a living to support there family just like you.

How will there family eat if they make no money?

If the game makes no money, The game stops existing because the developers will not continue to work at a place that isn't giving them money.

The developers have to make money to pay bills or even feed there family.

If the developers are not getting money, The developers would go to work some place else!

Everyone who is sane would do the same exact thing!

You go to work.

If your boss suddenly stopped paying you, Are you going to stay there and work for free?

What if you have so much passion about the job?

What if you love the job?

Doesn't matter!

Passion & love doesn't pay bills or prevent your kids from starving to death.

You would not stay working there!

You would quit!

Than find another job that can help you pay your bills and feed your family. PEROID!

This is what a sane human would do.

People who say the game is greedy are actually the ones who are really greedy.

Every time you point fingers to someone else there are 4 finger pointing back at you.

The game does fusion events to generate money to keep the game running while at the same time paying people salaries.

The people who are upset at this events and call the game "Greedy"

Are people who want to acquire the heroes with out paying to acquire them.

Why do players want a hero for free?

Why are they not satisfied with what they already have?

It is because the players themselves are "Greedy".

Your Greed is telling you that you want more!

Your Greed is telling you what you have isn't good enough!


You are a greedy individual.

You are just trying to shift your greed & angry to the game.

Its not the games fault that your not satisfied with what you have!

Other people are grateful for the opportunity of playing this fantastic game.

Some people can't even play this game because they can't afford to buy a phone.

  • All you can do is belly ache 
  • Complain
  • Blame others for your own personal problems

Shame on you!

So pretty emotional man. Calling someone angry and greedy in this manner is pretty angry in itself. The game is f2p on the most basic sense. However many thing in the game need to be bought in order to obtain strength. Legendary books are a great example. Without these a paid player will overcome a f2p because they will most likely only obtain the quest ones. There are a variety of items that follow this. 

Next on obtaining everything. No I dont plan to get everything. But most games I have played that is f2p has had 99% of the things obtainable for free with all event contributing to this and being free. I do not expect all games to be like this. However if you advertise as f2p there are certain standards that need to be met. This is due to the loose term of the word free. Many people highlight this as I know you are aware. What most people want from a game is enjoyment, not deciding if they should spend $30 on shard gambling or something else. 

I know you strongly support the game and that's great. I encourage people to do go do that, as I support many games. However we are not being entitled jerks or complainers when we voice our opinion because we think something is wrong. The vast majority who post here do not want the game to die. We want it to last, just be more sustainable for everyone. And no one here should roll over  and accept something if there is a forum to discuss it. Calling people out or destructive comments along with just things that dont involve the game are the only thing that should not be here. 

And as for your personal attacks on me, I am neither angry or greedy and I do not have personal problems I thrust onto others.  None of which you have 0 claim to say based on the small communication I have had with you. If you want to debate the game I am more than willing to do that with someone who wont resort to accusations. 

As for calling players greedy, dude we are the critics. If there is a ton of post claiming x is too hard or y is too much it probably has some truth. Players are people who want an enjoyable experience. It will always be the players job to find the problems in live service games and make the initiative to help the devs fix them. And if you can point out real greed I would love to see it. 

Me personally though, I find the game greedy because it is not regulated, and they come out quite often with the same thing at different costs. I think that games need regulations as this has become an issue in the gaming world. I will play and support this game, but I am also gonna say what I think need to be said to make it more lasting. 

Nov 20, 2019, 22:0611/20/19

The way RSL design the events show that they are only wanting the money, not giving fun or interesting time to players.

Making an event that basically just requires player to spend 200$ doesn't make it a challenge. Actually, it would be more fair to sell the fusion champion but players would see how stupid it is to pay 200$ for a champion (or i wish they would notice that).

I've played quite a few F2P games and those who do care about their players prepare events so that free players get something interesting.

The F2P principles are free players and payers can get the same thing except payers get it much faster.

If the only way to get a thing in the game is to pay, then it's a P2W and and RSL is one of those.


How many times a community manager or moderator wrote they would give feedbacks to developper, and we see next event that they take no account of that ? One time might be a mistake, 666 times is on purpose.

And brakus event isn't one of it's kind. All fusion events works the same way.

If i had to write the decision plan for RSL events it would be :

1 - Create a Legendary champion as fusion revards

2 - Create 3 useless intermediary fusion champions for the event

3 - Add an unfusable intermediary champion

4 - Create a first easy event to make people spend resources to get one of the useless intermdiary fusion

5 - Create a impossible event for the unfusable champion

6 - Create 2 random ovents for last intermdiary fusions

7 - Is it possible to reach unfusable threshold withou spending money ?

-> YES : raise the threshold

-> NO : go to 8

8 - Is it a fun event ?

-> YES : raise requirements

9 - Is it possible to achieve fusion without paying ?

-> YES : raise requirements

-> NO : event is ready

10 - Release event

11 - Spam  AGRESSIVLY players with "Promotion packs" : THEY MUST UNDERSTAND IT'S TIME TO PAY

12 - Advertise for event because some player might not have understand the promotion packs mean there is an event, and they need to pay.

And 11 and 12 are in the right order. You will know an event is going out just as you log in into the game and get spammed. Then you can checkout in the annoucement once you closed 4-5 useless advertising
Nov 20, 2019, 22:1511/20/19

Forgot to add in case it wouldn't be obvious for everyone. In a game where developpers care about players decision algorithm would be :

1 - Prepare a rewards

2 - Prepare events

3 - Is it possible to achieve intermediary requirements with reasonnable work and preparation?

NO : lower requirements

4 - Is event fun ?

NO : make something fun or new

5 - Is it possible to achieve the event without paying ?

NO : lower requirement

6 - Is it to easy to get the reward ?

YES : raise requirements ;  go to 3

NO : event is ready

7 - Advertise for event (schedules + requirements) so player can be ready

8 - Release event on scheduled date

9 - Propose pack to get the reward faster (or just pack to buy the champions )

Reasonnable means not having to play 24/24 with all possible boost and 2x base energy you can get.

Reasonnable means not having to not play events nor spending anyhing for 6 months

Fun means not have to chain farm the same thing over and over.

For a Halloween events, RSL could have done a temporary event area with a special gameplay. And if a monderator or community manager wants some exemple of f2p games that do so, i can give them some.

Nov 20, 2019, 23:0211/20/19

NE0DEIS, your words are my thoughts, that's exactly what I think. 

And your last post above, is the instruction Plarium has to take in their minds.

Nov 21, 2019, 00:3911/21/19
I'll agree the summon rush is pretty much that 1 impossible event. As it would take 200 ancients OR 33 voids OR 8 sacreds and for fun... 4000 commons. All of which sum up to $200 worth of shards. I cannot stand this event and if there is one that shuts me down its this. 
Nov 21, 2019, 06:2011/21/19
Nov 21, 2019, 06:22(edited)

You people on this thread make me laugh.

I can't help, but to laugh at the stuff you say.

You people are making bad comparisons.

The Brakus event is the only event of its kind.

No other fusion event has been called a "Challenge Event".

No other fusion event has had the same time requirements as Brakus.

We were given 2 weeks in all the other events.

This event was like 1 week.

You can't say a fusion event which is 1 week is the same as fusion event which is 2 weeks.

Stop being ridiculous!

The event was clearly created for Late Game Players, not Whales.

A Whale doesn't need Brakus. lol 

Stop being ridiculous!

Do you people even listen to the stuff you say?

Why on earth would a whale who has over 40 Legendries want a Brakus?

Brakus is a vault guardian to a Whale. lol

Brakus is a big fat chicken to a Whale.

  • Krisk the Ageless
  • Lord Shazar
  • Hegemon
  • Venus
  • Bad El Kazar
  • Martyr
  • Valkyrie
  • Vizir
  • Warlord 

A Whale would go nuts for a hero like 1 of the above heroes I am saying.

They don't care about Brakus the 5 star chicken.

You say this event is a Pay 2 Win Whale Event.

All the Whales are sleeping. lol

Open your eyes! 

This isn't a Whale Event.

Get it through your thick heads!

A Whale goes after TOP TIER HEROES.

A Whale doesn't go after AVERAGE OR TRASH TIER HEROES.

You clearly don't understand the games Target Audience for this Fusion Event.

This event was created for Late Game players who have Legendries, but the Legendries they have are not the best!

This Event is targeting Late Game Dolphins.

They are targeting players like me. lol

They are targeting Late Game players who spend a fixed amount of money per month.



We might not have all the best heroes in the game, but we will put a beat down on you like you have never seen in Arena!

You forget Dolphins are players who know what it is like to free 2 play while knowing what it is like to be pay 2 win.

They know both worlds of the game.

Most Dolphins have a very good understanding of the mechanics of the game while having enough financial backing to acquire better heroes than the average Free 2 Play player.

This makes them extremely dangerous!

In addition, You forget Dolphins are one of the most feared Mammals in the Ocean!

  • They travel in packs.
  • They communicate among each other honing their skills.
  • They are very sophisticated
  • They are very orginized

You can complain about the Whales all you want too.

The Whales are not the ones who are going to use Brakus to beat you down in Gold 4 Arena.

The Dolphins are the ones who will be using Brakus!

Whales - Sleep during Brakus event

Dolphins - Grind during Brakus event

F2Planton - Whine during Brakus event

This is the hierarchy of the game.

Nov 21, 2019, 09:0811/21/19

Hey Hey 

Please ensure while discussing matters of the game that we are not offensive to each other, let's keep this friendly.

Many thanks and good luck
Nov 22, 2019, 21:1511/22/19
Nov 22, 2019, 21:15(edited)
I don't do math good but fused Brakus just the same.  They need to add a huge bonus if you have all 4 Halloween champs in a group.
Nov 23, 2019, 01:4811/23/19
Nov 23, 2019, 01:49(edited)

Nozeminer said:

I don't do math good but fused Brakus just the same.  They need to add a huge bonus if you have all 4 Halloween champs in a group.


Show us a Picture! 

It would be cool if you was able to Screen Shot a Picture with Brakus Winking at us or giving us a Little Smile!