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Brakus fusion - Training event

Brakus fusion - Training event

Nov 15, 2019, 16:5611/15/19

Brakus fusion - Training event

New "Hardest fusion ever" which is such a nice way to tell us it's for payers. New training event wih a mandatory champions for the fusion whith impossible threshold.

Hereabove figures PER DAY for those who still wants to give a shot

  • Energy cost is for 12-6 brutal.
  • Points are calculated according the fact you will fully level up champions AND rank them up.  (eg : 1* = 10 + 5, 2* = 20 + 15, ...)

Each day you need : 19400 / 9 days = 2156 pts

Each day you get 740 energy at max (480 from automatic generation, 130 for arena daily quest, 130 for playing time daily reward)

============ Edit 16/11/2019 ==============

Thx to Player J, i corrected a mistake in the calculations. I was counting as if a champions could level his max level times when it can only level max level - 1 times (because it starts at level1)

Added precision : following figures assume you use X level 1 champions from Rank R and and level/rank it up to 5* level 1 champions.

Added the figures if you only rank up one time.

Added prescision : Numbers assume you DO NOT HAVE xp bosst. If you have XP boost, champions number stay the same but energy cost is divided by 2.

Added the figures when going for the whole 19400 pts with 1* champions


Figures from the 19400 required points (the most precise calculation)

1* lvl 1 -> 2* lvl 1 : 2,772   champions, for 19,404 pts, for 22,176 energy at 12-6 brutal no XP boost.

2* lvl 1 -> 3* lvl 1 : 1719   champions, for 19,482 pts  for 29,032 energy at 12-6 brutal no XP boost.

3* lvl 1 -> 4* lvl 1 : 720 champions, for 19,440 pts  for 22,080 energy at 12-6 brutal no XP boost.

3* lvl 1 -> 4* lvl 1 : 450 champions, for 19,530 pts  for 25,200 energy at 12-6 brutal no XP boost.

Daily figures (less accurate due to more approximations)

1* lvl1 -> 5* lvl 1 : 121 champions, 2608 energy   115 champions, 2748 energy

2* lvl1 -> 5* lvl 1 : 104 champions, 2820 energy  90 champions, 2860 energy

3* lvl1 -> 5* lvl 1 : 79 champions, 2423 energy   57 champions, 2546 energy

4* lvl1 -> 5* lvl 1 : 49 champions, 3430 energy  50 champions, 2800 energy

1* lvl 1 -> 2* lvl 1 : 308 champions, 2464 energy

2* lvl 1 -> 3* lvl 1 : 190 champions, 3209 energy

3* lvl 1 -> 4* lvl 1 : 80 champions, 2454 energy

4* lvl 1 -> 5* lvl 1 : 50 champions, 2800 energy

Nov 15, 2019, 17:3911/15/19

I agree, but they have NEVER listened to the players, storage should of been implemented before another shard event anyway, passed to devs, passed to devs,passed to devs, omg...yawnfest.

At the end of the day as ftp this cannot be done so soon after the jack fusion so it is a fact it is aimed at p2w, not complaining as i can still try and aim for lower tier rewards that are easily achievable without wastng resources, i have not done the math but assume this could be done for around $100 or £100 or 100 euros, and to somepeople that is going to be worth it due to that being the same price as buying 5-6 sacred shards .

Angry but get it...just hope some dev does not come on saying how much they are frustrated and they are in the same boat...blah..blah..blah.
Nov 15, 2019, 21:1211/15/19

The best way is to discourage people from getting into the trap events are.

The less they go for events, the less they get frustrated. And they will quit, or just play the really free to play part which is not fun but usefull when you are waiting.

When you know u need 2 400 energy per day for 10 days, you know the event and the fusion is not for you. It's not worse wasting time in it ... and by extension into the game.

Nov 15, 2019, 22:4611/15/19

After checking the requisite, I realized I could do this fusion without investing a penny. I already have most of the rare needed and I would just need to grind and focus on the leveling event.


I am still washed out from the harvester fusion and I simply do not have the heart to do it for Bakus, wich isn't such a good champion in my opinion. If it was Bek maybe... But right now I'd rather just chill. 

Another batch of new champ... Lilith and the new lizard are amazing and it would be great to get them, but i would rather have plarium chill on new fusions, new champions and take the time to actually fix some basic issues... Or even make the server more stable. 
Nov 16, 2019, 00:0411/16/19

If you're lucky enough to get the only champion that isn't fusable, and got all other champions then you can go for the fusion event.

But for those free players who don't have the mandatory unfusable champion, it's useless to try to get it through events because they are designed to be impossible without paying.

RSL Policy : if you don't pay, we don't care you get fun or usefull things. Free players are not the game developpers target. They are looking for big whales waiting to be milked.
Nov 16, 2019, 00:1511/16/19
Your Math is completely wrong.
Nov 16, 2019, 00:4611/16/19
I looked at it, saw I have only one champion which I can fuse at the first level, laughed, and got back to my daily business
Nov 16, 2019, 00:4911/16/19

Player J,

if you feel the math is completely wrong, better to sustain that with a few numbers of your own. Just saying somebody is wrong is not enough
Nov 16, 2019, 07:0711/16/19
Nov 16, 2019, 07:09(edited)

Taureck said: 

Player J,  if you feel the math is completely wrong, better to sustain that with a few numbers of your own. Just saying somebody is wrong is not enough 

The Level Event takes around 20,000 points to reach the last Epic Hero:

  • The level event last for 9 days.
  • 20,000 / 9 = 2,222 points per day

Energy Break Down: 

  • 120 Energy will do 
  • 15 Campaign Run with 3 lvl 1 heroes inside 
  • 5 Batches will have Maxed level heroes inside 

A level 1 hero can level up to 10. 

You start at level 1 - you gain 9 levels. 


Every level 10 hero gives you 9 points. 

Ranking up a 1 Star hero to Rank 2 gives you 5 points. 


15 heroes x 9 points = 135 Campaign Leveling Points 

15 heroes ranked up x 5 points = 75 Tavern Rank Up Points 


                                                        210 points <—- Total Combined Leveling Event Points 

120 energy (1 Refill) should get you 210 points for the Leveling Event.

1,320 energy (11 Refill) should get you 2,310 points for the Level Event.

You need 11 Refills per day for 9 days

The game gives you 6 Refills per day which NeoDeis already explained how you get 6 Refills per day.

You have to make up the difference which is 5 Refills.

1 Refill = 40 gems

5 Refills = 200 gems per day

200 gems x 9 days = 1,800 gems to finish the Level Event.

Based on mathematical estimates from data given by players from past Fusion Events created by Plarium, Every dungeon hero you see will average an energy cost around 600 - 1,200 energy.

  • 600 energy = 5 Refills
  • 1,200 energy = 10 Refills

The game has 4 heroes which come from Dungeon Drops.

You are looking at 6-10 Refills per hero you are lacking.

I will use the high amount for my estimations.

10 Refills x 4 heroes if your lacking all 4 = 40 Refills

1 Refill = 40 gems

40 Refills = 1,600 gems to finish all the Dungeon Hero Drops

Of course, The above amount is estimate energy cost based on past fusion events.

This doesn't mean the new event we have here is the same because it suppose to be different as they have labeled it "Challenging Fusion Event"

I want you to take a look at something!

All the heroes with a red dot are the ones I already own!

I have carefully collected & saving them in my vault for months hoping they might be useful.

You would think a person who already has such a big head start owning 6 out of the 13 heroes required would be able to make this Fusion.

Yet, I don't even think I am going to be able to make 2 epics. lol

Umbral + Bombard = 1,800 gems (45 Refills)

Treefeller = 400 gems (10 Refills)

Haruspex = 800 gems (20 Refills)

Twinclaw = 800 gems (20 Refills) 

Malbranche = 800 gems (20 Refils)

Just to get the heroes themselves I am estimating it will cost 4,600 gems

-This isn't factoring in Potion Dungeon runs

In addition, The Void keep will only be open 1 day - other keeps will only be open 2 times.

-This isn't factoring in XP Boost for 9 Days

The cost to get the rare heroes will be 110 dollars I think.

  • 4,200 gems in shop cost 100 dollars
  • 350 gems in shop cost 10 dollars

The straight gem pack from shop aren't the best value - I could try to go for some hot sales to wiggle the price down some.

I still don't see it coming down that much to be honest.

Nov 16, 2019, 07:1611/16/19

If I was to buy the below pack 3 times, It would cost 75 dollars

  • 45 Refills 
  • 2,250 Gems (56 Refills) 
  • 4,500 Energy (37 Refills) 

It's barely enough. lol 

I need an estimated total of 115 Refills. 

The above pack bought 3 times would net me around 138 Refills. 

I would only have 23 Refills left over to do Potion Dungeons with. 

  • I am going to have to not sleep for 9 days. 
  • I am only going to have 20 slots available to summon stuff from - because I lack space on my account. 
  • I would have to spend 75 dollars. 
  • I would have to hope 23 Refills is enough for the Potion Dungeons. 
  • I would have to hope my other calculations from previous events are correct. 

And lets assume everything I say comes to pass. 

Where would I use this hero at? 

I think he is only good in 4 locations. 

  • Arena 

Brakus does Increase Attack which is very good! 

The problem is I already have a hero who does Increase Attack Gorgorab 


In addition, I am in the process of getting Abriter. 

Abriter is one of the best legendaries in the game. 

It makes no sense to replace my Gorgo with Brakus only to replace Brakus with Abriter?  

  • Clan Boss 

Brakus might be good with Giant Slayer in Clan Boss to get some Proc's. 

You could make a team with him that is fast which tries to Blitz Clan Boss with GS. 

I have seen people do it. 


The only problem is you would have to fully book him to get his cool downs lowered which would take 16 Legendary Tomes. 

I don't have that many tomes so I can't use him for CB. 

  • Faction Wars 

My Skinwalkers team is nonexistent really. 

I am not focusing on that Faction to be honest. 

The game even said they plan to rework Faction Wars so I don't even see the point of doing all of the above just to use him in Faction Wars. 

  • Dungeons - The only dungeons I see him viable in are Dragon or Fire Knight 

My Dragon team is already at Stage 18. 

I think it is to late for this guy to help me on my Dragon Team. 

I am already close to beating it with my current team. 


My Fire Knight team is at Stage 14. 

I think Brakus might help with my Fire Knight team.  

  • So to sum up, I can only really use Brakus for my Fire Knight team. 

I don't see the value in spending money + enduring all the pressure to achieve this hero. 

Maybe, if my account was in a different state, I would gain more value from this hero. 

Maybe, if the fusion was cheaper for me to acquire, I could consider snagging him to improve my Fire Knight team.  

The way the event currently + my current game progress I don't think it is worth it.

However, Everyone is in different progress vs. me.

Other people might can use this hero a lot more vs. me.


What positive message can we say about the Brakus Fusion Event? 

The positive message we can say is the Brakus Fusion was a SUCCESS! 

The game promised us a Challenging Fusion Event and they DELIVERED! 


Nov 16, 2019, 09:0211/16/19

Player J said:

Your Math is completely wrong.

I explained my math in another thread. But i see where i could have a wrong figure and it only makes the amount of energy needed by day even worse.

I counted 1* champion as 10pts because they avec 10 levels, 2* champions as 20pts because they avec 20 levels .... and actually i should count have count 1 less level for each category.

Thanks for the correction, i'll edit the post.

Nov 16, 2019, 21:5811/16/19

You said you made corrections to your numbers, but your numbers are still wrong to me.

Nov 16, 2019, 22:5211/16/19

Let me start over again from scratch - You can check your numbers with my numbers to see where you went wrong.

  • The Level Event takes around 19,400 points to reach the last Epic Hero: 
  • The level event last for 9 days. 

19,400 / 9 = 2,155 points per day 

Energy Break Down: Assuming you have XP Boost

  • 120 Energy will do  
  • 15 Campaign Run with 3 lvl 1 heroes inside  
  • 5 Batches will have Maxed level heroes inside  

15 heroes x 9 points = 135 Points = 120 Energy Used

15 heroes ranked up x 5 points = 75 Points = 0 Energy Used


                                                        210 points <—- Total Points

120 energy (1 Refill) should get you 210 points for the Leveling Event. 

1,320 energy (11 Refill) should get you 2,310 points for the Level Event. 

You need 11 Refills per day for 9 days

We only need 1,320 energy per day to reach the points required for the day.

To calculate how many heroes we need, we need to do the following equation.

(15 heroes x 11 refills) + (15 rank up heroes x 11 rank ups)

165 + 165

330 heroes

The below amount is what you said we need using 1 Stars. 

  • 1* : 126 champions -2716 energy 
  • 1* : 330 champions - 1,320 energy 

If the only heroes we use are 1 stars, We would need 330 champions + 1,320 energy per day.

Nov 16, 2019, 23:4611/16/19
Nov 17, 2019, 00:15(edited)

I get it. When i say you start from 1* champions, i mean you get them up to 5* champions level 1.

I edited post to add the new figures for the user case you were figuring out WITHOUT assuming you have XP boost.

=> i don't assume you have XP boost as it's not permanent and in free player classic scenario you could get it only twice from the weekly quest during the event.

If you do assume you use XP boost, then you just need to divide the energy amount by 2 to get your numbers.

If you only take 1* champions to 2* without leveling more, you would need 310 champions which would give you 2170 points from level + rank up.

155 champions will be leveled up and ranked up. The 155 others will be sacrified for the ranking up.

155 x (9 + 5 ) = 155 x 14 = 2170.

According XP tables from AyumiLove, you would need  48 energy to level up 1* champions at stage 12-6 brutal.

I assume you have one farmer champion + 3 champions to level up.

Which means you would require  :   (155 champions x 48 energy ) / 3 by stage = 7440 / 3 = 2480 energy.

Btw at account level 60 you get 130 energy per refill. So in your math it would require less refills. Still way too much for a free player.

Nov 17, 2019, 05:4011/17/19

Your numbers are getting better, but you are still making a few mistakes.

You want to make sure your Champion number is a whole number divisible by 3.

Remember, when you do a farm run, you will have 1 hero to solo + 3 food heroes in the fight always!

You need 3 food heroes inside always so that your being energy efficient.

So you don't want to have 155 champions.

155 champions divided by 3 = 51.666667

You can't have 0.6667 of a champion

So you should round your number to 156

156 champion divided by 3 = 52

(156 x 9) + (156 x 5) = 

1,404 + 780 =


If you are choosing to be extremely efficient, you don't have to rank up all 156 heroes because you exceed the daily point number.

You only need to rank up 151 out of the 156.


(156 x 9) + (151 x 5) =  

1,404 + 755 = 


You would only need a total of 307 champions.

To calculate the energy amount, You would have to filter how many runs you can do per energy refill.

I used the refill amount of (120) because it is a middle of the road amount + it is divisible by 8 which makes the math 100% easier.

Level 40 players are energy capped at 110.

Level 50 players are energy capped at 120.

Level 60 players are energy capped at 130.

I think the general community of Raid Shadow Legends fall into the level 50 range.

It is the range were they are not really a beginner player, nor end game player.

It is like intermediate.

If I was to get nerdy, I could show you the amount of refills you would need with a energy cap of 130.

The problem is such a small amount of Raid Shadow Legends falls into such a category.

The information wouldn't be relevant to most players passing by on this forum.

However, I can share with you the information just for the sake of thoroughness.

Energy Break Down: Assuming you have XP Boost 

  • 130 Energy will do   
  • 16 Campaign Run with 3 lvl 1 heroes inside  (2 Energy will be Remainder)
  • 5 Batches will have Maxed level heroes inside  (1 run will only be 1/3rd finished)

Each 1 Batch contains 3 Heroes

5 Batches will be maxed.


15 heroes will be max level x 9 points = 135 Points

15 heroes ranked up x 5 points = 75 Points


                                                        210 points <—- Total Points

The above Energy Run is the start of the sequence.

The above Energy Run is sequence #1.

The reason this is harder to account for is there is a remainder!

We have to account for the accumulation of the remainders!

Thus, lets begin!

Refill Sequence #2

  • 130 Energy will do    
  • 16 Campaign Run with 3 lvl 1 heroes inside  (4 Energy will be Remainder) 
  • 5 Batches will have Maxed level heroes inside  (1 run will be 2/3rd Finished) 

15 heroes will be max level x 9 points = 135 Points 

15 heroes ranked up x 5 points = 75 Points


                                                        210 points <—- Total Points

                                                        420 points <—- Accumulated Total Points

Refill Sequence #3

  • 130 Energy will do     
  • 16 Campaign Run with 3 lvl 1 heroes inside  (6 Energy will be Remainder)  
  • 6 Batches will have Maxed level heroes inside  (Resets to 0)  

18 heroes will be max level x 9 points = 162 Points  

18 heroes ranked up x 5 points = 90 Points


                                                        252 points <—- Total Points 

                                                        672 points <—- Accumulated Total Points


Refill Sequence #4 

  • 130 Energy will do     
  • 17 Campaign Run with 3 lvl 1 heroes inside  (Resets to 0 we got extra run)  
  • 5 Batches will have Maxed level heroes inside  (1 run will be 2/3rd Finished)  

15 heroes will be max level x 9 points = 135 Points  

15 heroes ranked up x 5 points = 75 Points


                                                        210 points <—- Total Points 

                                                        882 points <—- Accumulated Total Points


Refill Sequence #5

  • 130 Energy will do     
  • 16 Campaign Run with 3 lvl 1 heroes inside  (2 Energy will be Remainder)  
  • 6 Batches will have Maxed level heroes inside  (Resets to 0 we get extra batch)  

18 heroes will be max level x 9 points = 162 Points  

18 heroes ranked up x 5 points = 90 Points


                                                        252 points <—- Total Points 

                                                        1,134 points <—- Accumulated Total Points


Refill Sequence #6 

  • 130 Energy will do     
  • 16 Campaign Run with 3 lvl 1 heroes inside  (4 Energy will be Remainder)  
  • 5 Batches will have Maxed level heroes inside  (1 run will be 1/3rd Finished)  

15 heroes will be max level x 9 points = 135 Points  

15 heroes ranked up x 5 points = 75 Points


                                                        210 points <—- Total Points 

                                                        1,344 points <—- Accumulated Total Points

Refill Sequence #7 

  • 130 Energy will do      
  • 16 Campaign Run with 3 lvl 1 heroes inside  (6 Energy will be Remainder)   
  • 5 Batches will have Maxed level heroes inside  (1 run will be 2/3rd Finished)   

15 heroes will be max level x 9 points = 135 Points   

15 heroes ranked up x 5 points = 75 Points 


                                                        210 points <—- Total Points  

                                                        1,554 points <—- Accumulated Total Points


Refill Sequence #8  

  • 130 Energy will do      
  • 17 Campaign Run with 3 lvl 1 heroes inside  (Resets to 0 we get Extra Run)   
  • 6 Batches will have Maxed level heroes inside  (We get Extra Batch + 1 run will be 1/3rd Finished)   

18 heroes will be max level x 9 points = 162 Points   

18 heroes ranked up x 5 points = 90 Points 


                                                        252 points <—- Total Points  

                                                        1,806 points <—- Accumulated Total Points


Refill Sequence #9  

  • 130 Energy will do      
  • 16 Campaign Run with 3 lvl 1 heroes inside  (2 Energy will be Remainder)   
  • 5 Batches will have Maxed level heroes inside  (1 run will be 2/3rd Finished)   

15 heroes will be max level x 9 points = 135 Points   

15 heroes ranked up x 5 points = 75 Points 


                                                        210 points <—- Total Points  

                                                        2,016 points <—- Accumulated Total Points


Refill Sequence #10  

  • 130 Energy will do      
  • 16 Campaign Run with 3 lvl 1 heroes inside  (4 Energy will be Remainder)   
  • 6 Batches will have Maxed level heroes inside  (Resets to 0 we get Extra Batch)   

18 heroes will be max level x 9 points = 162 Points   

18 heroes ranked up x 5 points = 90 Points 


                                                        252 points <—- Total Points  

                                                        2,268 points <—- Accumulated Total Points

 2,268 is pasted the amount of points we need per day.

This means at most we will need 1,300 energy.

I could try to break this down even lower, but my post is getting very long.

So far I am at 307 Champions + 1,300 Energy for 1*

Nov 17, 2019, 18:2311/17/19
Nov 17, 2019, 18:45(edited)

You assume in your math that players have a XP boost.

I assume they have not because it's not something consistant. Thus at 12-6 you only get 4400 XP when a 1* champion require 22,761 to be fully leveled up.

22 761 / 4 400 = 5,17  runs.

As you can't do 5.17 run, you have to round up to 6 runs to fully level up a 1* champion.

6 run x 8 energy = 48.

Thus you always need 48 energy to level up one 1* champion to max level.

For the sake of having nice figures, we'll use 312 champions 1*.

Then if you start with 312 champions 1* - lvl 1, you know you're gonna sacrifice half of them that you won't rank up.

You would then level and rank up : 312 / 2 = 154 champions

Those champions will give you 156 x (9+5) = 156 x 14 = 2184 points

As you can level up champions by 3, you have 156/3 = 52 batches to level up

Those batches will cost you 52 x 48 = 2496 energy.

If you use XP boost, it goes down to 1248 energy but i already assumed you don't have permanent XP boost for 10 days.

My maths are best case scenarios with floating number and i could always round them up but in the end, the number of champions and the energy amount needed is quite close from the true figures.

And as you can see, you have same figures except for enery because you assume XP boost which double energy from stages, thus divide the required energy by 2.

By the way, you didn't mention which stage you use to level up your champion. This would be nice to get it because stages don't have same energy cost nor XP amount reward.

Lastly, if we really want to have the closest figures, we can go for the whole amount of needed points which is 19400.

I added figures you could check if you want. Just if again you go for a demonstration, give the base statement (leveling stage, XP boost or not, base energy but i guess were have the same except for XP boost).

The purpose of that thread is to get information to players who might not have figured out how investing in those kind of event is useless because the figures are too high. Just you can't assume free players can maintain about 2 times the amount of energy needed. Or that they will maintain a XP boost.

Nov 17, 2019, 20:4511/17/19
Just the math only, drives me crazy
Nov 18, 2019, 06:4711/18/19

Hey Hey

Yea I decided not to participate in this extreme fusion due to doing both the maulie and jack fusions, I know many that are trying as it is a very hard challenge and yea they are actually doing pretty well to my surprise, I simply choose not to as I had exhausted all of my saved resources, so now I'm just rebuilding for the next fusion/event.

Btw, props the guys/girls running the math, I love seeing this and will highlight this to the CM's and dev's

Many thanks and Good luck
Nov 18, 2019, 15:0011/18/19
I’ve used 700 energy in each dungeon and the rare heroes do not drop at all. Game is fixed
Nov 18, 2019, 18:5211/18/19
Nov 18, 2019, 19:01(edited)

assuming you have xp boost:

1 farmer + 3x food 1*

- run 2x brutal 12-6 then 1x hard 12-6 will make 1* lv10 x3

  2x8+6 = 22 energy to make 3 food 1* champs ready for fusing to 2* (3x 9 points obtained)

- another batch of 1* lv1 goes 1x 12-6 brutal - they end up lv6 (3x5 points obtained)

- fuse lv10 with lv6 to get 2* lv1 (3x 5 points from tavern)

totals: 30 energy and 6 1* champs spent 

total of 3x9 (lv1->lv10) + 3x5 (lv1->lv6) + 3x5 (1*->2*) = 57 points

with energy maxed at 130 you get 480+2x130 = 740 energy per day

740 / 30 = 24,666666(6) runs available for free if you do not let free energy slip by sitting at 130/130

24x 57 = 1368 points available per day for free (and some leftover energy) if you have 24x6 = 144 1* champs to go with it.

to get this event done for free you need to prepare enough 2*lv20s and 3* lv30s to fuse with fresh batch of 2* lv1s just trained (and / or enough xp brews) to make up missing points ... then keep it going for 10 days straight.

maybe with doubled vault space and a month of preparation f2p would be able to see shadow of a chance to get this done (assuming no real life distracting from the game ...)
Nov 18, 2019, 22:0111/18/19

As we need more than 2156 points per day we are so far away with 740 energy ....

So yes RSL is a game in which you must not play for month to hope being successfull in a single event. Then you start again