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why force us to play and win in live arena for rewards?

why force us to play and win in live arena for rewards?

Dec 9, 2024, 14:3212/09/24
Dec 9, 2024, 14:32(edited)

I refuse to go into Live Arena.  This is costing me Advanced Daily quest completions, but I am willing to accept that.

What I can't accept is the Live Arena token bags that get sent to my mail, from doing Sintranos, or other events in game, that are starting to plug up my mailbox.  I really wish Plarium would allow us to delete a piece of mail instead of only being able to 'claim' it out. I have 50 or 60 slots plugged with stuff I am not going to use, but can't delete.

It's annoying.....

Dec 9, 2024, 15:4812/09/24

Полностью согласен, я тоже принципиально отказуюсь играть на РТА. Полная помойка. Для разработчиков: один мифик на арене, многое решит. И перед тем как создавать героя, а он что может сделать пирату. Просто помойка. Почему Гегемон не снимает баффы, потому что пират. Да и с первозданным осколками, чувак год собирал и не дало, он взял и удалил аккаунт. Белые шарды, целый год не падает ни одна лега, какой смысл выполнять задания. Год не падает. Пират, честно помойка уберите ему один из дебаффов, вы реально запустите алгоритм и увидите, что он в корне ломает всё. Да и насчёт мификов, менять форму , когда перезаряжаться скиллы, тоже уберите.

Ваши 65 уровни с героями +4 крашеные на 6 звёзд уже всех достали.

Настройте нормальную механику, эти накруты реально не интересны.

Я как чемпион по киберспорт у говорю, что вы хороните контент.

Молодежи это не интересно для особых с мозгами.

Пирата фиксить так, чтоб остальные 80% героев были играбельны

И на РТА один мифик

Dec 9, 2024, 19:2512/09/24

Thank you for taking the time to pick that line out of my post and to give your not so considered opinion about my stage in the game.  I started playing Raid two or three months after it was released and play daily I'm actually silver because thats my choice.  I guess because you post a lot you don't mind that in your post you tried to embarrass or humiliate me, either way you may feel you're a respected player who can do that, imo you're just an ahole

I am an ahole. But I'm not trying to embarass you.  I agree it's your choice to skip whatever content you want.  But you have to accept the consequences of less rewards, less progression, less everything the more you skip. 

I know super whales in my cluster that don't care for live arena.  They do enough to get the marius missions and other rewards and don't care if they miss out on energy or whatever.  It's easier to buy into endgame with mythical champs than grind as f2p or low spend for sure.  

Ill probably be midgame sometime next year as I'm less and less willing to grind each day.  Oh well...

Dec 9, 2024, 23:5512/09/24

I refuse to go into Live Arena.  This is costing me Advanced Daily quest completions, but I am willing to accept that.

What I can't accept is the Live Arena token bags that get sent to my mail, from doing Sintranos, or other events in game, that are starting to plug up my mailbox.  I really wish Plarium would allow us to delete a piece of mail instead of only being able to 'claim' it out. I have 50 or 60 slots plugged with stuff I am not going to use, but can't delete.

It's annoying.....

Can't you claim them and just not use the tokens? or does it not let you claim it if your tokens are already full?

Dec 10, 2024, 06:2612/10/24

Can't you claim them and just not use the tokens? or does it not let you claim it if your tokens are already full?

Can't claim if full

Dec 10, 2024, 09:3112/10/24

Can't claim if full

Ah, okay. Never tried and didn't wanna waste any if it did let me.


Dec 13, 2024, 02:3212/13/24

I will re-itterate the main point once more.

Live arena needs either to be removed from Advanced quests or changed to "Play 1 Live Arena Battle".

I just spent 30 minutes and 4 losses before I could win.

I do not enjoy this, it feels like I am being forced to bend over and take it up the backside.

If you enjoy it, that's fine. Don't force it down others throats.

I'm not a new player. I've been playing for over 3 years, I have a good Arena team letting me stay in G5, I'm B4 in tag team, because I play the bare minimum. And because, as of now, you don't lose point in Live, I'm B3.

Dec 13, 2024, 03:2612/13/24

One solution would be to have 15 advanced quests and only needing to complete 10 of them of your choosing...that way each player can pick and choose their own battles according to what they like to do

Dec 13, 2024, 15:4112/13/24
Tim Statler

I will re-itterate the main point once more.

Live arena needs either to be removed from Advanced quests or changed to "Play 1 Live Arena Battle".

I just spent 30 minutes and 4 losses before I could win.

I do not enjoy this, it feels like I am being forced to bend over and take it up the backside.

If you enjoy it, that's fine. Don't force it down others throats.

I'm not a new player. I've been playing for over 3 years, I have a good Arena team letting me stay in G5, I'm B4 in tag team, because I play the bare minimum. And because, as of now, you don't lose point in Live, I'm B3.

While i agree that live arena as a required quest is annoying, there is no need to spend 30 mins fighting 'real players'

If you auto quit three fights in bronze or silver, the game will give you a bot to fight.

Dec 15, 2024, 23:4512/15/24

I agree, the live arena is garbage... how is my 120K power team any match for a 360k team with all legendarty or better level 60s?

Dec 16, 2024, 11:5812/16/24

Since this has started, I am online during live arena a couple of times a week, the rest it's open when I am not available to play, Work etc. Kind of get used to swop legendaries, not getting any weaponary, that improves on what I have, tag arena that moves the goalposts. It's just the way it is, plus the possibility is their for a surprize. Not so with live, if I can't play because it's just not available when I am logged on. Keep it open 24/7 or remove it from daily tasks. This was badly thought out, 

Dec 16, 2024, 15:1412/16/24

It was rubbish because of the matchmaking when it was introduced, it's still rubbish now and expect it be in a year's time.

Rewards are non existent if your playing against whales who have far superior teams that you are unevenly matched against making it a complete waste of time.

Will they fix it? Too far up their own arseholes to ever admit it's flawed.

Dec 17, 2024, 21:2412/17/24
Dec 17, 2024, 21:27(edited)

You are forced to play live arena´s cause the whales that pay to much for this click and collect are bored and find no matches, can u remember the Diablo Mobile Game Player that payed 100k Dollars to be the best and then he didnt found someone in PVP to play with?

Plariums workaround is to force the player in an alpha gaming mode called live arena with a matchmaking that is just bad and before u need to fixe the bugs you force the players.

Same at the Hydra instead of nerfing 2 payed champs you destroy the whole mode for 90% non paying players to hope u get more payments....for a programmer this tactic is just lol. But its normal in those games. Only the 5% or 10% paying players count. The rest are just high numbers for advertising...

If you really want changes that are not useless, the playernumbers need to drop so they are forced to do smt to get players and payments back. But as long as the ppl pay for a bugged game so much, nothign will change.

Dec 18, 2024, 19:1412/18/24

I wish I could opt out of going to gold or remove the, "You can't pick the same champions mechanic." 

Dec 18, 2024, 19:5812/18/24

I wish I could opt out of going to gold or remove the, "You can't pick the same champions mechanic." 

I hope these are lies... let's not ruin one of the only interesting parts of the game that you actually have to play. 

I feel like most would rather just have a sticker book where u fill in the champions on each page and tasks (not actual challenges) such as login, breathe, eat, login, shit, login, ...

Dec 18, 2024, 20:1412/18/24

What bothers me the most about the Live Arena, and even the other one too, is the horrible mismatching of player levels. You can spot people who paid cash to get their Champs gear pretty easily at times. Sometimes just by their Avatar, such as people who get special event Avatars the day the event started. F2P have to earn this stuff. It just makes no sense to me to pay cash to win battles. 

For example, I'm at Player level 75, and I was paired with a player who was level 56, and my average level 60, maxed out, with an average power rating of 55k Champs were dead before they even had a turn. 

I know once a Champ hits level 60, the only way to make them stronger is with high quality gear. But no matter what I do, I'm just not getting it. I could... But I can't see paying to win. It takes the fun out of it. 

Dec 18, 2024, 21:1112/18/24

I hope these are lies... let's not ruin one of the only interesting parts of the game that you actually have to play. 

I feel like most would rather just have a sticker book where u fill in the champions on each page and tasks (not actual challenges) such as login, breathe, eat, login, shit, login, ...

I would rather not have to shit. 

Dec 18, 2024, 21:2812/18/24

I would rather not have to shit. 


Dec 18, 2024, 23:4612/18/24
Dec 18, 2024, 23:47(edited)
Axel Slingerland

What bothers me the most about the Live Arena, and even the other one too, is the horrible mismatching of player levels. You can spot people who paid cash to get their Champs gear pretty easily at times. Sometimes just by their Avatar, such as people who get special event Avatars the day the event started. F2P have to earn this stuff. It just makes no sense to me to pay cash to win battles. 

For example, I'm at Player level 75, and I was paired with a player who was level 56, and my average level 60, maxed out, with an average power rating of 55k Champs were dead before they even had a turn. 

I know once a Champ hits level 60, the only way to make them stronger is with high quality gear. But no matter what I do, I'm just not getting it. I could... But I can't see paying to win. It takes the fun out of it. 

At L75, you are really just getting started in this game. It takes a LONG time to accrue high quality gear, but it will happen. Get the best forge materials you can from Doom Tower, and never skip running your silver keys. Do as much Sintranos as you possibly can. The gear from these two spots is better than anything you can get from Dungeons.

Dec 20, 2024, 14:277 days

That is my understanding, yes. If I hear otherwise I'll pop back in here and let y'all know. 

I've gotten the 5-wins chest 16 out of 20 calendar days so far this month and still have *never* gotten a lego book from it