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Finally fused mikage

Finally fused mikage

Aug 9, 2024, 21:1708/09/24

Finally fused mikage

And i am struggling to see the use for this champ?

Am i missing something? she may have some utility for FK hard but most people have auto teams for FK 10 by now anyway.

Hydra, ok but not great?

Is it me or are the permenant mythic fusions a bit underwhelming? i am close to getting karnage and not sure i will use him either.

Aug 9, 2024, 22:0108/09/24

I have her sitting ungeared as well. Given I don't really spend much time in arena, I'm expecting that's where she'll stay, since I can't see her being on any of my Hydra teams.

Aug 10, 2024, 00:4408/10/24

Mikage is best paired with Ninja. She will trigger his A1, increasing his damage considerably over time. 

Aug 10, 2024, 00:5708/10/24
Aug 10, 2024, 00:58(edited)

Mikage is downright insane in Hydra and fantastic in arena. either your roster is giga loaded or I think you're undervaluing what she brings to the table by a bit. 

the ability to cleanse/push damage in her base form is incredibly useful and unlocks tremendous amounts of damage, especially when you compare her to using slower/less damage heavy champs to deal with Torment.

all the better if you have Harima or Ninja with her. 

Aug 10, 2024, 01:0408/10/24

Now mind you, I'm still trying to figure out how to get even a single team to work on auto, so I'm not exactly set in stone with any teams lol. Still gotta figure out how to make that Trunda team work :(

Aug 10, 2024, 02:1908/10/24

Mikage is downright insane in Hydra and fantastic in arena. either your roster is giga loaded or I think you're undervaluing what she brings to the table by a bit. 

the ability to cleanse/push damage in her base form is incredibly useful and unlocks tremendous amounts of damage, especially when you compare her to using slower/less damage heavy champs to deal with Torment.

all the better if you have Harima or Ninja with her. 

Or Michi.

Aug 10, 2024, 02:2008/10/24

I have her sitting ungeared as well. Given I don't really spend much time in arena, I'm expecting that's where she'll stay, since I can't see her being on any of my Hydra teams.

Hard FK cooking?

Aug 10, 2024, 04:3208/10/24

Or Michi.

some of us still lack Michi, unlike @harleQuinn 

Aug 10, 2024, 05:2608/10/24

Hard FK cooking?

I have my FK H10 team on pretty much 100% success rate, so I don't particularly see the need to build another champ just to speed it up. Hydra, though, I can certainly be convinced around.

Aug 10, 2024, 08:1808/10/24

@OP   Yes I struggled fining a use for  her as well and even found  more utility out  of my Frolni  (made fun of again on forums) . 

But teamed  her up with Ninja  and seen better usage from her  on my account. Deffinitly improved  my Hydra  main team when I paired those 2

Aug 10, 2024, 08:1908/10/24

some of us still lack Michi, unlike @harleQuinn 

sign me up for  a free  Michi when that comes also (I need  my first)

Aug 10, 2024, 08:5108/10/24
Aug 10, 2024, 08:52(edited)

Mikage is downright insane in Hydra and fantastic in arena. either your roster is giga loaded or I think you're undervaluing what she brings to the table by a bit. 

the ability to cleanse/push damage in her base form is incredibly useful and unlocks tremendous amounts of damage, especially when you compare her to using slower/less damage heavy champs to deal with Torment.

all the better if you have Harima or Ninja with her. 

I can see the a1 could potentially give extra damage, and i do use michinaki in my nm hydra team.

However, she doesnt actually do a proper cleanse? so cant take the place of the person dealing with fear? . She reduces debuff duration by 1 but that still leaves a lot of fear in play. The passive just cleanses one ally

And she doesnt do a proper block buffs, just reduces the enemy buffs duration, so cant replace the solution you have in place for poison cloud / stolen buffs either.

And that is how the champ (base form) feels generally, like it 'almost' does a number of roles, but none of them as precisely as other champs do hydra roles.

I dare say people have incorporated her, but i dont see how i could.


Having said that, my NM team is not great - it tops out at about 200 million damage for about 800 million points which i know is way below the big guns here. So would love to see how people are properly incorporating her and still keeping poison cloud / stolen buffs / fear not an issue (i dont have shammael and didnt have the voids for the event)

Aug 10, 2024, 09:0708/10/24
Aug 10, 2024, 09:09(edited)

Now mind you, I'm still trying to figure out how to get even a single team to work on auto, so I'm not exactly set in stone with any teams lol. Still gotta figure out how to make that Trunda team work :(

Mikage with any good shadowkin a1 partner .. i use mine on hydra with michinaki ... easier to get all target hp burn without a debuff spreader .. 

Often use her on amius , elsewhere with cardiel , in arena for her 2nf form  for tm control and more .. find it perculiar that you didnt find a use for what i consider the best all around and most versatile mythical champ 

Aug 10, 2024, 13:5408/10/24

some of us still lack Michi, unlike @harleQuinn 

Hello, new Michinaki owner reporting in

Aug 10, 2024, 14:4908/10/24

Well, I don't think I use Shadowkin on any of my three teams atm, with the exception of Kimi, so I'm not sure if that would help me :/

Aug 10, 2024, 15:5808/10/24

I have my FK H10 team on pretty much 100% success rate, so I don't particularly see the need to build another champ just to speed it up. Hydra, though, I can certainly be convinced around.

Pretty much 100% is not 100%

Aug 11, 2024, 01:5408/11/24
Trevor Wilson

I can see the a1 could potentially give extra damage, and i do use michinaki in my nm hydra team.

However, she doesnt actually do a proper cleanse? so cant take the place of the person dealing with fear? . She reduces debuff duration by 1 but that still leaves a lot of fear in play. The passive just cleanses one ally

And she doesnt do a proper block buffs, just reduces the enemy buffs duration, so cant replace the solution you have in place for poison cloud / stolen buffs either.

And that is how the champ (base form) feels generally, like it 'almost' does a number of roles, but none of them as precisely as other champs do hydra roles.

I dare say people have incorporated her, but i dont see how i could.


Having said that, my NM team is not great - it tops out at about 200 million damage for about 800 million points which i know is way below the big guns here. So would love to see how people are properly incorporating her and still keeping poison cloud / stolen buffs / fear not an issue (i dont have shammael and didnt have the voids for the event)

I mean, like any team you are looking at it as a whole composite as very few champions have the ability to have as much coverage as you're looking at/expecting out of Mikage. Definitely didn't say she replaces the block buffs option. 😂

The AoE A2 is a hard cleanse versus Torment, though. Will it stop Fear going forward without building a team, no. Does Mikage open up a lot of space for building a better team? Yes. 

And there's no potential to the A1, that's just going to rack up absurd amounts of damage with Michi/Ninja/Harima, though blessings and such will play a part in how much that damage can be. Don't underestimate how much damage you can get churning with repeated A1s - especially with Hex out there. 

Aug 11, 2024, 03:1208/11/24

I mean, like any team you are looking at it as a whole composite as very few champions have the ability to have as much coverage as you're looking at/expecting out of Mikage. Definitely didn't say she replaces the block buffs option. 😂

The AoE A2 is a hard cleanse versus Torment, though. Will it stop Fear going forward without building a team, no. Does Mikage open up a lot of space for building a better team? Yes. 

And there's no potential to the A1, that's just going to rack up absurd amounts of damage with Michi/Ninja/Harima, though blessings and such will play a part in how much that damage can be. Don't underestimate how much damage you can get churning with repeated A1s - especially with Hex out there. 

I use Oboro on a team with both Mikage and Yncensa.

Maybe it's not Trunda numbers, but it's a TON of damage

Aug 11, 2024, 03:3308/11/24

I use Oboro on a team with both Mikage and Yncensa.

Maybe it's not Trunda numbers, but it's a TON of damage

It just adds up so, so very much. I'm cheating and have a 6* Ninja with rend on my Mikage team and good lord does the damage pile on. 

Aug 11, 2024, 03:3608/11/24

It just adds up so, so very much. I'm cheating and have a 6* Ninja with rend on my Mikage team and good lord does the damage pile on. 

about 2 weeks before the return of ninja i pulled a 4* soul.... then sold it cause i'd never be able to get him

Aug 11, 2024, 12:3908/11/24

about 2 weeks before the return of ninja i pulled a 4* soul.... then sold it cause i'd never be able to get him

OMG    Almost as bad as my scenerio (which you know)

and no souls on my Ninja