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When is Hydra Clash going to get fixed!!!!!!!!

When is Hydra Clash going to get fixed!!!!!!!!

May 15, 2024, 00:2405/15/24

Then credit where it's due, sir.

It just *really* bothers me that the game not only allows but effectively encourages manipulating the matchmaking when other games would have suspended or banned players for doing it.

Also I lost *almost* all the respect I had for Saph when he freaked out about how they made simple clan-hopping ineffective. Gosh, sorry that not being able to *AS easily* rig the system to get easy wins makes it "unfair" to you by having to face other clans doing the same thing.

since they made clan hopping harder or less effective anyway, we havent lost a PR CvC, dunno what that proves but liking the 'free' energy and shards every month

May 15, 2024, 00:3805/15/24

Legitimate non-joking idea that just occured to me:

What if match-ups were based not on the 4-week average score (or whatever it currently is)

but instead on what each clan member's BEST score was against the current rotation?

If player A scores 200B clash points on rotation 1, then intentionally tanks the next 3 times rotation 1 comes around again, it doesn;t matter because he's still gonna be counted as being able to hit 200B on rotation 1.

This is an amazing idea.

I'll pass this on post haste.

May 15, 2024, 02:1405/15/24

This is an amazing idea.

I'll pass this on post haste.

While you are at it, could you please confirm (or correct) that the current Hydra matchmaking is still based on the 4 week average?

And does that average include your current members? Or is it just the raw average?

We just lost our biggest Hydra Hitter to Sacred Pandas cuz he wants to focus on Plat Arena.  Are we stuck with his damage output in our average for the next month even though he is gone?  

May 15, 2024, 02:3305/15/24

While you are at it, could you please confirm (or correct) that the current Hydra matchmaking is still based on the 4 week average?

And does that average include your current members? Or is it just the raw average?

We just lost our biggest Hydra Hitter to Sacred Pandas cuz he wants to focus on Plat Arena.  Are we stuck with his damage output in our average for the next month even though he is gone?  

My understanding, and i realize this doesnt count as confirmation, is that it's the 4 week average of all players who are member at the time the match up begin, regardless of what clans they may have been at at the time they got the scores

So if he's not in your clan when match up starts in a few hours, his score wont be factored in

May 15, 2024, 21:3805/15/24
May 15, 2024, 21:39(edited)

Easy clash fix .. anyone using trunda or the bug shield champ... goes vs other clan who uses them .. this filter would change over time and would prevent nerfing X or Y champ just because of hydra clash ... score avg+op team or not matchmaking .. (cadaver team for example wouldnt be an issue in hydra with this type of matchmaking)

I dont like seeing champs nerfed for hydra when before clash .. they wouldnt have been touched ..

May 16, 2024, 16:2605/16/24

My understanding, and i realize this doesnt count as confirmation, is that it's the 4 week average of all players who are member at the time the match up begin, regardless of what clans they may have been at at the time they got the scores

So if he's not in your clan when match up starts in a few hours, his score wont be factored in

That's how CvC works but not Hydra clash, as far as counting members at the time of the event start.

Hydra clash is just clan scores at this time.

May 16, 2024, 16:3205/16/24

While you are at it, could you please confirm (or correct) that the current Hydra matchmaking is still based on the 4 week average?

And does that average include your current members? Or is it just the raw average?

We just lost our biggest Hydra Hitter to Sacred Pandas cuz he wants to focus on Plat Arena.  Are we stuck with his damage output in our average for the next month even though he is gone?  

See above. You're stuck. We had this same situation a few months back actually, and just got dunked a couple in a row. 

May 16, 2024, 23:2705/16/24

That's how CvC works but not Hydra clash, as far as counting members at the time of the event start.

Hydra clash is just clan scores at this time.

whoops. I had them mixed up. I stand corrected, ty.