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When is Hydra Clash going to get fixed!!!!!!!!

When is Hydra Clash going to get fixed!!!!!!!!

May 14, 2024, 17:1505/14/24

then you are saying it is working as the developers intended?

Please answer the question.

if the answer is no then its an exploit because you are doing something the developer did not intended

I will repeat myself for the second or third time pertaining to 'working as intended', with some added details:

considering devs have not made any indication towards:

changing how hex works

changing how trunda works as of now (including yumeko, trunda's A2)

then yes, that would seem to be this is their intention for the format.

May 14, 2024, 17:1505/14/24

hex is not making tundra do so much damage, its the champ gave that cast the hex like in the example i gave NIA doing 454m

You've got your cause and effect backwards

"Champions under Hex debuffs take 2% of AoE damage inflicted on their allies, and 10% of single-target damage inflicted on their allies. Champions under Hex debuffs only take extra damage from direct attacks on their allies "

The champ who *placed* the hex debuff will be credited with doing the spread damage, regardless of which champ does the attack that causes the damage.

May 14, 2024, 17:1505/14/24

that makes sense and sounds like a bug to me

May 14, 2024, 17:1905/14/24

I will repeat myself for the second or third time pertaining to 'working as intended', with some added details:

considering devs have not made any indication towards:

changing how hex works

changing how trunda works as of now (including yumeko, trunda's A2)

then yes, that would seem to be this is their intention for the format.

ok so you are saying hex is working on bosses as intended with only capping the % of damage, 

why is this different then hp% damage hp burn posoin

If you are using someything the way it was not intended its an exploit

My clan got bans in WOW for this exact reason and we made the agruement with the developers when  they banned us on heroic killss on lich king because we had rouges using sarotie bombs to increase the platform which they were designed for and it was an exploit

even though the developers did not think of it, it was still an exploit

May 14, 2024, 17:3105/14/24

If what you are saying is truely the issue then yes tundra should be nerf because it is not calculating damage correctly.

this is something I cant figure out, they nerfed infinity teams and nerfed a couple champs and even the fusion at the time emic but they let the tundra and hex issue go

yes i have a tundra

May 14, 2024, 17:3305/14/24

I will repeat myself for the second or third time pertaining to 'working as intended', with some added details:

considering devs have not made any indication towards:

changing how hex works

changing how trunda works as of now (including yumeko, trunda's A2)

then yes, that would seem to be this is their intention for the format.

I am going to disagree with you on this how they want tundra and hex to work.

I dont think they really understand why tundra is doing so much damage

May 14, 2024, 17:3605/14/24

I am going to disagree with you on this how they want tundra and hex to work.

I dont think they really understand why tundra is doing so much damage

They understand precisely how and exactly why Trunda is doing what she's doing.

Furthermore, they've stated several times that they don't intend on making any changes to either Trunda or Yumeko.

That's all there really is to it right now.

May 14, 2024, 17:3805/14/24


Unfortunately I don't think trunda can be nerfed at this point, should have been done long ago.  It is what it is, I'm over it.  No trunda on main, alt surprisingly hasn't built trunda team yet despite having all the pieces... 

You aren't building a team that you could build? Craziness. Insanity. :D

May 14, 2024, 17:4605/14/24

You aren't building a team that you could build? Craziness. Insanity. :D

Man, I could not *imagine* grinding hydra one more than 1 account. I mean, even full auto teams that's a lotta hours.

May 14, 2024, 17:5005/14/24


Unfortunately I don't think trunda can be nerfed at this point, should have been done long ago.  It is what it is, I'm over it.  No trunda on main, alt surprisingly hasn't built trunda team yet despite having all the pieces... 

Surprisingly?  The rest of us aren't surprised.  

May 14, 2024, 17:5305/14/24

Man, I could not *imagine* grinding hydra one more than 1 account. I mean, even full auto teams that's a lotta hours.

I'd straight up quit. 

May 14, 2024, 17:5505/14/24

Using a mechanic that is working correctly in a way the developers didn't *foresee* isn't an exploit.

Now, Trunda's an interesting case. Saph did a video on her awhile back. 

Her kit says "A2: Attacks 1 enemy, then attacks all other enemies with a second hit, dealing 60% of the damage inflicted from the first hit. "

But what's happening is she's getting her crit multiplier on the initial hit, and then ALSO getting her crit multiplier on the 60% secondary hits, which *already* had the crit multplier applied.

The devs said she's working as intended, but I honestly think they either didn't check or didn't understand what he was trying to explain. 

This is the part that gets me.  Just don't let Trunda do re-crit on the second hit since the damage has already been calculated as a crit hit.  

It is just dumb.    

May 14, 2024, 17:5805/14/24

This is the part that gets me.  Just don't let Trunda do re-crit on the second hit since the damage has already been calculated as a crit hit.  

It is just dumb.    

I don't understand code. I don't want to understand code. I am legitimately *afraid* someone might try to explain it to me.

That said, I'll reiterate that my personal *opinion* is that Trunda IS bugged and the devs didn't understand what Saph was trying to say in his report.

May 14, 2024, 19:3105/14/24

I don't understand code. I don't want to understand code. I am legitimately *afraid* someone might try to explain it to me.

That said, I'll reiterate that my personal *opinion* is that Trunda IS bugged and the devs didn't understand what Saph was trying to say in his report.

Sadly I know that opinion is wrong cause they've told me directly it is. 😆 

Perhaps the Devs will eventually change their mind, but they know how and why it works, and currently have zero plans to change Trunda.

May 14, 2024, 19:3605/14/24

Sadly I know that opinion is wrong cause they've told me directly it is. 😆 

Perhaps the Devs will eventually change their mind, but they know how and why it works, and currently have zero plans to change Trunda.

If the problem is they don't understand the problem, how would they know if the problem is working? 😋

May 14, 2024, 20:1105/14/24

If the problem is they don't understand the problem, how would they know if the problem is working? 😋

What if they can explain the problem back to me, yet then say it's not getting changed? 😆 

May 14, 2024, 20:1305/14/24

What if they can explain the problem back to me, yet then say it's not getting changed? 😆 


May 14, 2024, 22:1505/14/24

Legitimate non-joking idea that just occured to me:

What if match-ups were based not on the 4-week average score (or whatever it currently is)

but instead on what each clan member's BEST score was against the current rotation?

If player A scores 200B clash points on rotation 1, then intentionally tanks the next 3 times rotation 1 comes around again, it doesn;t matter because he's still gonna be counted as being able to hit 200B on rotation 1.

May 14, 2024, 22:2805/14/24

Legitimate non-joking idea that just occured to me:

What if match-ups were based not on the 4-week average score (or whatever it currently is)

but instead on what each clan member's BEST score was against the current rotation?

If player A scores 200B clash points on rotation 1, then intentionally tanks the next 3 times rotation 1 comes around again, it doesn;t matter because he's still gonna be counted as being able to hit 200B on rotation 1.

I think I suggested this, minus the rotation factor.  Essentially ranking and matching by potential.  Eliminates tanking. 

May 14, 2024, 22:3705/14/24

Then credit where it's due, sir.

It just *really* bothers me that the game not only allows but effectively encourages manipulating the matchmaking when other games would have suspended or banned players for doing it.

Also I lost *almost* all the respect I had for Saph when he freaked out about how they made simple clan-hopping ineffective. Gosh, sorry that not being able to *AS easily* rig the system to get easy wins makes it "unfair" to you by having to face other clans doing the same thing.