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When is Hydra Clash going to get fixed!!!!!!!!

When is Hydra Clash going to get fixed!!!!!!!!

May 13, 2024, 20:1605/13/24

When is Hydra Clash going to get fixed!!!!!!!!

I think most of the community is sick and tired of this hydra clash gimmick. 

they need to change the points system 

normal x1

hard x2

brutal x4

nightmane x8

that would fix the hydra clash issue. These people doing 3b plus is plarium saying ok dont do the hardest level just gimmick fights the easiest levels and win

this week 

nm 247m

brutal 237m

hard 160m

total 2B points

you have people using Tundra and Nia , Nia in cursed set 454 m on normal, they need to fix it

plarium is awarding people during the easiest levels exploiting things, in wow when you did this youd get a ban and every gotten with exploit was takenaway, why wont Plarium do the samebecause are using exloits

the new poit syste above would help

with my point system i would have gottten 

1.976B nm

948m brutal

320m hard


People should rewarded for doing the hardest level

Why dont they fox this issue?

I would like to know if this what the developers intended?

If so why? and if not why have not fixed it?

May 13, 2024, 20:2105/13/24

Pleease come back with well ive spent a lot of time and resources but its an exploit and you knew it before you did  it

I dont care about your time and resources, is it what was intended if the answer is no then its simple its an exploit peroid.

You are getting illgotten rewards and hurting others

this is hurtng the game

May 13, 2024, 20:5005/13/24

come on the developers you can easiely see on the hydra teams who is working as intended and who is not.

Fix or at least break it so it does not work

the exploits are clear and easy to see

I am guessing this the way  the develpers intended for it  to work

gimmicks and exploits, wow great job developer

May 13, 2024, 20:5105/13/24

why did the develpopers fix the shield issues on the iffinity teams so quickly

was it not working as intended?

how are these gimmicks any different?

someone please enlighten me, Id love to know the answer

May 13, 2024, 20:5905/13/24

I wish the community ppeople here would ask the developers to reply to if they think  these champs are workig as intended?

and if not why is it not fixed and they let others steal from others doing as intended, yes steal because that is what i call wining with exploits

May 13, 2024, 21:1105/13/24

health of the format aside (which much like yumeko, has been mentioned/passed along en masse)

the trunda/nia nonsense is working as intended and isn't an exploit so we can calm down with all that hyperbole in terms of calling people utilizing those teams cheaters. 

yes, the format has become Trundafest but turning that on the people using said teams is wild.

May 13, 2024, 21:5005/13/24

As we've seen repeatedly, whenever the current metasuperchamp gets nerfed, someone *immediately* finds a new one, using a combination of skills that work as intended but in a way the devs never expected, to do insane damage.

May 14, 2024, 05:4905/14/24
May 14, 2024, 05:55(edited)

Pleease come back with well ive spent a lot of time and resources but its an exploit and you knew it before you did  it

I dont care about your time and resources, is it what was intended if the answer is no then its simple its an exploit peroid.

You are getting illgotten rewards and hurting others

this is hurtng the game

So you come up with new multipliers that specifically make it so you win and the other person loses. Also 8x on Nightmare would make things a LOT worse, I don't think you've seen the damage some Trunda teams (as well as others) can do on Nightmare

What they really need to do is balance Hydra matchups better so the clans with people doing the insane damage only get matched up with similar clans. It should be based on two things

1. Total damage clan did

2. Total damage from the top 3 Players in that clan. So like, if Top 3 Players' damage is 10, 6 and 3 Billion and 4th highest in the same clan in 20 million, factor that massive damage from single players as a big part of the matchup

May 14, 2024, 15:1505/14/24

So you come up with new multipliers that specifically make it so you win and the other person loses. Also 8x on Nightmare would make things a LOT worse, I don't think you've seen the damage some Trunda teams (as well as others) can do on Nightmare

What they really need to do is balance Hydra matchups better so the clans with people doing the insane damage only get matched up with similar clans. It should be based on two things

1. Total damage clan did

2. Total damage from the top 3 Players in that clan. So like, if Top 3 Players' damage is 10, 6 and 3 Billion and 4th highest in the same clan in 20 million, factor that massive damage from single players as a big part of the matchup

The problem with this is the rewards dont scale with the difficulty to win.

So, lets say you are in a clan that scores 5 billion total. You personally score 700m points.

If you win, you will get exactly the same rewards as someone who is in a clan that scores 50 billion and got a personal score of 5B after doing 3 lenghty manual runs.

As for trunda, i guarantee if they nerf the trunda teams, within about 3 seconds there will be another team discovered that scores billions.

May 14, 2024, 15:4705/14/24

Seems to me that a lot of this could be avoided if they just capped the maximum damage a hit can do to a hydra head and then wouldnt need to nerf champs.

And as others have pointed out, I think they amount of time it takes to do hydra mutliplies peoples' frustrations over 'broken' teams.

I mean, we're starting to see a LOT of teams that hit the 1500 turn cap, even without taunt, and easily take well over an hour even on full auto.

I don't particularly enjoy putting in 2 hours *each* to manual 3 1500-turn teams for about 1 billion total clash points, then some dude with a full team of metachamps puts up 40 billion on 1 key.

IDK the best way to fix hydra, but i know nerfing the flavour of the month every month isn;t gonna do it.

May 14, 2024, 16:0405/14/24

So it's been announced that Hydra Clash rewards are being updated/changed. You can see that on the Update Roadmap:


Cheers! :)

May 14, 2024, 16:3805/14/24
May 14, 2024, 16:43(edited)

health of the format aside (which much like yumeko, has been mentioned/passed along en masse)

the trunda/nia nonsense is working as intended and isn't an exploit so we can calm down with all that hyperbole in terms of calling people utilizing those teams cheaters. 

yes, the format has become Trundafest but turning that on the people using said teams is wild.

Then explain why Hex damage is not capped on bosses

Poison damage capped

Hp Burn damage capped

HP% capped on bosses

the reaon Nia is doing so much damage is hex is not capped. 

So yes i call it an exploit because there is no way the developer intended curse set to this much damage

FYI if its not working as the developers intended then its an exploit

May 14, 2024, 16:4005/14/24
May 14, 2024, 16:42(edited)

to the guy that made a comment  about points

there is no reason that doing crazy damage on normal should give you more points then doing nm over 200m, anythinking other wise really is just crazy

Once again if people are doing spmething in the game that the developers did not intend its an exploit peroid or the developers would have intended for it to work that way

May 14, 2024, 16:4905/14/24
May 14, 2024, 16:50(edited)

Then explain why Hex damage is not capped on bosses

Poison damage capped

Hp Burn damage capped

HP% capped on bosses

the reaon Nia is doing so much damage is hex is not capped. 

So yes i call it an exploit because there is no way the developer intended curse set to this much damage

FYI if its not working as the developers intended then its an exploit


None of this makes this an exploit, lol. Does it make it obnoxious and overpowered to the point where it has to be a ubiquitous strategy because not using these teams effectively handicaps those who don't use it? yes. but an exploit in the context you are attempting to use the word? not even close. 

I get it, you don't like Trunda and want to rant into the abyss but effectively shaming players who are using it is just an extremely incorrect aproach.

May 14, 2024, 16:5005/14/24

Then explain why Hex damage is not capped on bosses

Poison damage capped

Hp Burn damage capped

HP% capped on bosses

the reaon Nia is doing so much damage is hex is not capped. 

So yes i call it an exploit because there is no way the developer intended curse set to this much damage

FYI if its not working as the developers intended then its an exploit

Hex damage is capped. It's 10% of single-target damage, or 2% of AoE damage.

Damage spread by the hex debuff is credited to the champ who placed the debuff regardless of which champ did the attack that caused the damage.

May 14, 2024, 17:0205/14/24
May 14, 2024, 17:03(edited)

10% of tundra damage is insane.

it needs to be capped to the boss like hp burn, hp % damage and posoins are

May 14, 2024, 17:0505/14/24


None of this makes this an exploit, lol. Does it make it obnoxious and overpowered to the point where it has to be a ubiquitous strategy because not using these teams effectively handicaps those who don't use it? yes. but an exploit in the context you are attempting to use the word? not even close. 

I get it, you don't like Trunda and want to rant into the abyss but effectively shaming players who are using it is just an extremely incorrect aproach.

then you are saying it is working as the developers intended?

Please answer the question.

if the answer is no then its an exploit because you are doing something the developer did not intended

May 14, 2024, 17:0605/14/24

Wouldn't it make WAY more sense to cap Trunda from doing 5 billion than from any hex champ from getting credit for spreading >10% of it?

May 14, 2024, 17:1205/14/24

hex is not making tundra do so much damage, its the champ gave that cast the hex like in the example i gave NIA doing 454m

May 14, 2024, 17:1305/14/24

then you are saying it is working as the developers intended?

Please answer the question.

if the answer is no then its an exploit because you are doing something the developer did not intended

Using a mechanic that is working correctly in a way the developers didn't *foresee* isn't an exploit.

Now, Trunda's an interesting case. Saph did a video on her awhile back. 

Her kit says "A2: Attacks 1 enemy, then attacks all other enemies with a second hit, dealing 60% of the damage inflicted from the first hit. "

But what's happening is she's getting her crit multiplier on the initial hit, and then ALSO getting her crit multiplier on the 60% secondary hits, which *already* had the crit multplier applied.

The devs said she's working as intended, but I honestly think they either didn't check or didn't understand what he was trying to explain. 

May 14, 2024, 17:1405/14/24

Wouldn't it make WAY more sense to cap Trunda from doing 5 billion than from any hex champ from getting credit for spreading >10% of it?


Unfortunately I don't think trunda can be nerfed at this point, should have been done long ago.  It is what it is, I'm over it.  No trunda on main, alt surprisingly hasn't built trunda team yet despite having all the pieces...