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Questions about Hex Gear In Hydra

Questions about Hex Gear In Hydra

Jun 29, 2024, 23:4006/29/24

That is certainly a "bug" in my book. The gear set should proc the Debuff that it is supposed to proc, regardless of whether or not a toon has masteries (or no masteries) or is using a different T6 (Helmsmasher in my case) mastery.


Jun 29, 2024, 23:4406/29/24

Be careful what you ask for, the likely "fix" is to have warmaster not proc the debuff...

Warmaster should not proc the Debuff.  The gear set should proc the Debuff with a 50% drop rate, regardless of the Posion Cloud becasue all of those Gearsets are supposed to work independent of weak, critical or normal hits.

This is defintiely not working as it is supposed to work, and they probably had no idea that it wasn't working correctly until right now.

Jun 29, 2024, 23:4706/29/24

And yeah, WM and Giantslayer counts as hits on things like Sand Devil. Just the way the T6 bonus damage masteries work.

When I tested my Cupidus that I've never had masteries on, no WM to proc the hex over cloud. But all my other cursed champs have it, so they land the debuff.

Basically if you want to land over cloud, you'll need the T6 to do it. :)

I realize that WM & GS count as hits on SD.  I thought that was the only exception.  The text of both masteries still say that they do not count as hits.

Jun 30, 2024, 00:3406/30/24

That is certainly a "bug" in my book. The gear set should proc the Debuff that it is supposed to proc, regardless of whether or not a toon has masteries (or no masteries) or is using a different T6 (Helmsmasher in my case) mastery.


the devs disagree with your assertion, unfortunately

Jun 30, 2024, 00:3406/30/24

Warmaster should not proc the Debuff.  The gear set should proc the Debuff with a 50% drop rate, regardless of the Posion Cloud becasue all of those Gearsets are supposed to work independent of weak, critical or normal hits.

This is defintiely not working as it is supposed to work, and they probably had no idea that it wasn't working correctly until right now.

They knew exactly how it was working, since they told me as soon as we showed them.

Jun 30, 2024, 00:3506/30/24

I realize that WM & GS count as hits on SD.  I thought that was the only exception.  The text of both masteries still say that they do not count as hits.

Well, come on now, we both know that what's written and what actually happens in practice is often different around these parts haha 😆 

Jun 30, 2024, 00:4306/30/24

the devs disagree with your assertion, unfortunately

Yeah, saying it's a bug presumes all gear sets place all debuffs on weak hits in all situations. And I don't think that's true, not for here and I'm not sure for provoke either.

He's right a LOT, but just cause Skillz says it works like he did at the beginning of the post doesn't mean it's true haha

Jul 2, 2024, 03:2007/02/24
Jul 2, 2024, 04:39(edited)

Obviously, the Devs are gonna say whatever they want to say about when/if they knew something....

However, if they knew that it takes a WM or GS proc to land Hex over Poison Cloud, don't you think they would have said that when Thorne first asked about potential problems with Cursed gear not landing Hex over Poison Cloud?  

Based on the conversations in this thread that conversation with Thorne & Devs happened at least a day before I got the videos posted, we had the back and forth, and then you & Thorne both tested it and discovered I was correct....However, it could have happened even earlier since this thread is not new...

If they did actually know at that earlier conversation, they did a disservice to all of us by not just telling Thorne how it worked at that time instead of us all wasting a bunch of time...

The problem I discovered is real, and once again the answer is "That's not a bug, that's a feature!"  I guess I will be done bitching about it since they have no intention of fixing it, and the timing of if/when they knew only matters if we care about them wasting our collective time....

Jul 2, 2024, 04:0807/02/24

This one is odd. Why would the devs say it is not a bug? Poison cloud just forces moves to be weak hits, and several champs specifically are allowed to still place debuffs on weak hits (bivald being the obvious one), so it's strange they would say "well those are okay but set bonuses that would otherwise work on a normal weak hit specifically will not work here even though other things which pass through weak hits will work properly".

Jul 2, 2024, 04:4807/02/24

Yeah, saying it's a bug presumes all gear sets place all debuffs on weak hits in all situations. And I don't think that's true, not for here and I'm not sure for provoke either.

He's right a LOT, but just cause Skillz says it works like he did at the beginning of the post doesn't mean it's true haha

Your comments here throw the entire Point #3 from my original conversation w/Skillz into question regarding the other sets that I mentioned (Provoke, Stun, Poison & Daze): 

"I also assume that all of the aforementioned gearsets can place their respectiuve debuffs on weak hits since they are totally independent from the action of the toon wearing the gear.  Is this also correct?"

These gear/debuff interactions matter more since they have introduced the first toon able to cast the Poison Cloud buff, and we will all begin to face her in Arena game modes.  Can any of these gearsets land their effects over Poison Cloud without WM or GS?    

Jul 2, 2024, 05:0807/02/24
Jul 2, 2024, 05:21(edited)

Obviously, the Devs are gonna say whatever they want to say about when/if they knew something....

However, if they knew that it takes a WM or GS proc to land Hex over Poison Cloud, don't you think they would have said that when Thorne first asked about potential problems with Cursed gear not landing Hex over Poison Cloud?  

Based on the conversations in this thread that conversation with Thorne & Devs happened at least a day before I got the videos posted, we had the back and forth, and then you & Thorne both tested it and discovered I was correct....However, it could have happened even earlier since this thread is not new...

If they did actually know at that earlier conversation, they did a disservice to all of us by not just telling Thorne how it worked at that time instead of us all wasting a bunch of time...

The problem I discovered is real, and once again the answer is "That's not a bug, that's a feature!"  I guess I will be done bitching about it since they have no intention of fixing it, and the timing of if/when they knew only matters if we care about them wasting our collective time....

You're making a lot of assumptions here about how Thorne and I get our information in this whole conclusion post of yours.

It could be as simple as me knowing this, not remembering I had discussed it before forever ago, and being reminded that 'Oh yeah, that IS how it works, we did deal with something like this before'.

Meanwhile, while I was doing stuff, Thorne was also checking. He checked your videos, then submitted them for review, then made the mistake about the poison cloud placement. He then responded, and I took him at his word that it was working properly.

So blame me as far as any timeline snafus, as I should have reviewed the video myself the first time around, but I'm a busy bee in real life and not with video game matters. Still, I might have recognized you didn't have WM or GS much sooner than I did... But it didn't occur to me immediately to think of that, as I don't immediately recall every single conversation I've ever had about every interaction with buff, debuffs, precedence and order of operations, layer interactions, turn clock interactions, etc... And that's just because the game is in no way what I do with the majority of my time or mental energy.

Often it works like:
Me: "Hey there's this issue"
Them: "Where's a video and A&B info?"
Me: "We'll try and get something"
Me two days later: "Here, now what's up?"
Them: "We talked about this in early 2023, remember?"
Me: "Hmmmm... Oh right, it's because of X and Y in the Z process?"
Them the next day: "Yes"
Meanwhile, other people, players and mods, that whole time: "Here's my two cents"

Basically: 1) you need the T6. 2) they know it works this way 3) if they decide to change it at any point, you're welcome from a long time ago 4) my bad for not hopping in and being more clear immediately, and dumpstering my fellow mods harder (and I can joke that next time I'll sell out Thorne or Short, but I won't really)

Jul 2, 2024, 05:1707/02/24

Your comments here throw the entire Point #3 from my original conversation w/Skillz into question regarding the other sets that I mentioned (Provoke, Stun, Poison & Daze): 

"I also assume that all of the aforementioned gearsets can place their respectiuve debuffs on weak hits since they are totally independent from the action of the toon wearing the gear.  Is this also correct?"

These gear/debuff interactions matter more since they have introduced the first toon able to cast the Poison Cloud buff, and we will all begin to face her in Arena game modes.  Can any of these gearsets land their effects over Poison Cloud without WM or GS?    

Skillz' information is based on how he believes debuff sets have acted previously. But that was also from before Saphyrra had that big stir, and subsequent update, about multi hit champs getting a second or third attempt that gear rolled it's debuff application chance.

Things have been different since. The way gear works is ofc changed by that change. Additionally, the new champs also have a champ version of the buff, which isn't necessarily the same as the Hydra version (and absolutely isn't, afaik).

So to answer that in a way I could be 100% certain, I'd need to look into it.

Jul 2, 2024, 05:2607/02/24

Your comments here throw the entire Point #3 from my original conversation w/Skillz into question regarding the other sets that I mentioned (Provoke, Stun, Poison & Daze): 

"I also assume that all of the aforementioned gearsets can place their respectiuve debuffs on weak hits since they are totally independent from the action of the toon wearing the gear.  Is this also correct?"

These gear/debuff interactions matter more since they have introduced the first toon able to cast the Poison Cloud buff, and we will all begin to face her in Arena game modes.  Can any of these gearsets land their effects over Poison Cloud without WM or GS?    

One interesting thing I've found is Brogni, his Reflect ability on Shields can place Hex. Right now I have Artak is Hex/Merciless. Being able to re-apply hex often is huge, for upping the total damage you do (and keeping that damn Mischief head attackable)