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A newbie (barely over 30 days) - what to 60 next?

A newbie (barely over 30 days) - what to 60 next?

Apr 19, 2024, 22:2004/19/24

A newbie (barely over 30 days) - what to 60 next?


I chose Galek (didn't know he was the worst) but ended up pulling Kael, so I 60ed that first. Who would be next?

Apr 19, 2024, 22:3204/19/24

Lots of good choices. You've managed to grab a ton of really useful champs. Grats!

Now that you have a campaign farmer (Kael), your next objective is to start working on a Dragon team - eventually reaching at least L16, preferrably L20. To that end, you generally need a few things for a workable team:

1) Boss damage - Geomancer is great for this, especially since he's affinity-agnostic

2) Wave clear - For now, use Kael. Eventually we'll want to swap him out for someone else, though

3) Crowd-control - This is your weakest area unfortunately. For now your best bet is probably Alure, but she's really not great for this

4) Support/Turn-Meter - Apoth is perfect here

5) Flex - basically whatever works best based on who you have. In this case I'd probably go with Adelyn. She's good enough to be worth booking, but even unbooked she's pretty decent. 

So, to that end, I'd probably bring Apoth to 50 first, and then Geomancer. Check back in after you do that and we'll see if you have better champs.

Apr 19, 2024, 22:3704/19/24

Thank you - very helpful tips! I'll 60 Apoth first, then Geomancer.

Another question - I have 9 epic skill tombs right now. Should I feed all to Geomancer, or should I wait?

Apr 19, 2024, 23:0304/19/24

The general rule of thumb is to never use resources on anyone until they are ready to be used. For Geomancer, though, you can use him on your dragon team at 50, since his damage comes entirely from his passive. So, yeah go ahead and use them.

Apr 20, 2024, 01:5704/20/24

Thank you! 😁

May 7, 2024, 13:2305/07/24

Here's an update... I just finished 60ing Geomancer.


Along the way, I pulled few more Epics and Rares.

Currently I can do (reliably):

  • Spider 9
  • Dragon 14

Also, my Kael can reliably do Brutal 12-3 for farming.

So where do I go from here? Farm Dragon to improve existing gear, or look to 60 another champ?

Thanks again!

May 7, 2024, 14:4205/07/24

So, you got a couple of great pulls - Giscard is almost certainly going to be on a CB team eventually, and Tagoar is a great support champ. I'd probably bring those two to 60, and then your Dragon team will be Geomancer, Kael, Tagoar, Giscard, and Apoth. It won't be the fastest team in the world, but it should get the job done.

As an aside - I'm noticing you have a lot of level 40s, and many of them are ascended. Stop wasting your resources like that. You should *only* be leveling food and those two aforementioned champs. You should *never* be ascending or booking anyone until you know for sure you are going to be using them on a team. And, in the odd case that you happen to have chosen to level those epics to use as food - don't. You should never use epics as food at this stage of the game.

May 7, 2024, 14:4905/07/24

Yeah, Giscard and Taogar are good additions.

And I'm with Krama on the plan to only level, rank and ascend champs you're bringing to 60 to use on whatever team you're building or improving in that moment. :)

May 7, 2024, 15:0305/07/24
May 7, 2024, 15:05(edited)

Thanks for the tips, guys! 😁

Which of the two are more useful to 60 first if you were in my shoes?

May 7, 2024, 18:1905/07/24

Thanks for the tips, guys! 😁

Which of the two are more useful to 60 first if you were in my shoes?

Giscard imo, I still use him in my Banner FW squad.

But you can't really go too wrong either way

May 7, 2024, 19:4505/07/24


May 7, 2024, 19:5705/07/24

For CB Frozen banshee is better than kael(she takes me one milion ore more dmg for only 30 turn - don't have unkillable team unfortunately) 

May 7, 2024, 20:3705/07/24
May 7, 2024, 20:54(edited)

OP is not making a CB team - yet. Ultimately, yes FB may be an option, but FB is very unimpressive when there is no counter-attack or ally-attack champ on the team. 

For simplicity let's say poison does 50k damage with the 5% version, and 25k damage with the 2.5% version.

FB does two 5% poisons every three turns + poison sensitivity, which turns those 50k poisons to 62.5k. For simplicity we'll ignore the potential extension on the turn duration from the mastery, and just call that a total of 250k poison damage every three turns.

Kael has a 55% (with mastery) chance of placing four 5% poisons every four turns, plus a 100% chance of placing 2.5% poisons every turn. This one's a bit more complicated to math out, so I'll spell it out fully. Starting from turn 5, 

Turn 5 - 110k poison (average) + 25k poison (turn 4's poison application)

Turn 6 - 110k poison (average) + 25k poison 

Turn 7 - 50k poison

Turn 8 - 50k poison

Repeat. So, every four turns you get 320k. So, Kael does more without CA. With CA, FB's poisons win out because she gets to apply them two more times every rotation. 

*EDIT - this is what I get for being distracted with work. FB does still win out on poison damage alone, *barely* - 250/3 = 83k vs 320/4 = 80k. But that is deceptive, as if the Poison Sensitivity is resisted, you get no poison damage at all for three turns.

May 8, 2024, 13:1105/08/24

Interesting stuff... Thanks!

May 9, 2024, 02:5505/09/24
May 9, 2024, 02:55(edited)

Hmm, I just pulled a rare that seems to be rated quite high. 


Where does Soulbond Boyer fit into all this?

May 9, 2024, 03:3005/09/24

She doesn't. She has an extremely niche use in some of the secret rooms in Doom Tower Hard, but otherwise is useless. She used to be quite strong, but was nerfed at some point a long time ago.

May 9, 2024, 04:0105/09/24

Got it... Thanks. 😁

May 9, 2024, 06:2305/09/24
May 9, 2024, 06:31(edited)

Here's an update... I just finished 60ing Geomancer.


Along the way, I pulled few more Epics and Rares.

Currently I can do (reliably):

  • Spider 9
  • Dragon 14

Also, my Kael can reliably do Brutal 12-3 for farming.

So where do I go from here? Farm Dragon to improve existing gear, or look to 60 another champ?

Thanks again!

Farm Dragon 20 if possible and FK if you can get a team for it. Mainly focus Dragon but do FK and IG if there's a 2x or 3x for great gear sets like Savage, Reflex ect. You also can farm Spider easily now with Geo, put the HP Burn on the big spider and then when the spiderlings attack, it takes huge chunks off big spider's HP. 

As for your next 60, I hate to say it but Chronicler might be the best option. She's your only legendary and has a soul so she does Brimstone for huge damage against dungeon bosses. 

EDIT: Just wanted to add on how AWESOME Geomancer is for your account. There's no way to praise him enough. I couldn't do Nightmare Demon Lord till I got Geo and he's made so much content easy as hell. Critical thing is don't pair him with another HP Burner because its only his HP Burn that works. He doesn't need crit or atk, he just needs enough ACC to land his HP Burn, high HP/DEF and Speed and Warmaster Mastery. That's the most critical thing, Warmaster Mastery for Geo.

May 9, 2024, 20:4105/09/24

Hey great news, Dragon is 2x speed. Do that as much as you can!

May 9, 2024, 20:5505/09/24

Lots of good choices. You've managed to grab a ton of really useful champs. Grats!

Now that you have a campaign farmer (Kael), your next objective is to start working on a Dragon team - eventually reaching at least L16, preferrably L20. To that end, you generally need a few things for a workable team:

1) Boss damage - Geomancer is great for this, especially since he's affinity-agnostic

2) Wave clear - For now, use Kael. Eventually we'll want to swap him out for someone else, though

3) Crowd-control - This is your weakest area unfortunately. For now your best bet is probably Alure, but she's really not great for this

4) Support/Turn-Meter - Apoth is perfect here

5) Flex - basically whatever works best based on who you have. In this case I'd probably go with Adelyn. She's good enough to be worth booking, but even unbooked she's pretty decent. 

So, to that end, I'd probably bring Apoth to 50 first, and then Geomancer. Check back in after you do that and we'll see if you have better champs.


May 22, 2024, 11:1705/22/24

I'm done 60ing Giscard, and I'm at 59 on Tagoar. 

So that means my 60s are:

  • Geomancer
  • Kael
  • Apoth
  • Giscard
  • Tagoar

With this team, looks like I can do Dragon 18 reliably. I've done Spider 12 but not sure if I can do 13 yet.

Now since posting the last shot, I also pulled the following:

  • Spider
  • Tomoe
  • Royal Guard

HellHades seems to praise the last one a lot. Is this my next 60 candiate? Or focus on getting better gear with the current champs?