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Another Plea for Iron Twins! Please Please remove the Energy Cost so it's Viable

Another Plea for Iron Twins! Please Please remove the Energy Cost so it's Viable

Feb 17, 2024, 01:5702/17/24

Another Plea for Iron Twins! Please Please remove the Energy Cost so it's Viable

I'll start by acknowledging that yes, 6x20 energy is less than 1 Refill and is not a big deal on it's own. That being said, Iron Twins isn't worth doing for most (especially newer) players because if you DIE then you lost the energy but not the Key. Suddenly its not 6x20 anymore, depending on RNG it might take 3 tries to clear the stage. This is the number one reason people aren't doing it, the loss of Energy makes it not worth doing until you have a 100% Team.

Most people don't run Hard 10 Dungeons (or really any Dungeon) without a 95% or higher clear rate for their team. Getting Soulstones has been a huge pain point for such a large part of your playerbase, I don't know why this hasn't been addressed. Iron Twins was great before the Brimstone Rebalance. Your data probably shows Sunday for the 2x is the day the majority of players run it. You've really made Blessings a critical part of the game and the Real World prices for Soulstones are still ridiculously high.

Yes, the 8x Wishlist was a good start to improving the system but Blessings and Mythics have been the largest Gap-Widening changes between the most dedicated Casual Spenders and F2P vs. the High Spenders.

Also, for the love of all that's holy, PLEASE change Eternal Soulstones so they ONLY ONLY ONLY can generate souls for Champions you have in your Roster. I'd like that change made for all, but I'll be reasonable on this. Finally getting the Eternal Soulstone takes so long and it's supposed to be a huge reward. Then you use it and you get a Rank 5 Leggo Soul for a champ you don't have...

EDIT: From feedback I had another suggestion: Keep the Energy Component BUT Refund it if the battle results in a loss. That would also solve the problem that a lot of players have with running it. The key issue is the Energy Waste that occurs on a failed run

Feb 17, 2024, 03:3102/17/24

100% agree. I think IT should be limited to how many times it can be run per day, and the keys accomplish that already. Drop the energy cost!

Feb 17, 2024, 18:5902/17/24

I'll ofc pass this feedback on. Thanks for your post.

Feb 17, 2024, 23:1902/17/24

I'll ofc pass this feedback on. Thanks for your post.

Sure... this is gonna happen... lol

Smile as you crumple suggestion and toss in 

Feb 18, 2024, 00:1002/18/24

Just remember to think about the environment.


Feb 18, 2024, 01:0702/18/24

Sure... this is gonna happen... lol

Smile as you crumple suggestion and toss in 

No that's only when you or Kram suggest something.  We even have a special little folder for you guys.

Feb 18, 2024, 03:0902/18/24

I honestly see only 2 ways the suggestions can be handled, they are actually being sent somewhere (doesnt matter if they are being listened to or not) or the suggestion forwarding is just a PR move to satisfy forum people, you never know, especially with big corpos 😁

Feb 18, 2024, 05:3402/18/24

No that's only when you or Kram suggest something.  We even have a special little folder for you guys.

Is that folder labelled "CBD-Gummies-Spam"

Feb 18, 2024, 11:4502/18/24

I honestly see only 2 ways the suggestions can be handled, they are actually being sent somewhere (doesnt matter if they are being listened to or not) or the suggestion forwarding is just a PR move to satisfy forum people, you never know, especially with big corpos 😁

Sir please don't expose our operation.

Feb 18, 2024, 11:4602/18/24

Is that folder labelled "CBD-Gummies-Spam"

No that's the folder of people insulting us.  "Abu Dabi call girls wanna meet you" is the folder for Trips and Kram.

Feb 18, 2024, 14:5402/18/24
Feb 18, 2024, 14:54(edited)

I honestly see only 2 ways the suggestions can be handled, they are actually being sent somewhere (doesnt matter if they are being listened to or not) or the suggestion forwarding is just a PR move to satisfy forum people, you never know, especially with big corpos 😁

There's like five to ten "forum people"... You think I would waste my own time placating such impressive staggering numbers of people with PR nonsense?


Feb 18, 2024, 14:5502/18/24

Sure... this is gonna happen... lol

Smile as you crumple suggestion and toss in 

Don't be so cynical, it makes you seem older than you even are, Trips.

Feb 18, 2024, 15:4402/18/24

Don't be so cynical, it makes you seem older than you even are, Trips.

To be clear, the idea suggested will clearly never happen.  I have no doubt you pass along everything you say you will.

And does my maturity level at least bring the perceived age down a bit? Maybe more sophomoric humor will help?

How is live arena going? I've 100% turned live into classic on days I only have 10 minutes. 

Feb 18, 2024, 18:3702/18/24

To be clear, the idea suggested will clearly never happen.  I have no doubt you pass along everything you say you will.

And does my maturity level at least bring the perceived age down a bit? Maybe more sophomoric humor will help?

How is live arena going? I've 100% turned live into classic on days I only have 10 minutes. 

I've started finding time for it when I can, 10-20 matches a week the past couple weeks.

Feb 19, 2024, 03:0702/19/24
Feb 19, 2024, 03:09(edited)

To be clear, the idea suggested will clearly never happen.  I have no doubt you pass along everything you say you will.

And does my maturity level at least bring the perceived age down a bit? Maybe more sophomoric humor will help?

How is live arena going? I've 100% turned live into classic on days I only have 10 minutes. 

I don't know about "never". How long did we plead for something to be done with unused fragments? I've been playing for almost 2 years now and not only was Fragment Exchange the most fan-favorite idea, they also introduced an amazing champ to get with them.

As for IT, it is literally the only Key content in the game with an associated Energy Cost. So removing that cost would be bringing it in line with the rest of Key Content. All other Key Content and IT let you keep your key when you fail, so the energy loss is the primary reason people don't use their keys. 

Hell the only reason I'm even suggesting this now is they made Super Raids permanent for all Loot Dungeons. Being able to use all 6 keys on IT daily won't help that much in bringing F2P close to the heavy spenders, but it will at least help slow the gap from its current state of exponential widening

EDIT: Another idea would be to refund the Energy if we fail, sort of like we keep the key. That I would also be fine with!

Feb 19, 2024, 04:0002/19/24

There's like five to ten "forum people"... You think I would waste my own time placating such impressive staggering numbers of people with PR nonsense?


That question can be asked the other way around too, would plarium care about the opinions of those five to ten "forum people" enough, to actually want any feedback from them? 😀

Nothing personal, just seen enough trust me bro statements fail to deliver on the internet, internet is a wild place, aslong as youre not provided credible source/proof one should always be a bit skeptical 😁

Feb 19, 2024, 09:3602/19/24

As this seems to have moved into a feedback topic how about some feedback on when/if they are ever going to change the legos in the token trader

RonnieCommunity Manager
Feb 20, 2024, 13:3502/20/24

As this seems to have moved into a feedback topic how about some feedback on when/if they are ever going to change the legos in the token trader

Hey there! It's being considered but unfortunately there are currently no detail up for sharing. We'll announce it as soon as we have some news. 

Apr 22, 2024, 22:1304/22/24

I've done some math on the Iron Twins drop rates (and unless I am doing the math wrong), if I run it 6 times a day, 365 days a year, at the current drop rates on average I will get enough coins to buy 367 mortal stones which on average should yield 1 6star legendary every 4 years (2 years if only pulled during 2x)  in addition it should yield about 310 silver essence if I don't buy any Immortal Stones and about 67 gold essence.  I have not factored in the benefit of selling back bad stones which I admit will be almost all of them.  All of this means that it must be Plarium's desire that the player base should on average not be able to get more than 1 6star legendary per year and that may not even be for a champion they own.  

I don't really understand how this makes the whole process fun?  I understand you want to sell soul stones but honestly, why even put Iron Twins in the game if the intent is to make such a small impact?  I'm really just curious why this is good for the game?  

I know I can also get stones and essence through in game rewards, but even if that doubles my take... wow... so slow for something you've made really important in the game (ie City of Sintranos / Hard Dungeons)

Apr 22, 2024, 22:2804/22/24

"something you've made really important in the game "

Game developer: "We put a lot of time into this thing, and to make sure it was a 'surprise' we didn't ask for any feedback from play testers before or during development. Now that it's gone live, everyone is saying it was a bad idea, it doesn't work well, and no one wants to bother with it. What can we do to fix this?"

Guy about to become employee of the month: "make it mandatory?"


Apr 22, 2024, 23:1204/22/24

"something you've made really important in the game "

Game developer: "We put a lot of time into this thing, and to make sure it was a 'surprise' we didn't ask for any feedback from play testers before or during development. Now that it's gone live, everyone is saying it was a bad idea, it doesn't work well, and no one wants to bother with it. What can we do to fix this?"

Guy about to become employee of the month: "make it mandatory?"


You tore that page right out of the Plarium Developer Handbook.  😁