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Just don't want Romantu.

Just don't want Romantu.

Jan 29, 2024, 20:4001/29/24

Have to admit, feeling slightly jaded with the game. Yet another week, still not got to silver 3. Was hit for 6 with defence battles. The limitations of 20 attack battles per day is setting you up to fail, Decided to give it a couple more weeks if no movement, it may be time to say goodnight to the game. If I was unable to beat the offence teams I would go "Ah well" and seek to improve my champs and equipment, as this isn't the case and I am failing because of defence battle, that I have little or no control over. Heres the rub if I get 20 off battles a day, then def battles should be equal or less than that.

What is your defense? If you are winning 90% on offense your defense must need some work. Have you tried leaving in defense entire week and fighting far up into green?

The refills are very cheap, if you can win as often as you state then a refill a day should provide a significant buffer even with a bad defense. 

Jan 29, 2024, 20:4701/29/24

you're not limited to 20 per day. why would you think that?

You get 10 at start of play, another 10 if you stay logged in for a long while. No regeneration of goes like arena. So max 20 per day. You can't save them up as they are time limited. Short of wasting gems or spending cash i don't see any way to increase the amount from 20. Please enlighten me as to your method of gaining extra. 

Jan 29, 2024, 20:5901/29/24
Jan 29, 2024, 21:02(edited)

Last 10 games. 7 won, Clean sheet on 2 of the wins, 2 out of 3 on the other 5. Lost 3. 1 done me the othe two 1 out of 3. Sometimes get more sometimes less but always always win more match ups than not.

TBH my tag def is pretty much the same as it has always been, with a couple of changes. Just don't like tag arena, even less now it impedes my progress. 

Jan 29, 2024, 21:0801/29/24

You get 10 at start of play, another 10 if you stay logged in for a long while. No regeneration of goes like arena. So max 20 per day. You can't save them up as they are time limited. Short of wasting gems or spending cash i don't see any way to increase the amount from 20. Please enlighten me as to your method of gaining extra. 

Buy refills with gems? Just like in arena?

Jan 29, 2024, 21:2701/29/24

Last 10 games. 7 won, Clean sheet on 2 of the wins, 2 out of 3 on the other 5. Lost 3. 1 done me the othe two 1 out of 3. Sometimes get more sometimes less but always always win more match ups than not.

TBH my tag def is pretty much the same as it has always been, with a couple of changes. Just don't like tag arena, even less now it impedes my progress. 

No offense, but your problem is lack of effort. You readily admit this.  If you haven't changed your defense much, don't like pvp then I'm guessing the vast majority of your resources and time is spent on pve.  Which is fine, but you aren't going to make progress without significant focus on it.

Jan 29, 2024, 23:5901/29/24

Have to admit, feeling slightly jaded with the game. Yet another week, still not got to silver 3. Was hit for 6 with defence battles. The limitations of 20 attack battles per day is setting you up to fail, Decided to give it a couple more weeks if no movement, it may be time to say goodnight to the game. If I was unable to beat the offence teams I would go "Ah well" and seek to improve my champs and equipment, as this isn't the case and I am failing because of defence battle, that I have little or no control over. Heres the rub if I get 20 off battles a day, then def battles should be equal or less than that.

@Dave:  It certainly sounds like your defensive teams are simply not strong enough for you to promote to S3.  The best way to not get hit on 3v3 defense is to show strong tanky defenses with solid toons and power.  Prospective oppoents then see you as "not worth the effort" and pick on someone else.  What teams are you running on defense?       

Jan 30, 2024, 00:1101/30/24
Jan 30, 2024, 00:12(edited)

Ya theres room for improvement for me no doubt, but i think its impossible to get gud at fitting 10 litres of water into 1 litre jar am i right or am i right, im not argueing just for the sake of bringing out this forums wolfpack mentality, im argueing because i genuinenly believe the tag arena missions shouldnt be there, because there will actually be players who play for a long time and wont get it done, simple as that

@ sharkium:  "there will actually be players who play for a long time and wont get it done, simple as that"  You are correct and that is how all games are and should be.  You don't win every prize just for logging in.  Sometimes, you have to do the work, and not everyone wins.  Who are you running for your defense teams?       

Jan 30, 2024, 02:1001/30/24

u will only ever get as far in TTA as ur defense allows u to,  if ur defense isnt breaking even or better ur basically pushing a rock up a hill that is only going to get heavier!!

1 thought i did have the way plarium structures the tiers dosent help ppl trying to progress as accounts in gold are far less likely to degrade and disappear as hgh level accounts are far more likely to be taken over/sold etc etc than ur average account

Jan 30, 2024, 02:4101/30/24

To be clear - your defense should almost *never* be "breaking even", assuming your definition of such being winning at least 50% of your defense matches. In fact, realistically speaking you should not expect to win *any* defensive matches - any wins you do get should be considered bonuses.

The goal of a good arena defense team is simply to make your opponents avoid you as much as possible. That's it. So don't waste time trying to think of something fancy - focus on making your team look scary. At lower silver ranks that literally just means higher team power and at least reasonably clear team goals. Your opponent needs to look at the team and think "I generally understand what their goal is, and I don't think my odds are >70%, so I'll pass".

Jan 30, 2024, 04:2601/30/24

I look at the enemy teams "I generally understand they have 4 champs, and i dont think my odd are > 50%, so ill pass" 

Jan 30, 2024, 15:5501/30/24

To be clear - your defense should almost *never* be "breaking even", assuming your definition of such being winning at least 50% of your defense matches. In fact, realistically speaking you should not expect to win *any* defensive matches - any wins you do get should be considered bonuses.

The goal of a good arena defense team is simply to make your opponents avoid you as much as possible. That's it. So don't waste time trying to think of something fancy - focus on making your team look scary. At lower silver ranks that literally just means higher team power and at least reasonably clear team goals. Your opponent needs to look at the team and think "I generally understand what their goal is, and I don't think my odds are >70%, so I'll pass".

Very well said.

Getting people to avoid wanting to spend time attacking you is the best strategy for sure.

Jan 31, 2024, 00:4701/31/24

I saw a player changed his name to getmetogold and players battled him and let him win to help him out he made it. lol that could be an option to help you out 

Jan 31, 2024, 02:2201/31/24

I saw a player changed his name to getmetogold and players battled him and let him win to help him out he made it. lol that could be an option to help you out 

I targeted anyone that did, repeatedly 

Jan 31, 2024, 16:1501/31/24
Jan 31, 2024, 16:16(edited)

The way that Tag Team is set up it is really hard to climb to higher levels. I feel like they need to balance out tag teem and classic. Everyone in classic can get to just below the top level and in tag team most people are stuck low in the progression. 

Jan 31, 2024, 17:0201/31/24

The way that Tag Team is set up it is really hard to climb to higher levels. I feel like they need to balance out tag teem and classic. Everyone in classic can get to just below the top level and in tag team most people are stuck low in the progression. 

What if balancing means removing loss limits in classic arena... be careful what you ask for :) 

Nobody really wants balancing...

Jan 31, 2024, 20:4301/31/24

I targeted anyone that did, repeatedly 

You and me both lol

Feb 2, 2024, 20:0902/02/24
Feb 2, 2024, 20:10(edited)

What if balancing means removing loss limits in classic arena... be careful what you ask for :) 

Nobody really wants balancing...

When they first rolled out G5 Classic it was a real Arena Mode, and I thought it was awesome.  Unfortunatley, it somehow broke Platinum and fixing Platinum required breaking G5, I guess.  Now G5 is basically what G4 used to be....


Feb 2, 2024, 21:4002/02/24

When they first rolled out G5 Classic it was a real Arena Mode, and I thought it was awesome.  Unfortunatley, it somehow broke Platinum and fixing Platinum required breaking G5, I guess.  Now G5 is basically what G4 used to be....


Classic is only real content for platinum pushers (not me). I consider it legacy content, and I am content having live being only pvp.