matowi said:
In such case... let me shift the question. How do you build a super-skilled, super-fast team with killer AoE power (or a different "attack all" mode), and STILL have a relatively low team power score (say in the 80-100k total for four champs)?
Oh, I can make a killer set up with power lower then 80-100k.
I will use following heroes:
I am not going to upgrade Apothecary.
I am going to leave him low level with 200 speed on him.
I am not going to upgrade SpiritHost.
I am going to leave her low level with 180 speed on her.
I am not going to upgrade Bellower.
I am going to put 150 Accuracy on my Bellower + 160 speed.
My above 3 heroes all level 1 should have a total power of 15-30k
I will then build a Damage Dealer
- Kael- Max Level - Max Gear - Max Accension - Max Everything
I want my Kael to have 35-40k power by himself.My Kael will be a total monster of destruction.
My Kael might have around 140 speed.
My team power will hover between 45-70k
I will destroy half the people in Arena with that set up.
Bronze 1 to Gold 2 is probably how far I could make it with that set up.
3 Level 1 Heroes + 1 Level 60
I can beat people around 120k power with the above set up.
You see I put all my effort into making my Damage Dealer the most insane hero on my team.
The other 3 heroes are level 1, but it doesn’t matter.
I don’t need them to hit hard or to even live.
All they have to do is be fast enough to do 1 move which enhances my Damage Dealer.
If they accomplish that goal, They have done what I needed them to do in order for my strategy to succeed.
The answer is a Yes & No!
Power does matter!
Power is a measurement of how much effort you have done on a Hero.
-Accending a Hero
-Leveling a Hero
-Placing Uncommon gear vs. Legendary gear on hero
-Upgrading gear +8 vs. +16
-Type of gear - Speed gear, Attack gear, or Resist gear
-Upgrading Skills - Using Tomes vs. Not Using Tomes
Your power is a reflection of what you have done on a hero.
All the effort & energy you put into a hero is being represented by your Power.
This matters! You spent all your effort doing this - it wasn’t for nothing!
I want to give you a metaphor to show you how power doesn’t matter!
Let’s say you have a test over a book.
The teacher tells you to read the book and you will be tested on it.
The book is 30 pages long.
You spend all night trying to read those pages.
You read 29 pages and fall asleep on the very last page.
Next day alarm goes off you have to rush to school and take your test.
You don’t have chance to look at last page.
You go in your class room and ask your friend if they read the book.
Your friend says he partied all weekend.
He only read 1 page.
The page you fell asleep on is the page he read.
The teacher gives the test!
Everything on that 1 page your friend read is on the test.
Everything you read isn’t on the test.
Your friend passes!
You fail!
Is that not how Arena is in a nutshell?
Think about it!
Remember what I said?
3 level 1 heroes + 1 Max Kael?
I have lowest effort like your friend only reading only 1 page.
You have 4 max heroes.
You lost - you read 29 pages!
Of course, it bloody matters!
You could have been partying as well.
You were reading 29 pages instead.
You are so much smarter now!
But the power you gained didn’t help you in that specific test.
The power you gained on your hero might not help you in a specific arena fight.
Your friend put all his energy into 1 page and he was rewarded because the test was based on that page.
You put all your energy into 29 page and they wasn’t part of the test.
This is why the question “Does Power Matter?” is so tricky to answer.