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Arena fights WTF?? Have a ca. 100k power team and have lost ALL battles in last week

Arena fights WTF?? Have a ca. 100k power team and have lost ALL battles in last week

Oct 6, 2019, 10:2810/06/19

Arena fights WTF?? Have a ca. 100k power team and have lost ALL battles in last week

Dear Plarium,

What am I missing? I have a team of 4 rank 6 champions (2 epic, 2 rare), all at 60, all with artifacts upgraded to level 16. My team power shows up at around 100k. And I lose ALL battles; I have downgraded from Gold Tier III to Gold Tier I. I lose battles with teams showing even 60% power of my own team (60k, 70k, 80k - no matter). I lose battles with stronger teams

What’s going on? How are team power stats calculated? How come, a team with 60-70% power of mine is FASTER, STRONGER, MORE RESILIENT than mine?

Until a week ago, things were normal - team power was an “ok” measure of winning chances (lost vs stronger teams, won vs weaker/more or less equal)

Am I missing some loophole that others have found and are clearly exploiting? Is there a bug? 

Oct 6, 2019, 11:1810/06/19

I have power 102k, and I'm loosing with teams 45k-80k this is not normal. When you're loading a battle, you can read "Small power differences matters"- what a terrible lie...

I have 60 lvl leg, 60 lvl epic, and 2x 50 lvl epic champs in my team, and what is wrong with it, when I'm loosing with 5x50lvl rare champs?
Oct 6, 2019, 14:5510/06/19
Oct 6, 2019, 14:58(edited)

Hi guys,

which champions do you have? what's their speed?

Power is not all in arena, you must think about speed (who start for first have 90% chance to win). So maybe you have got a low speed and a big damage.

Show me your champions and your stats and maybe i will able to answer about your question.

Have a nice day 
Oct 6, 2019, 15:0510/06/19

Team with weak power can beat team with strong power if they take first turns. Speed is very crucial. 

I've had a very big trouble long times ago. Same with you guys. Then i got seeker. Build him with high speed. And it's really helps me a lot. Now I'm on gold IV. 
Oct 6, 2019, 15:2110/06/19
Oct 6, 2019, 18:03(edited)

Team power is just a rough indication of overall development and do not look too much into. 

Learn your strength and weakness. in this speed oriented game and this means learning to predict who will go first in the first round and apply def down debuff rendering  your actuall def almost non-existent or another  AoE for that matter. 

If you dont have any PVP legs, you will eventually get pushed down the tiers as new people join the game and buy shards plus it will be much harder to compete with people getting more advanced in town hall dev tree. 

Some peole tend to deliberately lower their power by running with heroes not fullly upg eg

I can run arbiter 300+ speed, but 20k power just to mislead people into thinking its going to be an easy fight and so on.

Or I can deliberately use three weak heroes in terms of the gear, but fast enough to be able to move the first round. My Nuker will be at his best, plus I may have assigned 10 points in the town hall development for attk, crit, acc for his affinity. 

You will see relatively weak team in terms of power rating, but one hero will be light years beyond your lvl and will just need one move to flatten you. 

Oct 6, 2019, 17:4610/06/19
Oct 6, 2019, 18:11(edited)


I currently have: 

1) Gorgorab; Leader (Aura: +23% SPEED in Arena); Stats: HP 42k; attack 2.9k; DEF 2.1k; Speed 125; overall power 35k

His sets: 2x Speed; 1x Resistance

2) Elhain; Stats: HP 29k; attack 2.9k; DEF 2.2k; Speed 136; overall power 28k

Her sets: Vampire + Divine Life (shield)

3) Athel; Stats: HP 28k; attack 4.3k; DEF 1.7k; Speed 154; overall power 26k

Her sets: Speed, Divine Speed, Offense

4) Kael; Stats: HP 33k; attack 3.3k; DEF 1.8k; Speed 123; overall power 23k

His sets: Divine Life (shield), Divine Offense (shield), Cruel

Total team power = ca. 112k

I alternate Elhain for Frostbringer; I equipped her with the Speed set and the Shield set, so she provides extra protection to her allies; stats: HP 36k; attack 2.2k; DEF 2.4k; speed 189; overall power 12k (how come so low??)

And I alternate Gorgorab for either

A) Warden; I also equipped him with the Shield set; his stats are: HP 46k; attack 1.5k (but he has 100% critical rate and 90% critical damage, so count his attack at 2.8k); DEF 2.2k;  speed 132; overall power 26k

His sets: Shield, Life


B) Shaman; her stats are: HP 52k; attack 2.8k; DEF 2.0k; Speed 147; overall power 16k 

Her sets: Speed, Offense, Life

All above champions are at level 60; all are equipped with 5 star artifacts at level 16; all have rings, amulets and banners (again at level 16 all over; 3 stars as a minimum), many are enchanted

Up until recently, I consistently won 70+% of my ATTACK Arena battles and lost 80+% of Defense battles (I have the same team composition in both modes). Given, that I fought many more attack than defense battles, my overall score grew and I progressed all the way to Gold Tier III. Now, I barely hold on to Tier I, as I’ve lost 100% defense battles and all but few attack battles since the beginning of October; 

I can’t paste pictures (don’t know the reason, I keep on getting an error message), but I’d show you screens where my 112k power team gets kicked in the butt by a 57 or 48k team... I DON’T GET THAT; How can the team score be so low for a team of 4 champs at level 50 or 60 (all ascended fully or almost fully) who flatten my team in a blink of an eye? How can you get a low power score for a super-fast, super strong killer with LOTS of HP. This is unnerving to say the least; the team power score should be a reliable measure, not something to be exploited as a bait...

I will be grateful for any suggestions


Mr. Ivv said:

Hi guys,

which champions do you have? what's their speed?

Power is not all in arena, you must think about speed (who start for first have 90% chance to win). So maybe you have got a low speed and a big damage.

Show me your champions and your stats and maybe i will able to answer about your question.

Have a nice day 

Oct 6, 2019, 18:0010/06/19
Oct 6, 2019, 18:13(edited)

Question to you:

How to build the team to be able to run any of these three tricks which make me go mad when I see them:

1) a number of enemy attack rounds  before I make my first move;

Situation: enemies go first, that’s fine. MY team can withstand the first wave of hits. If any goes down, Gorgorab will pick them back up. However, BEFORE any of my other champs lifts a finger, the enemy gets round two... SO I can’t even make my first hit before the enemy runs their second. Or third... I sometimes just sit and watch a wave after wave of attacks before I get to make my first move... 

2) 100% certainty of counterattack from all enemies

Situation: I get to make my move; I send Athel or Kael or Elhain or any other with “attack all” skill; My dude/-ss gets kicked by all enemies which were attacked. EVERY SINGLE TIME. My team has zero counterattack capability

3) crazy fast and crazy full HP heal

Situation: I attack, the enemy gets hit. Before they attack back, their Health goes up. And I mean like by THOUSANDS of HPs (5, 8, 10k). Sometimes, it’s like the enemy wasn’t scratched and my guys are all flat. And I got Athel to hit strong, taking 40k+ HPs per hit, over 50k if the enemy is really poor at DEF... Kael and Elhain take 25-35k per kick. Come on... how can you make your guys heal so fast as to recover from two, three hits like that??


glizdazla said:

Team power is just a rough indication of overall development and do not look too much into. 

Learn your strength and weakness. in this speed oriented game and this means learning to predict who will go first in the first round and apply def down debuff rendering  your actuall def almost non-existent or another  AoE for that matter. 

If you dont have any PVP legs, you will eventually get pushed down the tiers as new people join the game and buy shards plus it will be much harder to compete with people getting more advanced in town hall dev tree. 

Some peole tend to deliberately lower their power by running with heroes not fullly upg eg

I can run arbiter 300+ speed, but 20k power just to mislead people into thinking its going to be an easy fight and so on.

Or I can deliberately use three weak heroes in terms of the gear, but fast enough to be able to move the first round. My Nuker will be at his best, plus I may have assigned 10 points in the town hall development for attk, crit, acc for his affinity. 

You will see relatively weak team in terms of power rating, but one hero will be light years beyond your lvl and will just need one move to flatten you. 

Oct 6, 2019, 18:3410/06/19

I can't give you a recipe for success as there is not any. If you cant tank enough and have plenty of sustain,  and shield on the top of that you need to focus on speed and tuning your heroes, so they go in a specific order. Avoid most fights where you dont.  

My trick is to go first and second in the first round, I usually do well doing that, but it's getting harder for us all. People start to run with Hegemons and have insane speeds. 

So, if you cannot out speed them or out sustain them you will lose every fight. 

Situation 3

You can go from almost 0-full hp with the life steal gear on assuming that you can do enough dmg. To get a decent gear like that you need to run dragon using about 5k gems or equivalent of energy. 

As speed builds are generally easier and cheaper to do I recommend you go that direction. Improve speed on Gorgo and the rest of your team. Its a long and daunting task, but I  am affraid its the only way. 

Oct 6, 2019, 19:3110/06/19
Oct 6, 2019, 20:46(edited)

Okay, so it's like- you have attack type champion, or defense type champion, but forget about gearing him for defense or attack type eq, becouse speed ones is only what really counts here?

This is a little bit stupid for me. But okay, I see I have to rework my champs.

Edit. Here is my arena team: Royal Huntsman, Crimson Helm, Infernal baroness, and Doompriest as leader (Aura skill speed for force champs). And I have Deathless, Battlesage too.

Royal Huntsman
Crimson Helm
Infernal Baroness

Oct 6, 2019, 22:0610/06/19

Rughes said:

Okay, so it's like- you have attack type champion, or defense type champion, but forget about gearing him for defense or attack type eq, becouse speed ones is only what really counts here?

This is a little bit stupid for me. But okay, I see I have to rework my champs.

Edit. Here is my arena team: Royal Huntsman, Crimson Helm, Infernal baroness, and Doompriest as leader (Aura skill speed for force champs). And I have Deathless, Battlesage too.

Royal Huntsman
Crimson Helm
Infernal Baroness


The trick is to run dungeons enough times to get gear that reflects your playing style and has decent bonuses and a lot of speed.

You can go all attk on your attack hero and still have 200+ speed, 4k+ attack and massive amount of ctit. You just need to get lucky with drops. 

Oct 7, 2019, 03:0610/07/19

Don't rely on team power. I have 80k team power and I stay on Gold 4 for several weeks now :D . What is your  team and their speed? And also note, players now are improving, you also have to keep up with them in farming artifacts.

matowi said:

Dear Plarium,

What am I missing? I have a team of 4 rank 6 champions (2 epic, 2 rare), all at 60, all with artifacts upgraded to level 16. My team power shows up at around 100k. And I lose ALL battles; I have downgraded from Gold Tier III to Gold Tier I. I lose battles with teams showing even 60% power of my own team (60k, 70k, 80k - no matter). I lose battles with stronger teams

What’s going on? How are team power stats calculated? How come, a team with 60-70% power of mine is FASTER, STRONGER, MORE RESILIENT than mine?

Until a week ago, things were normal - team power was an “ok” measure of winning chances (lost vs stronger teams, won vs weaker/more or less equal)

Am I missing some loophole that others have found and are clearly exploiting? Is there a bug? 

Oct 7, 2019, 22:4710/07/19

You need a champ that up the team speed and one that fills allies turn meter while buffing.

Gorgorab is the best but must have speed as the main stats on the boots, and as many speed stats distributed everywhere else. Once he reach first turn, you fill up everyone turn and start the massacre. If you are confident in the power of your main 2 attackers, then put a second champion like gorgo to fill up the meter even faster. I forgot the leg one but there are a few epic and rare that do the job. After that your attacker must be able to kill at least 2 of enemy champ in the first round, or else you might head to a disaster. 

Oct 8, 2019, 00:1310/08/19

It doesn't matter if you can "tank" the enemy going first.  If they go first, they have a HUGE upper hand.

Priority in arena to win is:

1)  A champion with a speed aura (you get one for free for this - High Khatun)

2)  A champion with speed or turn-meter boost (again, see High Khatun)

3)  After speed boost, next should be a champion with an AoE defense down (Warmaiden is a cheap one that can be farmed from campaign)

4)  Huge damage dealers after that

5)  Win arena :)

You can take a look at my videos for some tips, but my team is mostly legendaries and geared pretty well.  However, the main reason I win is because my High Khatun has about 198 speed.  It is EXTREMELY rare that an enemy can go before me.  Even if they take my first hit, they have taken damage and debuffs while my champions are full HP still.  See for yourself in some of my arena videos.
Oct 8, 2019, 03:0310/08/19

I agree with you. I'll check your videos later. But, 198 speed High Khatun is too slow at gold tier, unless you have another turn meter booster with much higher than that. Also, not to forget that you should also speed sync your champions to go next after your turn meter booster. If not, and they cut in, your high speed turn meter booster is pretty much worthless.

AscendantGod said:

It doesn't matter if you can "tank" the enemy going first.  If they go first, they have a HUGE upper hand.

Priority in arena to win is:

1)  A champion with a speed aura (you get one for free for this - High Khatun)

2)  A champion with speed or turn-meter boost (again, see High Khatun)

3)  After speed boost, next should be a champion with an AoE defense down (Warmaiden is a cheap one that can be farmed from campaign)

4)  Huge damage dealers after that

5)  Win arena :)

You can take a look at my videos for some tips, but my team is mostly legendaries and geared pretty well.  However, the main reason I win is because my High Khatun has about 198 speed.  It is EXTREMELY rare that an enemy can go before me.  Even if they take my first hit, they have taken damage and debuffs while my champions are full HP still.  See for yourself in some of my arena videos.

Oct 8, 2019, 08:2310/08/19

matowi said:


I currently have: 

1) Gorgorab; Leader (Aura: +23% SPEED in Arena); Stats: HP 42k; attack 2.9k; DEF 2.1k; Speed 125; overall power 35k

His sets: 2x Speed; 1x Resistance

2) Elhain; Stats: HP 29k; attack 2.9k; DEF 2.2k; Speed 136; overall power 28k

Her sets: Vampire + Divine Life (shield)

3) Athel; Stats: HP 28k; attack 4.3k; DEF 1.7k; Speed 154; overall power 26k

Her sets: Speed, Divine Speed, Offense

4) Kael; Stats: HP 33k; attack 3.3k; DEF 1.8k; Speed 123; overall power 23k

His sets: Divine Life (shield), Divine Offense (shield), Cruel

Total team power = ca. 112k

I alternate Elhain for Frostbringer; I equipped her with the Speed set and the Shield set, so she provides extra protection to her allies; stats: HP 36k; attack 2.2k; DEF 2.4k; speed 189; overall power 12k (how come so low??)

And I alternate Gorgorab for either

A) Warden; I also equipped him with the Shield set; his stats are: HP 46k; attack 1.5k (but he has 100% critical rate and 90% critical damage, so count his attack at 2.8k); DEF 2.2k;  speed 132; overall power 26k

His sets: Shield, Life


B) Shaman; her stats are: HP 52k; attack 2.8k; DEF 2.0k; Speed 147; overall power 16k 

Her sets: Speed, Offense, Life

All above champions are at level 60; all are equipped with 5 star artifacts at level 16; all have rings, amulets and banners (again at level 16 all over; 3 stars as a minimum), many are enchanted

Up until recently, I consistently won 70+% of my ATTACK Arena battles and lost 80+% of Defense battles (I have the same team composition in both modes). Given, that I fought many more attack than defense battles, my overall score grew and I progressed all the way to Gold Tier III. Now, I barely hold on to Tier I, as I’ve lost 100% defense battles and all but few attack battles since the beginning of October; 

I can’t paste pictures (don’t know the reason, I keep on getting an error message), but I’d show you screens where my 112k power team gets kicked in the butt by a 57 or 48k team... I DON’T GET THAT; How can the team score be so low for a team of 4 champs at level 50 or 60 (all ascended fully or almost fully) who flatten my team in a blink of an eye? How can you get a low power score for a super-fast, super strong killer with LOTS of HP. This is unnerving to say the least; the team power score should be a reliable measure, not something to be exploited as a bait...

I will be grateful for any suggestions


Mr. Ivv said:

Hi guys,

which champions do you have? what's their speed?

Power is not all in arena, you must think about speed (who start for first have 90% chance to win). So maybe you have got a low speed and a big damage.

Show me your champions and your stats and maybe i will able to answer about your question.

Have a nice day 

Hi Matowi,

you have a nice team because you have gorgorabt, so you need only build Gorgorabt with 3 speedy set with speed around 250 total and you will be able to start for first in all rank (Gold 4 you need speed around 300) and other can be stay aroung 160/170 speed (Elhain, Kael, Athel).

Yeah your effective power will be less that you have but don't worry try it (in this game the speed is very important).

Have a nice day

Oct 8, 2019, 08:5010/08/19

The whole "muh goes first wins" is complete bs imo. Yes, it does give an advantage, but if your team is strong enough it shouldn't matter, with the exception of end game teams with perfect gear and energy, but those should be over 150k power.

I pretty much always go second and I win most of the time. Nuking teams are the weakest and high hp/def teams are the hardest to deal with.

I used to run Doomscreech, Apo, Cupidus and Kael but always lost despite having two fast turn meter manipulators (DS had 150 and Apo had 190-ish). Since i switched Apo for Coldheart my winrate skyrocketed, and she's much slower. Now I mostly go second and still manage to win.

My isuue is the following: team power is NOT relevant, but it should be. I got obliterated once by a team of 50k power. The Kael literally oneshotted my entire team, and none of my guys are bellow 40k hp + 30% shield from a 60k hp DS. Meanwhile I find it relatively easy to defeat teams upwards of 100k, even 140k at one point.

Pls fix this Plarium, I pick my fights based on team power, and if that is not relevant, then what is?
Oct 8, 2019, 17:4810/08/19

In general, I can sympathise with this sentiment. I have a team with 110k power. Two legendary, two epic, all level 60 with all level 16 5-star artefacts. Speed boost aura.

I sometimes get one-shotted by a team with only 40-50k power. The magic combination is usually a champ who can boost speed, followed by a +50% power boost, then a break armour debuff, followed finally by an AOE attack from pretty much anyone eg. Kael, Athel, etc.

This can't be right. One of my legendaries has nearly 50k HP and 4k defence. My epic has 35k HP and nearly 5k defence. A rare champ shouldn't be able to one shot in that situation, ever.
Oct 8, 2019, 20:0810/08/19
I recently implemented a team that has gotten me from silver to gold. It does just that, I have Mortu Macaab as leader for Speed Aura, Frostbringer for speed and attack increase, Dracomorph to apply defense down and weaken, and then I have my Lua that drops 60K aoe damage. As long as I go first and my debuffs are not resisted Lua 1 shots the entire enemy team.
Oct 9, 2019, 03:0110/09/19
Oct 15, 2019, 11:2210/15/19
Oct 15, 2019, 11:24(edited)

qopopo said:

I have power 102k, and I'm loosing with teams 45k-80k this is not normal. When you're loading a battle, you can read "Small power differences matters"- what a terrible lie...

I have 60 lvl leg, 60 lvl epic, and 2x 50 lvl epic champs in my team, and what is wrong with it, when I'm loosing with 5x50lvl rare champs?

Team power is irrelevant for the most part. What is important is the type of skills the team has and you need to learn these over time. 

Think of team power as a great indication of who may be potentially stronger if two teams are exactly the same, but have diff power lvl. However, even then you do not know who is faster, so again you cannot tell who can win if the fight was to take place.  

If you cannot make predictions for exactly the same two teams it only shows how worthless it is to assume anything when it comes to the outcome of a fight based on power lvls alone. 
Nov 4, 2019, 23:5311/04/19

In such case... let me shift the question. How do you build a super-skilled, super-fast team with killer AoE power (or a different "attack all" mode), and STILL have a relatively low team power score (say in the 80-100k total for four champs)?

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