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Aug 15, 2019, 10:0108/15/19


Today everyone received an offer for Hordin plus gear selling at 49.99 or equivalent conversion rate. PLEASE DO NOT START SELLING LEGENDARIES AND STOP SELLING INDIVIDUAL HEROES.

It will devaluate all legendary heroes, and make people VERY angry and the WILL STOP SPENDING. Someone who spent hundreds of dollars on this game because he loves it and want to support it, cannot accept seeing this. This is not brawl stars where you can buy legendaries and new skins in the shop, it's not a game aimed for kids that use mom credits card.



P.S have a look on reddit and read the comments... I know you listen to your player base, so please..  Please.
Aug 15, 2019, 10:2608/15/19
Plarium said: Legendary should be hard to get = work hard and buy it for 99$.
Aug 15, 2019, 11:0708/15/19
Agree! The first thing I did when I saw it was to to open a ticket about it.. if they start selling heroes for money they will destroy the game. Even I, who have put some money into the game would be thinking about quiting it and go back to SW instead.. so PLEASE plarium, do not destroy this game. I really like it so far!
Aug 15, 2019, 12:1108/15/19
Aug 15, 2019, 12:13(edited)

This isn't shocking in the least bit with how money-greedy they are.  They are going to destroy this game from the inside out here.  As soon as I saw them selling a champion flat out for $, I was like "well, better start looking for a new game, because all the f2p are going to leave now."  They just don't get it yet - when their f2p players leave, the whales are going to stop spending, as they will quickly realize it will just be a buying contest, their buying thousands of dollars of in-game items will only let them be competitive instead of giving them power, and they will lose interest and go to another game where their money gives them power.

They won't stop until 100% of the game is about who spent the most money.  No more RNG, no more skill, just $.  That is all it has ever been about to them, and it's going to cost them this game as a result.
Aug 15, 2019, 13:4208/15/19
Plarium, please ignore these whiners! Please sell legendaries like Martyr, Bad-el, Longbear, Zavia, Nethril, Ignatius, Big'Un and I will gladly spend 100$ to get them! Ignore the vocal minority!
Aug 15, 2019, 13:4908/15/19

Hello everyone! I assure you - we have heard you and made conclusions. Thank you for expressing your concerns  They do help us understand better how our players feel and, based on that, develop our further course of action.

Aug 15, 2019, 14:4108/15/19

You are all nuts. They are already selling them for money through shards. It is basically the same thing. The more you spend more you get. 

Selling champions will make it actually more fair for everyone involved and will be a cruaial part of further development for people like myslef - at the end game. I already have 17 legs and I have had enough of duplicates. 

You will have two options:

1. Shards

2. Direct sale that may tremendously help you to complement your team. 

I was waiting for seeker for months and could not progress in arena back then, because only one champion was holding me back. Then in one week I got 5 of seekers. 

You are all complaining cos some of you were fortunate enough to get void legs and you don't want other people to have their hands on them.

Please sell legendaries I will buy them. 
Aug 15, 2019, 14:4408/15/19
Aug 15, 2019, 14:4808/15/19
Aug 15, 2019, 16:14(edited)

AscendantGod said:

This isn't shocking in the least bit with how money-greedy they are.  They are going to destroy this game from the inside out here.  As soon as I saw them selling a champion flat out for $, I was like "well, better start looking for a new game, because all the f2p are going to leave now."  They just don't get it yet - when their f2p players leave, the whales are going to stop spending, as they will quickly realize it will just be a buying contest, their buying thousands of dollars of in-game items will only let them be competitive instead of giving them power, and they will lose interest and go to another game where their money gives them power.

They won't stop until 100% of the game is about who spent the most money.  No more RNG, no more skill, just $.  That is all it has ever been about to them, and it's going to cost them this game as a result.

Please explain how ftp players add value to the game? They can replace them all with bots in arena and I would not notice any difference. This is not that type of a game where you need ftp players. There is no social aspect involved, no showing off, no skins, avatars etc.

FTP players are just future potential customers and nothing more right now unless this game evolves into smth different than what it is just now. 
Aug 15, 2019, 14:5008/15/19
Aug 15, 2019, 14:52(edited)
Cirilla said:

Hello everyone! I assure you - we have heard you and made conclusions. Thank you for expressing your concerns  They do help us understand better how our players feel and, based on that, develop our further course of action.

I will be interested in buying legendaries too. Please also consider making skins for heroes. 
Aug 15, 2019, 15:0508/15/19

Thanks Cirlla, appreciate you quickly acknowledging the concerns. 

Aug 15, 2019, 17:4308/15/19

semonio95 said:

Today everyone received an offer for Hordin plus gear selling at 49.99 or equivalent conversion rate. PLEASE DO NOT START SELLING LEGENDARIES AND STOP SELLING INDIVIDUAL HEROES.

It will devaluate all legendary heroes, and make people VERY angry and the WILL STOP SPENDING. Someone who spent hundreds of dollars on this game because he loves it and want to support it, cannot accept seeing this. This is not brawl stars where you can buy legendaries and new skins in the shop, it's not a game aimed for kids that use mom credits card.



P.S have a look on reddit and read the comments... I know you listen to your player base, so please..  Please.

As a dolphin, I feel this cheapens the game, even though I'd love xyz specific epic or legendary.

The game already offers Shaman, High Khatun, Jizoh, etc. as free epics.  
Aug 15, 2019, 18:2508/15/19

Dear Raid Developers..

First of all please fire that sales marketing manager or sales strategy manager or whatever is called because he's doing a horrible job.

Selling specific champions is going to 100% kill the fun in this game and your profit

Take a look at summoner wars or dokkan battle..two very profitable and longevive games...they never did the mistake you are doing can buy improved chances of summoning but not specific characters in these games

you need to think long term and try something like this instead:

after 100 or 200 ancient shard pulls you will eventually get a guaranteed legendary but....a RANDOM legendary not a specific one.

this will keep the whales keep spending hoping that one day they will get the desired champion and will also keep the game competitive because the whale might not get the legendary he wants no matter how much he spends and the free to play players will still have a chance to be competitive

Stop selling specific champions because it's a very bad ideea.
Aug 15, 2019, 22:4008/15/19
Aug 15, 2019, 22:42(edited)

robin28 said:

Dear Raid Developers..

First of all please fire that sales marketing manager or sales strategy manager or whatever is called because he's doing a horrible job.

Selling specific champions is going to 100% kill the fun in this game and your profit

Take a look at summoner wars or dokkan battle..two very profitable and longevive games...they never did the mistake you are doing can buy improved chances of summoning but not specific characters in these games

you need to think long term and try something like this instead:

after 100 or 200 ancient shard pulls you will eventually get a guaranteed legendary but....a RANDOM legendary not a specific one.

this will keep the whales keep spending hoping that one day they will get the desired champion and will also keep the game competitive because the whale might not get the legendary he wants no matter how much he spends and the free to play players will still have a chance to be competitive

Stop selling specific champions because it's a very bad ideea.

You are talking nonsense and I will explain you why.

1. Whales already have what they need because money is not their concern.

2. Medium spenders would gain because they can complement their teams by buying heroes from factions from which they may not have anything good and mitigate their pain when it comes to duplicates.

3. Ftp - mini spenders - this is a game changer for them, it may literally turn their odds, ftp player may even consider a purchase of a decently discounted hero. 

Having this option in no way affect other aspects of the game because to complete any event you would need to:

1. For the summoning event-summon heroes meaning buy and pop shards,

2. Has no effect on running dungeons event,

3. No effect on the events that require 20k pts to complete. 

4. No effect on tournaments.

In other words to complete any of these events above you still need to buy energy and shards. 

 Plarium will introduce more heroes later on anyway, some of them may be only possible to get through summons.   

It is beyond me that you do not want this feature. I honestly do not understand it.

Aug 15, 2019, 22:5908/15/19

If you sell champions, collecting them through shards and dedication will make no sense anymore. Heros, especially legendaries, are like a collection you can work on for years. If you sell legendary, you will kill the value and the meaning of having such a collection. Please, don’t listen to these idiots that are saying they would pay 100$ for a legendary hero. They will do it twice MAX. 

I would prefer put a 1000$ on trying to get ULTRA RARE legendaries, than to pay 100$ getting one easily. Some people just love life EASY. 

EASY is boring. Hope you’ll do the right choice. 


Aug 15, 2019, 23:0108/15/19
Aug 15, 2019, 23:03(edited)

If you can just purchase the heroes you want and need, what is to stop them from selling a Martyr or Bad-el? This is a slippery slope you cannot recover from. Let us say they offer Martyr for sale:

1. Whales are gonna whale, they may purchase additional duplicates and run them together. Imagine 2-3 bad el and a martyr, it would break the game. Small to minimal impact on others, but a big impact on the game's existing contents.

2. All the mid-tiers spenders would jump on this opportunity as well. No mid-tier spenders will ever buy another shard, they will just wait for the right hero sale to come along and purchase those instead. The feeling of getting something new and random goes out the window, no longer a gacha game. Between each hero sale, there is literally no point in playing except to get gear, ascension, and mastery (won't take long). Everything else the game offers is boring since there isn't progress or experimentation needed.

3. F2P and low-tier spenders will most likely skip this and become hugely disadvantaged. Imagine a new player playing RAID for the first time, getting excited, and then finding out that they will never close the gap unless they spend or get extremely lucky over time. This is very disheartening and many will make an early exit. 

Without the bottom-feeders, the people at the top of the food chain will go hungry, and the game will eventually die. This is not a guess, its a pattern that many other gacha games followed. 

So I strongly disagree with you that this has no impact on the game. Of course it does.

Aug 15, 2019, 23:0108/15/19

If you sell champions, collecting them through shards and dedication will make no sense anymore. Heros, especially legendaries, are like a collection you can work on for years. If you sell legendary, you will kill the value and the meaning of having such a collection. Please, don’t listen to these idiots that are saying they would pay 100$ for a legendary hero. They will do it twice MAX. 

I would prefer put a 1000$ on trying to get ULTRA RARE legendaries, than to pay 100$ getting one easily. Some people just love life EASY. 

EASY is boring. Hope you’ll do the right choice. 


Aug 15, 2019, 23:2208/15/19

As a whale myself, I would say its a bad idea, plarium would make more revenue in first couple sales because ppl might think they are rare good deals.  But then they get spoiled and only wait for SS tier champions, we know there are only handful of them, that means Plarium could be spamming champions sales 300 times but only few of those will sell and meet their target selling point.  Final coffin nail will be whales like myself will stop spending huge amount of $$ to purchase shards,  because its much cheaper and  less headache to just wait for a targeted lego on sale for $200 instead of opening $1,000 worth of shards with only 10% chance of getting what we really needed. 

This is Plarium's desperate move to drive up sales maybe they are going out of business soon?  because if they let specific champions going on sale every now and then, they know dolphins and shrimps would step up their purchase one notch briefly, but all whales will swim away permanently, unless they plan to scoop up last million dollars and leave the game in dumpster they wont be making this stupid mistake.   
Aug 15, 2019, 23:4108/15/19
Aug 15, 2019, 23:47(edited)

glizdazla said:

AscendantGod said:

This isn't shocking in the least bit with how money-greedy they are.  They are going to destroy this game from the inside out here.  As soon as I saw them selling a champion flat out for $, I was like "well, better start looking for a new game, because all the f2p are going to leave now."  They just don't get it yet - when their f2p players leave, the whales are going to stop spending, as they will quickly realize it will just be a buying contest, their buying thousands of dollars of in-game items will only let them be competitive instead of giving them power, and they will lose interest and go to another game where their money gives them power.

They won't stop until 100% of the game is about who spent the most money.  No more RNG, no more skill, just $.  That is all it has ever been about to them, and it's going to cost them this game as a result.

Please explain how ftp players add value to the game? They can replace them all with bots in arena and I would not notice any difference. This is not that type of a game where you need ftp players. There is no social aspect involved, no showing off, no skins, avatars etc.

FTP players are just future potential customers and nothing more right now unless this game evolves into smth different than what it is just now. 

Allow me to educate you on what you don't understand...

The more players a game has, the more likely they are to draw in paying customers.  Sure, f2p players may not bring in revenue, but they bring in publicity.  Additionally, by them referring players (which they are encouraged to do with the referral rewards), they can bring in paying customers, thereby indirectly bringing in profit.

Additionally, even f2p customers might occasionally make purchases here and there.  They just have enough sense to not spend hundreds on an app that isn't even close to an actual game.  Stop hating on the people that are more financially responsible. :P

Anyone thinking ANY game selling specific champions like this is a smart idea is a complete fool with no foresight.  If you eventually end up being able to buy any champion, EVERY single arena battle is going to have Roshcard, Arbiter, Prince Kymar, and another OP champion, maybe the new Hegemon.  The game will get god-awfully redundant and boring and it will COMPLETELY kill the game for all the whales and f2p will walk away knowing they will never have any chance against the whales.

Whales alone cannot keep a company afloat.  It's a very simple business concept.  I understand you don't know anything about business and the inner workings.  The problem is that Plarium's upper-level management should, yet they are allowing something to happen that destroys games like this.

Mark my words - if they keep selling champions, I 100% guarantee all arena battles will become cookie-cutters of each other, you will get ridiculously bored of the repetition, and you will walk away from the game.

Selling champions will eventually have a FAR more devastating impact on this game than the Foli scam did.
Aug 15, 2019, 23:4608/15/19

glizdazla said:

It is beyond me that you do not want this feature. I honestly do not understand it.

It's because you've already made up your mind and are ignoring all the points that others have already made. 

Whales don't get "whatever they want."  Yes, they have much greater chances at getting better champions and thereby better teams, but it by no means guarantees them an optimal team.

As I already stated, you whales will walk away from the game when every single one of you buys the same exact OP champions and you have no one to compete with but the same champions from other whales, as no f2p players will waste their time knowing that the only way you can be "the best" is by spending thousands on the optimal team (thousands due to leveling, tomes, the champions themselves, etc.)

You really don't seem to have any foresight and need to stop thinking about what YOU want and start thinking about the consequences of it.  It would behoove Plarium to do the same thing.
Aug 16, 2019, 00:5908/16/19
Aug 16, 2019, 01:00(edited)

Ki Unknown_Ranger said:

If you sell champions, collecting them through shards and dedication will make no sense anymore. Heros, especially legendaries, are like a collection you can work on for years. If you sell legendary, you will kill the value and the meaning of having such a collection. Please, don’t listen to these idiots that are saying they would pay 100$ for a legendary hero. They will do it twice MAX. 

I would prefer put a 1000$ on trying to get ULTRA RARE legendaries, than to pay 100$ getting one easily. Some people just love life EASY. 

EASY is boring. Hope you’ll do the right choice. 


I have 17 legendaries. Do you know my probability for duplicates at this point? Remove duplicates or offer me a reroll then. 

Collection on which you can work for years? Haha.. Good one!

They will add 10 factions next year to boost their sales. Thats is why direct sales are needed.

There is nothing like getting 4-5 shamrocks for that 1000 dollars too.