Well, it is very hard to ruin Hydra Clash for me...as I do not like it at all.
It is a time-consuming activity and leads to Clans splitting as many of the activities...
In my opinion it is also not cheesing the damage...it is an oversight of Plarium again. the champion is in the game for many years...Infinity games are in the game for many years...now they bring some new game event (not even new content) and all of a sudden the champion should be blamed if this new event is lackluster and can be solved with a certain combination?
I spent some times week to build a Cadaver combo for CB...and use it in Hydra as well so it is kind of inferior to many of the 1 billion damage teams....but now the whole effort should be in vain because of a lacking game event?
Nah, leave it as it is...or change the event so everybody participating gets some rewards...from 1st to 5th place...
So first, if you're not participating in Hydra Clash, I'm not sure why you're telling others who do care NOT to care. Second, your entire argument isn't valid because you're comparing it to when CB was NOT competitive. People doing Billions on clan boss had ZERO effect on other players. This IS affecting other players.
Also it is cheesing the damage, its not just 1 billion. Its 3-5 Billion on Normal which COMPLETELY defeats the purpose of the Points multiplier on higher difficulties on top of ruining the event. Clash is one of the best sources of Primal Shards for F2P people, getting obliterated by a clan with one person who can do it isn't "Clan vs. Clan" at all.
Lastly, Hydra CvC is also where to get the Accessories for Protection and Stoneskin. You can NOT get them from 4th and 5th place. Your idea of "Rewards for all tiers" is somewhat decent but has two big flaws. First, competition has a purpose and you're saying participation trophies should matter. Two, it doesn't address the issue because the rewards for the 3rd place chest are already pretty low so you'd have to either buff the amount of all chests (which is now more rewarding for the people using the cheese) or end up giving people mediocre rewards.