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do you think item storage should be bigger?

do you think item storage should be bigger?

Jun 8, 2023, 19:3106/08/23

At least should be nice if they made +300 slot buyable storage slots

i agree

Jun 8, 2023, 23:4106/08/23


Also, you win the 2023 Most Portrait Mode award. Congratulations to you and yours.

Howtf do you even play the game in portrait mode. Mine forces landscape :/

Jun 8, 2023, 23:4706/08/23

Howtf do you even play the game in portrait mode. Mine forces landscape :/

Android has split screen mode,  not sure about ios?

Nice being able to use phone while running battles.


Jun 8, 2023, 23:5206/08/23

Resize to your liking...


Jun 9, 2023, 00:1606/09/23

Yeah I'm aware of split, but it looked like it was just portrait on its own.

Jun 10, 2023, 14:5806/10/23

Heck Yes!!

Jun 15, 2023, 20:4206/15/23

The problem with some of the new gear sets are that they are fron the forge Events. There I'm keeping way more items I normaly would sell in an instand because I cannot farm new Items. It is a limited ressource

Jun 15, 2023, 20:4606/15/23

also I do my test rolls when there is an Artefact Event in order not to waste Silver. In the meantime the Items keep piling Up.

Jun 17, 2023, 14:0806/17/23

The problem with some of the new gear sets are that they are fron the forge Events. There I'm keeping way more items I normaly would sell in an instand because I cannot farm new Items. It is a limited ressource

this is true, everyones talking about keeping perfect items only but if ur doing limited forge event items then ur probably going to be keeping some under par items just simply so you can make the sets work, and its not something you can constantly farm.

Jun 17, 2023, 16:2106/17/23

Who telling this "keeping perfect items only ", really not saying true things.

Jun 17, 2023, 17:4506/17/23

Who telling this "keeping perfect items only ", really not saying true things.

most peoples idea between junk and whats decent (depends where those 2 people are at in the game) are 2 worlds apart, and the only people saying we have enough storage are people already at the end game stage who will only keep literally the best.

Jun 17, 2023, 18:1406/17/23
Jun 17, 2023, 18:18(edited)

As loathe as I am to break up this lovely echo chamber:

Using “perfect” as how pro “sell your junk” people are describing what you should be keeping is fairly inaccurate. That is a lazy way of putting it, at best. 

Furthermore it’s a pretty big - and incorrect - assumption that it’s only end game players who aren’t running into storage issues. Those just happen to be the ones that have a much better idea of what their accounts need and have likely put in the time figuring out what they need to improve types of builds, sets, etc. 

The thing is that it does take time spent figuring out what makes sense for you. there is always a sliding scale of where we can improve our builds, criteria for those builds, our standards for rolls, knowing what our max rolls are in each stat. (much easier to find now due to the filter)

I still think anyone who’s running into storage issues would benefit from figuring out where they are with criteria specific to their accounts. 

Even with sets that are tougher to obtain, most of them aren’t of the quality of a bolster, for example. With solo/duo/speciality builds, you are (often) going to need to hit fairly high end stats. this makes keeping pieces that are less than the standards of your account - or even on the low end - not ideal. 

Jun 17, 2023, 19:1006/17/23

For example:

I'm at 855/1300 on my very endgame Plat/G4 Tag account. I'm due for another cleanse but I'm putting it of until the next big time I Forge.

I'm at 236/1300 on my Level 61, beaten all three normal DTs, G4 Arena play around account. I DID just run a bunch of energy into Dragon, upgrade, regear and then cleanse during the free gear event though. So I'm extra low. Trying to move into top chest UNM on that account, but waiting to book my last champ in CvC. Anyways, that gave me a chance to do a full gear check up on my champs and then dump a bunch of stuff that would never make even 75% of my currently equipped gear quality.

On neither account do I keep "only perfect items", and the quality of gear I keep for my accounts vary wildly.

I've progressed to the end of this game by, instead of leaving gear I'll never use sitting around on my account, by selling that gear and using the silver to test GOOD gear. If everyone wants to keep a bunch of unrolled mediocre gear just in case, whatever, that's cool. But I'd rather get my silver out of it and be able to use more energy farming for more gear, rather than needing to farm more silver to upgrade the one or two good pieces out of 50 or 100 or, in my endgame case, 10,000.

And before you @ me, what items are good and need to be kept vary by account. There certainly isn't an account in the game that wouldn't be improved with tighter gear restrictions. I keep up with the whales by being very particular with gear and getting as many little advantages as I can, such as minimizing the number of silver runs I need and only keeping actually realistically usable gear. But how you think you could improve your entirely account is up to you. Perhaps more space is the issue, in your case.

Jun 17, 2023, 19:2106/17/23

As loathe as I am to break up this lovely echo chamber:

Using “perfect” as how pro “sell your junk” people are describing what you should be keeping is fairly inaccurate. That is a lazy way of putting it, at best. 

Furthermore it’s a pretty big - and incorrect - assumption that it’s only end game players who aren’t running into storage issues. Those just happen to be the ones that have a much better idea of what their accounts need and have likely put in the time figuring out what they need to improve types of builds, sets, etc. 

The thing is that it does take time spent figuring out what makes sense for you. there is always a sliding scale of where we can improve our builds, criteria for those builds, our standards for rolls, knowing what our max rolls are in each stat. (much easier to find now due to the filter)

I still think anyone who’s running into storage issues would benefit from figuring out where they are with criteria specific to their accounts. 

Even with sets that are tougher to obtain, most of them aren’t of the quality of a bolster, for example. With solo/duo/speciality builds, you are (often) going to need to hit fairly high end stats. this makes keeping pieces that are less than the standards of your account - or even on the low end - not ideal. 

no disrespect but people are saying you should only only keep 3 roll pieces, this really isnt far off keeping perfect items, so i dont find the statment to innacurate especially when people are just posting inventorys of stoneskin items to back up their words lol, plus you only seem to ever jump on to me for using potentially incorrect wording, but you will also ignore every single other valid reason on the topic for people to actually need/want more space and you bypass this particular part of the arguement each time (even tho thats what this topic is about), you are very clearly at end game play now, which means most of ur champions have the builds they need and are probably mostly in the best part geared to a much higher extent than most peoples champions, meaning yes you probably have less junk than a mid game player, you dont need to keep all these potentially niche items like others would, at the end of the day im seeing a large amount of people wanting item storage increased, try not to view this with tunnel vision.

Jun 17, 2023, 20:4106/17/23

If it was increased to 2000, everyone would just lower their already low standards and we would just have the same conversation in 2 weeks.

I am constantly pushing 1200+, because I am lazy and the filtering available absolutely sucks.  I'd argue someone endgame like Quinn should have more trouble staying under 1300 than the early/mid gamers constantly asking for more storage...

Everyone in my clan that asks about specific items, 99% should have been sold immediately by THEIR standards not ENDGAME. 

Jun 17, 2023, 20:5606/17/23
Jun 17, 2023, 21:22(edited)

no disrespect but people are saying you should only only keep 3 roll pieces, this really isnt far off keeping perfect items, so i dont find the statment to innacurate especially when people are just posting inventorys of stoneskin items to back up their words lol, plus you only seem to ever jump on to me for using potentially incorrect wording, but you will also ignore every single other valid reason on the topic for people to actually need/want more space and you bypass this particular part of the arguement each time (even tho thats what this topic is about), you are very clearly at end game play now, which means most of ur champions have the builds they need and are probably mostly in the best part geared to a much higher extent than most peoples champions, meaning yes you probably have less junk than a mid game player, you dont need to keep all these potentially niche items like others would, at the end of the day im seeing a large amount of people wanting item storage increased, try not to view this with tunnel vision.

Typically speaking I try to choose my words based on what I mean. If you are unhappy with an interpretation of something you're saying, I would try saying what you mean. :)

So, I've tried to touch on your relevant points that may present teachable moments, such as niche/speciality sets. The idea of keeping worse than at par stats is a flawed concept due to the fact a lot of these sets don't offer stat bonuses while simultaneously being used in higher end content and builds. Thus, we'll want higher end stat thresholds on them more than you think. 

The fact I am end game has fortunately given me a pretty good practical view of how to approach gear management on accounts, regardless of account level or time spent in game. 

The simple fact is there are a lot of players who don't know what they need or want on their account and would benefit from taking a proactive approach. Have used this approach with players on the Discord server, in my clan cluster and these are folks of all levels and experience. I tell them the same things:

Watch a video or two to get an idea of how to best approach gear cleanses, standards for your account, help them figure out what good gear - and specifically for them - looks like. This then helps them to ask as gear comes in: "What do I want? What role will this fit in? Where will I use it?" Then we roll to 8, check to see if the gear is worth pushing any further and move on. This seems to work quite well, strangely enough.

So no, I don't bypass the argument(s), I just don't think there's much of one. Instead, I'd much rather offer practical solutions that would benefit pretty much any player that is in the game and would help them with account growth. 

Jun 17, 2023, 22:2306/17/23

Typically speaking I try to choose my words based on what I mean. If you are unhappy with an interpretation of something you're saying, I would try saying what you mean. :)

So, I've tried to touch on your relevant points that may present teachable moments, such as niche/speciality sets. The idea of keeping worse than at par stats is a flawed concept due to the fact a lot of these sets don't offer stat bonuses while simultaneously being used in higher end content and builds. Thus, we'll want higher end stat thresholds on them more than you think. 

The fact I am end game has fortunately given me a pretty good practical view of how to approach gear management on accounts, regardless of account level or time spent in game. 

The simple fact is there are a lot of players who don't know what they need or want on their account and would benefit from taking a proactive approach. Have used this approach with players on the Discord server, in my clan cluster and these are folks of all levels and experience. I tell them the same things:

Watch a video or two to get an idea of how to best approach gear cleanses, standards for your account, help them figure out what good gear - and specifically for them - looks like. This then helps them to ask as gear comes in: "What do I want? What role will this fit in? Where will I use it?" Then we roll to 8, check to see if the gear is worth pushing any further and move on. This seems to work quite well, strangely enough.

So no, I don't bypass the argument(s), I just don't think there's much of one. Instead, I'd much rather offer practical solutions that would benefit pretty much any player that is in the game and would help them with account growth. 

but again ur just repeating everything from ur own perspective, are we all guility of probably keeping items we dont need? sure, does that mean that with forge, forge pass, new item sets being added , that we dont need extra storage in the long run or at least the option to purchase it via gems/silver if we wanted to? i dont even for example buy/use the forge pass ever, infact the limitation of item space doesnt make me want to either, but im thinking from the view of these people and they must go through a lot of strain keeping the inventory empty enough to be able to constantly farm bulk dragon/fireknight runs and doing forge at the same time, must be living hell, not to mention glitches such as the OP story losing 15k energy because the game over wrote it, i dont get how you can bypass all these facts and keep talking about gear managment and everything from ur own perspective, there is at least a 50/50 if not greater split towards wanting more item space on this thread, i look at everything from all sides, you look at it purely from ur own standards rather than everyones.

Jun 17, 2023, 22:4006/17/23

Im at end game and i have not perfect items too. Because they need to storages, because i dont have better. Such as Forge pass sets, which has differents sets. Bolster,Defiant, Righteous etc

No chance to get it from elsewhere, so you will storage the decent items too. Who telling the storage space enough, just want to save Plarium a...., we've seen enough from them many times. 

All youtuber clearly stated, need storage space,because its not enough.  But here, some people are still trying to explain that we have enough storage space.

And other things, they now rebalancing 7 item sets, because peoples not using them because mostly was crap, but they trying tell to us, guys use this plus 7 set ? :DDDD Where to storaging? If just storage every piece from all sets thats 42 plus items without no reserve. So, SELL IT.............. its nice wise advice..... HAHAHA

Jun 17, 2023, 22:5606/17/23

Just 1 Forge Pass item storage, where the items to wait to CvC upgrade points before selectation. 1250/1300. Will be nice again the CvC forging and mouse click fest thanx by Plarium, because they didnt upgrade two years item slot upgrade, but have 50 item sets.


Jun 18, 2023, 08:5906/18/23

It's 100% a real issue.   It's bad enough there are hundreds of champs and they're ever adding more on. A weekly basis it seems. Which I'm not complaining BECAUSE THE LARGE SELECTION OF CHAMPS IS A MAJOR FACTOR THAT KEEPS ME INTERESTED BUT ITS CRAZY I JUST HAD TO SPEND SEVERAL MILLION IN SILVER TO INCREASE CAPACITY BY ONLY 10 champs

if theyre constantly adding new gear and new champs I believe increasing the capacity should be a free action.  The cost of competing is ever increasing at least let us players have free storage.  It's like if I bought a car only to be forced to pay for a permanet place to park it also.