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Ok here is something about the UDK

Ok here is something about the UDK

Feb 6, 2023, 12:2602/06/23

Ok here is something about the UDK

Ok this is the first time I have actuallly posted on these forums, But its actually the first time I have seen something really dumb.

I have 3 characters currently in arena that have killed all of an arena team minus the UDK and 3 of them are left and they can't kill him.  I am sorry but at the point of 3 to 1 they should be able to wear him down to the point of killing him. I can't I am really going to run out of time on the 20 minute clock that won't allow you to go past it  of killing him. So tell me how does this work out as being right? This is just dumb. Please help in shutting down this BS. He should be able to die from 3 characters in the arena yet I cannot? What f&%% is wrong with this scene?


Feb 6, 2023, 12:3402/06/23

Make that 30 minutes.....

Feb 6, 2023, 12:3702/06/23

I could have shut him down given I had Ronda on my team, but she was killed. Now he CAN'T be killed at all. You need to f^^^ing fix this. No character should be unkillable in the arena.

Feb 6, 2023, 12:4302/06/23

Ok so the 1500 turn limit is going to mean that this team wins. WTF? He 3 teammates are dead.....He should die too except that the given skills to him won't allow him to die because he heals to fast. Ronda died early in the fight so I can't count on her locking him out which would be normal, instead I am stuck with self-healing idiot that won't die when confronted by 3 fully functional characters? WTF is that?

Feb 6, 2023, 12:4602/06/23

I can stun him and do almost anything else that my characters can concieve of even given manual control, but he can't die period. So what? He wins just by being able to outlast me by 30 minutes or whatever number or rounds you put on this? That's just crap.

Feb 6, 2023, 12:5702/06/23

Right the UDK is going to last out 1500 turns. Which means he will win by default. What is wrong with this picture? Oh wait.......HE LOST 1400 turns earlier. Its just due to dumb self abilities, actually CHEATING abilites that he's allowed to somehow survive. This is BEYOND stupid belief. This is just plain flat out LYING abilities that allow him to survive given the right equipment. 

F^^^ this game if it can't correct that kind of crap in one hero.

Feb 6, 2023, 12:5902/06/23

One hero is unkillable. Nice to know that.

I will advise everyone I know to stay the hell away from this game, that this even came up was BS.

Feb 6, 2023, 13:0902/06/23

Nothing should EVER be unkillable.

Feb 6, 2023, 13:2502/06/23

UDK so op 3 day old accounts free win vs him


Feb 6, 2023, 15:4002/06/23

If your champs can't kill him, maybe you're not building them right. 


Feb 6, 2023, 16:3902/06/23

I'm curious why there are so many UDK threads now. In October/November where a bunch of threads about him. Then, for two months, there wheren't many complains about that champ. And now there is an UDK thread in the forum every day again. Was UDK nerfed for December and January only?

Feb 6, 2023, 18:1902/06/23

If your champs can't kill him, maybe you're not building them right. 


you should try restarting a f2p and see how it is then.  

you will have: mainly magic nukers.   UDK's affinity will already greatly negate the damage

you will be: far behind in gear, especially if the UDK player bought a set.  

you will play: nothing but UDK UDK UDK UDK UDK.  When you refresh list, it will be 95% UDK all the time.  

I addressed this in another thread.  the root problem is smurfing, but UDK is really a huge block to add to it.

Feb 6, 2023, 18:5802/06/23

you should try restarting a f2p and see how it is then.  

you will have: mainly magic nukers.   UDK's affinity will already greatly negate the damage

you will be: far behind in gear, especially if the UDK player bought a set.  

you will play: nothing but UDK UDK UDK UDK UDK.  When you refresh list, it will be 95% UDK all the time.  

I addressed this in another thread.  the root problem is smurfing, but UDK is really a huge block to add to it.

Done it for my brother's account, no problem. HQ here also started from the beginning and beat UDK teams with no problems. 

1. Don't try to compete actively in Arena until you have an arena team. 

2. Don't try to compete actively in Arena until you can gear arena champions. Nukers need CDMG, and even 5* gear can be pressed to provide enough Crit Rate without the gloves. That's an important threshold to break, so I suggest getting good at dungeons before you even start looking at arena.

3. Don't bring Lifesteal and/or healing to UDK fight.

I play mobile, it's a hassle enough as it is. Unless someone is paying me, I'm not starting a brand new account just to prove a point. But like I said, I helped my brother with it, and UDK wasn't much of a problem. My advice: focus on dungeons, build a Dragon team, then you can use some of the Dragon champs to cross over into arena until you have an arena team. 

Feb 6, 2023, 20:3402/06/23

Done it for my brother's account, no problem. HQ here also started from the beginning and beat UDK teams with no problems. 

1. Don't try to compete actively in Arena until you have an arena team. 

2. Don't try to compete actively in Arena until you can gear arena champions. Nukers need CDMG, and even 5* gear can be pressed to provide enough Crit Rate without the gloves. That's an important threshold to break, so I suggest getting good at dungeons before you even start looking at arena.

3. Don't bring Lifesteal and/or healing to UDK fight.

I play mobile, it's a hassle enough as it is. Unless someone is paying me, I'm not starting a brand new account just to prove a point. But like I said, I helped my brother with it, and UDK wasn't much of a problem. My advice: focus on dungeons, build a Dragon team, then you can use some of the Dragon champs to cross over into arena until you have an arena team. 

Everything you said is true.   Maybe that's the main point? Don't start arena till much later?   Anyway ideally arena would just matchmake appropriately, which is my main point.  If I was plarium, I'd want people to participate in arena very early. They seem to want that, as they pushed for it in tutorial.  So it does seem like their system is not working as intended 

As per lifesteal gear, well can't really get around that if your starter is still your campaign farmer.  I'm still using that 4 star set they give you.  The substats are just too perfectly optimized.  The major breakthrough for me was Elhains path which got me phantom pain that ignores defense.  

They could of course, lower or remove gear swap cost.  That's something a ton of people at all levels want anyway.  

Feb 6, 2023, 20:3802/06/23

you should try restarting a f2p and see how it is then.  

you will have: mainly magic nukers.   UDK's affinity will already greatly negate the damage

you will be: far behind in gear, especially if the UDK player bought a set.  

you will play: nothing but UDK UDK UDK UDK UDK.  When you refresh list, it will be 95% UDK all the time.  

I addressed this in another thread.  the root problem is smurfing, but UDK is really a huge block to add to it.

I have a very new account I'm playing atm. It's just over 2 weeks old. I was able to get into g1 with not even a week of playing. I fought many udk teams. At these lower ranks they all have one thing in common, terrible gear, terrible team comps, and most no idea how to build the team or champions. Add in most can't even ascend them or book them and he is actually easy pickings.

The problem newer players are facing is not the champ. It's that they like people using udk as a early game crutch do not understand the basics. 

Feb 6, 2023, 20:4302/06/23


Just fought this right now to prove a point.

Bad team comp. Bad gear. Free easy win. They see their free Lego champs and put resources into them instead of their starter who would have been easier to max out and do a lot more with.

This is my very new referral account 16 days in. Seeing teams like this are free points if you understand the game.

Feb 6, 2023, 20:5802/06/23


Just fought this right now to prove a point.

Bad team comp. Bad gear. Free easy win. They see their free Lego champs and put resources into them instead of their starter who would have been easier to max out and do a lot more with.

This is my very new referral account 16 days in. Seeing teams like this are free points if you understand the game.

You've got a Lego and a epic after just two weeks?  And two 60s?   

So you were able to get to 60 on your starter which I am assuming is kael, make him strong enough to campaign farm brutal, and then get Deacon Armstrong super early, and then level him up to 60, all in two weeks?   

Feb 6, 2023, 21:0402/06/23

You've got a Lego and a epic after just two weeks?  And two 60s?   

So you were able to get to 60 on your starter which I am assuming is kael, make him strong enough to campaign farm brutal, and then get Deacon Armstrong super early, and then level him up to 60, all in two weeks?   


There is promo codes for new accounts to get a free epic. I used the one for deacon.

My progress is not luck, I'm not even moving that fast as this is a throw away account I'm using for referrals on my main account.

The point here is experience and game knowledge. It's what people complaining about udk are lacking but is a easy fix.

Feb 6, 2023, 21:0602/06/23


There is promo codes for new accounts to get a free epic. I used the one for deacon.

My progress is not luck, I'm not even moving that fast as this is a throw away account I'm using for referrals on my main account.

The point here is experience and game knowledge. It's what people complaining about udk are lacking but is a easy fix.

Ya i got screwed not knowing about the promos when I first started.  Didn't have any Legos until recently at nearly two months. All my epics were really bad too.  I'm curious to start over on the leveling process though.   You got two 60s really fast from nothing 

Feb 6, 2023, 21:0802/06/23

1. Level starter to 60 from campaign farming

2. Level others to 60

3. Do nothing else except 1 and 2

Feb 6, 2023, 21:1102/06/23

Ya i got screwed not knowing about the promos when I first started.  Didn't have any Legos until recently at nearly two months. All my epics were really bad too.  I'm curious to start over on the leveling process though.   You got two 60s really fast from nothing 

Accounts are always easy to fix it just takes time and .... Knowledge.

You seem very new and a popular content creator hellhades along with many other popular content creators are currently all in their third weeks of their new 2023 free to play series. I would suggest watching them, as you will learn optimal starting strategies as well as lots of basic game knowledge and save your self a lot of wasted time and headaches on the traps new players fall for in this game.