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Why Do You Guys Still Play?

Why Do You Guys Still Play?

May 6, 2020, 13:1405/06/20
I am still collecting toons in this game. 
May 6, 2020, 16:0705/06/20
May 6, 2020, 16:08(edited)
I play just to complete the mission after when I'm done and get Arbiter, I'm done . 
May 6, 2020, 17:1205/06/20
Autoclick plays it instead of me. 
Oct 15, 2020, 20:2810/15/20

Just my opinion,  but I like the anatomically correct characters and I love ruining people's little speed traps in the Arena.  The strange thing is I used to have a crazy addiction to FPS games, so as a result I don't own a game console or a gaming pc. Just Raid and some other strategy games. I only pay what I can because I appreciate what goes into making such a game.

Oct 16, 2020, 00:2510/16/20

I play because I like the game. All of  it

I pay because I can and want to

My guess is the free to play , play because  of  people  like me....just a hunch. How else could Plarium afford to hand  out all those free rewards

One  big happy family we all are :D
Oct 16, 2020, 02:2110/16/20
Nice a & b. Till having better games with nicer a & b. 
Oct 16, 2020, 04:2510/16/20

ThrobbingCerk said:

I'm just wondering out of sheer morbid curiosity, why do you guys still play this game?  I mean with the blatant attempts to get people buying energy for the events, then the paywall for Centurion, I figured they were going to lose at least 15% of their paying customers.

Just curious as to those of you who stayed. Why?  Why keep playing a game where the company is willing to blatantly try to con you?  Even worse, when they do so, rather than admit what they did was underhanded and apologize, instead, they try to cover it up by deleting all the posts on the forums about it.

I have been gaming since gaming existed.  In all those decades, NEVER have I seen a company do something so blatantly underhanded as Plarium did with that paywall.

I am curious about the mentality of those who stayed because I feel like it is a similar mentality to a rape victim who stays with the person that raped them afterwards, coming up with one excuse after another to justify them intentionally hurting you.  I'm sorry you guys continue to remain victims, but you're going to find out the hard way this company isn't ever going to change.  Good luck.

why do i play? good god i don't know sometimes, the content is so limited and repetitive and one click then afk. 

Something must be drawing me to continue clicking.
Oct 16, 2020, 05:1710/16/20
Daering said:

Autoclick plays it instead of me. 
sad but true 
Oct 20, 2020, 01:2810/20/20
ThrobbingCerk said:

I'm just wondering out of sheer morbid curiosity, why do you guys still play this game?  I mean with the blatant attempts to get people buying energy for the events, then the paywall for Centurion, I figured they were going to lose at least 15% of their paying customers.

Just curious as to those of you who stayed. Why?  Why keep playing a game where the company is willing to blatantly try to con you?  Even worse, when they do so, rather than admit what they did was underhanded and apologize, instead, they try to cover it up by deleting all the posts on the forums about it.

I have been gaming since gaming existed.  In all those decades, NEVER have I seen a company do something so blatantly underhanded as Plarium did with that paywall.

I am curious about the mentality of those who stayed because I feel like it is a similar mentality to a rape victim who stays with the person that raped them afterwards, coming up with one excuse after another to justify them intentionally hurting you.  I'm sorry you guys continue to remain victims, but you're going to find out the hard way this company isn't ever going to change.  Good luck.

Oct 20, 2020, 08:3010/20/20
Oct 20, 2020, 08:30(edited)
I still play it every single day, as I have since the beginning. I love the game and the graphics are amazing. There are still so many legendaries I want, that I haven't had the luck to acquire yet. I plan on playing for a lot of years to come! 
Oct 31, 2020, 03:4510/31/20

i m a free to play... player.. so I don't spend any money.

i have a good roaster though

coldheart, foli, royal guard, apothecary, bulwark, frozen banshee, dark elhain, hordin and many more

i was also frustrated at first even being F2p. i can get it when people are spending money and not getting anything.

now I just play for fun. not always. 1 time a week in average

Oct 31, 2020, 10:3510/31/20

I'm still playing because I found an awesome community. I like the game, the graphic, the mechanism, everything, but it's a game and as all the games, you stop playing it after months/years. It's almost 2 years I play this game and it's the first mobile game I play for so long. I met special people thank to Raid and we created a great clan together.

This is Raid, when you're at home, need to talk and start a conversation on discord with your clan members (or other Raid players). This is the best community ever. This is Raid. 

Sep 18, 2021, 17:5409/18/21

I play because I love the graphics in this game.

Sep 18, 2021, 18:3709/18/21

Sunk cost fallacy: I've already spent too much time and money in this game to just walk away but from now on I'm strictly F2P....oh hey look, a shard offer!

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