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1750 points for Centurion? xD

1750 points for Centurion? xD

Jul 15, 2019, 18:0907/15/19

Thuran said:

In addition, they hit us with the 20K tower event, which forced many players, including me, to use some shards in order to have enough champions to be able to finish it in time! So putting the summoning event so soon after can only be a calculated move, and making it only a 3 day duration is likewise INTENDED to force people to spend money in order to do it.

As stated by others above, it is blatant that they hope the investment in the tower event forces people to spend money or see 10 days worth of INSANE grinding flushed right down the toilet. 


At 1750, that really sucked the fun out of this whole event. After grinding for 2 weeks and having to use some of the shards to rank up the champions, this is just a slap in the face to the players, F2P or not. 

I had a few Void shards and a Sacred shard and I really thought this even would end on a good note. But with the ladder set to 1750 and the Sacred shard reduced to 500, that's just an insult to all players!

Take note Plarium, this just informs a lot of players out there not to invest in your game because of your greedy tactics. I understand you are a business and you need to make money. That's fair. But when you do things like this, you just encourage people to not open their wallets to you ever again.

I get it that it should not be super easy to get Foli. But right now, it's just most likely unattainable.

At least give players a chance by increasing the rates of Ancient shards in the Market or in Dungeons... at least we have a chance. Instead of just asking all of us to fork over $50.


Jul 15, 2019, 21:0507/15/19
I turn myself to f2p from now as well. I always support good game by paid good money. But if you try to trick me to pay when I dont want to then you wont get a single penny out of me.
Jul 15, 2019, 22:0007/15/19
Jul 15, 2019, 22:00(edited)
yep i was the one who was spend about 60$ per month but now this is the end
Jul 15, 2019, 22:2407/15/19

Some of these replies are a little hyperbolic.  If you were even moderately prepared, you could have completed all the quests with $20-25.  Plarium could have done a better job announcing events to come and been clearer on stocking up for this event by some in game messages.

The key lesson here is; don't just burn up all your rewards the moment you get them.  There was what 380-400 points in shards from in game rewards, another 100-200 points in rewards from 90 day daily log in rewards, and over the course of the event I racked up 800 green shards.  Conservatively, that's 1300 points in shards.  450 points is not that huge of a gap, especially if a person has saved a sacred shard from one of the many ways to earn one in game. 

There was clearly an easier path for those wanting to put down $100-$150. That's just the nature of these games but to say that a person needed to spend $150 to achieve foil, simply isn't true.  

Jul 15, 2019, 22:2607/15/19
I raised the white flag and I'm done. and so disappointed with the state of where this game is and going because this game had potential.
Jul 16, 2019, 00:1007/16/19
Jul 16, 2019, 00:11(edited)

sigguy2279 said:

Some of these replies are a little hyperbolic.  If you were even moderately prepared, you could have completed all the quests with $20-25.  Plarium could have done a better job announcing events to come and been clearer on stocking up for this event by some in game messages.

The key lesson here is; don't just burn up all your rewards the moment you get them.  There was what 380-400 points in shards from in game rewards, another 100-200 points in rewards from 90 day daily log in rewards, and over the course of the event I racked up 800 green shards.  Conservatively, that's 1300 points in shards.  450 points is not that huge of a gap, especially if a person has saved a sacred shard from one of the many ways to earn one in game. 

There was clearly an easier path for those wanting to put down $100-$150. That's just the nature of these games but to say that a person needed to spend $150 to achieve foil, simply isn't true.  

Do you really believe the BS ass-kissing excuses you're giving for Plarium?  Really???

The current "buy shards to win event" costs SIX SACRED SHARDS worth to finish!  Even to get the Centurion, it costs over THREE SHARDS!!!  Considering yellows cost a minimum of $30 a pop in "sales" that is a minimum of $90 worth of purchases.

And considering prior to that people needed to buy energy and bonus xp and treat the game like a full-time job to finish all the multiple events compiled on top of one another, yes, it most certainly cost more than $100.  And you are acting like it was SO easy to save up all those shards, when meanwhile, MOST people needed to use ALL the shards they could to keep up with the champion training event!  So yes, there IS a HUGE gap for most players.  Sorry we aren't all whales like you...

And you can't "prepare" for something you don't see coming!!!  They always tell us to "prepare," but never tell us WHAT to prepare for!  So what, we should just not spend any energy, not open any shards, and just wait months and months until *maybe* we choose the right event to use them on?  Dude, you are either mentally handicapped or you work for Plarium and are trying to cover for them.  Either way, none of us who played the game are buying it dude.
Jul 16, 2019, 03:5407/16/19
sigguy2279 said:

Some of these replies are a little hyperbolic.  If you were even moderately prepared, you could have completed all the quests with $20-25.  Plarium could have done a better job announcing events to come and been clearer on stocking up for this event by some in game messages.

The key lesson here is; don't just burn up all your rewards the moment you get them.  There was what 380-400 points in shards from in game rewards, another 100-200 points in rewards from 90 day daily log in rewards, and over the course of the event I racked up 800 green shards.  Conservatively, that's 1300 points in shards.  450 points is not that huge of a gap, especially if a person has saved a sacred shard from one of the many ways to earn one in game. 

There was clearly an easier path for those wanting to put down $100-$150. That's just the nature of these games but to say that a person needed to spend $150 to achieve foil, simply isn't true.  

Your arguments requires prior knowledge to an event. It has no base for an argument. Besides, the last summoning event for the fusion foli was capped at 150 points. That throws us off even more even if we were to assume there was another summoning event for foli fusion. The key lesson here is that Plarium is a predatory company. If they are gonna do these things, they should AT LEAST create an event calendar. The fact that they don't have one IS the problem. We have no way of planning otherwise. I can't fault the players for not saving shards for an event that they can't see coming ahead of time. 
Jul 16, 2019, 07:3907/16/19

ill be able to complete the event without spending a single dollar, just cause i saved up enough jewels and shards.

but still the event is crap.

does plarium really consider it fun for players if they run 3 days through the same dungeon to find a single champ ? pretty one-dimensional... doesnt sound like a good game design to me.

the real failure in this event is the whole construction of the event (droprates, intransparent event schedule, intransparent requirements)
Jul 26, 2019, 09:1607/26/19
sigguy2279 said:

Some of these replies are a little hyperbolic.  If you were even moderately prepared, you could have completed all the quests with $20-25.  Plarium could have done a better job announcing events to come and been clearer on stocking up for this event by some in game messages.

The key lesson here is; don't just burn up all your rewards the moment you get them.  There was what 380-400 points in shards from in game rewards, another 100-200 points in rewards from 90 day daily log in rewards, and over the course of the event I racked up 800 green shards.  Conservatively, that's 1300 points in shards.  450 points is not that huge of a gap, especially if a person has saved a sacred shard from one of the many ways to earn one in game. 

There was clearly an easier path for those wanting to put down $100-$150. That's just the nature of these games but to say that a person needed to spend $150 to achieve foil, simply isn't true.  

This is the perfect "but it worked for me" example. Pure ignorance.
Jul 27, 2019, 01:3307/27/19
Jul 27, 2019, 01:35(edited)

I don’t agree with the way Plarium implemented the Foli event.

BUT I think you people are being a little to harsh on Sigguy.

  • Some people spent tons of money to get Foli.
  • Some people spent average amounts of money to get Foli.
  • Some people spent no money to get Foli.

It would be ignorant to deny this!

Hundreds of Thousands of players play the game.

Everyone is at different progression levels.

Jul 30, 2019, 13:2707/30/19

imagine going at a running track competition and saying ''why is this track length 1750 metre'' and then quit.

again, i got yeeted by the event aswell, and didnt get the fusion. but i got teshada and shes amazing! 

Aug 1, 2019, 05:1808/01/19

OpheliaA1 said:

imagine going at a running track competition and saying ''why is this track length 1750 metre'' and then quit.

again, i got yeeted by the event aswell, and didnt get the fusion. but i got teshada and shes amazing! 

Not even close to a fair comparison, and yet another red herring Plarium staff are so notorious for.

It was a blatant paywall.  Plain and simple.  A scam that was planned in advance by Plarium staff.

A running competition as you compared it to would only require effort.  The "buy shards event" was purely based on who was willing to spend $150+ on buying shards to get Centurion.  And this was after they intentionally got people invested into it for weeks prior.  It had nothing to do with effort.  It was purely about money and buying our way to Foli.

They knew very well what they were doing.  They made the first shard champion VERY accessible, where it only took opening some greens to get it.  Then, for the VERY last champion released for Foli, BOOM!  $150+ paywall.

Your analogy was completely irrelevant to what actually happened.  And that's the worst part of all of it.  Rather than mods and other Plarium staff going "You know what?  We admit it.  We screwed up.  We got greedy and tried to scam you guys.  We are sorry and we will not do it again."  Instead, we get red herrings, false analogies, and the majority of the threads calling Plarium out on it were flat out deleted as a cover up.  That just makes it blatant that Plarium intends to continue doing the same thing in the future.  That's why I am no longer a paying player.  It would take months of me seeing this company be honest in order for me to ever consider it again.
Aug 1, 2019, 06:0808/01/19

Hrmm, you play the game for long enough to know how their events work.

I am not saying they played it fair, or nice...

But left and right i still see people summoning outside of the events.

And left and right the same people complain how they could not get the summonign event for foli done.

AND i know the same people will complain they won't be gettign the next legendary book from the next summon event.

If you played the game long enough you should have realized that summoning, outside of the summoning events is critical.

I spent 5 € on foli (1x energy pack)

I spent 0€ on the summoning events, and still hold enough shards to finish the next summon event with >3k points if i have to.

I spent<50€ on this game so far..

If you organize your gameing around their events you get rewarded (but it's argueably less fun)

If you do not organize your gameing around their events you have no right to complain.(But might have more fun in the meantime)

- Choice is up to you!

I have a Foli.. i still don't use him.. waiting for the next "lvl up your artifacts" event - so i won't be angry at myself if i dont have enough silver.(No fun at all!)

Aug 2, 2019, 07:2408/02/19

sinsolena said:

Hrmm, you play the game for long enough to know how their events work.

I am not saying they played it fair, or nice...

As far as your suggestions that people should have saved up, you do realize that Centurion's cost was the equivalent of multiple sacred shards, right?  A person would have had to have saved for months upon months of shards in order to have enough without having to buy their way to Centurion. 

And not too far back prior to centurion, maybe a month or so if that, there was another "buy shards" event, where the top reward cost 6 sacred shards as well.  Considering non-paying players can only get 1 sacred shard per month (outside of other in-game rewards from missions, etc.), it is not possible for them to regularly participate like you're suggesting without buying shards.

I agree that a lot of people don't conserve, but at the same time, opening shards should not BE an event to begin with.  The events would be more aptly named "buy shards and win" event, because that is what it is all about.  It would make far more sense for Plarium to just flat out tell people to spend x money on shards and they will give them y in rewards.  That's all it is.

But anyway, when people still need certain champions, which most players do, it is ridiculously boring waiting weeks upon weeks to open shards and then HOPE you chose the right event to open them for and don't fall short on a better one down the road.  While I am sitting on shards at this time for the next "buy shards" event, it just makes the game less enjoyable.  But again, you already know this.  My point is simply that they have such a lack of content that they are doing things to hurt their customer base rather than help it.

And again, they made the first Foli fusion champion in the "buy shards" event prior to that ridiculously easy to obtain.  It was a systematically planned scam on their part.  For you to put ANY of the blame on the players is just wrong imo.  Plarium tried to scam them, some were foolish enough to waste a ton of money on an app for Foli, but most knew better.  In the process, Plarium chased away a TON of players. 

Several people who were regularly making content on YouTube and other social media for Raid stopped after that, making it clear that they no longer support Plarium after what they did.  I knew of a few others who were making content along with me on YouTube prior to the situation.  I only know of one other player now off the top of my head that still continues making content.  Meanwhile, I know three who stopped.  Two made final videos flat out saying they no longer support such a "corrupt" and "greedy" organization.  The third simply posted a few times in prior videos that he will not make any more video content for Raid because of their actions.

In my decades of playing games, I have never seen a company do something so underhanded, nor did I ever see a company receive such a severe backlash and player drop-off.  I can only hope that they learned from it to not bite the hands that feed them.  Only time will tell...

They really, REALLY screwed up bad, and the worst part is that they never even had the decency to admit it and apologize to their player base.

Aug 2, 2019, 09:2308/02/19
Aug 2, 2019, 09:25(edited)

The way the recent summon tournament worked was way better in my opinion - as it was less dependent on the shards themselves but what you got out of them. They should adjust the summon rush event to work like that. Which they'll probably not do due to the fact that mysterious shards would become a lot more valuable.

However it would probably drive market sales and drain silver out of the game. Potentially even lead to some players spending gems on market refresh to get more chances at M. Shards.

Aug 2, 2019, 10:3108/02/19

MadCo0kie said:

The way the recent summon tournament worked was way better in my opinion - as it was less dependent on the shards themselves but what you got out of them. They should adjust the summon rush event to work like that. Which they'll probably not do due to the fact that mysterious shards would become a lot more valuable.

However it would probably drive market sales and drain silver out of the game. Potentially even lead to some players spending gems on market refresh to get more chances at M. Shards.

While i agree that it made more sense to base points on champions received for mystery and ancient shards. It was plain stupid idea for void and sacred (i have kept 2 void shards unopened during that tournament)

mystery shard: either 1 point as it used to be or 10 for one off rare champ

ancient: either 10 points as it used to be or more if you were lucky to get epic / leg

void: it will end up giving same amount of points as ancient - against way more under old rules

sacred: forgot about how many points epic champ would give you, but it was way less than sacred shard was worth under old rules.

Aug 5, 2019, 15:1108/05/19
Aug 5, 2019, 15:18(edited)

ksthecr0w said:

MadCo0kie said:

The way the recent summon tournament worked was way better in my opinion - as it was less dependent on the shards themselves but what you got out of them. They should adjust the summon rush event to work like that. Which they'll probably not do due to the fact that mysterious shards would become a lot more valuable.

However it would probably drive market sales and drain silver out of the game. Potentially even lead to some players spending gems on market refresh to get more chances at M. Shards.

While i agree that it made more sense to base points on champions received for mystery and ancient shards. It was plain stupid idea for void and sacred (i have kept 2 void shards unopened during that tournament)

mystery shard: either 1 point as it used to be or 10 for one off rare champ

ancient: either 10 points as it used to be or more if you were lucky to get epic / leg

void: it will end up giving same amount of points as ancient - against way more under old rules

sacred: forgot about how many points epic champ would give you, but it was way less than sacred shard was worth under old rules.

Well, also that could be fixed easily by using a point table similar to what we already know from dungeon divers / champion training events.

Here's an example of how this could look like:

If done this way, you keep the base points for each shard the way they are now, but gain more if you get lucky to pull something out of the non-standard pools (non-standard = rarities not featuring the highest probability).

Keep in mind, this is only an example and the numbers used shouldn't be seen as recommendations - in the end these would need to be defined by Plarium --> however it would make sense to somehow factor in the probabilities for each of the rarity groups

Aug 8, 2019, 00:5708/08/19
Turned me from a whale-ish gamer to ftp. I had everything for it. Marius even acknowledged that "this summon event seems to have caught a lot of people off guard". Hilarious understatement and no second chance to get it.