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1750 points for Centurion? xD

1750 points for Centurion? xD

Jul 15, 2019, 07:3907/15/19

1750 points for Centurion? xD

Another reason why Plarium is a joke of a company. 1750 points is 87.5 ancient shards. Crazy. 
Jul 15, 2019, 07:4307/15/19
it is time to giveup
Jul 15, 2019, 07:4407/15/19
Yeah im really pissed now. The last summoner event for the other needed champion was 150 points if i remember. i pumped a lot of money into this to finish the last event and now im am unable to complete this. i hope there will be another chance to get him in the ramaining 2 weeks. if not i call that a fraud.
Jul 15, 2019, 07:5307/15/19

It is total greed. They actually expect people to buy 1750 points worth of shards. That is $300 (au).  Surely these guys are getting into dangerous predatory behaviour with this latest scam. 

It is too late now but a simple event that's fun and quick to get the final champ would have saved face after the tactical error with titan. Now some players are probably hating themselves faced with choice of abandoning the investment of 10 days hard work or handing over half a paycheque.
Jul 15, 2019, 07:5907/15/19

Yeah, how on earth is anyone supposed to have 1750 points worth of shards? 

I pumped in cash just to complete the champion training event, and I barely made it.

I feel really cheated to be honest.
Jul 15, 2019, 08:1907/15/19
Completely agree. It took so much time and efforts to complete all previous tasks....  You should started with this event at first in this case lots of peple did not waste time .. In my opinion persons who can or wish to donate such amount of money already have good legendary heroes and do not need to do this event. 
Jul 15, 2019, 08:3007/15/19

while I had enough shards stored I immediatly thought "oh this will screw plenty of people" after I saw the 1750 points.

what I think is the most evil thing here is the intransparency of plarium for the whole event. If people had known all this before, they knew what they had to invest in order to get Foli.

This way it is like, "oh, you have spend this much ? how about you spend a little more."

If I hadnt had enough stored shards and I would have been fcked like this at the end of an event where I invested that much, I would be really pissed. Plarium should not wonder if plenty of people uninstall after this event.
Jul 15, 2019, 08:3407/15/19
eiay749 said:

it is time to giveup
already done
Jul 15, 2019, 08:4807/15/19
Enotpwnz said:

eiay749 said:

it is time to giveup
already done
same here, halfway through champion training - didn't even start farming for rotten mage or that other one, didn't have energy left to get eviscerator, so yeah, that was a weary 10 days... for a few minor rewards at best... plus the nerf on steel bowyer to top it all off
Jul 15, 2019, 09:0807/15/19

Even worse, the previous summoning event now cannot be seen as anything other than INTENTIONAL MISDIRECTION!

By having that event, and having the requirements so low, they intentionally tried cheating players into:

A) Thinking there would only be ONE summoning event

B) Thinking that even if there was another summoning event, it would have low requirements

In addition, they hit us with the 20K tower event, which forced many players, including me, to use some shards in order to have enough champions to be able to finish it in time! So putting the summoning event so soon after can only be a calculated move, and making it only a 3 day duration is likewise INTENDED to force people to spend money in order to do it.

As stated by others above, it is blatant that they hope the investment in the tower event forces people to spend money or see 10 days worth of INSANE grinding flushed right down the toilet. 

This is exploitative behaviour and VERY similar to what we see SCAMMERS use to lure people in, then suck them dry of money! 

This kind of action, with clear malice of forethought, is unacceptable from any company, especially in a market with so many more generous games that do not feel the need to resort to these shady tactics to shake their customers dry.

Honestly, after the 20k event, i decided i would NOT be doing events after the Foli fusion was done, it had just sucked all joy of the game out of me. But with this summoning event, they have made me seriously consider quitting the game alltogether, and I know from the discord chat that a lot of people have already uninstalled the game, and several whales are demanding their money back, going so far as to contact their banks about them.

Plarium may just be choking on their own greed, as they deserve.

Truly they are the south sea bubble of gaming -_-
Jul 15, 2019, 09:4507/15/19
Yeah this is borderline crazy 1750 for the last fusion champ. Till here and no further for me....
Jul 15, 2019, 09:5107/15/19

Have invested lots of Gems for XP boost and energy to hit the 20K Event.

Now I am doing the spider for 3-4 days to get that hero, again a lot of Gems for energy - until now without success (I would really be interested in the calculation of the droprate) And there would be a lot of things I would prefer than getting medicore jewelry (I am only able to beat the spider at Stage 8)

I did not even start with the Fireknight, but I asume it will be the same frustrating process.

And now I need to invest lots of shards for the Centurio? I pushed in now 28 blue shards in the weak hope to get at least one of the heroes (spider/fireknight) but again no success.

I am really frustrated and angry.

I agree, that it shall not be easy to get a legendary, but what has been done here is destroying all the the fun!

Jul 15, 2019, 11:1107/15/19
Esdeath said:

Another reason why Plarium is a joke of a company. 1750 points is 87.5 ancient shards. Crazy. 
And they're offering 41 shards for 109,90 euros  So even 219,80 euros (2 packages) doesn't cover it. Now this is what i really call GREED.
Jul 15, 2019, 12:2407/15/19
Raid. Greed Legends
Jul 15, 2019, 12:4107/15/19

Direct evidence of predatory behaviour from Plarium unfortunately. The fact the full fusion was going to end with the need to spend money is material to the offer the moment they announced it. By hiding this fact and so blatantly putting a pay wall in the way to complete the Foli fusion, they have tricked a vast number of supportive players into spending money.

As many others did, I spent money for the fusion already and generally spend the odd bit when a good offer pops up. As of this morning, I greatly regret my decision to do so and wish I could go back to being completely F2p which is what I will be from now until the game closes.

Well done Plarium! You just managed to alienate and upset possibly over 50% of your player base (feels like a conservative estimate). 

When you run your financial analysis, don't forget to include the data of how many previously paying and "good" customers stopped paying from today yet had everything other than Centrion and the related Epic to complete the current fusion. I'd suggest that the short-term gain from grabbing the $250 from those willing to pay for him, will greatly be outweighed compared to the potential $30-100 you might have gotten each week from customers at that pay level.

You're no doubt also going to find that the rest of the epics for this event get no use and are either sacrificed for a 6* or simply sit in the vault.


Jul 15, 2019, 12:4507/15/19

antonprokofyev84 said:

Raid. Greed Legends
Raid: Your Wallet
Jul 15, 2019, 13:2807/15/19

2 weeks intense farming to reach the 20k Event to get all heroes rdy for summon and now Plarium want force me to pay +100 Euros to finish this event ? This must be joke.....I payed a lots of money in this game but I dont spend Euro 1,-- when the game want force me.....

Plarium I except a solution for this shit....

Jul 15, 2019, 13:3107/15/19
haha yea even the youtube streamers are giving up on this game lol This game is owned by a company in Australia that does Casino gaming so this is why the game is being ruined, just an FYI incase you didnt know! Its sad because the game seems fun but you cant complete anything because of pay walls. 
Jul 15, 2019, 15:4807/15/19
antonprokofyev84 said:

Raid. Greed Legends
Shadow Greed Legendary Company Raid your wallet...  
Jul 15, 2019, 15:5907/15/19
It's unfortunate as I actually liked this game, and spent some time and money on it. This has just stopped any money going into their pockets and likely pushing me into some other game to play.  Shame Plarium.
Jul 15, 2019, 16:1307/15/19

They are deleting threads left and right on the forums to cover it up.

I disputed every last penny I have paid them through the app store.  I suggest you all do the same.  Teach them they can't scam us and then sweep it under the rug.

And don't forget to leave a review on the app store exposing them as the con artists they are.  This is truly repulsive.  I have never seen a company so blatantly try to rip people off.

I mean seriously, Centurion is at least $150USD worth of shards.  That is insane!  This isn't even a game, it's an APP!  A simple app with nice graphics!  I can buy amazing PC games for $10-20 online.  Why the HELL would I waste that much on this game?

To do this right at the end of the event makes it blatantly obvious how greedy they are.  I'm done.  I got back my $140 or so I put into this.  I suggest all of you do the same.  You know they will just keep doing things like this.  They don't even hide it anymore.  The only thing they hide is the backlash.  

This is class-action lawsuit potential right here. Seriously.  it's a blatant scam.  Get you all invested both money wise and time wise, then BOOM!  $150 if you want to finish what you've been working on for the last week or two (whatever it has been now)

Best you can do is dispute all you paid them, as considering this is extortion, you are WELL within your rights to do.  Leave a review on the app store that reflects their TRUE colors to people.  Delete the app, and find something to play that isn't all about how much you pay them.

The game isn't even fun anymore.  The strongest player is the one who pays the most.  That isn't a challenge.  That isn't something earned.  It's something bought.  Disgraceful.

Wish you all the best, but I strongly advise you all dispute, leave feedback on the store (where they can't sweep it under the rug), and just walk away from this.