Wow....really?again, claiming a champion is under performing requires solid evidence
as for the steel bowyer changes.
look at coldheart. she has the same kit (differences in a few aspects) but the premise is the same

Wow....really?again, claiming a champion is under performing requires solid evidence
as for the steel bowyer changes.
look at coldheart. she has the same kit (differences in a few aspects) but the premise is the same
Ziljn said:
OpheliaA1 said:
Wow....really?again, claiming a champion is under performing requires solid evidence
as for the steel bowyer changes.
look at coldheart. she has the same kit (differences in a few aspects) but the premise is the same
I don’t think the argument that the Porsche people bought that’s now a Pinto is just as good as other Pintos is going to change any minds.
You know what would have made this all a non-issue and avoided a negative perception of Plarium? Simply compensating people for the nerfs. Would it have been so costly to do so? Is it worth all the negative opinions now? I guess the balance sheet will tell in time, but I’ve stopped spending anything because of how it was handled.
Want to change my perception of the game and get me to start spending again? It’s going to require some solid evidence.
U didn't bought Steel Bowyer.
If you don’t understand the nuance of an argument it’s probably best to not respond. But thanks for the amusement.Ziljn said:
OpheliaA1 said:
Wow....really?again, claiming a champion is under performing requires solid evidence
as for the steel bowyer changes.
look at coldheart. she has the same kit (differences in a few aspects) but the premise is the same
I don’t think the argument that the Porsche people bought that’s now a Pinto is just as good as other Pintos is going to change any minds.
You know what would have made this all a non-issue and avoided a negative perception of Plarium? Simply compensating people for the nerfs. Would it have been so costly to do so? Is it worth all the negative opinions now? I guess the balance sheet will tell in time, but I’ve stopped spending anything because of how it was handled.
Want to change my perception of the game and get me to start spending again? It’s going to require some solid evidence.
U didn't bought Steel Bowyer.
Also this is game where nerfs and buffs happen and even more few days after release Plarium said SB will be nerfed. If u still upgared her thats your own responsibility. And don't compare items bought in real life with items bought in game.
OpheliaA1 said:
again, claiming a champion is under performing requires solid evidence
as for the steel bowyer changes.
look at coldheart. she has the same kit (differences in a few aspects) but the premise is the same
.. OphelliaA1 is defending the SB in many diffrent posts nowadays.
So lets try to get the point across by comparing SB and Coldheart:
Coldheart: Void SB: Red
CH A3 = Dmg one target, reduce turn meter, + crit chance = Easyer to gear, Turn meter is an important aspect to many bosses.
SB A3 = Dmg all based on max HP
Ice golem 20 = green
SB = Red = gets fokus fire in waves and probably dies, great. BigGame as weak hit? No thanks!
CH is purple and might have chances to survive, and no weak hits!
Fire giant 20 = Red,
SB = Red = OK!.. but wait .. no Multihit A1..
CH has a 4-hit A1, AND a turnmeter decrease on Heartseeker!
Spider 20 = green
SB = Red = gets fokus fire from little spiders. BigGame as weak hit? No thanks!
CH does not have this problem, and has a turnmeter decrease on Heartseeker!
Dragon 20 = blue
SB is red, so great! -- wait, big game has a to high cooldown? Thats to much to recharge before the next inhale-Ae happens?!?
CH has less cooldown on heartseeker and can save you every inhale-cycle with a well aimed shot.
Cooldheart wins 4:0
In NO Endgame dungeon SB has a spot, her kit is just way overnerfed (cooldown especially) and her color prevents us from useing her in the one dungeon (spider) where she still might have had a spot.
So Sb is worthless, until the next dungeon-level increase comes (with colorchange), or she gets a buff,.
Not only for Cb (as was intended), but for dungeons too.
- - - - -
As YOU keep comparing her to Coldheart, and claim she is intended to fill the same role,
i think most of the community would be gratefull and stop mourning if you just changed all the actual steel Bowyers out there into Coldhearts.
Same gear + level + ascension + books(drop surplusses), just a diffrent char.
THAT would be an acceptable compensation!
OpheliaA1 said:
again, claiming a champion is under performing requires solid evidence
as for the steel bowyer changes.
look at coldheart. she has the same kit (differences in a few aspects) but the premise is the same
Are you for real? Solid evidence? There have been many posts about her damage output, her in comparison to even UNCOMMON champs, her ratings are all are you in denial? How delusional or how ignorant are you to make such a statement after all the backlash and "evidence"?
And you seriously comparing Steel Bowyer to Coldheart? Are you for real? Coldheart is viable in almost every single mode: 4 hits A1 with anti heal, you have poison, Aoe, and a solid A3 with is still better than Steel Bowyer's.
They knew what they were doing when they released Steel Bowyer. You cant tell me they didnt test them for 5 min and say "OH LOOK...ITS BROKEN. LETS RELEASE IT AND SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE WASTE RESOURCES ON HER BEFORE WE NERF".
Then the stick happened and boom. Us common folk that dont spend or minimally spend just wasted months of books because we didnt know the nerf stick was coming. I was one of those effected. Ill be deleting the game because of a multitude of other reasons but this one struck me hard. Plarium is pretty trashy and they can get away with it. But no more of my dime. Hats off.whoopinstik said:
They knew what they were doing when they released Steel Bowyer. You cant tell me they didnt test them for 5 min and say "OH LOOK...ITS BROKEN. LETS RELEASE IT AND SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE WASTE RESOURCES ON HER BEFORE WE NERF".
Then the stick happened and boom. Us common folk that dont spend or minimally spend just wasted months of books because we didnt know the nerf stick was coming. I was one of those effected. Ill be deleting the game because of a multitude of other reasons but this one struck me hard. Plarium is pretty trashy and they can get away with it. But no more of my dime. Hats off.
Sorry to necrothread, but I'm so glad I checked the forums before spending money into this game and company. This is exactly how I saw nerfing of any champions in a PTW game, baiting people to spend their resources.
People invested resources bought with real money in the champion, leave it alone, or refund the resources and reset the champion. Don't punish people for your lack of testing.
Bye Bye Plarium
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