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Rant on nerfing of Steel BowyerRant on nerfing of Steel Bowyer

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Rant on nerfing of Steel Bowyer

Jul 11, 2019, 03:2707/11/19

Rant on nerfing of Steel Bowyer


This comes to no surprise to me seeing how you all decide to run this game, but I will let you in on something that you probably don't know (or you just decide to ignore all together). Devs don't nerf champions in gatcha games because gatchas are dependent on players spending money to get certain champions. PEOPLE SPEND MONEY TO TRY GET THE GOOD ONES. That's why it is ethically wrong to nerf champions. Players have potentially spent money to get the ones that you decide to nerf. Devs strictly buff weak champions, but they do not nerf strong ones. Balancing should only work one way in gatchas. 

My Pain Keeper is fully ascended, full masteries, fully skilled, fully leveled. 

My Steel Bowyer is fully ascended, full masteries, fully skilled, fully leveled. 

Devs, you know how much resources went into both of these champs that you decided to nerf. 

I took the chance to level Steel Bowyer. She's part of the fusion and I know that I risk losing the opportunity to miss Foli, but to lose both opportunities now? C'mon. 

These mistakes should not happen. Roll out tests before releasing champions. 

CM/Mods, please pass this message along to the devs. Let them know that they are running this game into the ground. A prime example of a great product run by terrible management. 

Jul 11, 2019, 04:5207/11/19

Esdeath said:

My Steel Bowyer is fully ascended, full masteries, fully skilled, fully leveled. 

Got money(or daddy credit card) but no brain?

Was needed just common sense to understand that Steel Bowyer is not performing as intended and will be nerfed. Even more after seeing that PK got nerfed. Or u was thinking that if u fully upgrade SB then devs are not going to nerf him? Oh no u were not thinking at all...

Jul 11, 2019, 05:4007/11/19
TurboLv said:

Esdeath said:

My Steel Bowyer is fully ascended, full masteries, fully skilled, fully leveled. 

Got money(or daddy credit card) but no brain?

Was needed just common sense to understand that Steel Bowyer is not performing as intended and will be nerfed. Even more after seeing that PK got nerfed. Or u was thinking that if u fully upgrade SB then devs are not going to nerf him? Oh no u were not thinking at all...

This thread is to point out the obvious flaw in Plarium's management of the game. Through players stating their dissatisfaction of the game do changes happen. That's it. Defending Plarium is the real clown move. 
Jul 11, 2019, 06:4907/11/19

TurboLv said:

Esdeath said:

My Steel Bowyer is fully ascended, full masteries, fully skilled, fully leveled. 

Got money(or daddy credit card) but no brain?

Was needed just common sense to understand that Steel Bowyer is not performing as intended and will be nerfed. Even more after seeing that PK got nerfed. Or u was thinking that if u fully upgrade SB then devs are not going to nerf him? Oh no u were not thinking at all...

Damn ... You must be a psychic to know everything about everything in the near future. What's next since you have these mystical powers within you. Please fill me in on the inside scoop oh blessed one. 

"Got money(or daddy credit card) but no brain? " 

Things broke people say. Get off your high horse. Because what the OP is saying %100 correct. 

Jul 11, 2019, 09:1407/11/19
Jul 11, 2019, 09:19(edited)

Unknown_Ranger said:

 Because what the OP is saying %100 correct. 

Yes maybe hes correct. But still... SB nerf was expected. Hes broken for CB. And if peoples don't want to think before doing their moves - then don't cry afterwards.

Ps. I'm not defending Plarium, but tired of seeing cry posts just because peoples refuse to use their brain before doing something.

Also i think that Plarium should give Option to complete reset of hero and full refund all resources for hero they change anything and no mater it's buff or nerf.
Jul 11, 2019, 12:1907/11/19

Totally disagree with you.  Stop blaming the players for the incompetence of Plarium.  That is like saying , “well, you should have known that burger was tainted when they put them on sale three for one.”  Sure it might smell fishy, but there is an expectation of responsibility and control on the part of the supplier.   In this case the SB was so obviously OP that most players thought they couldn’t possibly have missed this in testing.  It must have been intentional.  

For Plarium to backpedal and nerf the characters is unprofessional and cruel to its player base.  
Jul 11, 2019, 13:2507/11/19
cnetdrs said:

  In this case the SB was so obviously OP that most players thought they couldn’t possibly have missed this in testing.  It must have been intentional. 

By reading reddit - most players expected nerf for SB.
Jul 11, 2019, 15:0807/11/19
If it was such common sense why would the Devs have released the unit without testing it in a private server!? 
Jul 11, 2019, 16:3407/11/19
TurboLv said:

Unknown_Ranger said:

 Because what the OP is saying %100 correct. 

Yes maybe hes correct. But still... SB nerf was expected. Hes broken for CB. And if peoples don't want to think before doing their moves - then don't cry afterwards.

Ps. I'm not defending Plarium, but tired of seeing cry posts just because peoples refuse to use their brain before doing something.

By bashing the playerbase (me in this case) rather than pointing out the many flaws of Plarium is defending Plarium. Contribute to making a change rather than upholding the status quo which is Plarium's terrible game management. Stop being a sheep. 
Jul 11, 2019, 18:0407/11/19
Jul 11, 2019, 18:12(edited)
Its easier to nerf the OP rare champions than buffing those garbage like Astralith to rebalance the game LOL   Honestly I did see the nerf on Steel Bowyer coming but nerfing PK was totally unnecessarily.   Other games would compensate players when there was a nerf but we all know how good the support team of this game is, so ............
Jul 11, 2019, 18:1707/11/19

Samurai King said:

Its easier to nerf the OP rare champions than buffing those garbage like Astralith to rebalance the game LOL   Honestly I did see the nerf on Steel Bowyer coming but nerfing PK was totally unnecessarily.   Other games would compensate players when there was a nerf but we all know how good the support team of this game is, so ............

Easier does not mean it's the best. Games should aim to operate the best they can to keep the playerbase. 

Yes, I don't think there will be any type of compensation. 
Jul 11, 2019, 18:3007/11/19
Jul 11, 2019, 18:36(edited)

Samurai King said:

Its easier to nerf the OP rare champions than buffing those garbage like Astralith to rebalance the game LOL

Applying this reasoning to Plarium let's me come up with the following possibilities:

1) Faster "fixes" = mo'moneys!!!! Ca'ching - Because let's be honest it's all about the money, not about how players react and feel

Underlying issue - bad management & greed, no understanding of player psychology

2) They either do not have game designers fit to do the job properly OR their game designers have no say in anything but are merely monkeys documenting what they are told by their superiors - without these having proper insights about the potential effects these things might have on the game. I have heard of game companies running like that...

Underlying issue - bad management & leadership

3) They are not planning for longterm but rather shortterm payoff - this is quite obvious as things are going at the moment. Can be combined with any of the other options

Underlying issue - bad management

4) They simply do not care?!

Underlying issue - wrong team mentality

5) They do not have enough manpower but still keep on over-committing - hence taking the easy way out on things they deem minor issues, as otherwise they would never get anything done... 

Underlying issue - bad management & bad decision making skills

Overall it most likely comes down to bad management from my perspective.

Jul 11, 2019, 18:4007/11/19

How OP was Steel Bowyer?  I see her A3 that must've been what's OP, but how much was she hitting for?

I was thinking of maxing her out myself because of that skill, but had no idea how much she was hitting for.  After whatever nerf they did, is she even still viable, or did they slam her into the ground like Pain Keeper?
Jul 11, 2019, 20:2207/11/19

Just change her from a rare to an epic and then the problem is solved


There was no way as a free-to-play player that I could have gotten Foley

She was the only real Champion that I wanted out of the new ones

Jul 12, 2019, 00:0907/12/19

zany said:

Just change her from a rare to an epic and then the problem is solved


There was no way as a free-to-play player that I could have gotten Foley

She was the only real Champion that I wanted out of the new ones

No, problem not even remotely solved with changing her rarity.  They clearly didn't test her AT ALL before putting her out there.  She was hitting the boss for about 200k per hit for 3 hits on A3.  So, about 600k on every cooldown.  That is insane.

Knowing Plarium though, they will nerf her so hard that she will become unviable.  Like others have stated, have to seriously wonder if they did this to intentionally make people waste the tomes, brews, champion sacrifices, etc.  I mean how do they botch something THAT severe without knowing?
Jul 12, 2019, 04:2307/12/19
I love wasting time and money on beta testing their champions. Nerf her, fine, but at least consider giving back some resources that were invested into her. If it was a character that has been around for a few months than sure I can understand not being compensated, but to nerf a brand new character like that without any form of compensation is a bit harsh. 
Jul 12, 2019, 07:3307/12/19
Indeed, she was that broken and a nerf was expected, true, but they should have still made her viable. What they did is overreact, and completely remove the one mechanic that made this champ worth considering, instead of simply capping the damage on the skill. And here I thought they made her as a consolation prize for starters who won't be able to get Foli. Silly me.
Aug 14, 2019, 07:5108/14/19
Let's just remember to keep it civil here guys.. no need to start throwing shade or insults at each other. 
Aug 14, 2019, 12:2408/14/19

Dragon Claws said:

Let's just remember to keep it civil here guys.. no need to start throwing shade or insults at each other. 

Same civil as plarium treating their playerbase?

Aug 15, 2019, 05:5708/15/19
gejzer901 said:

Dragon Claws said:

Let's just remember to keep it civil here guys.. no need to start throwing shade or insults at each other. 

Same civil as plarium treating their playerbase?

NOT helping. 
Aug 16, 2019, 00:3508/16/19

again, claiming a champion is under performing requires solid evidence

as for the steel bowyer changes.

look at coldheart. she has the same kit (differences in a few aspects) but the premise is the same